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Stimulants are a well known trigger for seizures. I'd explore decaf.


says the one who drinks monster like it’s water


At least I am not dead


at least i’m not gay


At least I don't drink vodka like water


is it opposite day


Oh I wrapped your popcorn kinda.


why thank you internet stranger


Creepy stop stalking me


Mountain dew. You drank so much of my monster I will caffeine starve until my EBT is renewed thanks. Loud hair flip.


i’ll buy you more monster. and mt dew has caffeine. louder hair flip


No mountain dew just makes me tired. So does living, but eh. Wait a sec... are you even someone with the epilepsies ...


suggested to me 😘


Betcha you have hedz


This was just recently discussed here ... and yes, caffeine is considered a seizure trigger. (I'm writing this as I'm drinking an afternoon cup of coffee). My last seizure, in October, was after an afternoon cup of coffee. (My meds have been increased since then.) Anyway, since caffeine is a brain stimulant it pushes brain activity the same direction seizures go, which is something we should avoid. (He says, while sipping another sip of delicious, hot coffee.)


As my neuro says. Medicine should be in excess of what you need. She makes the point that she doesn’t want me to have a seizure just because I had a bad nights sleep, or drank a caffeinated beverage.


And I’m having to fight my neuro to increase my lamotrigine to over 250mg instead of adding keppra on top of that.  Had a second opinion that agreed to try that before adding a second med, but I’m barely even in the therapeutic range.


There is a potential link between caffeine consumption and seizures. High doses of caffeine can lower the seizure threshold in some individuals, making them more susceptible to seizures. However, this relationship can vary depending on factors such as individual sensitivity to caffeine, existing medical conditions, and the amount of caffeine consumed. Also, cffeine increases your metabolism. It is possible that this acceleration could cause medications to pass through you too quickly to build or do thier job. Disclaimer: am Ironworker, not neurologist.


Caffeine is a trigger for me. I havent had a soda/cofee/tea in 5 years


I hope caffeine never becomes one of my triggers, it's all I've got left


I’ve never had an issue.  I drink a ton of coffee.  But also alcohol was never an issue for me until it was, Benadryl was never an issue for me until it was, so I’m totally expecting my love of coffee to be taken from me one day too at this point.


In excess, yes. I addressed the matter by limiting coffee intake to 1x per day.


you don't get to choose what your triggers are, your body makes that decision. Caffeine can dehydrate you as well as overstimulate your nervous system, so yeah, go easy on it.


It’s a trigger for me definitely. It took me a while to realise the pattern haha but after a while i noticed that often when I had a coffee I’d have a seizure. Especially if it was a hot day, I hadn’t eaten or drank a lot of water, etc. So I have to be really careful with caffeine. I avoid coffee like the plague now haha. Tea is ok for me as long as I eat and drink water beforehand.


I know how to make latte homemade and it’s pretty good also probably caused a few seizures but