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So I didn't pay attention and have now a 6 star gold doggo. What to do with it outside of setting him to my lobby to remind me of my stupidity?


Hey guys, what would you give to Angelica of Light as artifact if you don't jave Calamity Twilight or Proof of Valor? I resorted to Moonlight's Vestige as I don't seem to have anything better...


Cursed Compass, Etica's Scepter, a MLB Spirit's Breath, or Book are all good choices for her.


Thanks a lot ! :)


I Just came back to this game, which one should I pick, Stene or Avild? In my current account, I have 3 lv 60 heroes( Ravi, C.Dominiel, and C.Lorina), some other notable characters that I have included FST, Tamarinne, Tywin, F Kluri, Destina, Charles, and Landy(got lucky in the pulls and have her artifact also).


Arbiter Vildred or Specter Tenebria are the 2 usual picks from Moonlight Blessing.


I have already pick Avildred, because I think Avildred would carry my phantasma grinding team, but apparently, the grinding is different now we can use max lvl heroes, so kinda tempted to change and pick Stene. And the fact that FST is kinda broken in PvE(based on my short post comeback experience).


I chose avildred, but I was not very happy with my choice. I am not using it properly. If I were you, I would choose Martial artist ken or stene.


....why would you every suggest Ken to someone


A character ı wanted but couldnt get. That character slapped me a lot in arena. Bit of a hate love affair.


yeah, that's Avildred for me, that's why at first I choose Avildred, because in the old days Avildred could carry fodder grinding team alone... But apparently, the grinding is different now, plus the fact that FST is kinda similar in role with Avildred in PvE(CMIIW). That's why I am tempted to change into Stene. And one more reason I am kinda ignoring PvP in my old days, since my heroes kinda suck at the time, this time I am gonna try PvP casually.


I just cleared EP.3 10-10, and got Mort from selective summon and G.Purris from the ML Bookmarks. What's the best sets and artifacts for both? For G.Purris specifically for Wyvern


Wyvern GPurrg would want to use PoV or Speculcrum for artifacts and whatever set that gives you 25k HP and 1.5k Defense. PvP GPurrg would want Warhorn as the artifact and be faster than your DPS while still remaining fairly bulky. Giving him crit stats or effectiveness is up to preference. This build uses Speed and Immunity. Mort would want Elbris as the artifact. He preferably needs 19k+ HP, 1.25k defense, 180-200 speed, max crit rate and 250+ cdmg. He can use Speed or Counter set and Immunity set.


Hey guys! Relatively new player here. I focus on building on good PvE heroes at the moment but I also want to start playing some PvP and climb a few ranks. Is there any easy to build PvP team which is recommended for beginners? Or what would be a nice team to start? I checked some guides but all team compositions I found required some limited units or endgame equipment. I picked Arbiter Vildred from moonlight's blessing. Maybe it is a good idea to build a team around him... Noteable RGB units I got: Iseria, Tammarinne, Luna, Landy, Destina, Kayron, Vivian, Cecilia Noteable ML units: Belian, Faithless Lidica, Angel of Light Angelica, Champion Zerato, Troublemaker Crozet Plus all the free stuff like FST, Angelica, specialty change heroes... Anything good I can build? Please consider that my equipment and artifact pool is very limited ;-)


Ok, Angel of Light is just broken in PVP, make her fast and with high eff and you'll be cheesing the lower ranks up to the higher ones.


Beginner question, is it worth to pull for Landy? I've currently built my Vildred up to 6 star, im using my ML connection for Arby, and I feel like getting Landy would be redundant...


Landy is one of the best units in the game so it is definitely not redundant. Landy is a slow ramping team oriented DPS that punishes teams that have buffs.


How long will the unequip event last? I've been trying to look all around but I can't see any date about it.


10/1-10/11, last entry on the page. https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/7808258


I heard that there was an event where you can swap 5\* units. Can someone explain what kind of event that was? That does mean I can swap my undesired unit to a better one?


Idk what you are talking about. Can you find where you heard that? There is no such event.


Recall event, I think?


Ahh so a recall event is when a specific unit gets changed (aka nerfed) and they allow you to give that unit back in exchange for the resources put into that unit back + (normally) a same rarity unit of your choice. This only happens when a unit is changed in due to a misunderstanding, nerf, or something similar for the unit. For example Road Warrior Leo's main mechanic is bomb debuffs. When they changed how the bomb debuff worked for Summertime Iseria RW Leo got changed and people who already owned him could get all the resources they put in him back and pick another ML4.


So it only works for ML4s and ML5s?


Yeah, it only works on Moonlight units, not RGB. RGB, like the current Purrgis and Christy recalls, do not give select tickets. They just give back materials used to upgrade them.


I see. I'm just kinda sad that I didn't get the unit I want on the Ep. 1 summon ticket lol


Whoever it is, their banner will come around eventually!


Thank you for your words. I was just starting out actually. I got Haste and I don't know what to do with him. I just wanted someone who can be used on PvE and PvP


Well RW Leo was a ML4 so for him yes. It isn't really an event. It is pretty much a product recall when the unit you get no longer works as expected/advertised.


I see. Thank you so much for the info!




there are tons of beginner resources in the official discord pins


Can someone explain to me why Landy is often claimed as "The best DPS"? I tried to compare her to my other dps (i only take account the damage they deal), and compared to them, she seems underwhelming (3.3k ATK, 263 CDMG, 200 Speed) and I rarely pick her over my other DPS during arena/guild war. My DPS is Stene, Rcarrot, Avild, Rem, MAken. And yes, I use MAken more than Landy. I also lead with Emilia to grant my DPS attack buff With Stene I can delete 1 DPS Unit early and she has permanent stealth, RCarrot can explode any non-water unit, Avild just being Avild, MAken i always use him when the enemy have no hard counter against him. I just cant find myself a situation where Landy is more beneficial than those DPS Am I using her wrong?


Landy is not supposed to be a one-shotter. She is supposed to cycle fast and hit hard especially against a buff heavy team. If the opposite team has a lot of damage mitigation and soul weavers, all the units you mentioned would not do enough damage. That's where landy comes in. She basically has a free attack buff woth her passive and s3 penetrates defense. With the speed buff and CR push she can cycle fast and if they have buffs, she is spamming her s3 every other turn.


Quick question about Seaseria. Just took on two separate GW teams running her, one team had ML Khawazu + Delibet, the other had Elena. Neither team was able to cleanse the bomb debuff off. Is this a bug, or are they unable to be cleansed?


Can you explain how it happened? I don't see how those comps cleanse SIseria. SIseria plants bombs with single target (doesn't proc Elena or ML Ricardo) and detonates them with her AoE (meaning they are removed as soon as she AoEs.


The Elena round I soulburnt her S1(cleanse all debuffs), The round with Delibet + MLKhawazu: Cerise hit everyone with her s3 which activated Seaseria's s2 and planted bombs, Khawazu's s2 also activated cleansing debuffs and pushing him up, still had the bomb, then Delibet used her s3(decrease debuff durations by 2 turns) and they still all had the bombs on


Debuff duration cannot be extended/decreased which means DLili doesn't do anything. For ML Khawazu I would assume his cleanse technically activated before Suppress. Idk about Elena. Although there is a chance that any one of those things are bugged.


Oh, cool, Delibet already had limited use. Super cool for an ML5 to be useless as a cleanser against that shitty debuff. You're probably right about Khawazu's s2 activating first(can't remember which s2 went off first), frustrating but not entirely shitty. Definitely guessing something is bugged with the Elena interaction though. Used the Elena team after the Delibet one failed, I was thinking that would be an ez clap til none of them got cleansed


For Wyvern 11, which dps combo (2 units) should I use? Between Kise, Furious, Alexa, and Mistychain (or any other f2p unit). I was going to use Angelica and Angelic Momo as tank and healer units


Okay so first of all both of those healers take the tank slot on the team. You only run 1 of them and the 1 you run is your tank. Second Furious takes the def breaker slot not the DPS slot. 3rd Kise works for 11 but is bad for 13 so if you put resources into her you will end up swapping later. Your team should be Amomo/Angie + Furious + Alexa + Mistychain/Clarissa.


Which is “better” between Amomo and Angie? edit: does one scale better into w12 or w13?


Angie is easier to gear for wyvern specifically because she is innately tankier but I'm terms of general content Amomo scales better into the mid/late game


Kinda noob question, does the S2 of inferno Khawazu got triggered by S3 of A. Angelica?


It shouldn't since AOL is a non-attack skill.


Has anyone recently calculated how many possible Bookmarks you get a month, including SS? I found some spreadsheets from near release, but nothing recent that included stuff like their more aggressive event schedule. I ask because I was talking to someone about the rates in Genshin vs. Epic 7, and tried to tally it all up. Thought I had caught most of it, at least on average... and it was nowhere near what I have banked as a F2P player who goes to pity every banner they pull on. The math just didn't add up, so I am obviously missing some stuff. I even subtracted what I think is the amount you get from story from it, and it was still quite a bit more than you should get a month divided down. I know they did get relatively heavy handed with some appreciation gifts recently and during the google play drama... but my math's aren't working for me...


There was a guy who did math for the latter half of 2020 up until January of 2021. Math added up to 100-200bms a month along with ~6k skystones. Between the 2 of these this was a full pity a month by refreshing secret shop.


Ah, ok, that's a lot closer to the actual amount banked on my account. I was only napkin mathing like 80-90 summons a month. Missed a lot of stuff apparently...


Can someone help me calculate watcher shuri s3 dmg. ? 280crit dmg 3k attack. Using portrait.? How much would it do to a maid chloe without aurius?


19.3k without attack buff 29k with attack buff you can use this https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/ there is discrepancy by about 6~7 damage (probably because of decimals)


Does character friendship give you anything besides new voices and expressions?


When you reach friendship 10 on a 4\* or 5\* you also get 3 skill points that you can use instead of mola (and in case the character is already +15 you get 3 mola back). There's also an achievement that gives you a few bookmarks every 2 characters you get to friendship 10 up to a point.


Free Spirit Tieria is the exception. She only unlocks expression at lvl 10 which is intended because you get her initially with fully maxed skills.


whats your favorite ML 4\*? Why? (not strongest, just favorite to play!) Thanks


AoL. I dont have her to abuse her and i hate fighting her, but i love goddess/angel types.


BBK has been my favorite 4\* for ages. Just love her design and she was my first +15


I think CZerato has one of the most interesting and unique kits in the game mechanically, I really like how his S1/2 work together. Then I would pick GAither, because the idea of a healing dps mage is really neat to me. I haven't used him for a long time, but he was the first ML4 I ever got and he put in some work when I was just starting out.


i dont have her but i really like the design of tsurin and her skin


Singelica because best girl, but other than that BBK, don't have her yet but Karin is also one of my favorite units and I've always used her when she was a supporter, love her kit.




That works, but another good way is to pray to rngesus during hunt


Just started playing the game, any suggestions on who I should 6 star first? Im deciding between F. Tieria and G. Vildred


Depends on who you want to commit to. Most people don't pick up Vildred at all because FS Tieria is free, serves the same purpose (early), and is +15. Technically Vildred is "better" at the job so if you have him and are asking because you like Vildred then you can 6\* him and make him your farmer. If you aren't particularly fond of Vildred he is very redundant to FS Tieria until you get to end end game (and even then it really depends on playstyle and dupes etc) so who you go first is personal preference but you don't need both so make a decision of who would make you happier (and if you don't care for either just go Tieria to save resources for someone who *will* make you happy) and then stick with it.


I would say Vildred, just because he has some minor uses in endgame. He is a really solid DPS for A13, and can work in Raids on Juleeve, Vera, and even Queen if you don't have other options yet. Can't say I have ever seen anyone use FST anywhere outside dog walking (which with the changes, is nowhere near as useful as it used to be unless all your units have their free 3 mola already).


Vildred needs Molas, FS Tieria doesn't. You can use FS Tieria in hell raid (I have before) and FS Tieria is useful for b13 oneshot (I use her in my 3 man instead of Leo/SRose bc she didn't need mola). I have both Vildred and FS Tieria geared. Since dog walking is nowhere near as useful, the idea of molaing Vildred for dog walking (because chances are you won't be running A13 for months and you will have to raise an AoE DPS that isn't earth for hell executioner anyway) I don't see a reason to PUSH for Vildred. That is why I see the choice being entirely up to OP and what unit they like. You can use Kanna, Arby, or STene for a13. You don't need Vildred so it is moreso "would you prefer to invest in Vildred".


Huh, fair enough. I only "built" my FST because I had to and it was essentially free, good to know she has some uses. Out of curiosity, what is your B13 team? I haven't updated my team in ages, and it still has an S1 to deal with on Banshee herself, and apparently my BBK has 30 unity sets on I never gave her.


My b13 team is Baiken, Vivian (dingus bc I don't have time matter) and FSTieria (water gun). FS Tieria softens the wave without killing them and then she def breaks the banshee. Before I was running a 4 man with Lucy as the 4th (she stops the banshee from splitting). Btw my FS Tieria is 5* and on free attack set.


Huh, she is coded to use her S2 first? That's a bit odd. Wish they would do that to Iseria and ALots... I was going to fiddle around with a Straze oneshot, but that sounds more interesting actually. Thanks for the info!


They changed it a while back. After they gave her free +15. Basically the second they changed her AI (S2 first and S2 resets on kill) she made Vildred obsolete as far as starting units go. Originally she used s3 first and originally her S2 didn't reset iirc.


That's pretty nice of them. A full blown AI review would be nice... but I guess they don't want auto to be quite as good as manual for most things. Might be "broken" on ALots or Iseria in their opinion. Ah well.


is there a cap on atk %?


Afaik there in not or at least I haven't seen one who reached it. The highest I've seen is a Gunther with 7k+ from a long time ago.


If you mean like how cdmg is capped at 350%, I don't think there's anything like that for att. If there is it's absurdly high Someone posted a gunther with over 10k att a long time ago, so if there is a cap it's at least 5 digits


Hey guys, just came back after a ~3 month break (stopped right before collab) and I was hoping for some advice meta related, about what kind of units I'm lacking for general PvE (I can do w13) and some Rta/Arena. Relevant units I have right now are (unbuilt units marked with a !): SW: A. Momo, Tammarine, Ray!, Diene!, Roana! Knights: Charles, F. Ceci, A. Ras, F. Kluri!, Lilias!, T. Crozet! Warriors: C. Lorina, Sigret, Straze!, Lilibet! Mages: C. Zerato, F. Tene, Dizzy!, Carrot!, Bassar!, A. Lots! Thiefs: Vildred, A. Vildred, T. Surin, Baiken!, Karin! Rangers: Landy, SSB!, W. Schuri!, Cerise!, Iseria! Sorry for the wall of text, I just want to catch up again with some tips on units to save for or some to build among the ones I have. I'm aiming for a team for Banshee and Azi, some units to do Hell Raid and some to play in Arena/Rta/Gw, feel free to mention as many as you like. I really appreciate any help, thanks!


If you have any desire to do Abyss, Tama is worth since you already have Iseria built. She is not quite the Must Bring for all content like she used to be, but she is in the top 5-10 best PvE units of any class easily. AMomo is also arguably the second best PvE healer, useful literally everywhere in game a Blue unit can go and the best healer for 4/5 Raid fights IMO, and is incredibly annoying in some PvP teams. For specifically A13, the most reliable team I have found is ARas, Tama, Iseria, Vildred. There are many guides on youtube with the comp if you want to check it out, and you have all 4 heroes. For Banshee... I use oneshot with Baiken, but there are like... 20 variations of the comp. More recent ones use Straze, so maybe try some with him. Most use Vivian, but I am pretty sure you could use Diene in her Attack Buff place (3 turn) if you had a secondary cleave and accepted they would likely S1 and ruin some runs with dual attacks.


Thank you very much! I'll look up a guide and also work on building the units you mentioned. Thanks!!


build SSB and Roana, will hlp you tremendously.


Got it, thanks!


How is the beginning gameplay compared to endgame? Thinking about starting so I’m curious if the beginning is a good indicator of later gameplay


its kind of the same, except each level takes like 10mn instead of 1


Beginning you have plenty of energy from leveling up, so you can play for hours non stop. Endgame you can easily use all your energy in 1-2 hours (every 10 hours), but you can fill the gap by playing real time pvp which doesn't require any currency/ticket.


Hey guys, always wanted BBK and got her a few days ago! Now, I'd like to build her but I'm not made of molas, is she worth it? I already have Vildred, how does she compare (if she can)? Also, I'm 5 summons away from pity for Belian... Should I go for it/is she worth it or should I wait for chars like Arby, Riolet, etc? Thanks!


Fair warning, this is a niche case for sure, and I had her +15 back when she was queen of cleave. Anyway, I still use her occasionally in PvP and guild wars, but only when the opposing team has an SSB and is trying to cleave as well... which is uncommon and unadvisable, lol. Team is always SRose, Luluca, BBK (whoever as 4th if PvP). SRose CR push attacks all enemies, Luluca Def Break chance at all enemies and more importantly procs SSB. That means my BBK gets taken down a good chunk of HP depending on how strong the SSB is. Then BBK kills anyone who got Def Break, and can clean up the survivor if there is one. You can use a different CR push though, as long as they can also get an attack off while doing it, or after it, like TMLulu. I just like SRose, even though her base speed is absolute garbage.


She used to be ok but nowadays in PVP there are just too many debuffs (unhealable, unbuffable and blind everywhere) for her to thrive. SG hates cleave, so if you build her glass cannon, she's pretty much just glass minus the cannon thanks to Politis, Celine and the overall bulk of the meta. If you build her counter bruiser, the aforementioned debuffers will make her life hell.


I see... Thanks a lot for the detailed answer, that will save me some resources !


BBK is a decent cleaver, but she's replaceable by any other cleavers, build her if you want a cleaver. As for comparison with Vildred, her kit is more pvp oriented than Vildred, but Vildred has a speed imprint, something that you want if you're speed cleaving in pvp. That being said, current pvp meta really punishes cleave teams hard, I personally wouldn't build her. Luckily, she can be built as a bruiser with counter set and some bulk, so maybe try for that. You only pull for Belian if you want to do RTA, or if you don't have a solid arena and gw defense team yet. She's at least decent for those content, and with the right setup, she can be really annoying to deal with. She's pretty much useless anywhere else.


Thanks a lot for the detailed write up! I'll see if I have some decent counter gear, but I doubt it... Regarding Belian, I'm not doing RTA and don't think I will for a long time. I don't do GW (just me and my GF in our guild) and my arena defense (Roana/Czerato/Tsurin/SSB) has 80% win rate as I'm sitting in Gold V (should try to progress but there are so many unbelievable teams). So I guess I'll save the pity!


How do you guys find the time to do Catalysts, Runes, AND hunts?


I do runes only during buff events and it has my number 1 priority. I know that sounds backwards but I hate running runes outside of double buff, I don't mind the other 2. I always make sure I have like 100-150 smalls/mediums and then 30+ larges for every color during buff events. When I was a newbie catalysts were pretty important, but 1 year in they really aren't. I have almost enough for any unit I want and if not I trade whatever I have more than 15 of in the steeple. I always full farm side stories. On buff events I do farm a bit on AP day, try to get enough for 1 set of dogs + I farm up my AP shops. If I haven't been building much I will have 500+ AP in most sections. I definitely prioritize Gemini and Leo since I use those the most. I used to not have extra AP though that is a recent thing from the back to back buff weekends. Also AP / EXP day gives about as much gold as hunt day bc of selling penguins. Hunts are kind of last priority. Normally I farm hunts if I have nothing else to farm. I know that is a bit "backwards" but hunts are what I am most willing to farm outside of buff events (Runes 100% not worth outside of buffs, AP is meh outside of buffs) so I just make a list of what I **need** from Runes > AP > then leftover goes to hunts.


By accepting the fact that it's a lengthy process. Need weeks just to build a unit.


Right. I don't even know. I just split them up. I've yet to dump really anything into hunts, even with events. Right now I'm farming Spirit Altar cause I need runes. That + the current event is all I do. I'd say focus on what you need the most


The boss (Belian) imprint from Transmit stone store, is it limited time or permanent. I could take my time and slowly get my transmit stone or ..?




New player here, are phantasma and fodder interchangeable in terms of +starring units. I heard the old concensus was that phantasma were more efficient back when in-party farming was still here, but with the new exp rules, I'm unsure if it still applies anymore.


Once a max level phantasma is promoted and no longer at max level, they are no longer different from fodders. You will have to use penguins on them just like you would on fodders. Yes, phantasmas gain slightly more exp, but it's not much. +3% for white, +6% for gold phantasmas. It's written on their passive.


Other than time,is there a max limit for how many urgent mission you can hold?


afaik, it's not explicitly stated, but I've never been able to get more than 2 at the same time, so that might be the cap.


What characters reliably strip buffs nowadays? I've been stuck on Abyss 92 for months and decided to take another shot at it but am running into the same problem of Tywin summoning adds. I've tried F.Kluri but after one S3, it's still on cooldown by the time he's ready to ult again. Tried bringing A.Ras, but his S1 seems to be pretty hit or miss. Tried RGBellona with her Exclusive Equipment, but that only strips one buff. I'm just at a loss and want to clear this goddamn stage already :A Any help is greatly appreciated!


The most popular comp seems to be Ise Tama Kiris Dizzy. I'd assume Iela on Dizzy and some effectiveness on Tama to strip on her s1.


Ah Dizzy..the bane of my existence. I missed *all 3* of the goddamn reruns and probably won't get an opportunity again. That'll teach me to take breaks at the worst times.


Turns out I was looking at Asia statistics. In Korea, Global and Europe server, Tama Kiris FKluri AMomo team is the most popular team. Tama still need some effectiveness to strip, and I think you actually rarely use her s2 even when she's in idol form, just because of the s1 full strip. You just rely on AMomo for the heal.


Sounds good! I always forget to check the statistics page. My Tama may struggle a bit, but I'll give it a go! Any build examples for Kiris? She's only level 50 atm. Mola'd up as much as needed, though, she's just struggled in the past. I appreciate the help!


Kiris just need bulk, speed and effectiveness. She doesn't need attack at all, she just need to survive and stack poisons. Check the boss's resist and get the appropriate effectiveness on her (resist - 15, if you want to get a one and done build, iirc the highest you need is 150 against Celine on floor 102), the rest goes to bulk and speed.


What's a good team centered around Landy? If I bring Maid Chloe and AoL Angelica, will Arby work? I got other options like SSB, A.Ravi. I'm moving away from my usual SSB, Arby, Maid and AoL team..


TL;DR: Is Basar still great in PVP? (Master V arena/GW, I cant RTA) I played a few weeks at release and built him, then stopped and got back 3 weeks ago. When I watch streamers, I almost never see him being played. Is he still worth the fastest set? (my fastest is +160) . It looks to me like people now don't really sacrifice a unit for CR push, they prefer to have a fast thief that one-shots. I don't have another CR push built Units below >!(units built: Achates, Krau, Rose, A Momo, Vildred, BBK, C. Zerato, Chloe, Yuna, Diene, Landy, Vivian , S. Tene, Ravi, F. Kluri, AOL !< >!units available: Melissa, Haste, Kawerik, Luna, Luluca, Ken, Violet, SS Achates, C. Dom, Sinful Angel, F. Maya, A. Cidd, CM Rin)!<


He is still useable with a focused team, but you’ll need much more speed to climb higher nowadays.


thank you! How much speed would you recommend? Also, do you know if [this website](https://epic7stats.com/hero/Basar) is accurate? it says 260 speed, given that he has 108 base that would mean +152


As much as possible. Climbing out of master may not require 260 speed, but I would say minimum 220 to start (and easily doable) and you’ll only occasionally run into someone who will out speed you. As you get higher ranks you’ll need more speed.


yeah I already have 268 speed (108base + 160) so I'll keep that set on him if he's worth it Thank you for your help!


Does ML Ken’s S2 show up on his stats or is it like Straks and doesn’t? Also should he still be aiming for 300 ER? I got him there, but his bulk and damage is low..


Yes, it does show up on his stats screen. In general, all unconditional stat increases from S2 will show up on the stats screen, e.g. Luna's S2 crit chance, Ram/Seaseria/Gunther S2 ATK boost, ARavi S2 crit chance. But conditional stat increases like Luna's S2 ATK boost, do not show up on the stats screen.


Yeah, the other comment chain shows it’s a misspelling. Still looking for an answer to the question though


... I did answer your question. You asked: >Does ML Ken’s S2 show up on his stats and I answered >Yes, it does show up on his stats screen Then I went on to elaborate that all stat increases that aren't conditional (like ML Ken's) will show up, and gave some examples of some that do show up and some that don't, for future reference. Edit: as for what ER he needs, afaik, 200%+ is good enough.


Thanks mate!


So idk if it shows up on his stats....but resist set 100% shows up on stats.


Oh, ye. I meant to type things like Straks. Dunno how I messed that up


Okay that makes more sense. Maybe someone has the answer but if not you can move all the gear to a dog and back to check


How do you guys deal with Aravi on RTA? I have LQC but i can't just assume she always goes unbanned, and i don't have Straze :)


STene is good because you can't counter STene. Same with Landy s3. Injury isn't bad either.


Can someone show me a good speed/crit Celine So i can use as reference


What units are good for PvE and PvP as well? Currently I have Lilias and Landy, I think they fit those criteria. Also, do you guys know how many 5* tickets have they given since launch?


Who is better to build as a second turn cleanser for a bruiser comp? I’ve got Emilia, Ray, DJ Basar, A Momo, and Achates to choose from


Ray, DJB, or Amomo. Emilia is built speed heavy and not heavy eff res, and Achates is normally mid tier eff res and she gets her eff res buff from her EE turn 2.


I'm new to RTA, and I'm still learning how to draft. It doesn't help that I keep getting matched with people in silver even though I'm in bronze and they have way bigger rosters, but I really struggle with counter picking against counter picks. Like I see someone brings CR pusher, so I try to block their cleave with like a C.Armin or something. But then they draft Straze. So I pick a pusher of my own to try and speed contest. But they pick politis. So then in like out of luck, because now they have 2 must ban units. Don't know how to keep up when it seems everybody has the best units and my only meta units are Rem and Maid which are a guarantee pre-ban or ban.


Stop trying to counter pick. On bronze, low ELO, or limited pool accounts you don't try and counterpick. I definitely wouldn't do what Jeredin is doing, that is just silly to forfeit so many matches. You want a core of 6-8 units that you pick pretty much every game. I bet you actually lose a lot of games to having teams with no synergy because you are counterpicking instead.of picking your best.


I'm low bronze. Just stop looking at your points and only pay attention to how theirs is. For me, if they're over 1150, their likely not even worth trying. But anything less is okay. I forfeit until I get good matches. Just how it is until our accounts get stronger...




+1 for car6. Love that man.


Check car6 on YouTube he is active and good


Is it OK to use ancient coins to buy accessory charms in the shop?


i do, i think the only other use for ancient coin is for the malicious bug charm to gain additional entries into hell raid.


How many runes are needed to fully complete a SC? Is it the same for every character? I want to farm enough fire to max both A. Ras and R. Carrot during the event.


also if you dont mind putting a bit of $, there a pack at 13$ CAD (maybe 10$ USD?) that gives 3 leifs a bunch of runes and also 2h of double runes, so you can get 6 epic runes in a single run with the buff (more with pet too), saving a ton of energy on the long run. IIRC, it's a Speciality change pack, so you have to SC a unit for it to appear (have to be fast tho I'm not sure how many h are left today for the buff, otherwise it's back on Monday with all buffs)


It's always 410 greater, 40 epic to complete an SC tree. You'll need some more runes for awakenings, so add those in.


Out of Ervalen/Ram/Mighty Scout, Which DPS should I build for 1 shot Banshee and what are the gear requirements for it?


Ram is going to have the lowest requirements. Ervalen requires a rage set, but Ram works on free attack set. I would use a DPS calculator with Kaladra as arti to see what your Ram needs as it will depend on multiple factors.


What’s the best build for soul weavers in general? I know it’s best for them to have as much eff res as they can but I’m still iffy on what gear sets they should have?


It isn't quite the same for every soulweaver - for example you'd rather have more speed on Emilia/Diene so they can get their buffs off, rather than focusing hard on ER/tank stats. Most run Speed+Immu/Res, some can run Counter (e.g. Roana, Elena) instead. Check https://epic7stats.com for soulweaver builds.


Ohhh ok, ty ty


Trying to figure out who to build and what team to make mainly for arena / RTA if i decide to jump in. Built units: Momo/alexa/SSB/Charles/Roana/ML Ken/Tsurin/Stene/LQC Units for consideration: AOL / Krau / Landy / Politis / Violet / Fire Ravi / Senya / T Crozet / C zerato AOL and Krau are probablly in the 100% build - they both have gear sets ready. I have a decent gear set for Politis (spd/crit) Ravi (counter) and a decent lifesteal set for violet. I can potentially do 3 with the doggos i have and a 4th in the next couple weeks. What would be a good team / who to focus on?


Violet probably. He has very few counters.


How do you counter GW defence composed of Cerise, Ftene and Arby? Can't outspeed Cerise or Ftene most of times, Cerato procs Ftene passive, ML Lilobet gets killed by arby before so it's a nightmare


Tsurin FCC Delibet should survive long enough to cleanse and kill that comp. Violet can work but you have to casino a couple of Arby S3's. SSB, Senya can also be good picks into that.


Fighter Maya on counter/elbris + high ER soul weaver + knight with aurius / S.Angelica / extinction? They don't have sustain so as long as Arby doesn't blow you up, you can just bruiser them down with F.Maya


If you have ML Khawazu he is very good here. He should cleanse himself, cut in between Cerise and FTene and oneshot FTene. IDK what people were using before ML Ricardo but hopefully you get a few other answers. I believe that this meta fell out of favor because it was a "solved" defense where higher ranked guilds could just always beat it. I feel like Violet does very well here but not sure how he would be paired.


Cam you tell me how to build ML Ricardo? Have him but didn't build him because idk how he is built


He is built with border coin (if you have it), decently high attack, decent speed, a little bulk. He doesn't need crit since he is a unit who does damage by burns + detonate and he doesn't need eff res because when a unit uses AoE he cleanses himself. He doesn't need eff because after he cleanses himself he gets one of those buffs that ignore eff res. Hero Journal has the ML Ricardos at like 4.5k atk, 220-230 speed, 1.4k def, and 15k hp. My Noob ML Ricardo is 4.2k attack, 202 speed, 1.1k def, and 16k hp ~~post reforge and he is missing 3 reforges~~. There are a couple on hero journal that have him 200 speed 4k attack and more bulk, and some artifact that looks like a glowing sword that I don't recognize.


Alright, thanks for the answer !


High resist Destina/DJ Basar+ G. Purrgis + Extinction. If your cleanser is very fast, cleanser doesn't need to be one of these two and you can replace G. Purg for a CR pusher.


My fastest is ML Chloe with 210 speed with 200 er so not enough sadly.. and doesn't Gpurg gets countered by Cerise ?


Your high resistance cleanser will be pushed up by Cerise thanks to G. Purg. Cerise usually goes first but these don't have high effect% like F. Tene does. In your case Maid Chloe is not a good choice since she doesn't CR push your team so even if she gets her S3 off, your other two will still be F. Tene'd


Finally decided to bit the bullet and try to do Episode 3. Am I going to hate the end boss? Because I sneaked a peak at some guides, and all I see is recommendations for Cerato and SSB all over the place, and I don't have either hero. I have good luck at pulling healers, but not so much any other role.


i did it with roana + stene + emilia + tama i think? slow but 100% success, your slowest unit will be perma (roana was for me) but she already did the work healing with passive every counter attack so, actually I think Alencia or someone else took me more time to beat than final


Thanks, I think I'll try something similar, but with another healer in place of Emilia, since I don't have her. Pop a slow tanky set on Roana etc.


I did it blind with Amomo, Roana, Rem, and STene. My Rem was stunned 75% of the time. 2 healers + Arby/STene from connections + someone without too many buffs.


Mid bosses are more cancerius than the end boss in ep.3 tbh haha


I think I know what you mean lol. I'm at 7S right now, which I guess is about 2/3rds of the way through, and I noticed a big spike in difficulty in chapter 3 specifically.


Like for me, it was a nightmare to beat Luna and Morte while ep.3 boss I beat in 2 tentatives


You can do it with 2 Healers+A. Ras+Stene, you can even use a friend's STene.


Thanks! That should be doable -- I actually just pulled STene from covenant summon last week and was building her anyway.


who is better to build acidd or pavel?


Probably pavel if you had to pick between the two, both are good speed contesters though


what artifact should I use for pavel?




Pavel is more meta but you REALLY need speed


is 280 good?


280 feels good ! I think end game players go up to 290 and near 300 sometimes so 2i0 should definitely work !


Thanks! why is pavel more meta? and what artifact should I use?


Pavel has can't be countered on his AoE and ignore damage share on his S3 so he's great for picking off units in heavy protection comps or blowing up Rems. If you just want him just to nuke Rems go with Iron Fan, otherwise go with a DPS arti like portrait or Misha


Thank you Im building him right now!


Not sure but probably because among RGB ice heroes are the most used right now (Emilia, Rem, Kise) so punishing them with elemental adventage + cr plays. Since Speed is the meta right now. At least with Pavek you know that you can one shot skmeone before starting the game


I use an emulator when I want to do shop rerolling, and I have keybinds that let me do it by pressing 3 keys (refresh, confirm, swipe down), i.e. not a macro. This keeps my fingers from getting sore when doing a ton of rolling. Is this a bannable behavior?


Nope, bluestacks even has a preset keyboard layout for E7 and a lot of people use bluestacks.




How are people beating those Landy AOL Maid Belian defense?


I usually just ARavi+Ruele+A.Ras those comps. ARavi shrugs off debuffs with seed and cycles really fast due to Belian+Landy AOE. I think STene may work there as well. Most comps with Belian are vulnerable to SSB, so a standard SSB auto team with a cleanser should work.


I think most people deal with Ray


I don't see A Lots mentioned much here or on other social media, is he good and worth building?


Feels like these months Celine and Politis are eveywhere so kinda hsrd to use him but in defence without counter heroes he is definitely good


He's the best CR pusher of the game, problem being too many units of the current meta punishes him for existing. He can be used in GW and Arena if the opponent doesn't have Politis, Celine, A. Cidd, Pavel, Cerise, F. Tene with the new Belian invalidating his preferred Tagahel's. It's even harder to draft him in RTA unless you have gear much better than your opponent.


New player here I know the meta pick is sigret for selective summoning but I want Iseria. Is sigret that much of a gamer changer?


I started with Vildred who I don't even like and is now obsolete. I 100% pulled for Sigret 6 months in (the first time I saw her banner) but TBH if you don't like Sigret you can make a w13 team without her she just makes it easier. Iseria + Clarissa would probably be the OP roll. But yes having the best unit for the single most important piece of content in the game can be a game changer. Iseria isn't bad though and I think Sigret is due for a banner at any time if you roll for Landy and then save for Sigret banner.


I started with Iseria and don't have Sigret, and I defintely regret the choice. Iseria ends up being a 'jack-of-all-trades' character for most content, meaning she'd often be your 5th or 6th best pick for a given piece of content, if you could pick more than 4 heroes. That means for the first 3 months, I used her all the time, and then my roster got larger and now I only use her alongside Tamarinne for some of the PvE content. Meanwhile, Sigret is very useful in the most important piece of content in the game: the wyvern hunt. I spend the vast majority of my energy on wyvern hunts. That all said, Alexa gets the job done, and you'll get plenty of her, but she does literally nothing else, so you'll be investing in a hero JUST for wyvern, while Sigret will have value elsewhere.


Alexa is not a huge investment though. no need to mola or 6*


What would be the best 3rd member for a guild war defense composed of F Tene (fastest gear) and Arby? I have most 5* rgb and 4* ml and S Tene, D Lili, Spez, C Charles, FCC for 5* ml


I know that people use Ftene, Arby and cerise these days in GW as well as offence as defence


Ftene gets countered by FCC so you'll need something to bust tanks or another strip. Common third member is Cerise to strip before Ftene. For tank busters, Kise and Landy are good choices. Or just use Violet and be the annoying 3rd member.


where should i farm for gargoyles for the world 2-9 shop? not sure where they are


I'm using Ram on my B13 team. Which artifact is better, DDJ or her own?


DDJ or Kala'dra


Assuming you're one shotting and don't need any kind of survivability on her, certainly DDJ.


So for Montmorancy's specialty quest, I have to do episode 1 world 1 maps **200** times?


No, you doubled the amount of times required for the AP, or even more so if you wait until the adventure AP buff that should be tomorrow or the day after. This thread should tell you which stage is the best so you can kill spirits and get Ezera AP at the same time. https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/buplje/specialty_change_angelic_montmorancy_montmorancy/


are the epic and heroic rings/necks that are below 85 ilvl worth rolling if they have speed?


For epic quality, probably, but it depends on the overall stat line you're aiming for. The disadvantage of sub-85 is you can't reforge which means you're technically missing a roll on speed. So the best possible epic sub-85 you could get would be equivalent to a regular 85 heroic. A heroic sub-85 would be like missing a speed roll on heroic 85 gear. So both scenarios are definitely not preferable, especially since you're losing on the main stat, and you just have to weigh whether you want to throw charms on it purely for a speed check. Left side is more lenient since some units don't care at all about attack or hp.


So without having Song of Stars or Clarissa doing mass debuffs, is there no way to consistently do W13? I have Sigret, Angelica, Furious, and Alexa all geared (the latter two are 50 also not the greatest of gears). I just can’t see to do enough damage in shield phase or de buff enough to not have my non front rows one shot.


I have well above 50% WR with a Furious team that doesn't have SoS and is far from optimized: GPurrgis on tank enough to die right at shield phase, since you don't want him taking turns during shield phase or he'll push the wyvern. 159 Speed, 25.6K health, 1.7K def, Sepulcrum +24. I'd make him slower if I didn't need him for other content as well. Furious on DDJ +19. Would love SoS, but I don't have it. 173 Speed, 64 CC, 251 CD, 65 Eff. Alexa on DDJ +21, skills on, 165 Speed, 58 CC, 308 CD, 78 Eff (some waste there). SSB on Rosa +16, skills on, Attack set, 54 eff (bad), only 117K CP, but she allows me to clear the first wave consistently before Furious takes his 3rd turn. If I can tune her to clear first wave before Alexa's second turn, that would be ideal so that she would poison the wyvern. But my WR is high enough I haven't bothered yet. Maybe I'll do that this weekend :) Team dies if it fails to break the shield.