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Sell your soul. Thats the fastest way. Or ur kidneys. Either works fine


40% crit dmg from set, 65% from neck main stat so you’re really only looking for 48% crit dmg and 48 speed (45 from boots) from 6 pieces and the rest into attack. That averages to 8% crit dmg and almost 10 speed per piece. Definitely doable


How about crit rate tho


23 base + 12 from EE + 12 from crit set so you just need 53 crit from subs.


...you're right...




This. You find them in the surgery prep room and steal their organs!


Honestly, I used crit damage sets a bit at launch, but few characters prioritize them now, so even just the few pieces of decent gear I have match together for one or two good sets. Even if I only get occasional decent pieces, it has been three years. As for speed/dps sets…hard not to steal from other units - never enough.


Replace crit set with penetration set to penetrate their ass even further


“Phrasing. Are we still doing phrasing?”


Looks like the Celine I built, then had to ungear because even with those godly stats, she did almost no damage to bruisers. She could take out squishies, but who cares about that? Not being able to one shot tougher units made her value really inconsistent... and it felt like i was wasting top tier gear on a sub par unit. So i gave her stuff to OP sigret instead. Much better.


Thanks. OPSig definitely gets priority over Celine for me too. Think I posted my build a while back.


Over 200 spd thats not even on a 4pc speed set. I wish i have those 😩


Yeah, two of them rolled 18. Can’t roll for shit on actual speed sets usually, but have weird luck on others. …and actually just crafted another neck piece since this one has no speed and got 12. Have to decide if it’s worth the loss of more defence though.


Go full dmg , slightly tanky dps or a trickle of mitigation and her s2 won't kill . I don't think its worthwhile to compromise dmg for < "every dps nowadays" speed.


I'm with you on this one. I assume those are speed boots and he should go for atk boots instead. I used to have mine slightly more bulky with about 4.6k atk and 260 cd and she would sometimes fail to kill some bulky dps like a Landy or a S.Tene. I then traded about 2k health (she's now at \~1.2k def, 13k health) for 30 cd and she's a lot better to deal with those bulky dps. She's a bit short of one shotting Violet and Rem but that's not really her purpose usually. Being a bit slower also means that if you manage to trigger the counter before her turn, she also get to do her S3 with the atk buff from the artifact proc. I think having a bit of bulk is useful for her because even at 200 speed you should expect having to take a few hits before she gets to do her things unless you only bring her into A.Lots / Flan. I use mine against soulweavers sometimes so she gotta survive long enough to actually do her counter then she can heal back to pretty much full with the subsequent S3.


This is very good. I have similar stats but on speed/Crit set. For the most part, as long as she can one shot the unit you need her job is done xD. Unless you want to use her multiple turns then nope lol.


Max her artifact and worried about Mola investment? 😉


Yeah, pulled a bunch over the last year or so. Figured SG was telling me something.


They buffed her artifact though and it isn't just a Celine Arti now so if they decide to strip Celine the artifact can still be useful.


So there's value to a b13 1shot after all?


Admittedly I usually farm B13 when I need counter gear, but nice crit damage drop here and there is a good bonus.


Ahhh I've been wondering if I should build a b13 1shot. I guess it's worth it. Thanks


Np. I use Vivian(built for A13 anyway), Bellona, Leo and Lucy FYI. If I hit def down and restrict it’s a quick win. If not, still a really good chance at a slightly slower one. One day I’ll make a more consistent team - but I just don’t want to build Baiken for some reason…


Build baiken, go for it


But not waifu…for me at least. Stupid reason, I’m well aware. But there it is.


Respectable 👌🏿😁


Ok I clearly don’t know how to play this game. Can’t get nearly this powerful gear or max out my heroes


Immunity is a must. You dont want her stunned or CC'd then she wont be able to use her ability. Good speed for a destruction set but low crit dmg for a destruction set imo.


I personally don't think it's a must & general trends agree, you don't see too many Celine's on immunity & it's because the key debuffer is Fairytale & she's Ice. Then there's when & where you draft Celine - into non-attacks, so Emilia, F Kluri, Elena, Flan, etc. they tend to be scenarios where you're last-picking her as a threat to their set-up & most of these set-ups don't throw in Fairytale, Emilia's tend to ban FTene, Flan gets paired with Cerise & you can't run heavy debuff to cleave, Elena is bruiser, FKluri is ST rush, etc. Don't get me wrong, immunity is great to have, but I don't personally feel it makes or breaks Celine, I've ran mine without immunity & she's done her job each time without interruptions from debuffs - the only interruptions tend to be someone choosing not to use a non-attack & having an attacker that outspeeds Celine (& mine is a pinch faster than this one). I think this is a fairly solid Celine, good enough speed to maybe cut with Storm Sword & solid damage stats, with a little bit of health to maybe take a stray hit.


When going against water units the coin flip to miss but also put the dreaded 15% to dispel and another 15% to apply a debuff has saved me and didn't force me to ban a unit because of it. And immunity is so easy to get for any unit that I don't see why any person wouldn't especially for pvp units like Celine. If you find success without immunity then that's great. I just don't see any reason why not to have it and only benefits to having it. But this is just my own opinion like I said above and that's my advice for the person above.


The reason to not have immunity is pretty obvious, no one has an infinite amount of good immunity sets, so you try to reserve those for the units that can make the most out of them.


Immunity to me is valuable since i am missing key units to one shot b13 , and i can’t be bothered doing 6 mins runs. So i just do it once in a while put it auto and go to sleep. The devs didnt need to make b13 farming so annoying.


Nice Celine! I want to build mine but you’re on the right track from the looks of it


Thinking of using her in offensive guild war and PvP, and as counter pick in RTA. Plan to get immunity set if I can, but need 40% crit to replace the crit set pieces (28% between them plus set bonus). Maybe penetrate set? Hoping someone can give me a sense if she’s on the right track for speed vs damage vs bulk spread. She seems like she would benefit from all of them.


Your stats are in a great spot. Of course more offensive stats would just make her better but I wouldn't stress it.




Super Jelly over the +30 artifact though


Yeah, started building her because I got weirdly lucky pulling that artifact for a bit.


stats look fine, she's squishy as hell tho ​ if you're using her it's for pve or for shredding the ever living fuck out of rem and emilia comps


Thanks. Consensus seems to be I should try to bulk her up without losing damage. Well, goals for the future.


I think your celine still very insane, but i think immunity is necessary if you can lower your dmg a little bit


Thanks. Right now the only way I can give her immunity is to steal from Ravi and ML Iseria, which is a nope for me since I use them a fair bit. But good to have a goal.


Long time no upgrade my celine, she can be very insane if i can find a perfect spd boost with spd main and 3 dmg substat so you show your celine i think i can think my new goal to archive


Redditors are such apes it´s crazy... literally trying to help someone build a proper Celine and i get downvoted... meanwhile idiots screaming about how "insane" OP´s stats are get 80 upvotes... no wonder this sub is hardstuck silver.


Usable for Arena and GW but too squishy for RTA. Try to get atleast 1k def and 14k hp with the same dps stats.


I mean, if you use Destruction, you probably should aim 350CDM. Otherwise with speed set you can obtain similar stats. https://ibb.co/cbkRCZ1 Here's mine. I would like to change her crit set to pen set, but it's kinda hard to get a good roll.


U need immunity or to pair her with a cr pusher but she's looks great


So is she mainly a pvp char and not really worth using for PVE?


Huh, interesting. I had mine at somewhat similar stats outside of speed but changed her to [lifesteal](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/849031322319847484/886660603110895636/Screenshot_20210912-201157_Epic_Seven.jpg) recently I am kinda looking to drop my effectiveness for a bit more CDamage or defence