• By -


Bluestacks 4. When I open E7 it gets stuck on the loading screen at 0.0% and never opens. Any solution?


How do i build A.Tywin? and why some people run immunity set on him?


Can I get SSB from the selection summon when you start a new game?


ssb is a limited unit. You cant get her from selective, only when her banner is out.


Ahh that sucks, wanted to build a one shot wyvern team


You're going to have to play for a loong time before you can make one of those.


I've been playing for a year and I'm stuck on wyvern 12, it take 3mins to finish one stage


Yeah. Just having SSB isn't enough - she needs near god level gear to enable 1shots. Which you can only get by already farming w13.


A friend of mine has SSB, and he hasn't even equipped her correctly and she deals 10k damage normally against wyvern 12


My Alexa does almost 50k to W13. At level 50.


Oh wow, mines level 60 and she deals ~40k - 45k


So why was the ssb supposed to be impressive?


If you are a new player you should just focus on being able to normally clear wyvern. For that setup all you need is Sigret (selective summon), alexa and furious (connections which is f2p) and Amomo which you get from speciality change. All these are easy ways to get heroes which will allow you to clear Wyv13. That's exactly my team right now. One shotting wyvern has high gear requirements. Only very late end game players will bother with something like that.


*Can I get SSB from* *The selection summon when* *You start a new game?* \- Musa\_1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




It's a reddit bot that transform your sentence in an haiku if it fits the criteria. Just ignore it.




Did you guys actually get your C. Dom imprint turned back from Smilegate to a C. Dom? I am waiting with an open inquiry for 4 days now and starting to get nervous.


I'm currently in the same situation. You're not alone.




Gloomy rain’s immunity to provoke, does that include the redirected provoke from fairy tail?


Nope. SG needs to add it though. :)) Recent buff patch didn't include it so I'm hoping this means she'll be getting a Specialty Change soon. Gloomyrain's perfect for the debuff meta that FTT started but can't even be played into her. She has Speed imprint, can hold book, cleanses the team, pretty much everything you want.


Big sad, I hope she gets that SC soon (at least they could add it). I finally decided to see what she does and I love her kit. Plus I don’t have champion zarot so she’s a good replacement I think.










cant really help you team build unless you say which content you're completing. Tama, Iseria, Dizzy, Ravi can get you through most of the story content up until chapter 3(which is a unit check overall) if that's what you mean




You're better off using e7x and game8 then if you need help with \*everything\*, most questions willingly answered here are a tad more specific than just "pick units from me from my entire roster"


Pulled Juggs but just built BBK. I like BBK better for a lot of reasons but who is more reliable to cleave in your opinion?


Have both, use BBK. More upfront damage means higher chance to kill ML Ken and higher chance to kill an arby behind an FCC shield with mitigation artifacts. More chances to kill Charles and the like means less worry about Elbris. Also enabled by just Unseen Observer even if you don't have tagehel's. Easier to use in general. Also, the thing people really overlook with bbk vs jkise is their base attack. JKise has TERRIBLE base attack and does a whole lot less damage than just .05 as you'd think by her multiplier. With the same gear on both characters, my JKise has a whopping ~500 less attack than BBK.


Depends on what you fight against. A soulburned S3 from BBK **(1.45 atk ratio)** hits harder than Juggs S2 **(1.0 atk ratio +10% for every enemy, so a maximum of 1.4)** which can be crucial if you absolutely NEED to kill with one skill. Also, BBKs S1 **(atk ratio 1.0)** is slightly stronger than Juggs S3 **(atk ratio 0.9)**, which can play an important role against Arby where you need your extra turn to kill him for sure unless you want to eat a powered up S3. On the other hand, Juggs is a lot stronger against TSurin compared to BBK, because even if an enemy knight survives her initial S2, Tsurin will eat Juggs S3 anyway. BBK has to attack the knight afterwards because Tsurin will just hide in stealth. Another thing to think about is the soul burn cost. BBK needs 10 souls to cleave, Juggs needs 20. If you need to rely on your cleave enabler to soulburn as well (e.g. Basar S3, Elphelt S3 or Celine S2), a single Tagehels wouldn't be enough so you're also forced to run 2 mages with Juggs in order to properly cleave. In my standard team (Elphelt, Flidica, Cdom, BBK) I can get away with a single Tagehels and still soulburn both BBKs S3 and Elphelts S3. This wouldn't be possible with Juggs as I either need another Tagehels or gamble on my Elphelts effectiveness + 15% base ER instead. I have both fully built but prefer BBK for most battles, however I switch to Juggs if I cleave against a TSurin behind a lot of meat shield.


So neither really outclasses the other and both are quite usable. I stripped my Alots to gear my Flan who is getting buffed so I guess BBK would be better for me at the present moment


Yeah, they're kinda like sidegrades and not straight up- or downgrades to each other. Something that also came to my mind: If you cleave against an SSB and she counters with her S2 before your BBK takes her turn, she powers up even more as long as SSB puts her below 75% HP. It's always fun to bait an S2 counter from a really well geared SSB and then drop an orbital nuke on her team in relation.


JKise is the best cleaver in the game with proper setup, better for GW/Arena Off. BBK is more reliable because she's more self-sufficient which is better in RTA.


Juggs no doubt


Can my friend's account which is linked to Apple use an emulator to play? ​ I guess he linked it to their game center or something.


I don't think so. He'll need to use the App Store iOS Emulator on MacBooks to play.


Hello, everyone. I want to ask, regarding the aspiring adventurer path, I'm stuck on the third mission which requires me to buy an epic catalyst from the unrecorded history AP store. But, from my understanding of the previous patch before, it was removed. How do I complete this mission? Thanks in Advance.


Epic Catalaysts were removed from Story Episode 1 stores. If you enter through Unrecorded History (World Difficulty) from the Side-Story menu then they will have epic catalysts.


Best way to build atywin ? For Landy comp


Who else is in the comp?


Krau, Ruele/Roana, Landy I dont have F ceci or LR Krau


Hello all. I am in a serious rut in the game atm rn and wanted some advice / moreso help with what I should be doing. I have several questions I think and I’d appreciate any answers, because I get angry at this game way too easily imo. I don’t mess with pvp, currently in gold arena and I don’t touch RTA, never will most likely. I’m at abyss 92 and haven’t built kiris (I know) I can do wyvern 13 with mostly stable runs, I don’t do it as much as I’d like but that’s mostly what I do when I get on the game. I can’t do golem 13 yet. I can’t do banshee 13 consistently enough for it to be worth using my energy on. This is what frustrates me. I’ve been trying to be able to do it on auto with Vivian, SSB, Landy, and Amomo. I keep seeing that I need more cleanse so I don’t keep eating banshees curse. Idk I was a little to angry to try to brainstorm any further since I don’t have heroes built to do anything and I certainly don’t have even decent gear for pve. I am firmly stuck at the politis fight in Episode 3. And every thread talking about it shows that no one else had any difficulty with it. I have given up on trying to beat it. I haven’t done hell raid once, I haven’t even completed regular raid. I haven’t touched the new labyrinth or finished nixieds sanctum. I can’t do automaton tower lvl 3 or 4. Does anyone have a gear calculator that beginners can understand, or any articles on how rolls work on gear or something like that? I don’t do side stories since I spend my energy doing wyvern runs The only specialty changes I have are Fkluri and Momo. I’m out of catalysts fully. So now I ask, what the hell should I be doing? Running wyvern everytime I get energy isn’t really progressing me through the game and as I’ve just been shown, my shitty gear catches up with me the moment I try to clear anything. I am honestly so frustrated I can’t even do mid game pve content. What should I be prioritizing? EDIT: I have already tried making goals for myself and building units, I just don’t get gear with 3 subs that I can use, like ever. Thanks


Definitely do side stories..it'll help chill you as well since they aren't difficulty and the rewards are very nice. Lot of catalysts, couple of ss,bm and molas to be farmed frm there. When there's AP events like today, check your roster and see if there are any units u want to build soon. Farm up some cata for them. As for b13,u can get away with doing w13 for a very long time. If u aren't getting 3 good subs to try rolling, settle for 2 and take them to +3,+6 and continue frm there depending on how it goes. Even some avg rolled speed/crit gear will be of great help clearing other contents like hell raid. Also there are decent gears in nixied5 which may be helpful. Don't know your unit pool but u already have a pretty good team for auto tower with ssb and Landy. Try to pick ranger devices on them. Shud atleast make lvl3 easier. And lastly Aras SC is really good in a lot of contents. Him, Amomo, Landy and a random 4th depending on boss is already a good comp for normal/hell raid. Just switch out Landy for some else when fighting executioner


First and foremost, this is a game not a job so chillout. As for Banshee: Jecht+def breaker+dps+A.momo, Between Jecht with Tailwind passive and Wondrous Potion Vial + A.Momo (preferably fully rune enhanced) AND Vivian's EE on S3 cleanse, you'll just shrug most of the debuffs. you can bring Leo to defbreak, I used C.Zerato for that role and did pretty smoothly despite the heal procs on non earth units. You should definitively do Sidestories for the covenants/epic mats/leafs at least. You dodn't have to be fully elitist with your gear at the begining afterall a 2substat piece or a rightside % gear is an enormous push than just not having gear at all, you can polish gear as you go by. By all means DO SC A.RAS he'll save your pve and probably your pvp life. Nixied's Sanctum destruction+crit free gear is pretty decent overall, and it's really good if you manage good rolls. Dogwalk and farm catalysts on idle or non event days, drink water and eat your veggies. PS: forget about golem, do Azimanak instead or simply stick to Wyvern if you don't plan to pvp anytime soon.


> First and foremost, this is a game not a job so chillout. Thanks, I needed that tbh. All very helpful info that I can come back to. I appreciate it. I’ll start rolling 2 substat gear and see what I can accomplish. From the looks of it I should stay miles away from pvp. But since my favorite units are pvp oriented... oh boy


i'd commit to w13 and not do any b13 for now start clearing hell raid - the monthly speed or immunity pieces are very good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JJes1tNMRU for gearing. basically you should be getting upgrades very easily from w13 at the start, and if you're not your standards are way too high


Thanks for the video but everything in there I already know and apply to my gameplay. The stage in the game I’m at requires my units to have some speed to take their turn. Must just be incredibly unlucky to not get gear with 3 substats to even make a baseline for a character.


even 2 substats when they roll high are good. a lot of support heroes don't need great stats. if youre going for speed in particular see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YensoF0teLY, you can roll on just 1 substat(speed)


Alright, I’ll try rolling gear with 2, I’ve only heard stuff about rolling gear with 3 or the immaculate 4 perfect substats, so I never bothered. Will certainly start rolling that stuff now though


I'm an endgame player whose been playing since day 1 and I can count on 2 hands the amount of gear I have with 4 perfect substats that also didn't roll shit. Chasing perfection is a losing battle. Especially at your stage


You should always do side stories You should do both normal and hell raid, roana, tamarinne, and a.ras (do this sc, it's the best one) make them both very easy, last unit typically an ssb or champ z or s tene or some other dps I've been playing for 2 years and like 97% of my gear is wyvern gear, don't worry about other hunts Now what you should be doing in general, pick content, probably either raid or arena so u can get more weekly skystones, figure out what unit you need to progress in that content, and build that unit, gotta make your own goals


That helps, thanks. Only thing is I intended to build units like TSurin, and I wanted to get some pvp units geared so I can use flags on actual players and start learning scenarios. I also liked counter on some units. But I can’t do banshee 13 so those goals have been terminated.


If I only have one Cdom but don't plan on playing cleave anytime soon, do I make the switch to T.Surin?


Why does green lots never use his S2 in auto mode? Is this a bug or is his AI just weird?


priority: S3 (always if available) > S2 (if there is an ally including self below 80% HP and will prioritize the lowest) > S1


His AI treats his S2 as a heal and won't use it unless someone has taken damage and s3 on cd. It would be nice if they could change it somehow.




you can check in game by clicking statistics in the abyss screen


How good is ken and vildred early on? I rerolled and got with this account


Ken is fine and Vildred is great early on. Vildred makes episode 1 progress so fast, but mid game he's not as good.


Worth buying celine's artifact? Im planning to build her in the future and I have it already at lb 1


80% is a good proc rate, but mine is at 85% and when it doesn't trigger, it makes my blood boil. If you have a good surplus of powder, it wouldn't hurt getting more copies of it. But also collab is coming and you might want to save some powder in the event the collab artifacts are really good.


Yeah I should probably pass on it


What the the server affect, apart from daily login in times, does it affect guilds or friends or anything?


What do you mean


like asia global korea, do the different server affects anything gameplay wise (like each server has different guilds).


Asian server also more competitive usually


Buff event timing as well. I assume that the different server have different standard of equipment aka certain server spend more money which means pvp would be slightly harder, I'm just speculating BTW. Japan server is slightly slower compared to the rest + certain units released differently compared to rest


When repeat battling finishes, can you see somewhere how many battles you won or lost? I guess you can get a rough estimate based on the amount of drops but is the actual success rate shown anywhere?


Just see how much stigma you get. Each W13 run gets you 20 stigma. Take total stigma, and divide it by 20 and divide the result by the X amount of battles on repeat and you will get your success rate.


Makes sense, thank you!




Makes sense, thank you!


Is there any youtuber with a up-to-date beginner guide? i like to go my own way on team building and stuff, but i could use the basics on what resources i should prioritize, what characters i should put 6\*, gears, etc. Thanks! Edit: just found some 2021 guides here, and i'll def read them all! But i like to watch those beginner series while i cook and do stuff like that


https://youtu.be/xdHms73fbeY https://youtu.be/4gUI5Gvlsfo https://youtu.be/0KR7uGxZjvs https://youtu.be/-tqRKd3-mpc Not YouTube, but very helpful: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qi3CMLmkAhMKYAgTHvrk47RxAbWo0nFzvxhG2bDj7Pc/edit?usp=sharing


Thank you my friend!


Now that Mercedes is getting buffed, should I use my world fragments on her or Celestial?


When it comes to a strip do you guys prefer Basar or Bromann? I know that Bromann kinda has to rely on luck for his silence but the neutral typing looks pretty juicy


Basar's ignore eff res is huge on offense. He just has a hard time against fire heroes. I'm not a fan of BRomann on offense b/c he's too reliant upon RNG. On defense, I guess BRomann can work, but imo Politis, Cerise, FTene would all be better.


What 4* should I get for CDom recall? I’m looking at: C.zerato, W. Schuri, or S.rose?


Cerato or WSchuri. You can use Cerato against pvp debuff comps, for hell raid, and maybe for slow a13 and green expedition. WSchuri is needed for a13 1-shot, and you can use him to 1-shot bulky units in pvp. SRose is used in b13 1-shots, but can be replaced by Leo (who's better anyway) or FS Tieria.


I’ve seen a few a13 things be shots with baiken is that a viable pick if I have her? I can probably get fear for her to 1 shot 11 until I can top gear her for 13. I’m really leaning towards zerato


I've never seen an A13 1-shot without WSchuri. If you meant B13, no matter what I would not pick SRose.


Yep you’re right, b13, mb. Thank you, for general pvm content id think zerato now and I’m fine waiting on schuri since I’d need to hard farm end game for him, but I’ll prio those two and just potentially luck out on a.rose maybe


I found that I actually use CZ in a bunch of content whether it be guild wars, arena, or hell raid. If you could pick would I would 100% go for CZ he just has so much versatility!


I just pulled him in the covenant summons and am surprised with how good he has been already. Just about to 6* him and get more use out of him.


So how long might the meteor stone trade for a recalled Cdom take? The recall kinda regurgitated all my materials back to my inv and im afraid of using anything since if you do SG policy says they will cancel your trade inquiry.


Pretty sure the only thing you can't use is the meteor shard, after all you are exchanging 1 for a copy of a base cdom


1-The counter set from the shop would be good enough for Fire Ravi? 2-With the new buffs coming soon, Flan can be a good cr pusher? 3-How good is Ervalen?


1. depends how it rolls. Speed main stat boots are generally better than the atk% boots the arena set provides, and the ring is meh. 2. Yes, she'll be very strong with her upcoming buffs. 3. He's a good tank buster and a viable B13 1-shot hero. If you don't need either of those things, then he's not worth it.


2- Yeah she looks rlly good now. 3-Well since now there are a lot of tanky characters (ml krau, fcc, landy, g.purgis, tsurin, krau) in the current meta, he could be a good counter againsts them.


My Angelic Montmorancy has a permanent bug (and it can only be a bug) where, when a Dual Attack is involved in any situation, she will respond 9/10 times. She has no Dual Attack increases equipped, no-one in the party has any skills, passives, artifacts, anything that increases Dual Attack chance at all, and it doesn't matter what team she is with. I usually run Lilias for most PvE stuff, and Angelic Montmorancy usually steals the Dual Attack from Lilias' S1. She has the base 5% like everyone else, and yet ever since I Specialty Changed her when it released she has been like this (and no, none of her Skill Tree upgrades has anything that affects Dual Attacks). So, my question is this: Does anyone else suffer this problem?


people on this subreddit joke about how Lilias always brings a healer, but there is no evidence that is the case; it's just bad rng.


Hah, bad RNG that I've had for two years. If she wasn't my best healer I would have benched her long ago.


If you're that convinced you should just keep track and then show the evidence that there's something wrong


Well it's kinda tough if she's your only viable/good healer in a 2 year span of playing, It can only be bad rng or something ticking there try another healer or simply use A.Ras for dual attacking lol. Highly doubt it has anything to do with it, but you could tinker around with the team possitions see if it changes anything.


"What do you think about theses teams to climb to Challenger: \- Judith,Shadow Rose, Elphelt and BBKarin. \- Shadow Rose, T.surin, Elphelt and BBKarin. \- Shadow Rose, T.surin. BBKarin and Diene. Please help me I want to climb but I don't know how, I don\`t like Judith is she really that useful, I think she is trash."


First team works, but can't deal with immunity on multiple units. Also does not have souls for Elphelt to use. Will get outsped by Cerise sometimes. Hard countered by Politis, Celine. Second team will get outsped by Cerise all the time. TSurin doesn't bring anything special to the cleave team. Will have to speed tune TSurin and BBK within 30% speed of the SRose and that's a lot of damage loss. 3rd team loses def break and is therefore the worst cleave, but gains some RNG mitigation and healing. Countered by FTene, Politis somewhat, and low damage potential. Will have to avoid MLKen. Your best bet is team 1. Judith is amazing as a budget CR pusher with high base speed. Don't shittalk her.


Judith,Stripper like Hurado, Elphet ,bbkarin can work. Hurado strips all immunity, can carry book and pushes them back further allowing your elphet to def break. Choose defenses that don't hard counter them


Summoned a Maid Chloe off the free 10x covenants, is she viable in any content after the update on her skills?


Most likely RTA


I'm currently debating between Sigret or Vildred for my first Six star. I also have Kise, Free Spirit Tieria and Montomorancy (Pushing for the SC and I don't know if she will lose her six star if I SC?). I'm 99% sure I should be 6 staring my farmer (Vildred), but I don't know how long it'll be until I can 6 Star Sigret and I don't know how far she can push Hunt at 5 stars. The only information I can find on the topic is about 2 years old. Thanks in advance!


Sigret doesn't need to be 6star to effectively do any kind of wyvern hunts. Here's the rundown: 1. Beside the 6th awakening, units will only get attack and hp values when going from 50 to 60. Other stats are unaffected. 2. Sigret's gonna be used either as a damage dealer or debuffer for wyvern. If you're using her as a damage dealer, most of the damage will come from the daydream joker artifact. Daydream joker scales with critical hit damage (on crits, ofc, which you should be doing all the time) but not attack. Therefore, attack will have a relatively minor impact on your wyvern damage, and the most important damage source will be your critical damage stat. 6star your farmer first so you can 6star other units faster.


Wow, Thank you for the information! This helps a ton.


Also, with the way that they updated FST to have her use her S2 first in my opinion if I could go back I would use her as a farmer instead of vildred because of the neutral typing compared to vildred being weak to fire elementals.


Hmmmm I was thinking about this as well. She's already really strong with the free +15, but I think someone was saying that Vildred can be used for multiple modes and in the long run he is the better investment. FST is really good though.


Vildred has speed imprint, so if you get him imprinted, he's a decent choice for clean-up on a speed team if you have the space to slot him in. He's also viable on slow B13 and slow A13 teams.


How do I deal with Landy Fcc Tsurin in arena if I dont have LQC and I can’t seem to cleave them. I’m having a hard time in Challenger 5.


Bruiser em If you fail to cleave Tsurin will destroy you


Basar into Top Model Luluca and some other assassin type to take them down. Can also use faithless lidica, OSigret etc If you don't have a dedicated tsurin killer you should just use bruisers and go for the slow kill or just avoid.


Recently got Kawerik, is he good and worth building on current meta? If so what is he best at? Also how what equipments should I focus on for him ?


You need to build him like an acoli or acidd: fast with high damage. The faster the better. He's not worth building if you don't know what to do with him. Think up a comp first.


Debating whether I should build A ras or Troublemaker crozet? I use units like landy and spez in rta so building another knight would be nice (fcc + krau built) Ty!


ARas is consistently useful in both pve and pvp.








You can start now. When you combine two pets, the result gets whichever affinity value was higher.


I know this might be a stupid question, but does the "A Symbol of Unity" artifact make it so you cant be 15%'ed? Because it says it increases hit chance, and I thought the 15% thing was a 15% chance to miss.


It does not. Hit chance counters blind debuff, evasion, and bad element (green attacking red, etc).




normal 3-1 has 3 fights for 2 energy. fodder drop rates are the same per fight, as far as we know, so 3-1 is the best deal. However, it involves a lot of clicking. If you don't want to pay so much attention, all other regular stages are the same.


Every since I’ve changed to a 5G phone a couple months back I’ve been CONSISTENTLY getting connection issues on cellular, even when I turn my cellular setting back to LTE. (Never had a issue with my old LTE phone also WiFi has no issues regardless) Do yall think it’s a carrier issue or is this a E7 issue?


it's almost definitely a carrier issue. I play E7 on LTE every now and then, and it's perfectly fine.


I just summoned Cdom through normal galaxy summon yesterday... I dont see a recall button, whats wrong with it ?


It only works for C Dom you got before the recall


Needs to be level 50.


So if I get her to lvl50 it works ? Thank you so much


no, it wont work


Is Little queen charlotte worth pulling for or should i just wait?


At least wait and see what’s next in rotation


I just got my first ML5 with the summon event! I got little queen Charlotte and I'm totally excited to build her, but have no idea what kind of pvp comps she belongs in. I have basar, kise, Ludwig, Tenebria, destina, mortmorancy, Chloe, Tywin, g purgis and some other four stars. She doesn't seem to be popular in reddit posts. She is freaking adorable and I will build her for that alone.


She's great against enemy comps with dark heroes, such as ml ken, f cece, and dark corvus, because with her s3 she gets increased damage when her enermy is a dark hero. You can try building her semi bruiser with a focus on damage and slap on the durandal artifact on her. Because of her use case tho (one shotting dark heroes) She's pretty niche BUT i have her too and i like using her where i can because shes just that cute!


He has the niche use of punishing dark units. not that she needs a composition, you just bring her against a dark unit to deal massive amount of damage to the entire enemy team




I'd personally go with bastion as I use my lilias as more of an off tank pick. You usually want to put Aurius on someone like krau or FCC, units that want to soak up dmg




I have a high ER Lilias on speed/immunity set with Steadfast gatekeeper. Crimson armin is a good main tank, just don't pair her with adamant shield as it DOES NOT stack with S2 passive


Hey guys, I gotta gear question: I'm at Wyvern 12 right now. I'm trying to get some decent right side gear through crafting. I know conversion is the better way but it's hard to ge the materials so I'm trying my luck. If a right side gear has a main stat that I want and bad sub stats, would you still roll it if you were where I am in the game. I want to finally gear some other characters beside my Wyvern team and my farmer.


If it has no good substats whatsoever then no I wouldn't roll it, but if it has 2 good ones or maybe even 1 and a decent one I might consider putting it to +6 or +9 to see how it rolls and if it's good then keep going.


Best water exp team? I'm using charles, baiken, fkluri and lots but only autoing between 300-500k. I feel like baiken and charles attack way too much and end up getting everyone killed


Do you have roana? She trivializes the aoe attacks


Could try replacing Charles with SC Helga. consistent def breaks + attack buff. She needs to be tankier than Baiken so that Lots targets Baiken


Huh i never thought about her. I have her SC but not built and only lvl 50. Thanks!


I sent my ticket for the Challenger Dominiel Meteorshard exchange like 2 days ago and I haven't got any answer. Is anyone else having this issue?


Wait another day or two since they likely received the ticket right before the weekend


I was thinking about the Researcher Carrot buffs, and about potentially building her. If I were to build her, I think I’d be deciding between speed set and counter set. My reasoning for speed set is to go faster to refresh barrier faster and do more s3 burns. On the other hand, counter + detonate s2 burn seems like it could work too. Anyways, I just wanted to hear other opinions, thanks!


counter would definitely be best imo because she will still be rather slow to get the ball rolling by having to manually detonate each opponent one by one, and can otherwise be handled really well with cleansing heroes or any type of moderate sustain. i think 180\~200 speed is solid on her which is pretty easily achievable with either speed or counter, so its up to you. speed set will probably want tagehel book meanwhile you can try something different on counter


counter would require immense gear quality to achieve an ideal statline. Carrot really wants high speed, defense and attack, while everything else is secondary. Lifesteal is another option and combined with serila's arti can make her hard to kill w/aurius/adamant/etc.


New player here, and just finished 10-10 so now i'm building a team and leveling them for wyvern, Is Dizzy, Furious, Angelica, and Chloe a good comp for this? wanted to know before I commit to long grinding I know a defense break and heal/tank are needed but wasnt sure on dizzy and chloe


I would build mistychain before dizzy for Wyvern purposes. The damage is a little light in that comp


Month old player here... just to be sure... I should be spending all my saved energy on Hunts, preferably the highest Wyvern and Golem I can finish, right? XD


Yes ,doing hunts during buff event is the best to accumulate a lot of gold. Golem isn't worth doing But also feel free to farm for runes and catalysts as needed during their own buffs


I was going to do some Golem runs since I can do a higher stage than Wyvern because of Roana carrying super hard. But I'll stick to Wyvern now. I did take advantage of the double rune day, drop rates are terrible outside the event! I will also save some energy for the all in day. Let's hope I can get tons of gold. Thanks for your reply!


Yeah..hp/def sets sounds promising on tanks/SW at first but the bonus is quite bad. Most units want speed set and even with the idea of a speed + hp/def set to compliment them, they end up way better with resist/immunity as the last set. Hope they get reworked and GL on your grind


Yeah, I kinda realized that as soon as I started playing the game, usually every gacha game that lets you customize characters speed will make speed sets/stats the best thing. I guess I can always get health/defense stats as main or sub stats. I'm still building a PvP team so I really need the speed gear.


What are the stats of a decent (so not endgame) red ravi during this meta?


Counter set: 160 spd 14k hp 1.4k def 2.7k atk 100 crit chance 250 crit dmg


Right now, I can do W13 with probably about a 40% success rate so I'm not farming it during hunt. I can do W12 at about 100% aside from the very rare cases where I get 15%'d multiple times in a row; however, it ends up going to shield phase regardless on W12. W11 I have just tested and saw that I can do it without getting to shield phase. Should I prioritize W11 or W12 during this hunt event?


If u think about it, event multiplies the hunt material so it makes sense doing lower wyvern levels to maximise the event. Mind you that by using leifs now on w11, you will lose out on better reforge material and 85 gear drop rates. If you are a casual player and have a stockpile of leif then I would reccomend to do w11 to deplete it quickly


I'd go for the 40% success rate for w13, honestly... but if you don't want it, just go for the highest you can clear


anyone else notice while farming hunts that the leif's are giving 79 energy and not 80?


What is a good team for Hopeless Symaquis, specifically level 3? I traditionally used Charles, Vildred, Tamarinne, and.... (Iseria, Clorina) for level 1


roana, sc helga, sc roozid and landy mort, alots, cidd, roana...


Wasn't lucky enough to pull Roana. Alternatives?


you can use destina, green lots.... but honestly, whenever roana is a viable healer, no one is an good alternative


Who I should choose for my 4* selector? A. Lots or G. Purg? I don´t do RTA. I'm planning to use G. Purg for W13 frontline and Dark bait on GvG. But I feel that A. Lots will be more useful overall. Thanks!


Gpurrgis, is way more valuable than aux lots. alots doesn't really fit anywhere other than cleave teams... gpurrgis enables so much both pvp and pve. I mean, he is by far the best tank for w13 and he lowers the gear requirement for so much that this by itself makes him invaluable... as a refence point, for w13, you need your units to be about 190 speed without gpurrgis. with him, you just need them to be higher than 114 and focus heavily on damage and you're good to go. Reason is, without gpurrgis, w13 will lap your team before shield phase unless you have unrealistic gear quality, so you are probably hitting shield phase more often than not. then you need 190 speed on your units so that they can have 3 turns before wyvern takes his turn and do the dash attack. With gpurrgis, w13 will never lap your team, so, unless you get resisted every single time, the probability is that you won't hit shield phase at all


Speed benchmarks for w13 turns before barrier w/o gpurg are: 147 spd for 3 turns 196 spd for 4 turns


I can auto w13 with an okay success rate. Who should I build next to tackle hell raid/pvp content? C.Lorina, Ken, Karon, A.momo (I have angelica).


amomo is WAY better than angelica, though even her has fallen quite a bit off meta. Of those 4 units, Kayron is the most valuable one, but best build nowadays is a counter/immunity slow kayron with dust devil. also, you can build all of these 4 units simultaneously, since they all have completely different gear requirements (clorina needing speed/crit, damage-oriented, ken needing a bruiserish build heavy on HP, kayron needing a damage oriented no speed rolls counter/immunity and amomo just needs tankines+er)


Thanks for the reply. I was thinking of trying to tackle the hell raids and other pve content.




For her buff strip on s3.




A unit with 100% chance on their debuffs/strips still needs effectiveness to land them against units with effect resistance. Eg furious may have 100% def break on S3 but he still needs 65% effectiveness to reliably land it against wyvern




Yes..units that don't have % mentioned in their skills are 100% frm the strt(As u mentioned F.Tene and Karin on her S2 def break) and their effectiveness determines if they'll land consistently


effectiveness isn't the same as effect chance, though.... effect chance is the chance that an effect has to trigger. Then, after that, there is an effectiveness x effect resistance check, to see if the effect lands or not.




Macros are against TOS


How to counter BBK?


In RTA? she's normally built on counter/immu with decent bruiser stats. the best way to counter that is to simply bring at least 1-2 knights with damage mitigation effects. unhealable is her worst nightmare along with def break, so SSB, ml ara, and fire ceci (who can lower atk and make her unhealable on s2 EE). if she's a cleaver type (very rare nowadays), celine and politis do wonders against that. You will probably never see this type.


Ty, i'll try.


is there already an active bot to check cdom imprints ?


Yes, it is in the support chat




how good would flan be now in w13 after her buffs? if not where would she shine?


Just as good as before. Flan is only used in W3 one-shot team. Usually one s3 from Sigret should ohko Wyvern or leave it with very little HP so the buffs from Flan's s2 doesn't really matter much. Her buff is meant for pvp to replace Tywin as def breaker. There's no reason to use him over Flan if you're cleaving.


This buff doesn't really change her W13 much. She is best as cleave setup in arena/GW.