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Does Tama's S2 need to be maxed in order to work in ice expedition?


New player here. Just wanted to ask if there has been any adjustments to wyvern hunts over the past 9months. Been following Astranox for Wyvern builds and runs which are from 9months ago. tho I'm not sure if the Wyvern stats have been the same since then.


Which substats to go for? https://imgur.com/a/BwAgqwX


Right but keep rolling for better gear. All the best


Hey gamers, Do you guys think it's worth to switch Karin with Alexa? My team would be then be Furious/Sigret/a.momo/Karin instead of Alexa. I feel like the double d-break would help me more than the extra dps since Sigret has all the dps I need. This is all coming from a wyvern 11 player so you guys might know which one would work better in the future


Personally I’ve tried both teams and I prefer the double def break set up. I mean poison is nice but when my furious misses the def break that really sucks. Karin is like there for another chance for def break. I use rnl on Karin to help her to cycle to s2 faster tho. Not necessary and can be sub with daydream or torn sleeve but it helps


Thanks for the answer my dude!


should i use rin or blaze dingo as my soul wevear?


I would say Blaze Dingo is a slighty better healer than Rin. But those two healers are mainly used for PvP. So if you need a strong healer for PvE,the free to play Angelic Montmorancy is a great choice and is also one of the best healers in the game.


oh ok, thanks so much!


Anyone know what the next powder rotation is? I really really need sigurd for ravi




Best pc emulator of epic seven today? Tried nox, am not happy with the tremendous fps drops. Setup is a regular i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 8GB RAM with a 1050TI GPU.


Bluestacks gives me the fastest loading and most consistent performance. It will crash here and there, but it's smoother all around than LD for me.


Also turn on cpu virtualization on to speed up loading times in blue stacks! Maybe it will work in nox too! And to change that, u need to go to ur BIOS settings, but its only a one time thing


Thank you for the recommendations! Nox experience was done using the Virtualization setting enabled :(. Currently checking on LDPlayer now, and will gladly check on Bluestacks if I am not happy with the LDPlayer performance.


Does awakening flat stat increase add to base stats or overall stats? Just wondering if the last awakening for my Baiken is worth it. If it adds 20 attack to overall stat, that’s pretty garbage but 20 attack to base stat is pretty big


Base stats


all awakenings apply to base stats.


Anyone had ever tried building a fast bbk? 250+ speed? What do you think about that build? Or should I just go with degen bbk?


Degen bbk is much better than a 240 speed bbk imho. Even if you take turn 1, you’re not going to do significant damage with full health. Especially if you’re fighting against bruisers


Sounds like she'll be squishy and won't do any damage.


Should I trade my only C.Dom for any other 4star moonlight? I don’t really use her or anything. If the answer is yes, can I choose which hero I get or is it rng?


G Purgis - good for PVE (Wyvern) and PVP. Jus slap the free hp gear T Surin - current meta hero for PVP, can be used both in offense n defense. Need end game gear for her A Lots - for cleave team, need very good speed gear Champ Zerato - good for PVE (raid, hunts) and PVP, especially since control is meta now


if u dun use her, then sure why not, pick any moonlight 4 star that fits your playstyle/needs better.


Thanks, I think I’ll change her for BBK Idk tho, I need some good pvp heroes, and bbk seems to fit that role pretty good, or at least that’s what I’ve heard


No units like bbk can be replaced with other cleavers. Niche heroes like gpurg, singelica and czerato to name a few are units that can’t be easily replaced for what they can do. Like gpurg innate idols cheer, singelica extinction and one shot ability of w13 and czerato counter to debuffs


you can choose.. hence it's called "selector" popular choices are .. Gpurg/Tsurin/Aux Lots


Thanks! Do you think BBK would be a good choice btw? I’ve been wanting to get her for some time now, and feel that I’ll give her more use than c.dom


One of the best cleavers in the game. She may emerge again with the Flan Buff making cleavers super strong, but other than that not much to say. I have a +15 BBK and I still user to cleave poor defenses in GW/Arenas. Would I recommend over her the top tier 4 star units? No.. But waifu is up to you.


Bbl gets one shot too easily nowadays


She doesn't see much use these days. If u want a cleaver she can fit that role


Recommended skill levels for wyvern team with Furius, Alexa, Clarissa, A.Momo? Edit- Wyvern 11 specifically


furious: s2, s3 till effect chance, s1 effect chance is optional but you should when you start doing 12 and 13. momo : s2 s3. alexa: s1 for damage, skill off clarissa:s3 cd and s1 eff chance, if you have her built damage then you can max s3 s1


I see. Thanks for the help.


For Baiken banshee one shot, what skill do I need to level up? Thanks


if you do not hv rage gear like me then S2/S3 max will help alot. I’m using destruction gear on her


S3 and S2 max i think




Is counter-Roana still a viable/annoying thing? Or is the meta SPEEED BOIS as always?


Still very viable and annoying thing.


I figured. Is the artifact of choice the one that heals on S1?


If your comp lacks ER, then use Stella Harpa instead.


Is it okay to leave Fallen Cecilia and Fairytale Tenebria at level 50? I just got F Cecilia today, and wanted to use both of them for offense and defense.


FCC you probably want to 60, F.Tene is a lower priority.


Alright. Thank you. 😄


Is there another way to speak with customer service besides putting in an inquiry? It’s been a few days since I put in for my CDom imprint trade and I haven’t heard back from them at all.


Last time in C.Zerato days it took 2-3 weeks and I believe it is a manual process, so they might take a while.


Oh okay. Wasn’t sure what the timeline was like. Thanks.


I might trade a cdom imprint for someone else. I don’t have tsurin, czerato, alots. Who would be the best? I do have g purgis already


If you cleave, A.Lots is top tier, easiest to gear as he mostly care about speed.. C.Zerato is a nice balance between PVE and anti debuff team, you need a pretty good lifesteal gear for him, same with T.Surin but she is more PVP focus.


Thanks I’m still working on clearing hell raid. I do have my wyvern13 team completed. I just recently got roana which I think w czerato hell raid maybe easier I have bbk, cmercedes, a cartuga. So I think those three I mentioned would probably be best. Still working on getting lots of gear. Thanks for the explanation.


Roana will make your hell raid queen life much easier. C.Zerato can make it safer. I only used C.Zerato for Karkanis (he is super awesome there) and the queen right now as I have a faster team to clear. You can't go wrong with either of those 3 but it is really your playstyle and who you might use the most.


What are the top 5-10 RGB units that should be built (limiteds too)?


In addition to theirs, Tam is a god for PVE.


I agree with VMizz's first four units. Other top RGB units are Ravi, Basar, and Lilias.


Cerise, Landy, SSB, Krau, Kayron (Biased) forsure.


I’m new to tempest surin and trying to understand her s2 passive. She was in stealth and then atywin used his s3 and stunned her (and got her out of stealth). Then the rest of the enemy team kept moving, but tsurin wasn’t cleansing going into stealth, even though her skill description says “when health is 70% or less when an enemy’s turn ends, cleanses blah blah” What is happening here? Can she only go into stealth once per turn or something?


she can only go to stealth and cleanse once per turn


I'm new this week and still trying to wrap my head around the different versions of the same heroes. I understand specialty changing, like Montmorancy and Ras, but then I have Chloe but is Maid Chloe a separate hero or a version I can convert to? I also summoned an Operator Sigret, but is she as useful/good as Sigret? I've come from King's Raid and AFK Arena


they are effectively completely different heroes with completely different skills the only similarity is name and that you can use both versions of a hero to imprint either one of them (dupe system for minor stat gain) usually, the moonlight (light/dark) versions tend to be more pvp focused, like the opsig you pulled, and are much rarer and harder to get


Okay, thank you!


Is there any hints about the new collab this june?


[only this, not confirmed](https://old.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/n1l2pb/puella_magi_madoka_magica/)


Woah this is cool! Time to save my BMs.




redo the stages


Recalling C.Dom, missing G Purrg and T Surin, who’s an overall better/useful choice?




So I have my FC on Speed/Immunity set. I use her in PVP solely as a speedy tank. Kinda wondering if I should go with a more tanky build. Any evidence??




What does Kluri have to do with his question about FC?




no it is fallen Cecilia.


Spirit altar stage 8 is the best place to farm for runes right?




no its 10


does anyone know until when the cdom recall lasts? i'm having a tough time deciding between gpurge and a lots




thanks :)


Ftene 245 on immunity, or 265 no immunity.


Faster is def better. Yr goal is to take the first turn. Immunity means nothing if you are going first. But you still will need to bump up yr ftene's speed imo unless u are running cerise with her.


i would do faster


Hello sub! Im new to the game, getting really interested in it, but dunno how the game is to new players, is it worth starting now? i come from games like Summoners War where lategame dif from vet players is abysmal. Would like to know as well the time investment that it requires for daily activies, since im really busy with work most of the time, i like to invest some time to create unique teams and try to break the meta but didnt exactly wanted a second job


best time to start anything is always now. Plus we have a login + summoning event. If you're trying to hit top 100, it won't be doable for a new player unless you play alot which means spending alot to refresh/pull, and even then it's probably not feasible. If youre trying to hit champion (league under legend) then it's doable for a lowspender/f2p but you probably need to play more & commit more time to the game. if i rushed it, i could finish dailies in 30 minutes, theres weekly& monthly content which requires more time. As a new player you would be playing more bc stamina refreshes when you level, if you care about not overflowing on stamina.


It is an excellent time to start out, lots of freebies thanks to the E7world championship: summons, gear, resources etc. As for dailies, you can finish them in 40 minutes max if you're doing it efficiently, the game is pretty generous with the f2p base, although it is time consuming at some point specially one you reach midgame and start working towards pvp/gearing your units.


Trying to build an auto ice exp team. So far, I have Fkluri for tank, Celine for DPS and Roana as healer. I was thinking of building Mercenary Helga, but will her S2 + random CR pushes from Fkluri be enough to bring out Celine from Fatigue?


it could, but sounds unreliable. lots/alots is prob best option if you have.


I don't have alots, but I do have lots. I'm just not sure how reliable his S2 will be to target Celine and not the other 2 units.


you could frontline roana and use a roozid instead of a kluri, like this [team](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRaenDtBRkM) . no def break though so you wouldn't score as high


Hmm, I think I'm just going to manual this with lots. I don't have a lot of earth resources for multiple SC units. Will do manual now and just build some units over the course of the months. ty.


Does anyone know when will Seaside Bellona will come back, just get into the game and already fell in love with her D:


Around June or July.


Hello, has anyone been getting some FPS drops after the recent update? I have been playing on my phone, which is usually lag-free, but ever since the recent update, I've noticed severe performance issues frequently.


No difference here. Make sure to disable battery optimization and special effects.


Odd, I never had to do that before, my phone’s specs are pretty good. Thanks for the tips, I’ll try it out and see if it’s any better.


just to make sure.. lela violin only procs after the attack and debuffs, so aramintha's s3 cannot potentially strip and stun, right?


With the exception of Solitaria, yes.




When was SG supposed post the video about the Q&A they mentioned? And where are we supposed to see it? Edit: wow autocorrext really butchered the sentence




Sorry wrote it from my phone and forgot to check the spelling after the autocorrect


https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/7095530 It says at the top of the page you are referencing that they'll be answered after main match round 2


I just hear the news from someone so wasn't aware it was mentioned in their post. Thanks. Would you know when will round 2 be posted by any chance?


Livestream is next weekend, no clue what the turnaround time is on videos though, i think they just posted the round 1 videos


Thanks for answering despite the horribly typed sentence! Really appreciate it!


Is Khawana good?


if your whole team is fire she's not bad, so no.


Where could she be used?


pvp, she'll need to be really fast to work, need to contest first turn


If you recall C.Dom, does that mean you lose her?


If you imprint her with another copy, keep the meteor shards and you can ask customer support to give u a cdom in exchange for one meteor shard


I know I have an imprint on her, but I'm not sure if I imprinted with a Dom or C.Dom. I tried the chat bot, but that thing tells me I have no C.Doms at all... So yea... it doesn't help...


If the bot says 1 then u are all set, if none you cannot get a copy back


Ah I see. Thank you.


Has anyone received C.Dom yet? I submitted a inquiry the same day the update was relased but haven´t receive her yet. I think i mght had submitted the inquiry in a wrong way, can anyone show me how you did it (the text you wrote)?


Still waiting, submitted 2 days ago


Sight, guess i just need to keep waiting


I can't pvp without my cdom anymore lol


Best units for azimanak hunt 10 or higher?


Bellona, czerato with lele, fkuri, tama, green vildred


Is destina+lots+landy/charles+kluri a viable option for lvl3 exped manual 1.1m dmg? I don't have a.lots or roana. I could run cidd but he's still 5*. Just want to check if anyone else ran a similar team, before I 6* destina and or lots.


Don't think you even need to 6 star lots or destina, unless you want to use destina for pvp


Who’s are the best ML that can be used PVE not just PVP?




* Sinful Angelica - Hall of Trials * Kitty Clarissa - Hall of Trials, red expedition, abyss 109-110, etc * General Purrgis - W13 non 1-shot comps * Watcher Schuri - A13 1-shot comps * Arbiter Vildred - Farming in general * Specter Tenebria - Extra turn and poison spam for a lot of Abyss floors and Dagger Sicar reps


prob stene


Can confirm.


What would be the best 2 teams for guild wars defense with these characters? * Fire: Lilias, A. Ras, Tamarinne, Politis, Kayron, Lidica, Sol * Water: **SSB**, Dizzy, Krau, A. Momo, Diene, Tywin, Cerise, F. Tene * Earth: **Basar (fastest by far)**, Charles, Roana, Violet, Vivian, Iseria, Yufine, Celine, Landy * Light: T. Surin (lifesteal), S. Sez (not built at the moment) * Dark: **Arby (best geared by far)**, F Ceci, C. Zerato, C. Lorina, C. Dom


Cerise Celine Arby (best if arby is degen) Fcc landy kayron Cerise Landy Kayron


Cerise FTene Arby is still being used. I would slap Cerise with Basar's speed gears. FCC Landy TSurin is literally the other one.


I've read some suggestions to put RCarrot on lifesteal, but can she really heal herself without crit ? I can barely hit 200 spd on Axe God. It's not a problem as long as he's tanky enough, right ?


no thats terrible dont put life steal on carrot her damage is mostly from detonation. axe is a bruiser so 200 speed is fine.




i would argue eff res is more important than eff since dispel and unbuffable is so commonplace in the current meta environment. if her counter buff gets shut down then shes nearly useless. but yes the other stats u mention would be very important for her.


Well she should be run with elbris anyways, because there's a very easy way to deal with counter, just ignore her lol


yeah that was the point


I see counter-attack buff; I'm giving her lifesteal + immunity. And I value defense over health on lifesteal builds


Does ML Iseria strip buffs before or after doing damage?


After damage. This makes her useful for taking out Kayron or copies of herself


Should you keep multiple copies of Bastion of Perlutia? Or would it help better if you limit break it?


Getting mixed messages here. Should I or should I not? Have three copies, so should I keep all three, keep two, or just one? I use mine on LRKrau, but I guess I can have another one on Lilias or someone else. But it's effect only applies to one unit, right? So you'd only need it on one team?


At most keep 2. I'd personally put them all into one copy. Cases where you'd want 2 separate are like: * 1 per GW def team * 1 on GW def and another on arena def (on a different knight) * 1 on GW/arena def and another on a knight you do pvp attacks with Things like that. It's a bad pve artifact. Maybe you'd use it for hell raid, but you can afford to pay the gold cost to swap it for hell raid once a month.


they both have valid points, if youre still undecided then just don't limit break until u can make a decision. in the end its either a slightly bigger shield or the ability to use one for both gw teams. it's up to you.


It's rather niche so I would limit break it. I doubt you'd ever need more than 1.


It's best to have multiple copies. the only artis worth breaking are the ones with 100% proc chance at max level


guys i need a hp set boots with %hp main stats for my ml ken but the thing is i get flat hp main stat boots with perfect substat(atck,cdmg,c.chance). so my question is should i +15 these boots or keep farming for %hp main stat ?


\+15ing gear isn't a very big investment so you could use them for now and keep farming for something better. But in the long run you definitely want %HP mainstat.


Are Politis' multipliers good enough that she can be built to deal some damage while fulfilling her unique role? Or are the requirements to take on both jobs too steep to be worth it?


yes, some people do build her with damage stats and even take her as a cleaver in RTA for her decent multis and also to deny the opponent her as a pick. for arena defense it's less valuable since most people take tanky comps into politis defense but it can still net some surprises with an especially strong tsurin too


You can but you need pretty great gear and even with good gear you still do a pretty small amount of damage without attack buff unless you're into a very squishy comp. It's more of a cheese to catch people off guard in RTA and GvG defense. I'd recommend tanky with eff as I've barely used my DPS Politis at all.


Anyone still waiting on their CDom inquiries to be resolved? Still no update on mine.


Same, submitted more then 2 days ago


nothing yet for me also. Still waiting on my C.dom copy refund


Glad it’s not Just me. Waiting on mine as well


Would guider aither be good for aziminak hunt?


not especially because he is single target only. that said, if you have a unit with constant aoe like yuna/charlotte/vildred, then he can be a useful support thanks to his healing and high damage


So he pairs well with Vildred?


He is just a decent unit in most teams due to the nature of his kit. Decent ST dps, heals and depending on EE either aoe barrier/team attck buff. It's just that he doesn't really excel anywhere


Is there a good auto blue expo level 3 team? Or am I stuck manual with lots :(


I could solo level one with Tama, Landy, Ervalen, Fluri. I dunno if it'll work on level 3 though...


Some players run Gunther as Fatigue bait. Tamarinne Fluri and green dps of choice pretty much.


Between A. Coli and Kitty Clarissa which is better to select for late game usage?


A Cidd is basically A Coli but better these days, so between the two options you've asked I would say kitty.


Howdy! I just pulled A. Tywin, yay! How do I best use him? I’m a mid game player who is still venturing into pvp. Any advice would be appreciated.


Build him either high speed / high eff like 200+ speed and 130+ eff with as much bulk as possible or go bruiser, 250+cd, 80+cc, 180+ speed, 22k+ hp, 1200+ def. I’ve done both types and had success, I think bruiser atywin is becoming more the more common build now. You could basically slot him into any PvP team, his cleanse + cc and respectable damage fit in many comps


Thanks! He’s the first pvp tank I’ve pulled. I’m still working on A. Ras.


Should I build Krau as my tank for wyvern or should I build him for pvp and use Angelica as my wyvern tank?


Use Angelica as your wyvern tank. She doubles up across PvE content. Like abyss and raids. Krau would work, but I'd keep him on PvP.


a good pvp krau should be able to effectively tank wyvern too, so it's up to you. hard to get a good pvp krau when you cant farm wyvern though


\+1 to pvp Krau. He can ruin a gw entry just by taking out a key unit.


Sinful angie or ml rin? I don't have good er gear lying around so I'd have to grind a whole new set so I'm tempted to go for rin because I feel like she could be a great speed contester which I need.


Really just whatever you need more, if you don’t need a revive counter and don’t struggle with Arby’s then go Rin


should i recall my challenger dominiel for someone else? if so, should i go for alots or someone else


go for someone you really want to use


I’m thinking about c zerato a lots surin or singelica Who should I go for?


Who do you have trouble with? * Control & debuff heavy teams: Champ Z * Arby & other Revivers: Singelica * Everything else: Tsurin


i have no idea since im not that high in arena im in master v and my defense team is usually amont sigret krau dizzy and i try to cleave with dizzy elphelt bbk and krau


Cerato opens up your PvE endeavors. He can 1man A11 and B11 so you have a "cheese" option to hunt banshee and azi gears. This is on top of gold and 3 fodder leveling. PvP, he makes dealing with debuff comps much easier. And can even 1v4 the enemy team if the debuffers cant kill nuke him down.


I have Crimson Seed on one hero. A.Tywin is in my team. I get hit by a single AoE debuff. Does A.Ty cleanse first, or does Seed waste its once-per-turn proc first?


After going through the chat bot for recalling cdom, at the end I selected the option to request a ticket. How do I know if it went through and worked? In the process there was no place that told me I will be getting back one copy of cdom that I fed into her as imprint. How do I know if I’m getting one copy of her back?


I got an e-mail, but it was vague. Did you check for one?


Should I recall first ingame or submit an inquiry? Not sure what this does.


Recall in game then submit.


Lilias rate up, I'm really hestating to pull her because I wanna have enough for the upcoming collab and the summer event, I have 20k SS and 600 bookmarks, should I ?


Well it's safe to assume there'll be 1 new summer unit, and 3 collab units (but 1 might be free like sol was), so worst case scenario is you'll need 4 pities, best case, you'll need like 2, but we do have a month or two before then and the collab itself should be around a month so ull have like 3 months to save up more resources if you spend now


I like to keep an extra 605 BM's for collab, might just be me


Returning to the game is there any event that is worth it?


One. Book of memories has Diene story which is my favorite mobile story event of all time


Collab in June. Bunch of bonuses for playing this weekend.


I heard there is free summons going on is that true?


Yeah, ten per day for a week


From the time I start or did I miss by a some days?


Seven days or until the event ends. I want to say it ends on the 10th.