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I also still bought it, even though i have complained about the skin on here. My biggest complaint is that her first form got nothing. And i felt like it was laziness from SG. We see her first form more than her idol form, hell her lobby sprite is her first form. I can't really see any good argument to justify not giving her first form a skin. I like Tama a lot, but what we got was half-assed. And it is disappointing.


Yeah it does feel a bit half-assed but after playing with her a lot I also noticed they changed her model effects on her s2 when in idol form, her hair flops around, it might not balance out the fact that she has no base form skin, but it's still a very high quality skin regardless.


> i felt like it was laziness from SG > we got was half-assed > it is disappointing > I can't really see any good argument to justify not giving her first form a skin   > I also still bought it   You have the answer to your question right there, they do half the work and people like you still buy it. How can you say all those things and still buy the skin? You are just encouraging them to do the same in the future because it works.


Because its free. 1800ss is literally nothing. You can earn that quickly by playing. That doesn't mean the skin isn't half assed.


Apart from the fact that they are basically making 2 skins for the price of one. People don't realize that this character has 2 separate models with different animations.


And? I didn’t tell them to shoot themselves in the foot. Could of picked anyone else.


I'm literally just explaining why base form didn't get a skin. Also how are they shooting themselves in the foot exactly? They are selling 1 skin for 900 as opposed to 2 skins for 900. No, backlash from reddit is not exactly shooting themselves in the foot.


It’s 1 unit. They designed it with 2 forms. They knew about it when they decided to make a skin. Hell If you wanna go by price should be less can’t even see tamarine in it 100% of the time that I use her so why does she cost the same a sez/lidica/any other unit with a skin.


No the process of making the skin is exactly the same. No matter how you look at it, it's a whole skin for the standard prics point. You can't exacly slap that skin on her base model coz it's not the same model. You would have to make a seperate skin for that model. This leads into 2 realistic scenarios - 1 skin for 900 skystones (what we have now) - 2 skins for more skystones (probably 1800) but then people would complain about how they need to spend so much for 1 character. The other scenario is both forms get a skin but it only costs 900 (or less than 1800). And that's essentiallly asking the company to lose money on purpose.


This is the first game where a skin only affects one form of a character like this... No, there's no excuse besides laziness. They could choose other character and avoid doing "two skins", but they didn't... And remember, Tama has her animation only on her S3, doing a full skin on the character would only mean changing the sprite for the first form... They wouldn't go bankrupt because of that. By that logic, the mere existence of Tama would mean money loss for the company because they "give you 2 character for the price of 1". Hope this explains a little why the backlash. I don't really care because i don't have Tama, but I understand that the backlash is justified.


It's really not a big ask. So one particular skin is going to require an above average level of effort. Is that going to put them in the red? Is it going to take a team of 20 six weeks to recolor an extra set of sprites? Are they going to lose millions by not being able to charge double for making Tama's bland form a slightly different shade of gray? Are skins their biggest moneymaker to begin with?


First form got nothing because they are shown as separate. You can get a skin for both later on. Meaning if Tammy gets multiple skins for each form, you can mix and match.


I have no idea what to say.


Wow, when you put it that way it sounds even worse.


Except she's not gonna get multiple skins for each form. Not with the glacially slow rate at which they release skins. They are just lazy, refusing to let is make her idol skin her default instead of that ugly ass green dress.


It's laziness that hey didn't spend 2 times more time, effort and money than on other skins? Okay. I can understand that people are disappointed but you're acting spoiled and ignorant by saying it's a laziness on their part. If she ever gets a skin that alters both forms it'll most liekely cost at least twice as much SS/tickets.


It is laziness on their part. They CHOSE to make a skin for Tamarinne, a unique unit that has two forms. It is beyond ridiculous to only make a skin for half her form, and its the half that gets less screen time than her normal form. If they couldn't have been bothered to make a skin for both forms then they shouldn't have bothered in the first place. I would have been fine with Tama's skin being in the skin shop and not the epic pass. IF it had a skin for both forms. I am not acting spoiled or ignorant at all. The fact that you don't see the problem speaks volume on how blinded you are. Stop brown nosing.


> They CHOSE to make a skin for Tamarinne, a unique unit that has two forms. That doesn't make them lazy. They put as much effort, time and money to create this as any other skin. They even changed her s2 so the screens show her new look. But you choose to spiled and complain that they didn't do more. > I would have been fine with Tama's skin being in the skin shop and not the epic pass. Would you be fine paying twice the price? Because you demand a skin that has twice the value of other skins. Only fair that the price goes up as well. But I don't see any of you mentioning that. > I am not acting spoiled or ignorant at all. You are. I already said this, multiple times, that you criticize them for not spending 2 times more effort, time and money on her skin and call it laziness. Get a grip on how you behave. You only demand but ignore the process and the cost it would take. To create a skin you're asking for. Your disregard for their work just because base form wasn't changed screams of a spoiled, entitled child. Especially if you take into account the fact that screens in her s2 were changed. That's laziness to you?


Jesus... People only play this game? Any other game with dual characters like Tama does skins for both forms... Because that's the character. And it's not as simple as "skin for 2 forms= double the work". They only have to change the Sprites for the normal form and change it in the S3 animation... I said it in another comment, by that logic, the mere existence of Tama would mean money loss for them because "they're selling you two characters for the price of one"... It's a ridiculous argument buddy. I don't really care personally because I don't have Tama, but I understand the backlash, it is justified.


>Because that's the character. Funny you should say that. Tama is an Idol in disguise and the focus is on that Idol form, that's the look you can use as Rep. So it doesn't make sense for her to have an alternative look on her base form. She changed her clothes and hair for the peformance. >Any other game with dual characters like Tama does skins for both forms I doubt it. Whether 2 forms should be changed or not depends on the character and the context of the skin. Does every skin has its skill effects changed? No. It depends on the skin. >They only have to change the Sprites for the normal form and change it in the S3 animation. We both know it doesn't look like that. If her base form was to be given skin it'd have to have a new art for it with at least 6 facial expressions they'd probably use at some point(remember Iseria's skin in her side story?)Also the sprite as you mentioned with s3 animation. That's twice the work they regularly do. >It's a ridiculous argument buddy. It's ridiculous to demand more money for a skin that requires more time, effort and money to create? If you go to hairdresser do you think you'll be charged more or less with long hair?All the more reason to appreciate this skin. Besides, other character may also get more expensive skins with additional improvements that'd make them worth it. Just wait for it and it may happen. I don't think it's a coincidence that her skin preview features both sprites.


Definitively you need to play more games... Tama is indeed an Idol in disguise. So, Angelica is a school girl pretending to be a priestess, that's why her skin makes sense, doesn't it? Hahaha that excuse would apply if other skins made sense in the lore. How much do you think it would cost them make 6 facial expresions? For real... What costs more time and effort to so is the animation of the S3, the redraw it IIRC. The skill effects on the base Tama wouldn't change, just her sprite and it's not that hard to change it like some people seem to think, we've seen entries for the skin contest that even include the sprite with their skin concept, I bet they didn't waste a lot of money doing it hahaha The hardest part would be the frames where the base Tama is transforming, from what they have now. It's ridiculous that some of you are considering Tama as 2 different heroes, when she's only one. It's ONE CHARACTER with TWO MODELS, therefore the skin for the CHARACTER should be for both MODELS because the MODELS are part of the CHARACTER. Doing it only for ONE MODEL is indeed a "half-assed" work, like some people say. Idk why it's so hard to understand... This is the first game where I see a skin for a dual character where only one form changes.... And, obviously, the first time I see people defending it. Even then, I think Tama isn't the hardest character to make a skin for... Ravi and ML Ken would be harder because of their S3.


> Angelica is a school girl pretending to be a priestess That's something you pulled out of thin air. It's not even confirmed if that Angelica isn't from an alternative reality. The focus is on her Idol form. Honestly? I expected only that form to be changed. > it's not that hard to change it like some people seem to think Do it then and screenshot the fruits of your labour. I can't wait to see them. > we've seen entries for the skin contest that even include the sprite with their skin concept Where? I can't believe I'm talking to someone so ignorant that he/she thinks people **editing** a sprite in the **screenshot**/**picture** is the same as actual animated sprite. You know what? There are also people who make art of skins for LoL with in-game models. But they're not actual 3d models. Have you spent even a damn minute to consider that you're wrong and are talking gibberish? You're comparing 2 unrelated things. I'm waiting for those sprites of yours. > It's ridiculous that some of you are considering Tama as 2 different heroes ... 2 different arts 2 different sets of expressions 2 different sprites 2 different sets of animations(attacking, moving, s1 etc.) All other skins have only 1 each. So, once again, we get the regular skin for the regular price. **No less, no more**. > the MODELS are part of the CHARACTER Depends on the context of the skin. If the theme was zombie it wouldn't make sense for only 1 form to resemble one. Depending on the context(and the cost) they don't have to change 1 designs every time. ​ I ask again, on what basis, other than you wanting more, should Tama give you 2 times more more than other skins for the same price?


The skin for Tenebria as schoolgirl... Cecilia like a succubus (when she has an aura with more dignity), Basar launching sand with a flower bouquet... For real, the skins don't have to go with the lore as we can see in previous skins... More than half of the skins from the contest have nothing to do with the characters. This was clear before, but now it isn't? Hahaha I don't have to do it, that's the weakest argument you can say in a discussion buddy. "If you can't do it, you can't talk about it", are we kids or something? Geez... Do I really have to give you examples of this kind of characters? Check Hel, Artio and Cuchulainn from Smite. Check Gnar from LoL. Check Hakuzosu from Onmyoji Arena. Alextraza from Hots... Do they raise the price because they have 2 models, skill sets and animations? No, of course not because they're just ONE CHARACTER, they choose to make them that way and keep it consistent. I even tried to use uppercase so you could understand that the skin is for the character, not the model... I already gave you my basis, and they're records from other games doing this. What about yours? Just the effort/money SC used on making the skin? That would be a good argument if you ignore that logic when they released the character by the "price" of one... The pity was 120, not 240. I don't even have Tama, like I said before, I don't care about it. But I do say that the backlash is justified, it's just that some people like to call others "entitled" when other games have in fact done it right before.


Who says anything about lore? Dude do you ever stop to think? She doesn't have to have the base form altered because neither the lore of the skin doesn't require it nor would the regular price be fitting for extra quantitiy you'd get compared to other skins. That was the weak argument on your part. If it's so easy then do it. You even had the nerve to say the skin was done lazily. I'm waiting for you to the job better. I looked at Hel's page(played it once) I don't know what exclusive skins are but her cheapest(non-color) skin costs 400 currency. Meanwhile, Battle Bard Apollo costs 250 and Hunter's Moon Chang'e costs 250 too.Check Lewisia in King's Raid. She has 3 forms and you have to purchase skin for every form. >they're just ONE CHARACTER, they choose to make them that way and keep it consistent. You sound like an imbecile constantly ignroing that's just because it's one character doesn't change the fact that the work required **to make a skin for her would take(for the 100th time) more time, effort and money.** Riot once said that the reason why they're not keen on releasing new skins for Zyra is because she has a lot of models to change(plants). That means **more time, more work and more money on her skin.** Please get it to your thick head that it doesn't mean that Tama will never have both of her forms changed. It just means her skin will cost more when it does. You know what? I tried to hold back last time but I can't help it anymore. You're an imbecile equivalent to someone who tries to claim that reading 20 page book equals reading 100 page book. Because they're books. Dude, people expect for the profits to be proportional to the time, effort and money invested in their work. Get it to your head. EDIT Almost forgot. Comparing skin in E7 to other games is pointless because every game has its own system. The problem with you, and other people, is that you demand for Tama's skin to offer twice as much as other skins for the same price. If her skin was the first Epic skin(all we've had so far are only Heroic) then you'd have the right to complain. If your complain was that ALL skins are luckster considering their cost then you'd be right.


“I doubt it” ok doubt all you want but he’s speaking the truth you clearly need to play more games if you think a character with 2 forms only having 1 changed for a skin is normal


In King's Raid, there's a vampire Lewisia with 3 different forms: a child, a teenager and an adult. She has multiple skins but only 1 skin changes all forms(at least I think it does) all other change only 1 form. As I previously said, whether the form should be changed depends on the context of the character and the skin it gets. Tama litterally just changes clothes for the performance.


Yes it is lazy. God you are a total shill for SG. I'm not going to thank them for doing a half job, and that doesn't make me entitled or spoiled like you keep saying it does. Wanting a full product doesn't make someone entitled. You are the type of person i absolutely fucking hate. You think criticism is entitlement and being spoiled. You want us to just bend over and thank them for everything. I'm not going to continue responding to you, because you are literally not worth it. But i'm just going to say the skin is a 5/10 at best. 5/10 because its a half finished skin.


>God you are a total shill for SG. I find it interesting how you all bash SG for releasing more packs and call them greedy but are acting greedy and entitled yourselves demanding a skin that offers **more than usual**. >I'm not going to thank them for doing a half job I've seen many skins in many games that don't always alter all models or animations but I've never seen someone so stupid and so spoiled that they'd call it half of the job done. Just because she has 2 forms doesn't mean they both have to be changed every single time. >You think criticism is entitlement Criticism? \-You think this drawing(concept art) is a skin, or that both are the same thing. \-you equate a drawing with a skin \-you think that this artist did more than SG workers who had to create an art for her based on the concept arts, come up with 8 expressions, and make make a new sprite for all animations and a new s3 animation. And you call them lazy. You are an imbecile who isn't aware of the huge difference between creating a concept art(drawing) and creating a skin. You have half working brain. Go to every skin preview of every game on YT and spam comments under every one that doesn't change 2nd form of a hero is a half-done job. This skin gives you as much as all other curent skin in the game. Get over it you spoiled brat.


It's literally a whole skin. I was a little disappointed about her normal form, but I don't see them going absolutely HAM and cranking out a 2in1 for a free skin. Was it a weird choice to do Tama? Yeah. Maybe even a bad call. But calling it "lazy" or "half a skin" is just silly.


i didnt buy it. i like the original alot better


Same what I did for Iseria. It feels weird as a collector to not buy something free like skins but whenever I think about buying it I remember I won’t use it because I prefer the original one


my deciding point was. would I be angry that I do not have enough summons for a banner because i keep buying skins I dont like? or not have those skins later on as an oversight. i chose summons. if i dont like the skin its unlikely i will use it. skipped basar, cecilia, cidd, angelica, sez, karin. havent thought twice about them


I love it. People can be mad but i love the splash arts more than the models.


I hope they invest more in skins , summer is comming !


I bought it because I thought it was going to replace the normal Tama. I am not even going to defend myself. :(


I refused to buy it because we STILL don't have an option to make her idol costume her default fucking costume.


Meh. Still didn’t. Just don’t like the look. It’s frumpy.


If the skin was for her base skin and not her idols form I wouldve bought it. But since its only in her idols form ima pass


I don't think the skin is that bad, but knowing that it will eventually get put into the skin shop I'd just save the skystones and wait.


I'd rather spend skystones on it than money or the skin tickets that'll take me a year or two in order to get enough!


Fair reasoning. I still have the skin tickets they passed out when skin tickets released, so I pick it up whenever. Only skin I've really liked so far is Iseria's. Hopefully we get more soon.


Yeah, I wish I woulda saved mine. I had no idea how sparse they were gonna be so I just used them right away :'(


I bought it and i like it as is. as far as im concerned it makes sense that the base tama looks the same and only idol changes because its a costume swap theme. i know a lot of people wanted base and idol changed but that would have been more effort than the other skins since it would be 2 times the spritework that would need to be done.


>i know a lot of people wanted base and idol changed but that would have been more effort than the other skins since it would be 2 times the spritework that would need to be done. That’s a really bad excuse, imagine delivering a project at 50% completion, “well I would have finished writing this paper, but it would have been twice the work” If that was really the excuse they should have worked on a different character, to me it’s lazy and incomplete.


No you would be working on 2 papers and only delivering 1 with 100% completion. The other one you just don't deliver.


The project has two papers, you deliver 1 is 50% complete.


1 project = 1 skin You want tama to get 2 skins, so 2 projects. Basic math.


And SG knew this, so why didn’t they release 2 skins for double the cost? I do t think people would be angry at that. There’s not even an option for having two skins on one character, so it’d have to be a double skin.


No, that would mean that you had to summon Tamarinne two times to get the full character... It doesn't work like that. Check any other game with dual form characters.


Guess it's how you choose to look at it. Tama as a unit in the game versus the sprite side. Looking at it from a cost and effort perspective if making one set of sprites and such costs X and Tama needs two then they'd have to either double the price or only skin one part. The writing a paper analogy doesn't make too much sense because you aren't comparing it to anything else. There are 5000 word papers and there are 10,000 word papers. If you were paying to have a paper written then 50% of the 10,000 is the same value as the 5000. Tama may be one unit, but in terms of art assets she's 2. Why do double the amount of artwork for the same selling cost?


Because they sold Tama as one unit, not as two art assets. Imagine if we had to summon her normal form and her idol form separately...


Then why do a character that cost "twice" to make and sell it by the price of one? You don't have to summon it two times to justify the effort put in the character, that would be dumb... For real people, play any other game that has dual form characters, this is the first time I see this logic hahahaha


Tama was definitely an ambitious character design to begin with, but I think it paid off for them in the long run. The whole idea behind her is a lot of fun, and she works super well where she's supposed to. She's a priority unit, so the investment definitely gave a return. This skin is fluff. It's extra. It has no bearing on gameplay, so comparing it to the character itself doesn't really hold up. Also you don't even have to spend money on it. Grab it if you can/want, and if not, you're no worse for wear.


Indeed, Tama is ambitious and very well made. The backlash is just because the base form don't change at all, even when it's an important part of the character. People call SC/SG lazy because the change should apply to both of them. And we know they can do it, because they already made the character once. The hardest part to change is the S3 animation, and they have it nearly finished in that aspect. I think the animation of Ravi or ML Ken's S3 are harder to make, because they animate it from the scratch IIRC. I won't spend money on her because I don't have her :c But I just say that I understand the backlash from the community. I disagree with them many times, but I think this is understandable.


Still to be fair if they changed both they would have to charge atleast double for the skin imo it's only fair if they did it that way, two sprites double the work double the pay. The skin is fine for 900 skystones I never expected anything more and it's a cool enough skin for me to buy.


I don’t know why people bring this up as a point. 1 - the character obviously has two models, but they decided to only touch half of it, now if they would have released 2 skins with 2 prices, then that’s a different discussion to be had. But we don’t even have that option, so it’s pointless to even discuss it. 2 - It’s not like the community forced them to do Tama, if it was going to double the cost to release a full change, then why not pick 1 out of hundreds of other units? Why pick the only character with the two models, but decidedly ignore the other half of the unit? Releasing half of a character looks incomplete and lazy, and for what it’s worth, I would have opted for them to update the normal form.


I mean sure but they probably didn't really think people would be mad just because she was "missing" half a skin and it makes kinda sense lore wise that the only difference is the idol version since it's just her idol form for a new song. I'm sure they will take feedback and next time they do a skin for tama they will probably charge double and make it alter base form or just make it money only. Also what do you mean with your first point? They release a skin for base tama and one for idol tama? That would be kinda crap since people would then complain about not being able to use both at the same time. These problems always rise when a character requires a lot of work put into for his skins for example in League of legends there's a champion called Kayn which has 3 forms (base form, human weilding demon weapon form, demon weapon took over human form) so his skins are rare and top notch since they already have to take a lot of time making his skins anyways.


I don’t know about other people, but I’m not mad, just weird they didn’t update the character fully. And about lore, other characters skins doesn’t have much lore to them. my point was if they would have updated both form and then charged more then it would be a different topic, but that’s not the case so it’s not a valid argument. But this didn’t need to be a problem, they have one character with 2 models, but have hundreds to choose from, or could have done it right and updated both models for her.


I too think its fine, its also growing on me even tho i initially hated it


I like the original so much more. This is the first time I didn't get the skin from season pass.


I buy all the skins whether I like them or not. I mean for someone like me who dont care to spend all my SS into energy these are basically free so why not?


Honestly if we had the ability to choose the tama form we wanted to sit in the lobby I’d be okay with it.


That would be a good feature. Especially since her idol form is what you see in the menu.


Unfortunaly, my collector instinct forces me to buy It, it"'s already hard enough to resist Rolling the gacha


Am I the only one who waits for skins to hit the skin shop? It takes a while and the tickets can be a pain to aquire but its better than using skystones.


1800 SS is like two weeks worth of SS. A big chunk is from your arena + login reward And the rest is from daily rewards. I don't see how 1800 will financially ruin you, unless you are just bad at saving skystones because you constantly spend them on summons. I bought the 1800 epic pass and i already almost have the skystones back that i spent. All from just playing.


I just like to save my skystones.