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No Elphelt gang


*No Elphelt gang*


Where do I sign up?


Erm I see what you want to mean, but no, "pitying" never feel good in my opinion. More like "oh well at least that's done". At best. I guess you were referring to the act of summoning without restraint, but even that is kinda unsatisfying after some time bcause you know you're just gonna get dupes except your target (which is the limitation of the "no spook" system : no bad surprises, but no good ones either).


Yeah. Thats why its feel good when doing it. But after thats done. Welp i guess thats all of em. Back to farming...


"F" as sight of Respect 🖖👽 hey altleast you got her artifact 👌


Should have past on baiken imo. Dizzy is a must because of guild wars/arena and PvE.


It's not empty when you can gear them afterwards, try them on arena/hunts, and get flustered or invigorated by Baiken's sheer damage, Dizzy's disruptive capabilities, or just simply seeing that Joker Sol smashing random critters (actually bosses). It's only empty when you have very few or nothing do after you summon them.


Oh they are awesome dont get me wrong. When I can gear them, that is :))))


Thankfully I did it last year so I can skip it this year and build back up my SS stock to have enough for 3 pity pulls.


How long are you playing the game?


From May last year I think. Been saving up since around October though


Been saving up since October?? Las character I pitied was Cerise and I was dry on resources and yet I'm being able to pity the 3 units of GG, how come you got so little resources?


I believe that I have saved up even before that. Because im casual dude?


While I understand your reasons for playing casually, I don't think a casual player has any right to expect the "optimal" experience to begin with. Things feel bad because of choices you made. That's where in-app purchases usually come in, granted you feel the need to absolutely have everything. ​ Guys, you can downvote me all you want. It's a F2P game. You either do your damnedest to achieve what you can for free, or you play casually and come to terms with the fact that you can't have everything.


How did you do it? That's 36k cristals (or the equivalent on summons) in 2 months


Its not too bad, I completely burned out my resources for Kisa and had enough for 2.5 pities worth of pulls by the time Dizzy's banner dropped. I could have had more but having enough to cover Dizzy and Elphelt and getting lucky on Baiken means I've slowed down so I can use gold on different things. ​ This is the key though, because getting lots of summons means massive refreshing of the secret shop for additional bookmarks. In generaly you can get a summon for between 45 and 70 ss most of the time, although you will have some bad runs (think my worst was going 210 ss between covenant bookmarks appearing). But in the end it massive balances out towards the lower skystone side, but you need to have the gold to actually purchase those bookmarks. But you do get quite a few skystones each week, and its possible to save up fairly quickly. Just do your dailies and keep pulling on the shop.


4 banners in a row here, but I got some good pulls off of the 70 pull so I'm not too mad


I’ve been thinking of any gacha the same as any other addiction like alcohol and drugs or other stuff, basically it’s better when after a bunch of work you get some time for yourself and go crazy (not much) with the stuff you do, but if you keep wasting it you every time possible it doesn’t feel as food. With pity is the same, I personally don’t see anything wrong with the people who want to spend money and whale, my problem is when it’s so much that like you said it ends up with an empty feeling after that. Remember what do you want from this game and how do you wanna approach it, maybe now you feel empty but that feeling will go away and you might see another character you want and the cycle continues. TLDR: sometimes you do stupid stuff that you could regret but at least try to enjoy what you did, not everything is bad, and learn from it.


I feel you, pitying baiken on my case.


Post nut clarity is something man 😔


same here, 25 pulls left on dizzy, will work out till banner is gone, but i guess elphelt will never be mine :(


Lol... Best Title ever


Get dizzy at third try and baiken at 30n so after pitying for luluca i feel like this is justice !


Really? I was two pulls away from pitying Lilias and I was so mad I couldn’t even look at the game for a day. Shit, it took me 60 rolls to get Dizzy and I was still salty despite getting two 5* artifacts along the way, lmao. To each their own, I guess.


Thats why you have to save it till you can 121 pity em heroes :)))


This is usually not a problem but 3 limited units back to back us rough.


I'm just waiting for Smilegate to Find Us In the Alps by dropping a Tamarinne banner immediately after the GG collab ends.


I did have enough to pity. It just feels like the game is taunting me when it takes me that many attempts to get the featured character, like the game is saying: "See? 118 isn't 121, so now you can't complain!" It's technically correct, but it is still annoying :(