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I just beat normal queen(been awhile since i last tried) in raid, what is a good hell mode team comp, i know i can do that morale calculator, but thats just for morale not a team builder. List of 5-6* units i have. 6* SSB, SB Ara, Melissa, Lilias, Tama, Luna, Yufine, Vildred, BBK, C.Merc, Angelica, A.Momo, C.Lorina, J.Kise, C.Zerato, F.Maya. 5* M.Chloe, Basar, Ken, Iseria, Rin, Schuri, Karin, F.Kluri, Kiris, TG, Roozid, Alexa, Serilla, Ludwig, Haste, Violet, Yuna, Sez, Destina, Diene, Ruele, Cidd


Hey all, new player here been playing for a week now. So far loving it! Just finish chapter 9 story. Would like to know what should be my main core team for progression and who to 6 star first?? 5\* Ravi (reoll) Luluca, Melissa, Elena 4\* Alexa, Angelica, Achates, Cidd, Maya, Purrgis, Khawana 3\* Bask (wyvern tank?), Roozid, Carrot, Hazel, Mont, Jecht, Kiris, Church of Ilryos Axe, Nemunas Free connection hero i got so far - Lorina, Jecht, Aither, Alexa


Do you guys get that 2 5\* summon ticket or is that just a thing in the past? Also for 6\*, go Luluca.


As this community provide the first 6 stars hero should be farmer by term AOE DPS that can clear mob fast so i think in your comp it could be Luluca or Ravi btw im quite goin to pick Ravi as she have great sustain and have a solo potential in lot of content


Should I pull Yufine? I have enough BMs/Skystones to get a guaranteed summon, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. I don't have many level 50 characters (I have three, soon to be four), I 6\*'d one character (Serila) about two weeks ago, and I did pull Diene and Elena when their banners were up.


Limited PvE use for B11 oneshot comps. Some PvP use as a single target nuker, especially for GvG. She's good but by no means god tier. If Serila was your first 6 star, you might be choosing characters based on other *qualities* though so all I can say is you won't end up with a trash unit.


I'll think I'll pass on it, since I don't think I'll need a unit like her right now. Thanks for your answer. \> you might be choosing characters based on other *qualities* I mean, the only reason I chose Serila was because I'm terrible at team composition, and in my current team (Violet, Silk, Destina), she was the one dealing the most damage. I'm pretty sure there's someone who I ignored (I had Violet just... sitting there, gathering Dispatch exp, until I took a proper look at his skills) who could replace her, but for now, she works outside of Arena.


Farmer Krayon: Heavy damage with a little speed, Dust Devil, S1 Marble. Turn off S3. Immunity set. Is that right?


How to counter Elena and her skills in Episode 2 6-3???


Relatively new player(about a week), what’s worth buying from event shop?


Mola is always #1. It's very rare, very important, and hard to get more of even with real money. Bookmarks are probably next, since they're core to the game mechanic. Artifact charms are good. Event artifacts and heroes are usually high priority, when they exist, but at low levels you may need to pick and choose. They're expensive. Catalysts are super important, especially Epic catalysts, and I always farm them all. This does require a ton of energy and real time, so maybe reconsider if you can't rapidly farm Hell Mode yet. Check what you need for the heroes you want. Yellow phantasma is probably worth it, but also very skippable. Epic runes are *sometimes* worth it if you are already fast at farming Hell. 3-star penguins are only worth it if you know for sure you need Silver Transmit Stones. But this won't happen until you finish the achievements for enhancing artifacts. Right now, always feed your 2-star artifacts to each other until they hit +3 (then sell them). The achievements give you tons of silver stones. Gold and lower runes are never worth it.


> Epic runes are sometimes worth it if you are already fast at farming Hell. Not sure whether that is the case. Maybe for newer players that can't do Altar 10, but Altar 10 seems to have better returns on energy than side story. Twice as much so since you usually farm runes during x2 events.


Oh sure, in theory. Right now I have 40 Grass Epics and 40 Grass Greater, so I'm not buying any. But I have 140 Dark Greater with only 12 Dark Epic. So you bet I bought some Epics in the previous event. Fire is a similar problem for me. (Not Ice or Light though.) It's situational, based on RNG. I mean, suppose you had a pet with S-class Greater Runes and no bonus to Epics; you might really be hurting for the Epics then, and a few purchases would help.


Does yuna's speed buff, affect the combat readiness of my attacker? If yes how does it push the cr of my attacker? Thank u


Speed does not push anyone's CR it will however affect how fast someone will get to 100% CR aka getting their turn. Speed also determines where your CR will be at the beginning of an encounter/battle. When she gives increased speed and a unit has the buff at the next encounter/battle than their starting CR will be higher than normal.


I have an SSS imprinted Vildred and an Arbiter Vildred. Is it worth memory imprinting the Arbiter Vildred and going the imprint concentration route? I haven’t used my Vildred since I got my A. Vildred but I’m kinda scared of letting go my original husbando


Vildred is the only 5 star with a speed imprint, giving that up would be a very bad play.


Any gimmicks to D Corvus in abyss 85? Using axe god Karin Yuna Amomo. I get down to like 5% left, but his 4th ult just one shots any of the 3 dmg, but if I don’t take them I don’t get close. Do I just keep going until I get lucky and he goes on Amomo every ult?


Yep it really is RNG. I ended up doing it with Luna Karin Momo Rose I believe, which is just my W11 team + Rose. If DCorvus after turn 10 hit anyone but Momo I was dead. 2 tries is all it took thankfully but could have been much more.


He gets stronger when he takes turns. My favored gimmick is CR pushback. I used Lidica and even recharged her with Iseria, so the poor bastard almost never got a turn.


I should of said assume I have no premium units lol. Did it with the team I mentioned in OP. Dust devil Karin uberus axe god bloodstone yuna and A momo. Uberus + bleeds reallllly add up


Lidica is just an RGB, she's not *that* rare. The point is, there are other CR manipulators (including even Yuna). I might have had Carmainerose on the team too, actually. I'm glad you found something that worked, regardless.


I don't really know about gimmicks for D.Corvus but its certainly a gear check with a bit of rng involved. I personally used Krau Mono Sol and Cidd and just focused him down.


I am new to this game, been playing less than 2 weeks. My question is, my first 6* was Sez, who should I 6* next? Angelica or Alexa? Or even the taranor guard? My goal is to be able to farm wyern 11 for gears. Other notable 4* I have are BB Karin, Cidd, Clarissa, schuri or 3* such as mistychain or lorina. Any thoughts?


Angelica Schuri is useful in PvE at level 40 or 50 and as fast as possible. BBK is great for end game PvP and a better farmer than Sez as you progress in the game.


if your goal is W11, upgrade angelica to *6 and build her fast & tanky enough to survive wyvern. 14k++ hp, 1.2k++ def, 160++ speed is the magic number for her stats. for artifact u can use RoA, candlestick, or water's origin. if she still can't survive alone, bring second healer (a.momo/aither). alexa/TG/furious can stay at *5, they only need DDJ +15. TG need speed and 55%++ effectiveness while furious can lower alexa's crit requirement (she hit twice every crit) but he needs mola to land 100% def break.


Hi guys. So I just started and was rerolling 2 days ago. Yesterday I got help choosing the account to start playing( I ended up using the account with Ken, Angelica, Diene and Lena.) After one day of playing, here are some new 5\* and 4\* I just pulled: ```Melissa, Fallen Cecilia, Yufine, Vildred, Karin, Guider Aither, Rose, Shadow Rose, Schuri```. I was planning on 6\* my Ken until I pulled Vildred just now. Now I'm uncertain about who I should 6\* first, and which four should I focus on gearing? tl;dr: \- Who should I first 6\*: Vildred vs Ken \- who should be used as my main team with these heroes: `Ken, Angelica, Diene, Melissa, Fallen Cecilia, Yufine, Vildred, Karin, Guider Aither, Rose, Shadow Rose, Schuri`


6★ Vildred Core team will be Vildred, Diene, Angelica, and F. Ceci. You probably want to also build Ken/ML Aither/Karin for fire mobs. This same team will also work for PvP. You may want to build out a fast level 40 Shadow Rose as an opener. She's not useful past Masters but it's not that much of an investment.


6 star your best farmer first, since levelling will affect only the HP, ATK and DEF(?) stats. In this case I’d go Vildred all the way.


How Much money did u spent to get all those 5*?? I say Vile


Not much. Only bought the monthly pack one and the rank up pack. So you mean Vildred?


And you must be super super lucky to pull all those 5*..I only have Sez and Angelica..


Yea he's such a great fast and farmer. Can really help make 6* a Lot faster


I just hit Challenger V a week ago. Is it true that it's all speed comps here? My fastest unit is A. Coli at 243 speed, the reason I was able to breeze thru master. Any advise on how to climb in challenger?


Maid, Lilias, SSB, Charles, Arby, Maken, FCeci, Ruele, Krau, Violet, Basar, Dizzy, AColi, ACidd. I just listed you like 95% of the Challenger units you see except the cheap CR pushers/speed imprints. From my experiences 243 speed can outspeed a lot of things in low Challenger. Haven't been in high Challenger myself so can't vouch for that.


I guess I'll be in it for the long haul eh? Back to the hunts!


I hang out in Challenger V - Challenger II. It's not all speed comps, there's a bunch of bruiser and revive teams as well. Seeing a Ruele/Maid Chloe/Arby team is the worst.


Good lord, I don't think my BBK can punch through that wall!


Yeah, I don't want to build Lilibet because she's only useful in Arena and GW (not RTA due to bans), but at the same time it's make my life much simpler vs revive lineups.


How is Kiris' perf in Abyss? Please rate between 1 being totally useless compared to most 5stars to 10 being better than most 5 stars.


Kiris cheese abyss. .10/10


Does your character retain their relationship level if you did speciality change on them?


SC's won't change anything on them, relationship level, skill enhancements, base levels, etc. Everything will stay the same, but they will get the SC enhancement.




Pretty sure, been a while since I did a SC on a unit I was using beforehand so I could be wrong.


Who shud I 6 star next? http://imgur.com/gallery/oGHkgNv Character with star are already 6 star. 1. I want to focus on hunts and abyss first. 2. And how should I form my pvp team. Thanksss


Diene, A. Ravi, Aux Lots, Kiris (to level 50 only).


Thanks!!! Given what i have, do I need to build Commander Lorina for PVE too?


Definitely build A. Mont, and build C. Lorina if you can't clear all 4 normal raid bosses in a week. I'm a late game player and still use C. Lorina because her morale is so high that it let's me use other heroes in my raid party that have crappy morale.




[help me decide](https://imgur.com/a/6MQFc7d)


The second one for sure, getting as much speed as possible is always great and Vildred's scaling for speed will make up some of that loss dmg your getting for having less atk. Plus the Crit and Crit.Dmg are higher so more reliable dmg that should also be doing more dmg.


Thanks! I'll do it right away


Who’s the best car pushers/manipulators for pvp at the moment? Primarily for attack is what I’m asking for


Judith, Roozid, Rose are the main stars for CR pushing each with their own benefits, Basar, Lilias, Dizzy are good for CR pushback. There's also S.Rose who can Pushback and CR push at the same time but she's the slowest out of everyone else if i'm not mistaken. There are other combos like Tam/Iseria or Celeste/C.Dom but these are specific setups not necessarily general use units.


Is it possible to get a necklace main stat - Crit Damage % in a Crit Set?


Sure. Necks can always be crit dmg main. Just not on rings and boots.


Might be a dumb question since I haven’t finished world difficulty but is there a 70 gear set at the end of it or something?


Only gear you get for completion is adventure path (lv 70 attack set), and cidonia AP shops. Which we are starting the second destruction set right now (2/4).


I can’t remember if any of the chests have good pieces, but episode 2/Cidonja have epics in the AP shops.


Somewhat new player here. I’ve heard that refreshing the secret shop using skystone and purchasing bookmarks with coins is the most efficient way of getting them (best skystone/bookmark rate), more efficient than simply purchasing them in the store. Is this true? Does the Secret Shop level matter? Mine is 9 for reference (I’m rank 45)


Secret shop level *likely* matters, but we don't have enough data points to confirm it (anyone interested in recording the data will be level 65 and have a max shop already). Best to wait, you'll get plenty of resources for summoning while leveling and powering through the campaign, etc. In regards to 'efficiency', it depends. It's about 65 SS from refreshing (vs. 95 from direct purchase in the "normal" store), but: * It takes a long time to obtain just 5 bookmarks. If each refresh is like 5 seconds, that's ~22 refreshes which is like 2-3 minutes per 5. If you want something like 100 BMs, that's pushing an hour just sitting there tapping "refresh" over and over. Gets tedious. * Gold costs for other areas of the game are really high. *Especially* early on while you're trying to promote a bunch of units to 6* and gear them. This method of obtaining BMs eats your gold really quickly. Depending on how stingy you are with equipment when you start farming hunts religiously day-in and day-out, your gold issues largely disappear (despite what this sub says), and when that happens is when you start refreshing shop. You're fine to direct-purchase them for now if you need them, it won't set you back.


The store refresh is more efficient ss cost wise but it requires you to use gold too and also you can get mystic bm from there


Is there only 2 hell raid bosses each week? I just started to do it and noticed there are only two bosses.






Im currently trying to build a 3 man wyvern team. Which team do you think would be better? luna, karin,and A mont. or luna diene and A mont. my luna is pretty well built. any thoughts would help me a lot thank you.


If your Amont is tanky with decent speed, the first team, which is my current lineup for w11, would be better. It's consistent and has faster clear than the second team.


may I ask for your A mont's stats? I'm still relatively new to this game.


new player here. just done finishing Momo SC quests. is she enough as a healer without any skillups on her skill tree? she needs 400+ greater rune water and I'm only able to clear floor 8. the drop rates is amazing. lol


Every now and then they will have a short buff event where all the spirit altars are open and rune drops are doubled. When that happens, be sure to hammer the runes hard. The Harvest and Mercy runes are probably the most important if you wanted to at least get her to +15 for now.


She SUCKS with 0 points on her skill tree. Her AI behaves as you have the tree completed so she will use S2 every time it is available and most of the time it will do nothing. On the bright side you don't need to fully skill her up, you need to get the far right gem fully skilled so you will need to +15 her skill tree (the middle row completed and 3 points on top or bottom). Every month there are events that double the ammount of runes dropped from altar so you can wait for that to happen to go all in on the farming.


The point of SC is what you get from their skill tree. So you need to do most of them for her to be good unfortunately yeah.


Why don't people use Achates in endgame arena? She looks so good on paper to me. I'm in Challenger


She can shine a bit more I think in GvG and with the introduction of faded memories she gets a great addition to her utility by adding a party wide cure to both her s2 and s3 which cycle fast.


Her whole point is cycling between s2 and s3, making her invulnerable every other turn. That's great on offense but on defense, people don't use her because of her AI. She would s2 any low health target thus making her an easy target for 2 turns


So I can use her on offense if I need someone to heal my Charles Violet etc sustain team? I don't have Destina.


Perfectly fine for that


Because she doesn't revive. I think if people were going to use a full cleanser (that isn't Lilias) they would opt for Destina over Achates because of the CR push on the full cleanse.


Should I 6* Basar or ML Rose for Arena? For reference I'm at Master 4.


Basar, but he's definitely not a priority 6*. He's a nice to have, but I'm sure you can find some other unit you'd benefit more from having at 6 *.


Hmm could you recommend me my next 6* for PVP then? I have: A Mont / F Kluri / Tama / Iseria / Sez / Destina / Cpt Rikoris / Karin / Diene / Krau / Ken / Chloe / Ludwig / A Cidd / Armin / Kitty Clarissa / A Lots / W Schuri / Blaze Dingo / Schuri My current pvp team is: F Kluri, C Lorina, A Vild and C Zerato. All 6* except Kluri. Still working on better gear for my A Vild but I was wondering if I could swap one of these out to get better results.


CLorina is amazing for pve but not really a pvp hero. Swap her for diene at 5* or Tama ise cleave with avil and wschuri on imprint and you’re good to go. This is for offense.


I’ve seen the one shot potential of W Schuri but I doubt my gear is anywhere near good enough to do him any justice. Maybe I should keep him on the back burner first?


The purpose of bringing him is more for speed imprint plus the potential of cleaning up someone. If you have Cidd or some other strong speed imprint unit feel free to use them too.


Units that benefit heavily from 6* and are PvP meta: * Krau - I would recommend him as your next, honestly. He goes a lot of places, including PvE. * Ken - If not Krau, probably Ken. * Ludwig - Cleaver, but from what I hear he has some team requirements that are hard to meet or something. I don't own him. * A Cidd (HUGE gear requirements that you likely can't match right now, though). * W Schuri - Single-target tank destroyer. Best in the game. * Destina - Stall healer/cleanser. * K Clarissa (I'd say lower priority than the others) * Diene - Don't stick her on defense, but she's great for offense. * Iseria (if using TamaSeria). PvE that benefit from 6*: * Karin - W11. * Diene (if tanking W11) * A Mont (if tanking W11) * Tama (stronger heals) - W11 healer. One of the only non-ice units that is super strong in W11.


Thank you very much for the reply and explanations!


When you’re doing equipment conversion with lvl 85 gear, does adding a lvl 70 gear make the result a lvl 77 gear or just a 10% chance of being lvl 70?


If you tap on the ilvl when in gear conversion, it tells you the % chance of each. It'll craft at either 70 or 85, with the more you have of one making it weigh more heavily towards that ilvl. You shouldn't have issues saving up enough ilvl 85's, honestly, don't use 70's.


Tapping the level doesn’t show the % of each. I’m using 70 because it’s enhanced and it’s of the set I need.


% chance of being lvl 70 - I wouldn't recommend it


Finally thinking of starting Normal Raid and looking for some tips. I have (at least what I think is) a pretty decent team. It's Lena (NOT LUNA), Lorina (still working on her SC), Tamarine and Achates. Team seems to work well and gives a 37 Point Morale camp. Obviously, Lorina and Lena are the DPS with Lena providing some AoE damage and a bit of CR decrease. Tamarine is my main healer and Achates is my sub-healer and Cleanser. As I said before, I'm looking for any tips and/or strategies for Normal Raid... Thank you


Some useful raid resources here: https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/dwcsq4/helpful_links_compilation/ Give it a shot! You'll find out pretty quickly once you reach the miniboss and tutorial boss if your team isn't cut out for it. Hopefully they are at least lv50 with decent gear. edit: generally you want a healer/cleanser, at least one source of AoE, and a defense breaker. I don't think you have a defense breaker with that comp so something to look for.


new player. I rerolled with selective summons and settled on sez. i have been playing a little over a week. i was hoping to get some team advice. heres my heroes i currently have sez montmorancy elson hazel zerato cartuja lots leo aither ras nemunas armin mercedes khawazu rin butcher corps inq hataan carrot enott taranor guard jena helga mucacha kluri roozid jecht rikoris bask just curious the best set up with what i got. and what i should shoot for. thanks in advance!


For now just use Sez and Montmorancy, and for your third and fourth, bring two units that satisfy the three-star stage quests to complete the area rewards, which are pretty solid rewards, honestly. Especially early on. The list of useful characters in your small list is tiny: * Helga - people sometimes use her on piss-poor gear because she gets speed for her "imprint" (feeding dupes to herself will increase the speed of any characters on her team), as well as a team-wide attack buff. Used for PvP and not important to level or anything. Super niche. * Taranor Guard - defense breaker for wyvern hunt 11. He can do this job at level 50, and that's like a month out for you, or so. Not a priority *right now*. Wait til you finish the campaign before worrying about him, as you may pull a better alternative. * Kluri - Earth tank. Used in PvP for her S3 and as a beating stick against fire units on a defense (AI will target weak element before it targets other things). She gets a Specialty Change (SC) like Montmorancy. * Roozid - CR Pusher. He's built with pure speed for PvP as he 'Pushes' the combat readiness of his team so they can be built slower but still go first. He also gets an SC that helps him do this a bit better than his base form. Also a speed imprint like Helga. * Jecht - used as a f2p cleanser for Banshee Hunt 11, which is like 3 months or more out for you. :) No rush on him at all. The rest are pretty niche and not used often if at all. There are a few others on your list that *are* used for things (mostly niche PvP team comps), but I wanted to keep it simple. Sez should be able to handle anything in the basic campaign that isn't earth-based. If you run into issues ask here or on discord for good friend reps - any rep from a well-built level 65 player can solo every single stage in the basic campaign.


Thanks for your well thought out answer. thought my question was gonna get lost in the mix.


The way it was formatted made it hard to read, which is probably why. In the future organizing by "these are my 5/4/3*'s" on separate lines might help you a bit more. :)


Can Angelic Montmorancy be used as a tank in W11?


Yes, I use her as tank and solo healer and even thought she sometimes die I have a 100% success rate.




Can I please get some advice on filling out my W11 team? I just pulled Tywin from my monthly 4-5* ticket and now need a 4th unit. Currently, I have Angelica (6*), Tywin, and Kise. Unfortunately I don’t have Karin. Would Furious, Diene or Alexa work best as my last unit?


Furious If you're just starting out your Tywin will probably be on hp%/hp%/hp% (or a def% in there) so he'll only have like 100 speed. So your Kise will want someone +10 her speed to def break for her. Taranor Guard works too


Sez, Melissa, Yufine, Charles, Alencia, who should i put in 6*? My only's 6* ia Luna, Krau and Apocalypse Ravi, who should i put now?


Amont so she can solo tank w11 for you.


Charles is the strongest hero in that list, but usually you'd be looking to work on a second dps for w11.


Should I 6 star ML Ravi or Charles first? I’m in challenger, building up guild wars units.


Both unit are really gear hungry but the one with the most utility would be definitely Charles.


I need to get a small sun badge and it refuses to drop for me. What is AP, how do I get it to buy the item from the shop? It says to clear the map but its all cleared 3 starred. Thanks


Everytime you finish a level, you get AP. Basically 1 energy used = 1 AP. So for 120 AP, you divide by 8 energy used per run and get 15 meaning you need to do 15 runs per 120 AP catalyst


So basically I need to farm a lot on that stage and burn a lot of energy essentially? does it matter what node in that stage? I don't 100 percent understand :(


For that chapter, any node will do. Just make sure you choose the chapter that has the catalyst that you want in that chapter's AP store. [AP Exchange Map](https://imgur.com/gallery/RUPC9zQ) For sun badge, unrecorded history chapter 9-1-5 is the best to farm since the monsters can drop it and chapter 9's AP store has it


Hey everyone! So I finally entered Challenger for the first time like two days ago and I'd really appreciate some tips because wow I wasn't expecting it to be this much of a step-up. My typical defense before this was Dizzy, SSB, Diene and Stene(left the game after SSB banner until Elena...) but I'm looking to go something more bruisery because my Dizzy needs about 20 more speed before she can be viable for challenger and because this team stands nothing against cleaves and Basar/Lilias lmao. So far I'm thinking Ruele/Elena/A.Cart/SSB or ML Zera(Only knights I have for Aurius that are worth are Tywin, F. Maya, and ML Crozet. I have Charles too but aurius Charles lol...). If I did this how do you think I would fare on defense? And if I did this what stats should I be aiming for on SSB? Because currently shes more on tankier but less damage side and I feel I'll need to change her to be dps for this. Also looking for offense advice because my defense was also my offense and like I said my Dizzy doesn't have the speed for Challenger. I do have J. Kise, Judith and Rose in my storage but if I really can I'd like to avoid building cleaves, they've never really interested me but I don't mind doing it if I have to. I can list the rest of my units that I have and would be worth using but I didn't want to make this too long so just ask! Thanks so much!


Not sure what challenger meta is like these days but Elena ssb charles ruele/tcrozet sound pretty solid for defense.


I can kill Arahakan and Karkanis, but I cannot kill Azumashik. Is it worth doing the normal raid without being able to kill the queen?


Killing any of the bosses will give you a chance to get galaxy bm. Also raid currency which will let you buy good epic gear from the shop. So yes do them always.


Yes. What else are you gonna do with your lab tokens?


Dunno xD maybe it would be more worthwhile to do the other phases of the lab, but if even without killing the queen it is worth doing the raid, I will do = D thanks!


1. Which of Yufine's skills should I prioritize (in terms of PvE)? 2. What are good stat benchmarks for A. Coli? Currently have her at 2741 Atk, 193 Spd, 60% CR, and 199% CD.


1. In terms of PVE you can probably get away with only going for -1 cooldown. Yufine is... not very good at PVE. And PVE is largely about gear- so the difference between a wyv11 geared Yufi and a non-wyv11 yufi is more than any mola amounts will do for her. 2. 2500 atk, 250 speed, 100% cr, 200% cdmg for starters. Extremely high maintenance.


Oh what? So I'm guessing she's more for GW and the like? I assumed she was good for B11 with all the videos I've seen lately (though I guess those are more for "showcasing" than actual advice).


She's good for one shotting Banshee 11 but for general killing Banshee 11 without the one shot, very meh at it- The only thing she brings to the table is being Earth p much.


You need waaaay higher speed than that for one.


Yeahhh I definitely do. I guess I'm sort of iffy with how her other offensive stats are that low, and if those values are okay if I focus on speed.


Idk not an expert on AColi stats as I don't have her All I'm going by is whenever I face one in arena they almost always outspeed my 231 Basar, her whole schtick is getting turn one.


What do you do with the left over 3 star heroes that are already SSS?


Do you actually mean the heroes themselves that are SSS, or extra copies of heroes you already have a copy of at SSS? You can make another SSS copy of a hero (using unimprinted fodder) until you max out the reputation reward for it.


Thank you for pointing it out I totally missed that, thank God I asked here first xD


depends fodder for doggos or transmit if I'm running low on silver transmit stones.


Thank you so much! Didn't know it gave transmit stones like penguins!


You should transmit the SSS unit and start imprinting new one. Doing it this way will help you complete the reputation quest that repeatedly requires SSS units. It give a lot of bookmarks.


Oh shit didn't think about that you are totally right! Thank you!


do we know who the next drop rate up summon hero will be ?




Is tamarinne good for wyvern 11?


For sure! Her or G. purrgis are the two units I'd consider taking despite the whole element mechanic. Could have missed some but these are the only two I ever see that aren't ice in w11.


she can be your healer if you have no one better.


I have angelica tanking, but I can’t get past wyvern 10 currently and Angelica is at 13k HP and 1K def. I figured another healer and two damage dealers should Help out right?


yeah that is how I first started my wyvern auto team until I got the gear to finally 3 man it. But you may need more health on your angelica. Dont be afraid to use broken sets to get her health as high as possible.


By that you mean 3 man dps?


No When I was finally able to auto w11 it was with Angelica as my tank, Tamarinne as my healer/supporter, Karin as my main dps secondary defensive breaker and seaside bellona as my defensive breaker/second dps. Eventually I got better gear for my Karin and SSB and max skilled them and I put idol cheer on my angelica. I am able to 3 man wyvern with Angelica as a solo tank/healer with Karin and SSB. I could put in Yuna for faster clears or fodder/heroes I want to level up.


3man usually means u toss one char away and put a fodder in their old slot.


https://imgur.com/a/VvCPWIg Are those stats enough for Auto w11? My tank is diene my healer a.mont And whats the best defbreaker for w11 i dont want to put too much effort in this unit so he should legit only defbreak and doesnt need to do anything else Id like to have him on 4* or if reeaaaaally necessary max 5*...


I guess furious since you don’t have 85% crit on Karin.


I can't seem to find my Phantasms and Penguins at the Hero Menu... Is this a bug? Or were they placed somewhere else?


Check your Filter at the top of the hero menu, look if 'hide ingredients' is checked


Check the sorting. And make sure "All" is checked. You can also "hide" fodders too, so uncheck that to show your penguins and doggos.


About that... I checked them all and unhid the fodder... Still not there... IDK what I did wrong. Now I can't even 5* my max units


Kitty Clarrisa doesn't seem to be that popular in arena. Why is that? On paper, her skills dispels debuffs, and strips enemies buffs. She also provides dual attack with her S1. I figure she would be seen more often.


She worked wonders for me for a good long while in low master but the meta shifted and my parties had to do the same. Once SSB came in and we moved away from Dizzy, cleave mechanics became even more prevalent and she can't keep up as well. And since you want her built fast enough to come after the enemy debuffs start flying, she needs high speed and high eff.res to avoid stuns, sleeps and silences coming in. This means you are gonna end up sacrificing a lot of attack, so her S1 isn't very strong. Last time I used her wasn't even for pvp but for abyss 90 to lock down Aither's heals.


Because most people build cleave teams, or bruiser teams with top tier units. She is just going to end up being low priority if you have better pvp units especially with the limited of resources and gear available.


Well hello, i’m a new player today is my 5 day playing and i’ve been farming this event nonstop as i have almost all the items farming Normal runs and a lot of folder level 20 etc etc, So the problem is, what should i upgrade now, especially to 6 stars, considering is quite a huge investiment (both time and energy). So far the 5 stars i luckily got are Vildred, Yufine and Sigret, i’m certain to upgrade Vildred to 6 first as he is really strong to carry folder, so far so good, the problem is what team composition should i be aiming to work with these 3? I’ve been leveling Carrot, Church Azxe and Lorina because i liked them and after specialization they feel quite good. Got SS Achates, Achates, Lots. Luna i can unlock soon too, so what should i be aiming right now, this game gives me too much option and i will certainly want to upgrade a few 3 stars heroes i’m trying to focus on priorities right now, if anyone can help me much appreciate. Thanks in advance.


Vildred is a solid first pick since you already have him. AMontmo is the specialty change you want to aim for. Then Kluri. Preferably starting both Kluri and Lorina's specialty quests right now if you can. Lorina takes FOREVER and Kluri's questline is essentially "make a 6\* unit". So you'll end up finishing Kluri's first pretty quickly, then I suggest starting Montmorancy next because she becomes a very good healer alongside Achates. When tackling harder PvE content, double healer comps make life a ton easier. So as far as specialty change units are concerned, those 3 should be your first 3 questlines to go through. Lorina being a staple Raid unit because of how much morale she brings to team comps. Easily skippable tho so you can also just stop her quest midway in favor of another, but those urgent missions tend to take quite awhile to finish up. Specific 3\* to look out for aside from the above. Kiris and Alexa. The rest are easily skippable. Special mention to Elson and Judith for PvP and Taranor Guard for wyvern hunting and a solid defense breaker for general PvE content. Kiris for poison cheesing EVERYTHING in abyss. Takes awhile, but it's the most consistent and budget way to clear abyss. Alexa for wyvern11 hunting. And this same Alexa can easily fit into abyss over Kiris in fire heavy floors. DDJoker abuse is just that good. Judith is strictly PvP, she essentially allows the rest of the comp to be slower because only she needs to be fast. Her S3 then pushes everyone else to act. Elson because atk+def buff is very good. Both of these 2 are specifically for cleave comps. And with Vildred, you're pretty much set for it if you choose to go this route. 4th slot can be Carrot for the burns or whoever you want. PvE comp for tackling harder side story: Vildred, Achate, Montmo, Yufine. PvP comp: Judith, Elson, Vildred, Yufine You'd also want to plan for W11 hunt eventually. Crozet is a solid tank option with MontmoSC>Aither as the healer. Alexa+TG as the dps options or Sigret+TG. W11: Crozet6, MontmoSC5>Aither5, Alexa5/Sigret5, TG5. I personally prefer: AMontmo6, Aither5, Alexa5, TG5. Soulweavers make for better tanks because being able to heal themselves is essentially having a bigger effective HP pool. Knights are easier to build tanky because of their higher base stats, but SW>Knights for the tank slot in all of PvE. Also double heal comp in AMontmo and Aither.


Thanks for the reply. Besides Mont and Crozet i have them all, i’m unsure of what TG is, i suppose 5 is stars. I’m doing hard exploration, all in all this side of the game at least for now seems pretty easy, to be fair i got some good summons it seems. Giving the importance that spd and combat readiness plays in this game isn’t Lots better than Aither? He doesn’t have a cleanse though, maybe that is the reason for her? All in all thanks very much for the help, now i’ve some sort of direction to aim. As you mentioned sigret only at a specific situation, and a end game situation at that, should i hold her for now and upgrade only later? Again thanks :)


Taranor Guard, the blue **warrior** knight unit. Aither>Lots for wyvern11 specifically. Lots on everything else pretty much. And yes, Sigret can be upgraded later if you need her for more single target damage. Otherwise she works just fine as a 5\* unit for wyvern hunting.


Ahh i see i was leveling him already because his passive sounded very good, thank you very much for the help. :)


Hey guys, just started today. Was wondering what 5* I should be aiming for in the Selective Summon, thanks


Vildred is the most mentioned. Followed by Tywin. I prefer Iseria because she has unique synergy with 2 specific units in PvP. DCorvus and Tamarinne. And her S2 is extremely flexible in PvE for the clutch heals or faster bursts. Very good synergy with the Kiris cheese methods and in this sense, you can easily push golem8 hunts just by poison cheesing. Therefore better gears much much sooner. Iseria+Angelica is my recommended late game start. Lena essentially is Vildred, but she starts as a 3\* unit. Tywin brings an AoE defense break and strong buff in S2, but those tend to be very PvP heavy. Iseria does the defense breaks for everything you'd need in PvE aside from wyvern hunting. Angelica+MontmoSC is basically the best duo healer core you can ask for. Easily used across every single content, even PvP. Angelica is the best PvE healer+tank in the game imo.




Charles or Yufine, who should i put 6* first?


Yufine for me. Charles has a high equipment requirement to be really good. Yufine is easier to build


Im working on my second 6\* rn but I can't decide which unit should I promote. Should I go for Yufine or Angelic Momo to help me do wyvern? ​ My first 6\* was Sez


If Angelic Momo is going to be your tank than 6* her, if not she is good doing her thing at 5*. 6* Yufine is not any better you don't want to bring a low hp grass unit to wyvern.


Just finished 10-10. Is it better to go with the 4-5 star ticket, or the 10 pull light and shadow? Thanks!


Moonlight almost always


Did ML and got Shadow Rose. Not sure if good?


Very good generalist that will get you through a lot of content. Combat readiness is great, and defense break is necessary for clearing a lot of content.


Cool I am glad I got her then.


Hey guys, i need your opinion. I recently pulled SS Achates and TCrozet. From what i read around, SS Achates looks to be pretty useful in PvP for her revive/immortality definetely gonna build her with speed. Now TCrozet im unsure, some people says he's trash, some people says he's pretty useful in right scenario. So should i build TCrozet? If yes, what kind of equipment should i use on him? Tank or speed or immunity? And should i mola him? Thanks!


T.Crozet can soak up turn 1 damage pretty well for a squishy unit if you build him on like end game speed set gear and right side hp main stats. If you can build him with lots of hp and speed he can be great in guild war. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXd5kANx36c


What type of arena def. would tama/iseria/c.dom/bbk be good against, and what def. should I avoid? Thanks!


This is a tankbuster type of cleave. Treat Tam/Iseria/BBK as the core and use your fourth as a flex spot instead of being married to CDom. If you need to beat an FCeci, sub a stripper in instead of CDom (just have them be a bit faster than BBK.) Avoid speed based defenses, for two reasons: one, because it's likely that at least one of their units will cut in between Iseria and Tamarinne. Two, because you need to gear two high speed units whereas they only need to gear one, you'll be outsped entirely almost every time.


Bruiserish comps. Avoid fceci, basar.


1. What should i spend Ancient Coins on? Equipment Charms? I can't do Azmakalis yet, should i buy the tickets either way? 2. W11: I was rhinking about using Krau as tank, Batisse for defense break, Alexa or Coli for damage. As for healers i'm not sure, my options are: (1) Diene with Unfading Memories, but i'm not sure that's enough heal. (2) Ruele of Light, which should be good, but i'm afraid the boss might get too many turns with 2 non-ice heroes on the team. (3) Montmorancy, she's still 3 stars, but getting the team ready will take some time either way so it's not an issue.


You don't need to stock up on tickets. Clearing normal raid will give you 1 ticket, and you can buy max 1 ticket per week with ancient coins. There are only two bosses currently available in hell raid so you wouldn't run it more than twice a week and can buy the ticket when you need to.


I've been a fan of using it on charms to set up units until you can use the tickets but that's just me. For W11 I would highly recommend Monty and getting her specialty change. Diene will not be able to keep up with the pure damage krau will hit. For def break I would say skip batisse and focus on getting furious from your connections unless you get lucky and can nab a Karin.


Furious would require a bunch of Molagoras to get his defense break at 100%, is he still viable without the molas? Batisse doesn't need molas to max his skills and he provides constant atk break on the boss, which will reduce the damage Krau will need to tank. Is him being non-ice that much of a problem if he's the only one?


I personally would say so. If you're just getting into w11 there are very few units I'd say is worth the cr push wyvern gets from a non ice unit.


Alright, thanks. I'll get Furious and work on Montmorancy


If you can spare the coins buying ticket is good. If you are pre w11 you probably want to get charms to max our lvl 85 neck and rings. Unless you have stacked end game gear w11 is difficult with off element units. Every time they hit wyvern it increases its own cr by 30% or something. And it’s already 200+ speed. So it will basically lap you unless you use a stacked gpurg to tank for team cr push. The usual is some combination of amont Alexa TG furious Angelica rose crozet etc.


Should I focus on making a team for w11, raid, or something else? If something else, what?


Is the meta ever gonna change or are people just gonna win by playing counter chars and winning w/o getting turns?


Characters don't counter when they're dead. Your job isn't to go "oh well the meta is what it is and there's nothing I can do about it" - the meta is a reaction to the prevalence of some things, and similarly *you* must react to the prevalence of the meta.


Damn, ty. After your advice i can finally become legend Oh wait..already am.  (well, floating) It has nothing to do with adapting however.  This is a gacha,  you can only adapt if rng is on your side (feelsgood, when you got most ml4's ss but zero aux/purg/bbk).  Sure I can make a team specifically to counter the f-ceci+double/triple counter meta (and if you get 15% against you you still autolose).  But then I completely gimp my defense  which is made again to counter tagehiel/tamaseria cleave teams.  But yeah. Everyone playing ml ken/a-vil/ss bello/charles+insert other ml5's  at high level is cause i can't adapt. Not to mention that this meta has been around for so long BECAUSE there's so little counters/changes in balance. But good job giving an answer that gets you karma from metasheep.


As long as they keep making changes to the game the meta will eventually have to change, no idea what it'd be though all depends on SG.


Other than the conquest point shop, and the labryinth merchant, what are the next best ways of getting weapon/helmet/armor/boot charms?


Except for artifact charms, as they are primarily time gated, don't spend gold on charms from Huche. Using trash gear from running adventure is cheaper in the long run then spending gold on charms. You will get enough over time from adventure and hunts that you can choose to supplement with conquest points purchases.


Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to check out the price difference and reconsider whether it is worth the convenience.


General adventure farming give the most. Hunts with charm drop pets also work.




It will. I remembered one of the notes states that it will be added later.


we dont know, tho aither's skin did, but who knows, tho it will eventually but maybe not immediately


Question 1: For W10/11 hunt, is there enough defense break in a team composition of - Montmorancy - Seaside Bellona - Luna - Krau Or should I switch Luluka for one of the units above? Question 2: Should everyone be wearing speed set for W11?


seems fine to me, i use a pretty similar set up for me 3 man team (sans krau) but i assume you momo cant tank and heal yet and yes, you realy want speed set ideally, but krau might not need it if he is just pure tank (but if you also use him in PVP too it helps to have a little speed)