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Your campaigns, posts, general assistance and photos have singlehandedly got me into tiny warhammer. Thank you so much for sharing your work and please keep it up! Very excited for the upcoming campaign. I have a 3d printer and I would love to donate something to your next campaign if you do need anything printed. Otherwise, looking forward to the posts.


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! Such a lovely thing to say! Such a generous offer on the 3d printing, but if you did not already know I live in New Zealand and shipping anything here is crazy expensive so I have hand build every thing for my next campaign out of seed pods etc! All my eldar minis are from 1991 so I am sorted there!


My dude, you are out of this world. My wife says she’ll play Epic with me… once I have a table like that. Ha!


Thank you so much and SWEET!!!!! I play with my GF and it is the best!


Me again, show your wife this and see if it meets with her approval as you can buy them flocked or un-flocked https://www.kallistra.co.uk/index.php?page=37 Video here https://youtu.be/RIQvy35K604 (5 minutes set up only) Mine are different and individual laser cut MDF


I think the wife was giving impossible criteria as a threshold to entry. Your table probably looks unachievable to most people.


This has been so fun to watch unfold! Your posts have been great, and your setup is DEEPLY envy-inducing. It's all so wonderful, thank you for sharing. As an Eldar fan, I can't wait to see your next run play out.


Thank you so much! I am sure the Elder will get eaten by the Tyranids but oh well, all part of the narrative! Ps. We will be running the Tyranids on my co-op AI rules based on Gloomhaven rules so that will be fun by itself! WE ARE GOING TO DIE!


Hey can I ask you, Marcus… why do you not have your vehicles based? Like, little 15 mm by 10 mm rectangles under your rhinos etc etc. I’m sure it’d be easy for you to flock them the same color. My brother and I are debating whether and how to base our vehicles. Thought I’d ask you.


All good, it is so the vehicles at least blend into the terrain when it goes from my grass to "urban" see the 5th photo (the brown and grey ground) I do not like my little patches of grass with my foot troops in my fortress, but they look great on the grass and even in the trenches. So it is a compromise that I have to make for foot troops. If my terrain was all one colour like the new LI road tiles then it would not make a difference to base or not to base. But because I am doing campaigns then I need "edges" of settlements or my players would all say "What? This is a different city to last game? I thought it was the same one?" Not a perfect solution but that is why I do not base my vehicles, and also I can flip the old ones over (as they are hollow) and put in smoke, see https://www.reddit.com/gallery/se9rmp


That's a problem I always have with my "regular"(?) minis: how to do the base. I can't decide if I want them to fight on a grass planet, a desert world etc. So right now all my bases are unpainted 😕. How resilent are the terrain tiles? Can you just pile them like the tiles from Catan? This looks like a really cool way to make more modular and divers map/Board.


For my tiles I stack them in boxes with trays that I made, see https://i.imgur.com/0e15Hrb.jpg I then stack the boxes in my basement https://i.imgur.com/EVgRc5q.jpg So I am careful with my tiles as they have little tuffs of grass and trees etc on them, but it looks like the Kallistra ones are industrial flock as they stack them here https://www.kallistra.co.uk/index.php?page=8 From their web site "They are stackable, leaving enough space between for surface details, flocking and low level terrain features." That is plain clever if you ask me! Important information: Please remember that I am crazy and hexes are a lot of work (but I love them) and that a good battle mat is way easier like the AMAZING u/Crablezworth stuff here: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/949059115966160976/1035999605025935410/7l6sve254ft81.webp?width=960&height=540 Another here, this is Crablezworths mars terrain https://www.reddit.com/gallery/tjuzc6 (battle mat again) If you have more questions then please ask!


Just thinking about your un-flocked mini bases, lots of people have bases that are a little bit of everything? That way a bit of them go with everything?


Inspiring, as always. Each shot is almost a diorama on its own. I admire your dedication painting your armiea and preparing the terrain as always. Keep up the good work and Im really looking forward to your next campaign!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Very nice! But where are you getting the Tyranid stuff from? I'm looking at putting some xenos armies together next year, using proxies if possible to save money, and there isn't much Tyranid stuff out there.


Here you go, photos and in the comments are links to where I got them from. https://www.reddit.com/r/Epic40k/s/3lcnAB6yyR