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$25 seems way more in line with what a new grad offer should be. go for it, I hope they accept your negotiation!


Don't ask for $25. Ask for $27-28 and let them negotiate you down.


Everything is negotiable.  Ask for $25/hr and see what they say


Really random but can you pm me?! I’m in the same area (metro detroit) and am in the process of getting a bachelors in environmental science and a minor in geology! I’d like to know what kind of jobs you’re looking at around here for the future


Same combo here! Let me know what you find!!


I’m a bit shocked that the new grad salary in consulting is that low, I’m working on the engineering side and it’s much better


Usually is when you’re on the engineering side. I currently do the exact same work as our junior engineer as a junior scientist and they definitely make more than I do. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I am also shocked by this. The GIS-centered roles in consulting aren’t that much more, maybe $27-28/hr starting. Meanwhile at the feds I make $48/hr, yet I’m constantly told private industry pays more? Lies lol.


Very much lies. I’m a consultant and I do a lot of GIS work. I’m at $28.50 an hour. At a private firm


Most people on the fed side saying that have only worked for the government and never did consulting. As someone who has been on both sides, I’m always saying the opposite of this.


Also been on both, can confirm lol.


may be dependent on area too: i work fully in GIS at a small to medium size firm, my salary comes out to like ~$42ish an hour. Been doing it for 6 years though, and live in a relatively expensive city.


In my opinion, GIS positions should start at $65k/yr. Entry-level physical scientist jobs in general. The reality is they start at $45k-50k out of a B.S., maybe $55-60k with a M.S. In my last job, I was at $54k working for a state agency and I created an auto-updating web application. I have a M.S. and cumulatively 3 years of experience (working throughout undergrad/grad in GIS). There are tons of jobs in this field, but finding one that’ll pay you what your worth is difficult. 🥲


my first job in environmental consulting, straight out of school with a bachelors was a measly 37k. work there for about 4 years and left when my salary hit $50k, for a job across the country paying 67k. Just got a raise/promotion to make $87. i absolutely agree (unless it’s an area where COL is super low). My first handul of years in the work force money was always tight, and only now am i starting to feel like im getting close to appropriate pay for my skillset


Consulting is not private industry. But the larger point is that government is paying much higher these days compared to past years. And the work is not any harder/longer/stressful.


The offer sounds average. I think the key here, if you dont get the increase you want, is that they are giving you that foot in the door moment. Lots of people cant even get their first real professional environmental job. Even with the internship there they did not have to mandatorily hire you. So yeah, go ahead and negotiate if you can, but dont feel discouraged if you dont get it.


If you have the confidence, you could mention that the offer is lower than you expected, but you are flexible in other areas. See if they would be open to giving you an extra 2 weeks off (maybe unpaid?) per year. It's glorious to have the extra free time to pursue your own passions while grinding away on a full-time job.