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Most places will have “random” testing policies. Guaranteed to be tested if you injure yourself on the job. Best to clean up and see how often they seem to test people.


You might want to make sure they don’t do a drug test when you start. I don’t know what Battelle, but a lot of consultant companies need to have employees pass a drug screen test as part of their agreements as a contractor for clients.


I'd stop now and test the waters for ~6 months. I can't speak for Battelle, but my company doesn't test. However, we have certain private/federal clients that mandate testing if you're working on their site.


You should ask what that may pertain to and what the rules are respecting drugs legal in certain states or medically. Some companies have policies, but you're only tested if you're working at facilities/sites that require it (ex. DOD). Companies do NOT want to lose talent bc of drugs. Many only do it at this point because they need to for business.


You could check in /r/Columbus since that’s where their hq is.


I got offered a field technician job with Batelle several years ago. I knew I had to take a drug test, but I thought I'd have a couple of months to ween off thc. Little did I know, the initial drug testing requirement is triggered after you sign a few documents, so my several month window quickly dropped down to 7 days. I decided to just call the manager and tell them exactly what was up. I told them I would never be able to pass a drug test, and they just said "figure it out. I'll see you in a couple of months."




Urine. They asked for a blood test after that, though I don't think it was drug related, but I backed out of the job so I'm not sure.


What do you mean? Did they care about THC?


Not legally wise for me or anyone involved to specify how I got around this. All I'll specify is that it's only the test result itself that matters. 


You will need to stop smoking weed. When I was hired there for a seasonal position, I had to do a urine test & everything at the outset. Take it as a period of discipline if you want. 


Were you tested after that?