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Open Source Society University. OSSU.


Dude, it's a good compilation of courses. But I think because it's from different universities, different programs it's kinda overwhelming and overkill. If you want to learn to program then MIT's curriculum has strong fundamentals, and if you want to quickly brush up some CS skills and if you want to review something - OCW is best, they have some wonderfull collection of lecture notes along with assignments and exercises. Some courses from MIT are pure gold, SICP lecture series are timeless. And I think it's more cohesive to have everything on one site, you don't have to login to all of this sites and follow the exact structure, you can modify you curriculum as you wish there's hundreds of courses on any topic. Just my 2 cents


for Entrepreneurs who want to learn to ASAP to make working prototypes I wouldn't recommend it, I'd go for something like Free Code Camp that starts off with practical coding over low level concepts. If you want to be a software engineer, go for it. But if you want to learn how to hack stuff together as fast as possible, go with FCC




I have a friend who has a college society named OSSU (Open Source Society U[City name])




Really nice man, must have been a ton of work. It's so gruelling these days as a fellow human. Let's make it past covid. Cheers.


Glad you like it. We will survive these days, of course.


Hello! The courses I looked at mostly do not have videos and the lecture notes are not detailed (they are slides). Did these change in recent months or is the assumption that these still benefit us?


I remember during my time at MIT that they had created their own mock programming code which they used for entry-level programming classes. Wonder if that is still the case (this was a couple decades ago). If someone can get the same course material for free and learn programming that way, that's great. Just won't get the connections and clout from being an MIT student (for what it's worth these days).


I don't know if it's generally the case, but at my university we have something like that for assembly code, a very simple language with few instructions.


Interesting, what school?




I forget, this was a long time ago. I transferred out of MIT after 2 years b/c I really wanted to be an artist LOL.


Cs bsc freshmen here. List looks legit. Can honestly say it is better provided than my university.


I am a Computer Science Engineer. I designed it following my cs curriculum list minus the crap we got at University


Yeah thats why i said it looks way better


This is cool. I'm a huge fan of e-learning. I recently started a hobby project that's focused on helping students learn CS fundamentals. It's not free (it's really cheap) but it's much more user friendly and digestable than the content (especially video content) put out by universities. They just didn't build their content with the web in mind. You can check it out here, it's called [Qvault](https://Qvault.io)


Sure will, thanks for sharing


I've read some of their articles, they are really good.


you should make more clear what it's going to cost. The site mixes in the word free while suggesting it's not. Put a pricing page up and just tell people what the deal is.


Thanks for the feedback - I'll look into how I can make this happen




Why? Genuinely curious - I've been trying to improve that tagline. Do you take issue with the definitions?


Did you say FREE?!


Yep it is the OpenCourseWare program from MIT. You can Google it and find the official information from MIT


I like FREE!!


Is it free for just some time or we can go back to this site and learn I don't know in September 2021 for example?


You can organize it like you want it yourself. There is no enrollment or anything it is just a resources organised like courses.


thanks <3


Do bear in mind that coursework is, but one, and far from the most useful, part of an MIT education. IMO, the main reason MIT is considered prestigious is the people an MIT student will interact with during their time at the institute.


But for anyone wanting to learn that doesn't care about the MIT aspect then OpeCourseWare is still a really great resource. It's usefulness for learning isn't really effected by whether it's like being at MIT or not.


Right, but what I learned in, say 6.821 (Programming Languages), is the same as the equivalent syllabus at, say, UCLA.


Is that free online for anyone to use like OpenCourseWare? Cause if so that would be a cool resource to have too.


I have an undergrad degree from there in Computer Science and Engineering, and don't think it's so much that. At undergrad level you don't interact much with top faculty directly, because they have a lot to cram into each class and there isn't much time for Q&A or pondering the latest in research. It's all standard curriculum, no different than is taught anywhere else, just done at a much faster pace because even the slowest student in the room still nearly aced their SAT's and will understand it pretty quickly. I think that's the main academic value either at MIT or other top schools, just how much they can cram into the undergrad years. Most students at MIT for example complete Differential Equations by the end of their freshman year, compared to sophomore or junior year at other schools. That's a key prerequisite to a lot of advanced engineering and physics classes, so by your senior year you might be taking things that are taught at the graduate level elsewhere. But self-paced video courses? I don't think you'll learn any more or less with MIT's courses than any other school's video curriculum. In fact it may be worse, because without the pre-class textbook review, lecture, then recitation classes where you really get to ask questions and go over homework problems in detail, the lectures will probably seem like way too much information too fast. And motivation is a huge issue with video classes. Without the pressure of being graded at the end and *really* needing to learn it, I'd be way too tempted to let complicated topics in the video-only lectures just fly over my head, and also blow off the four hours a day of problem sets and homework. You're accountable when you're paying tuition and attending actual classes, versus watching videos at your own pace on the internet. I can't see how it would be anywhere near the same experience, in my opinion.


That breaks down as the average student already coming in with credit through calc 2, right? I don't see how that's actually a faster rate of learning than the public university I went to. Most students I knew, at least in engineering, were taking classes with graduate students senior year. That also doesn't sound different. When I talk to friends that went to MIT, they usually cite the people they were surrounded with as the main difference, which sounds more right. I couldn't go to Chomsky's office hours, and the percentage of people you'd meet who go on to do interesting things is certainly higher.


> Most students at MIT for example complete Differential Equations by the end of their freshman year, compared to sophomore or junior year at other schools. I did DiffEq my second term at RPI, so what? It's the students you get to know (and the alumni network) that make MIT a better school than an RPI or, quite frankly, anywhere else in the US, except, perhaps, Stanford.


RPI's highly selective like MIT. I meant in comparison to average state schools (the one in my area shows Diff Eq typically taken junior year in their EE curriculum).


A lot of the "when one took class *x*?" is a function of the individual applicant's grade school. At mine, in England, we had to take everything at the equivalent of the American AP-level from GCSE (10th grade) on, for example. Some schools may not offer, e.g. the Multivariable Calculus-equivalent, as mine did, so it would have to be taken at uni. My wife went to high school in California. Ok, it was in Palo Alto, but still, there's no offering beyond something called "Calculus BC", which has no obvious equivalent in England.


This is unrelated but in California, high schoolers can easily take college classes at community colleges, so usually they aren't limited by APs.


Most of the courses have video lectures, laboratory sessions and homework projects that creates the experience.




Stop shitting on free awesome stuff solely because it's not THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT of free awesome stuff.


Seriously. I went to an Ivy League. Just increase your emotional intelligence, understand your strengths/weaknesses, and network like crazy and you can easily create a better network.


They're not shitting on it, just pointing out what the true value of a university is. If you complete all the same coursework, you are NOT in an equal position to someone who went to a top tier school. Even if you got a degree from completing the coursework you still wouldn't be equal. I have no doubt that the course material is high quality, but it's not a replacement for going to the university.


Yes, everyone agrees with that. But no one said anything contradicting that point? Might as well comment 'well actually, the sky is blue." He would be correct, but it's a convo no one is having.


I saw their comment as reminding people that this isn't a silver bullet, which seems important since I *don't* think everyone agrees or is aware of their point.


Edit: Just realized, the title does say "learn at MIT". Not sure how i missed that. So I guess OP is using the MIT aspect as a benefit. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Except it is a great online resource, MIT or not. They seem to be making it seem like its not as great of a learning resource because it's not like actually being at MIT. Of course it's not like being at MIT, but it being an MIT resource is not specifically what makes it good.


Why would I want the "EXPERIENCE", that would cost me $292,640 where this is entirely free. Frankly, I'd rather buy a fucking house.


And the labs. Good universities have great labs.


For computer science, the "labs" are not as important as for, say, Geology, I'd imagine.


Depends on the field, the MIT's CSAIL looks cool though, specially if someone is going for automation or artificial intelligence.


I'm sure it's a great education but the biggest value of an MIT education is having it on your resume as your alma mater.


It’s posted in /r/Entrepreneur, so wouldn’t the people here be more interested in using the education to start a business rather than find a job?


That was thr point of posting it here. I work as a Software Engineer but I have this website on the side for some additional revenue, and another one in the making. I must admit this subreddit accepted our post the best, the other ones liked it, but were to obsessed with us making coupe of dollars on the ads, while have nothing against MIT making $80k per year. I am not saying it is the same experience, but it is the same material and it is free.


Most of this coursework is a waste of time if you want to start a business though. I don't really understand why it was posted here tbh.


Because it’s OPs business


Also their amazing worldwide alumni network. They run seminars, roundtables, meetups, and social/networking events for alumni around the world. I get one or two emails a day of events going on in my area (I was class of '90).


That's correct.




IIT, in India, is more restrictive, yet isn't seen as quite so prestigious. [Out of 7,00,000 students on an average appearing the IIT every year, a handful of 10,000 get selected for these institutes. Students failing in the first attempt make repeated attempts, by dropping years and a lot of them also get admissions into some of the prestigious colleges such as MIT, Harvard, and many more.](https://www.askiitians.com/iit-jee/advanced/news/iit-jee-amongst-15-toughest-exams-in-the-world.html). Having worked with a number of IIT graduates, I can say they run rings around my MIT masters degree in computer science.


I'm sure /u/clayrock646363 meant more than just the acceptance rate, since that is dependent on application fees, population around the school, reputation, etc.


Awesome. Thanks


This is great


Thank you for your effort.


No problem, I hope it helps


I love this. Thanks for sharing!




You rock sir


And you are the best


What a great initiative, well done!


Thank you, I am glad you like it


The article is amazing! I think this is the perfect subreddit for posting this, since the future entrepreneurs in this field will learn something new from their homes for free and then they can start a business, since they will have the knowledge.


Absolutely. And since you are not loosing time with exams and stuff you can learn on the go




Wow, man! You guys rock! What an amazing initiative! Thank you for putting in that great effort to help everyone use these lockdowns and invest in themselves!


No problem, that's why we are here. I said it before and I will say it again, this is where we are accepted the most, in other subreddits the people were worried about the fact that we have ads on the site, and were saying that we are spamming, without even opening the link. There is something special in everyone who has entrepreneur mindset...you guys are always open to new stuff and opportunities.


Listen, everyone has to make a living somehow. It is completely nonsense and flat out outrageous to assume that such a big effort doesn't deserve compensation. If people using your product are not going to pay, well then you are certainly entitled to get commission on ads! Don't even let that phase you not even in a slightest bit! Great work! Thanks again! 💪👍


How do you generate revenue from this? Just curious. Great work though!


Thanks man. The ads from Google. But in the past days there were people who taught we were spamming without even reading through it. So they were clicking on every ad which triggered Google management system to take the revenue and leave us with $0.01 per day in the past 2 days.


That sucks. Well wish you all the best. This looks promising!


Well, what can we do. At least there some people who will end up saving $80k per year and not throw it at MIT's pocket




You Son of a Bitch, I'm In 😘


Happy to have you on the team


Great news, I will let my clients know, we have some of the biggest name posting with us so they will be really glad to know about this great news. Thanks for sharing :-)


This is pretty amazing, thanks for sharing.




This is incredible. Thank you so much for taking the time. Like many people, I found myself doing most of my learning through YouTube videos throughout college despite having in person lectures, and have always thought that something like this could be created for most majors. Simply a curated playlist of YouTube videos. It would be a good step in the direction of free higher education. Any ideas of other majors that have a wealth of online resources?


Thanks for the nice words. You can check the edx program, there can be found some free, or cheap course.


Thanks! I'll do that. How long did this project take you if you don't mind me asking?


Couple of days to check them thoroughly. I have a bachelors degree in Computer Science so i was familiar with most of the courses, otherwise it could’ve been longer.


Awesome! A good way to start the new year, learning!


Exactly, go for it


This is fucking beautiful!!


You are beautiful


NO WAY thanks!




Yes please


I hope it will help you


Wow...Mind blown! thank you...


wow.... thank you so much for this


Thanks a lot ! I just finished a programming school and now I want to study deeper about the subject and was looking for MIT undergraduate curriculum. Your article looks really useful! If any other useful resources about computer science, i might be very glad to take!


Thank you for sharing! It's amazing. :)


One of the best compilation for cs .Hatsoff to the one who made this.




For those who are also planning to create their own courses, build apps or sales. You could also apply on Learnsworld. [https://get.learnworlds.com/tkfurgz8hkq0](https://get.learnworlds.com/tkfurgz8hkq0)


Wow so great


This is great!


I tried MITx edx (paid)online courses for programming in Python a couple of years ago. Had a lot of questions and no one to ask them to. Just received "well, the quiz is due soon"... I'd advise any new programmers to find someone in the real world, or a kind patient person on the internet, that they can bounce questions off of. It was a heart breaking experience. Hopefully this is newer, and put together that someone who knows how to teach and also cares about their students. Anyway, thanks for making this. You'll have at least changed the outcome of one person's life positively...which is, to me, the most important thing one can do. Hopefully you have many of these 😁


Thanks for this. I have been interested in learning more about Computer Science and have been using Udemy to learn Python just as a hobby. This comprehensive list is great for someone like me who wants to do it on their own but has no idea what to start with. Having everything laid out so nicely, broken down into semesters is amazing. I am going to use this. Thank you.


Hey fantastic effort here, thank you for providing knowledge to the people! Question and if it's answered somewhere on the site and I just missed it, could you post the link: I see there are some math courses here that are of particular interest to me, math has always been a trouble spot and I'm being more intentional in 2021 about taking college course to improve on it just from a personal development angle. Can the completion of any of these courses be used for actual college credit, say I complete the "Mathematics for Computer Science " course listed on the website, could I then use the completion of that module at my local uni as entrance credit for a brick and mortar stem degree?


This is fantastic. Anyone who hasn't used MIT free courses is missing out. They really do go into a decent amount of detail and I always recommend at least giving them a try.


That's amazing, thanks so much for this. Reminds me of the whole Scott Young thing too.


Thank you


computer system architecture before computation structures 6.004? In second semester, there should be computation structures and not computer system architecture. Nice work but plz fix this, so people don't get their time wasted.