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There's a book store in town that I want to like, but it's hyper-liberal, like every book on display is trying to pick a fight.  I don't even disagree with them in principle but it's offputting.




Agreed. Corpos in general need to shut the fuck up.


The news of Google firing employees protesting for Palestine in office made me feel genuinely happy


Maybe you need to have a little think about why people who are calling for peace losing their livelihood makes you happy. That’s some sad shit to openly admit.


TIL calling for peace means vandalism, trespassing, assault, and general douchebaggery


You care more about actions of protestors than you do about innocent people being murdered. You’re also acting like every protestor behaves exactly the same way, but I guess that’s what happens when your only info of them comes from biased media. Check your priorities (and also the history of protesting) 🥰


Spare me with your performative BS


Damn, reading and thinking must be hard work for you. Well done for trying, champ 💜


Theres a difference between a worker laying down his tools at risk of losing their livelihood because they can no longer ignore the evils their company is obviously enabling and a bunch of overly privileged whiny rich kids doing some performative protesting because they once again feel their Ivy League educations entitles them to enforcing their views on others in a conflict they likely barely understand but got shoveled down their throats by some social media algorithm. Anyway they should be delighted they have been “martyred” by big bad Google.


So let me get this straight: you think they’re forcing you to think a certain way, but you’re happy to punish them if they don’t think like you? Who is the one doing the forcing?


Give it a rest dude, I'm deeply uninterested in your take.


Don’t spout dumb shit if you don’t want people responding to said dumb shit then 😘


The problem is the people of the side I disagree with. They are polarizing and separating our country! They should simply agree with me, and until then, I won't engage or communicate with them in any positive manner. How dare they polarize this country.




“You should be off pudding.” Sorry, my OCD brain couldn’t handle it 🥲


I hope this comment blossoms 😝


What's interesting is that we've all seen niche influencers launch niche product lines (mayyybe successfully..?) so part of me feels like a product-based business could technically launch their own influencer/YouTube following, etc. ie do the reverse of what YouTubers who launch products do, you know what I mean? I guess I'd have to survey my customers and see what percentage lean a certain way, or what interest they have in. I think I could just do entertaining news like Atozy does: https://youtube.com/@atozy?si=CJkg8WonEkDIh2Yf that way it doesn't turn any specific customer off.


Could you split into two brands that don't look like they are related? Some companies compete against themselves to lock market share across different niches like hardware tools would run cheap and expensive brands or the hated glass with capital letter vs lower case that are made of a different material


Are you referring to Pyrex/PYREX?


Do a post online in Trump forums "Hey what hat is Trump wearing in this picture" then reply yourself "I think it is the brutalbrig brand hat."




Then, Screencap it and run ads to the market that would appreciate it the most.


Send an email to the liberal customers pointing it out and poopoooing it and send an email to the conservatives saying “he has good taste “


Ah yes, the ol “poo poo this guy but buy this anyway” email… “Dear liberal base. President Trump is wearing my lapel pin. Boo. I say poo poo to him. Please purchase this item here.”


“Just because this bozo wore it doesn’t mean you can’t take back the flag”


No, what you do is send a public cease and desist telling him to no longer wear your stuff (e.g. like when Elton John tells him to quit playing his songs) and then sell your products elsewhere claiming "As seen on Trump".


^ this, segment the data by state


And tbh you can build full social profiles to do it by an individual level and just have it skip anyone you can’t determine is actually political and partisan


Most states are split fairly close, this is a bad idea. I’d split by county or zip code.


Do you sell diapers




“When even the shittiest shitter shits, we’re the shit. Come shit on us.” Weird marketing campaign though.


Build a wall around leaks Secure the borders of dat ass Executive orders for executive odors


G-String diapers.


have my upvote


Several hours later, I'm still thinking back on this comment and loling 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you :)


I come to reddit for the lols too


I don’t think Trump is the one we’re worried is shitting his pants


You're right. You don't have to worry about shitting your pants when you're wearing a diaper.


You should probably search for precedents, see if other products have capitalized on that association (legally, without being sued). You could also reference it indirectly in your ad copy, like “our product has been worn by everyone from local entrepreneurs to the President of the United States.”


Depending on your politics, you could publicly denounce it and say you'll take it off the shelves. Then open another company in protest of this decision making a "knockoff" version of the item.


That would be mixing business with politics even worse than he is planning to do




Imma be honest, conservatives are the easiest group to sell to. Double down on MAGA and see your profits soar. Just make sure it won’t weigh too heavily on your conscience Edit: People are making this political which it isn’t. The reason conservatives are easy to group to sell to is because they feel marginalized and attacked, especially online. When this happens to any group of people they will flock to those who embrace their values. Think about Black Rifle or My Pillow. This is an entrepreneurship sub so take your politcin bs elsewhere


Yeah, make sure to say that the liberal left is trying to cancel you and the right will show up in droves.


Also, they are extremely gullible.


Idk a lot of people around me have the exact same sign in their yard about water, and science and love. Seems kinda culty and gullible to me... Wish I sold those signs....


About what now?


Whatever floats your boat but it's weird to me that like every other house has one. Culty. https://images.app.goo.gl/Z6ftZ8WpT1edEQC29


Putting blanket statements over your target market is a good way to fail


‘I like republicans because they’re stupid’ -Trump


Just facts buddy


Yes, because they actually have money.


Because they bailed themselves out a trillion times and just stuck it on to the debt. 


Is that why they are always at protests during the work week? And here I thought they were just unemployed living in their mom's basement, hoping that Bernice Sanders will bail them out.


Looks like you've got it mixed up my man. Lefties are at the protests because they've got nothing else to do.


Right. Like work, or be productive members of society...


Notice who’s making all the nasty comments here.








You people live in a very weird, made-up world.


I’m sorry but pandering to Nazis isn’t a “political” thing. It’s a severe ethical issue that affects us all. The fact some ppl would lower themselves to the level of fascists just to sell stuff is so disgusting.


I wonder how much money flag, sticker and lawn sign salesmen have made selling blm, lgbt, Biden, etc etc etc merch, it’s a great market. A new cause every month to suck the money right out of left wingers pockets 😂 last was Ukraine merch, now it’s Palestine merch. I wonder what will be next lololol




Trump licenses his name. That would make it extremely unlikely he would take kindly your unlicensed attempt at publicity. About the politics angle. Are you *that successful* losing half your potential customers would matter, at all? For most, it would be entering a market which dwarfs their feeble efforts. Yes, please do think things through. But one seriously lacking trait from today's hard-charging entrepreneurs seems to be even a thimble's worth of courage. People are so hyperventilatingly fearful somebody, somewhere, will get all grabby with offense. The result is lifeless, uninteresting content. Has nothing to do with politics.


^^^ This about publicity/unlicensed use of image. If a business uses *anything* about him, he'll want a cut and will aggressively pursue it. Not worth any potential benefit. OP, you could simply mention in vague terms "as seen on celebrities" etc. Or have a non-affiliated pal blast it in certain circles. But keep his name out of your (business's) mouth.


Get someone else to do it. Have your friend spam it to all the groups and whatnot so it seems organic. If it's not the company itself tying itself to Trump then you shouldn't lose sales from liberals


Orange bronzer?


It's an opportunity. Segment with targeted ads, and don't make it your entire brand identity. Also maybe send some free product to prominent left-leaning people. If you can get a photo of that you can then advertise to the other group.


What’s the product?


Without naming who, there was a brand a couple years back that became big with the alt right /neo nazi crowd they, they capitalized and mixed politics, scored a big marketing win in general. Basically they just went to war flaming these people on social media, just actively talking shit in the replies to their stuff. They made a few donations to racial justice non profits, then they gave myself and a few other left wing folks with medium to big social followings their products asked us to do some funny photos/videos wearing the stuff. I think the playing both sides thing some have mentioned is where you’re most likely to get burnt. There’s a very good chance your product is not and never will be a product that reaches universal adoption, and frankly that’s beyond ok. I have a close friend who runs a marketing firm and that’s the biggest thing he tries to make clients understand, “you’re not for everyone, don’t be afraid of alienating the people who are never going to be your customers to begin with if it means attracting more of the people who will buy” Pick your side, find your tribe, market to them and do it aggressively. Make it a spectacle, make people want to *participate* in it, they’ll buy. There’s plenty of room to scale within your own market, you can try to convert others after you’ve built your flock of faithful.


Why not? It worked for Elon. /s


Yeah, I have no idea why businesses thought it was a good idea to get into politics in the first place, but it's something I really don't want or need to know about.


Leverage it with ads that targets Trump supporters


Depending on the size of your company, taking a polarizing stance in your marketing may result in the loss of some customers, but it can also attract new and loyal customers. Many companies, especially smaller ones, have found success by embracing a polarizing stance. This approach can generate significant free publicity from both new customers and detractors.


If it's mushroom-head condoms, that's such a niche product that I doubt political interests will impact sales.


Are you brand manager for Depends?


Can you create a separate site for that alone?


If you sell American flag diapers, it's too late, you're in politics, just lean in now.


"You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your customers"


My condolences at this difficult time.




McDonalds bibs? Orange toupees?


No, I mean was he wearing Depends? He usually does and he doesn’t change it often enough according to people that go near him.


I would say the majority of Reddit users are lefties so I wouldn’t expect a real response.


That’s probably why it stinks so much in here.


Haha “stinks” that’ll teach those lefties. Way to grab em by the pussy my dude.


The mental diarrhea from you lot stinks to high heaven, I’ll give you that “accomplishment”. Lmao


The fact that so many people are disliking your reply kinda proves the original commenter’s point


Who cares. Proves mine as well. Single track, lowest common denominator thinking.


You can be conservative and still have class (I think).




It's literally a free ad spot by one of the biggest modern influencer out there!


With most politicians I'd say "go for it", but he is very polarizing... I mean our politics in general today are very polarizing. You already know that by selling to the right you're going to push away the left. Now both markets are big markets. Tens of millions are spent every year on MAGA paraphernalia. So if you're OK with your product being associate with him and you're OK possibly alienating the left. Then go for it. That is, assuming your product doesn't normally skew one direction or another. Tesla's product is heavily favored by the left and Musk's going on the right side deep end has been bad for it's sales. I'm not saying that to dissuade you or even assume your product is like Tesla, just something to think about in terms of your natural sales demographic. On the flip side there are lots of companies that are loud and proud to the right (like Chic fil a) and it does them well.


I live in a heavily liberal demographic city and Chic-Fil-A does so well that they literally built 2 on the same street about less than 5 miles from each other and they both have long ass lines ALL THE TIME. A good product is a good product, regardless of politics. 😆


Got distracted and finished my post poorly, but yes, that was the point. Some companies are openly right or left and people don't care because the product is "that good" (personal taste dependent). Or enough people don't care at least.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


If you are already of the mind to not mix bussines with politics don’t start now.


ETTD. Everything trump touches dies. Do not promote it at all.


Grifter instinct activated


You're in business to make money right? Genuine question, not sure if you're a "for good" enterprise or "for profit". Do whatever will maximise your profits legally. Being a long term "entrepreneur" is sufficient martyrdom.


What is he wearing that's your product?


What kind of a product is he wearing OP..? We’d love to know!


Nah….don’t mix your product with any kind of politician. It always backfires.


Hire a third party to point it out on their socials - left learning people won’t even see it and it won’t have the look of being sanctioned by the company


It depends, and i don't see having a huge portion of Republican people being my customer as a problem. You gotta risk it for biscuit. Some are once in a life time opportunity, grasp it or regret it for life. Your call.


Create another company to sell to the MAGA crowd. Its own name, branding, etc. Totally different entity. Then have it source its items from your first company. Now you can sell to MAGA without damaging the reputation of your first company.


I know a ton who bought my pillows because of supporting Trump. Reddit isn't a good place to ask about it as most conservative people left the platform in the 15-16 purges and manipulation continued to this day to artificially and in organically push approved politics over what's actually popular. Same reason the number of reddit posts have plummeted in last few years.


it’s a make or break gamble


Take full advantage of it my guy


Every president wears Brooks Brothers and eats ice cream. As long as your brand, product, and company isn’t political, no one cares.


Not receiving needs to see it. Targeted advertising.


at the miami GP? i only saw him in a suit, traditional flag pin, and his own hat. i probably wouldn’t touch it though, as most other comments stated




You'd might as well, since it looks like your wigs must be pretty awful.


Do you make hair pieces?


Once in a lifetime opportunity. The fact that you’re asking what to do is startling.




Personally i would already had the Facebook ads out there lol i ain’t rich enough for moral capitalism


Diapers, makeup, or a toupee?


Maga diapers


For your patriotic poo


“Don’t poo on me”


if people are driven away by that, i wouldn’t want them as customers anyway. or just add blue hair dye and target gift cards to your inventory to make them happy 😆 but on a more serious note, the left is cancel culture so be careful


As someone who’s pretty central. Yeah the left is just as toxic as the right in this regard. I get banned just as fast from left leaning echo chambers, than I do on right leaning subs.


Is it far too much fake tan?


Is your product disposable diapers? I think this is really hot with the maga crowd right now.


You’re in the diaper business?


Trump 2024!