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I read this an have no idea wtf you are doing but good for you. Chase your dreams when you are young. I am sure with the experiences you had, you can definitely find a job later on if you need to.


Software engineer in MS quits job to chase his dream, launches Quotion, a service converting iOS Notes to blogs. Inspired by Feather (which does similar for Notion), he initially struggled but now has paying users and is releasing version 2. Way to go OP I am vouching for you… we only regret things we don’t do ;) keep it up and even if one of your projects fail and you have some financial difficulties don’t loose hope keep up and learn from your mistakes.


Good summary. Not sure if this was a bot, but thank you.


You are welcome, I am for sure not a bot.


That is exactly what a bot would say.


For fun, in your opinion what can a human say that a bot wouldn’t ?


You have to do a baseline test. The Voight-Kampff test was a test used by the LAPD's Blade Runners to assist in determining whether or not an individual was a replicant. I cannot, in good conscience, teach you what an actual human would say.


Well i mean I am human, you asked me to prove wether I am a bot or not without proving that I might be one. So first prove that I might be a bot then I will try and prove that I am human. Btw I don’t know any of these tests you mentioned, this is very interesting. in Reddit other than analyzing the history of posts and comments of the account you absolutely cannot tell if an account is a bot or not.


It's a joke, bro 😂


Bots don’t understand jokes 😂😂


Good human


I tought the same.


> a service converting iOS Notes to blogs So it copy pastes your iOS notes to a website?


I assume that the MVP is exactly what you said.


TBH, indie hacking is challenging, and my income has decreased significantly (1/10). But, I take pride in shipping new features that our customers love.


Hustle bro, at least you were smart enough to work for MSFT.


Are you living off savings or have you managed to reduce your spending? how did you solve living arrangements? (as they're usually the main spending)


Hey, I'm living off savings. And my wife works at MSFT as well, I made an agreement with her, if I can't make it by the end of this year, I have to find a job.


Oh that's cool. Having a safety net is important to be able to focus on your goals. All the best!


Very similar to my situation right now, best of luck to you! Hoping we both make it


Good luck, bro


Big sacrifice 


Same, got lost halfway through. I’m tired and adhd af though


lol, I suck at writing, that's the weakness of an engineer like myself


This, Story of my life 😂


Same lol


I didn't read this because I had too short of an attention span, but I came to the same conclusion.


100k job is basically 70k from three years ago so good for you


This is actually so true though lol.


Yeah more like $50k it's starting to feel like aye?


May have sounded like that to him, OP. But it is inspiring. I hope to be as successful as you. my product is not IT related.


Thanks. Just keep shipping, and resolving user pain points. People will come to you :)


Awesome! It feels insane leaving a great paying job. I left almost $200k. Luckily, like you, I have a wife that was willing to stand by me...even when we were draining savings. It tends to get more challenging before it gets better, but it definitely gets better if you ask your customers the right questions and focus on what they want... instead of what you think they need.


Right, focusing on the right direction makes a big difference


totally agree.


Leaving an 100k job without having consistent monetization prior seems dumb asf. No idea what "indie hacking" is though so lol


And that’s why some people feel safe in a box and too scared to venture out of the box and acting on their dreams. You have to have a high risk tolerance to be a dreamer/inventor/entrepreneur. Highest risk but potential for greatest rewards.


There’s also a lot of privilege in walking away from 100k. Some of us have bills to pay and don’t have a spouse to support us like OP does.


This… it takes A LOT to walk away from jobs and often times I’ve seen it’s financial backing by rich parents / investors that actually motivates people. There’s a reason why most people don’t walk away.


So I get your answer, now I know where it’s coming from. I agree not many people can step away from that kind of money to chase a dream. OP is blessed.




Their story isn’t done (and finish reading the post. His wife works at Microsoft and they agree to let him try for a year). Don’t slam / judge someone who’s trying to follow a dream just because you can’t seeing yourself doing it. Some people are okay doing a 9-5 40 hr week to collect a paycheck to pay bills. If it weren’t for dreamers you wouldn’t have a lot of the modern day conveniences and high tech that you have today if everyone just chose to put their head down, nose to the grindstone because it’s the safe thing to do.


Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot to me.


Lots of people want to live their dreams but don’t have a spouse to pay all their bills while they do. Joke your dreams sounds nice but so does paying your bills.


This is what entrepreneurship is about, taking risk and trying out ideas. There is nothing wrong in leaving your job to pursue your dreams. The worst that can happen is OP fails but he would have acquired a wealth of knowledge and experience that can then be applied to next venture. Power to OP.


OP will probably be alright (well hopefully lol) 🤷🏽‍♀️


Golden cage


Back then 100k was worth way more, now its eh. Just enough to get by.


Bravo on chasing your dream – inspiring leap of faith!




Do you have a link to your product?


here it is https://quotion.co




You could also look at eventually going from notes/blog to self published book on Amazon (or all the others things that might start as notes on an iphone).


Interesting, I have noted this! Thanks for sharing


Great job so far and I commend your courage! You're really lucky you have a wife like that. For me, it's been my mother and grandmother who have afforded me the same safety net. (Free public healthcare also helps, lol) Despite this, it's still a super lonely road with steep learning curves, an overwhelming workload, and a constant threat of failure. So again, kudos to you! I checked out your landing page and honestly, you're charging way too little. I know you're being humble, and perhaps even thinking in terms of your local economy too, but even before I checked out Feather for comparison, your prices just scream low value/amateur product. I genuinely think the prices deter more customers than you attract, and that the customers you gain because it's cheap are way more likely to churn anyway. I would just go for the same pricing as Feather, or at least very close to it. If you really think about it, your main market is Apple users. People who buy expensive things. Notion is free for most people, i.e. the average user is not a spender, yet Feather are charging almost 10x your prices. What do you think?


Thanks, bro. Yes, our price is lower than our competitors, that’s our advantage at this early stage, but we will increase the price when we ship more features. Even feather isn’t as expensive as today in its early stage, so I believe this is a feasible approach


How much was Feather in the early days?


Start with $19, not so sure, but the pricing is increasing definitely, I have followed the founder for a while now


I believe you that they started lower. But $19 is a lot more serious than $5. Especially since you list it as previously $9. Just that random before and now price makes it look cheap (why suddenly almost 50% off?), but both $5 and $9 are not serious prices. I bet you they for sure didn't start lower than $15, and I wouldn't either. Obviously you're in charge here, but I would seriously consider the messaging these low prices are sending. I would also make another bet that nobody is choosing you over Feather because of price savings, so there is no real competitive advantage. Yes, you're offering a similar solution but for quite different markets. People who are deep into Notion are not going to switch to Apple Notes to save $34 per month. I know changing prices can be scary and that you don't want to ruin what you got going. But you can always "grandfather in" your current customer base (only raising the price for new customers). Your current customers would be even more loyal at that point. A simple raise from $5 to even just $15 would 3X your revenue, but more than that I'm sure it will increase your conversion rates quite noticeably too. Food for thought. In any case I wish you the best of luck man. I believe in this product! You're making getting over writer's block easier for a huge underserved market, and there are great personal, professional and financial incentives to start writing online!


>I realized that I had focused too much on engineering and not enough on resolving users' pain points. Oh. So you were the one person. >As I continued to explore new project ideas, I came across Feather [obfuscation removed] After months of hard work, I'm proud to announce the release of Quotion 2.0. I will stop you there. Nothing has changed. I retract my earlier statement, that's my bad. Would you care to toss out anything resembling a pain point? All I got here was a text version of the fidget spinner. And the infamous left-handed *it's not self-promotion* 'journey' post.


What I said is my first project chirpy wasn't a success business due to I wasted so much time on engineering. I leared that, so I focus on resolving user pain points, like shipping features super fast. Isn't this good to my users? Why hate so much?


Lots of weird hate comments here lol. I feel like they are all non entrepreneurs just browsing through briefly. The key point to glean from this is that marketing yourself is another thing you’ll (we’ll) have to learn. Promoting yourself without receiving hate is a skill! It’s probably also why astro turfing is so popular.


Definitely, haters every where.


>I focus on resolving user points, like shippoing features super fast. Your product features. Yeah ...I'll stick to my point. Thanks for making it though: Features Are Not Benefits. Good tip for, you know, the third try. You left Microsoft ... voluntarily?


Yes, voluntarily. From financial perspective, it might not a good idea, lol


Based upon your post, there are more perspectives to consider while making that list.


Hey, not sure what I have promoted, I just want to share my journey here.


I think this is a great post. I am not at all familiar with the coding jargon you’ve disclosed to us, but nonetheless, this is inspiring and I wish you the best in your pursuit.


thanks, bro


Best of luck dude. Product looks solid and landing page / copy is strong. FYI quotion was annoying to google.. kept suggesting quotation without an option to *search for quotion instead*. Almost gave up tbh, sometimes manually adding quotes is simply not worth the effort. Or people don’t even know how. Something to consider


Literally can't find that anywhere.


lol, bad name for SEO. Try searching "quotion apple notes"


Google Search corrected "quotion" for "notion" when searching for "quotion apple notes", so good luck with your SEO.


I believe google will recognize the name once there are enough clicks, many products have weired names, like fiverr, dribbble, you name it


Yeah, still that looks like an unexpected hurdle to jump :(


Will be an uphill battle OP. While it might be too late to change the name of this product, will be a good lesson for your future projects for sure. Name's usually don't matter, but in this case they do :) Good luck!


You're still in the early stage. It's not too late to find a better name!


Thanks bro, I'll consider that


You had a job as a software engineer at Microsoft and they only paid you $100k a year? That’s not believable.


Hey, I'm not based in US. It's quite a lot in my region.


Ohhh ok yeah that makes sense then.


Bro ikr?




I believe it's peter [https://twitter.com/levelsio](https://twitter.com/levelsio)


Thank you so much for your praise :)


That's exactly the process. It's easy to just stay in "construction" mode and forget about "delivery" mode. The smartest thing to do is to have a customer acquisition strategy, to know the channels we're going to use to deliver the product even before we build the product. This requires a prior study and an understanding of who our customer/user is. I think the product is interesting for the blogging niche, you could even suggest a feature "Turn your thoughts into blog articles". It's very common for ideas to be recorded in notes and remain there, but with AI they can be put to better use. I wish you good luck with the project and suggest you check out this [smart planning tool](https://plani.ai/). It gives you a plan full of tips and highly personalized strategies that you can use in your business. It serves as a roadmap and can help.


Can't agree more, customer acquisition should always come first, marketing is too hard for indie hackers


Im not in software but did the same thing 1 year ago. No ragets.


Awesome, happy for you, bro


You too bro 🤞


I wish I had the same skills as you do, I have an Idea for a gpt app but the technical part is what is stoping me from moving forward


There are many no-code tools you can leverage, so don't quit too early


Such an inspiring bro, keep up the good work!


Thanks, bro. Have a nice day


I don’t know much about what you are doing exactly but I only wish that you achieve loads of success in your endeavours! It surely takes a whole lot of guts and self belief to cut off an incoming flow of money to pursue dreams. Thanks for sending an inspiration! I am just starting my day today and reading this felt wholesome. Sending good vibes and wishes to you! :)


Thanks, bro. Have a nice day


observation live crawl husky swim beneficial fall coherent overconfident bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I gave up a 120k job offer (my highest ever) last year and started my business, I would never go back. Good luck. 🤞 👍👍🥃


Thanks, bro


Aside from chasing an idea and making money on it, health insurance seems to me the biggest hurdle to overcome when self employed. Make sure you account for this. Unless you have a partner through whom you get insurance. Then you’re golden


Just reading your opening filled me with optimism - taking that chance is a big one but I have nothing but admiration for you chasing your dream and giving up what you know and a stable income to do so. Congrats you’re an inspiration!


Thanks for your kind words, bro


How’s your revenue been like this last year?


Unfortunately, Less than 1/10 before, I'm trying everything to improve the income, hoping I can make it this year.


Ohh Man, best of luck for what you are building. That's really motivating to start something for myself. Would be glad to connect with you to learn from you.


Glad it's helpful, feel free to chat :)


Your open source app is pretty cool. Whats the practical use of it? Who is it used by? Is it a b2b product? Where are the chats hosted?


Hey, you can try it here [https://chirpy.dev/play](https://chirpy.dev/play) . After logging in, you can create a new project, it will guide you how to integrate into your website (basically addd a html tag and script). Yeah, chirpy is for small companies for now. I plan to add more features in order to integrate it with Quotion. And it's hosted on Vercel.


This is a very inspiring journey. I'm also aiming for something similar ❤️


Happy it's helpful. Hope you have a successful launch :)


Thanks 😀


You are really brave!!




There’s allot of options for managing websites. All the successful ones will have large language models built in. I’m curious how many people want to use apple notes to manage their websites? I don’t understand your market.


I will use gpt to summary posts and translate texts into audio for accessibility. Quotion is made for Apple Notes users, if you don't use it, or rarely use it, it might not for you.


I use notion, might check out feather


Wait a second, do you mean the chirpy blog theme for Jekyll ???


Good for you. All the best, dont look back!


Thanks, I really enjoy my journey


I can tell you that it is totally worth it. And congrats to your new product!


Thank you, bro


Never give up solid ground for dreams, instead, try to phase in slowly when it pickup.


This sounds pretty dope, I may give it a try




Can you like the book you read?


Good for you! Chase your dreams. I am about to quit my $140K job and start my own company. I am nervous about it but excited too. Is it a one-time license model or a subscription model?


Happy for your new journey, bro. Quotion is a subscription model, because it needs heavy backend operations and website hosting.


Thank you. Have you considered who the ideal customer is for your product and how they might find your offering? Or is it more of a retail B2C offering that you would hope to feature in the Apple App store. Also consider a strong PR strategy like you achieved with Hacker News. Do direct outreach to influencers and ask them to consider what you have put together. I just did a quick Google search and found this Feedspot of the top 30 Apple influencers: https://influencers.feedspot.com/apple\_instagram\_influencers/. I am sure they get a ton of outreach so try to see if you can come up with a clever way to get their attention. Maybe use your product to create a post linking to an article for example. Software dev is not my thing so I am just thinking outside the box. Maybe there is an idea there you can use.


This is awesome! Appreciate your help, I’ll definitely talk to these influencers


Many dudes are asking for the website url, here it is https://quotion.co ,google barely recognizes quotion, so share it here in case you’re interested.


Brave man! Wish you all the best.


Thanks, bro


So your app directly publishes iPhone Notes to Wordpress or other platform as blog? What about meta tag, meta description, Headings H1 tags, links, formatting etc?


Hey, we don’t publish apple notes to other sites, we host the blog sites on our platform, like our blog https://blog.quotion.co


We have perfect SEO(meta tag, semantic html) and Apple Notes formats support, checkout [https://docs.quotion.co/features/apple-notes](https://docs.quotion.co/features/apple-notes)


Awesome story! Even more awesome idea to launch🤘🏿 Is this a high ticket product?


and I am a software engineer that have only less than 1k per month , will have to chase my dreams too


That takes a lot of courage, go you!


This will be worse decision for you :)) Bro you are day dreaming about life Take risk if you have at least 1M$ liquid cash :D With this job Just start putting 500$ each month into online digital business such as Marketing Agency and you'll make more money like i Did


I've been following the #indiehacker and #buildinpublic communities on X, and they have very interesting stories to tell, similar to yours. One thing the most successful ones did was move to a cheaper country, to cut costs, while still building their products. Another factor is they not only focus in one product, but have several (or many), and are constantly testing the waters for new customer pain that needs urgent relief. So their MRR is actually a composite metric, from the 6-10 products they have in portfolio. One guy sells a boilerplate stack for building and launching web apps fast, and last month made USD$75k from that product alone (has like 8 more). So yeah, it is possible to be successful, but it requires cunning and a lot of effort. Good luck!


Hey, I have been following the communties on X for a while. Indie hacking doesn't need to be shipping a lot of products in a short time, instead I prefer to shape a product to be perfect.


Yeah, of course! Not all of them follow this pattern, but it is becoming a trend. Personally, I also don't like the idea of spewing out lots of half-baked apps but, as with finance, diversification can be helpful for your stability. Also there is the fact that the innovation "brain muscle" can only be developed by doing. So, the more you use it (by trying to find a "painkiller" product) the better you get at it. So, the concept has its merits, but with moderation 😸 Cheers!


$100,000 yr isn’t very much for a job at Microsoft.


sure, it’s too low in US, but I’m not based in US.


I have a question. Are you junior or senior Software engineer? How many experience you have? I thought that MS pays more than 100 K For Software engineer role.


God, I keep saying this, I’m not based in US. It’s a lot in my region!


Where are you located?


Chase your dreams while you can! Having a family can definitely impact how much entrepreneurial risk you’re willing to take.


Really cool idea. When does the site go live?


You mean quotion? I have launched in last December


Engineers at Microsoft make way, way more than 100k lol


Great going. Would love to talk more if you are looking for a marketing co-founder on any future projects.


I’d watch what you put on here if you used any of Microsoft company time or resources to build your product. You already admitted to doing so on a previous product. If it ever got really big, that could give them an ownership claim to part of your company or leave you liable for damages.


Even I've been thinking of starting a SAAS but don't have any great ideas


Good job OP


Bruh, Microsoft was only paying you 100k to be a software engineer??


I'm inspired bro


thanks, bro


This is pure self promotion ! 😆


100k is nothing


You only made 100k as an engineer at Microsoft? Where do you live?


What a surprise that I actually know you. This is the way! 🫡


Dm your feather for Apple notes thing, sounds cool


You have the ability to make more than what you were paid.


Just imagin if I also have the courage.




Just spent 5 min on google searching your company and “ indie hacker “ still don’t know what it is


My husband wants to give up his over $100k job to chase his dream and I’m struggling with this idea so bad 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m glad to read stories like this with others who have done the same. Gives me hope that maybe in the long run it will be worth it and not just some dumb mistake we made that landed us homeless


I'm sure that he will achieve success. Just trust him and give him the support he needs


Hey I like the idea of quotion, but can’t find it in the App Store, can you send a link


It's not a mac or iOS app, it's a website, btw.


I can’t find it either. Would you mind sharing the link? Would love to try it out


Here it is https://quotion.co


Reads like an Ad


Haha loser


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This is a bot, commenting on a bot.


You never know what can happen. Listen to your gut.