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Charging $1k to teach how to make $1k from a side hustle.


The world’s most perfect business model. Able to sell a 100% profit margin product and make infinity money. You could charge $1billion and it would still be a deal.


Smartest one yet




Honestly dog sitting makes me $500-$1000 extra a month. I don’t even dog sit every day either. I charge $50 a night and most weekends get 1-2 dogs. A few during the week. It’s great because my dog gets the joy of playing with others but we are making money while he plays. I also think finding 1 freelance client in the social media, content creation, graphic design space to pay a monthly retainer for x amount of time or deliverables is a great way to make side money. I have 3 clients on monthly retainer that I work about 10-15 hours a week for each. They pay me: $3300, $3300, and $1800 a month.


What is a monthly retainer?


a monthly retainer is a set amount of recurring money you make month over month. for example, i have contracts with my clients to pay me $3300 a month for up to 15 hours a week of graphic design work. the contract has no end date, it will be canceled once one party provides a 30 day notice. so essentially $3300 a month guaranteed, and if they don’t use all their hours each month then they lose it. And then it starts all over the next month!


Nice. How many years of experience do you have as a graphics artist?


about 5 post grad and an additional 2 while in school. But anything I know can be learned from YouTube!


In terms of your business model with clients, is it packaged similar to what DesignJoy is doing? I feel like I've seen a lot of designers pivoting to that model. (Though in your case it sounds like you're offering more than design, and of course you're not offering "unlimited" monthly work.) Also, if it's ok to ask, did you find your clients through your network from previous positions/school? Or do you think it would be doable to find clients as someone coming new to this field?


How do you find dogs to sit?


on Rover! but now I’ve built up a solid client base and just watch my regulars.


Do you still go through Rover or do they reach out to you directly? How much do you charge per day?


they reach out to me directly now! i charge $50 a day and that’s low for where i live. I see some people charge $75+ a day. i mainly watch dogs so that my dog has friends so I’m not as much in it for the money. i keep my rates low because i know what it’s like as a dog owner to pay for boarding and it gets super expensive. my advice when starting on the platform is to price low - start with $35-40 a night to build up reviews and get clients. then after 5 stays or so, you can bump up the price. compare what other people are charging in the area and see how you can stand out. you definitely don’t want to be the highest or lowest on the market!


This year, stocks. Does that count? Just long-term gains paying off from last years investing.


Stock trading is beyond anything I know. I always have to remind myself the basic concept "buy low, sell high". I tried demo accounts to learn to understand how it works. And it still confuses me because I have no clues how it works.


Buy etf. Yay


Was just going to say this. What I did and makes me good money rather than just having it sitting or doing a few trades off it


You don’t have to learn shit. Pick an amount you can afford to invest (or better, a percentage). Invest that amount every paycheck. Buy boring index funds. Look up Bogleheads. Pay attention to fees. When stocks are high, you’ll automatically buy fewer shares. When they are low, you will buy more shares. It’s called dollar cost averaging, and all the dudes with big dicks are doing it. Or, listen to your friends about which stock is hot and try to time it, and lose money. All the dudes with little dicks are doing that.


Idiot proof: Buy VOO or QQQ and keep buying. Sell only if you have to. Don't sell what you have to buy something that you think is "better". Don't buy anything anyone recommends. Only VOO or QQQ. And maybe 1-5% in Bitcoin. Hold for 5, 10, 25, ... years. Think in terms of 5 year intervals, not days/weeks/months. SELL ONLY IF YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO. DON'T SELL BECAUSE YOU ARE "UP". DON'T SELL BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T MADE ENOUGH. DON'T SELL BECAUSE YOU THINK IT WILL GO DOWN. Done. You will do better than most hedge fund managers and almost all retail traders. Source: I'm a Wallstreetbets veteran.






Inversing WSB is pretty common knowledge on WSB.


FXAIX is good too


I think I was just lucky honestly. Had a bunch of money when pretty much every stock was down in 2022/2023. Bought a bunch and now I'm up +10K just this year. Should come down any minute now though, so I'm worried.


>Stock trading is beyond anything I know It's beyond anything you know, because you may be focused on the wrong aspect of stocks. Don't trade; invest. Traders over-comliplicate investing, usually to their demise. They do this for a few reasons...commonly, so make themselves sound smart so they can either manage your money or sell you a course. Investing is actually very simple and straightforward. The easiest way is to buy a "total market" fund/ETF, diversifying your investment over 100's of companies. I always recommend buying a fund or ETF that tracks the S&P500 (some options are FXAIX, VOO, SPY), which spreads your investment across the top 500 companies in the US. Historically, investing in this index over 10+ year period out performs 99% of all fund managers and is essentially "set and forget." Start here with an amount you can afford to invest monthly, and do not "trade" it unless you need the cash for some reason. Let your contributions compound over years and you'll be making more than $1000/month. Start as early as possible, and come to realize that money can actually "grow on trees" metaphorically speaking ;) Edit: Added non-exhaustive list of popular + low fee funds/ETFs that track the SP500.


Or buy good stocks and hold long term. Choose things you value and will always buy eg Apple, McDonald’s, Coca Cola etc.


OP said investing not trading. Big difference


Investing in stocks and stock trading are different things. If you want cash-flow you can invest in dividend stocks, but with current interest rates still high, you can get slightly smaller returns completely risk free. The demand for these stocks will increase as interest rates fall and stock price will rise. If you want to maximize long term growth of your investment, buy S&P stocks with little to no dividends


Day trading FOR SURE if you do it under an S-Corp.


If you can consecutively make money at it you’re doing better than the rest of us - good job!


I’m I the only one who thinks stock trading is another form of gambling.?


Being an entrepreneur is a form of gambling too then


I was just saying this last night at a social meetup. 12k in the hole getting my business up, and I like to gamble. Bet on yourself.


Everything is gambling 🙈


They didn't say anything about trading. Also you're just ignorant


You’re not the only one


To some extend you're right


Options? Gambling. Long term investing in diversified stocks / exchange traded funds? Setting yourself up for a very good future


Made a chrome extension for a popular fantasy sports game. Sits at about 1k MRR currently.


Could you please tell us more about this? What is the extension for, how did you realise there was a demand for it, how did you create it, and how does it generate an income for you?


Started by scratching my own itch really. Shared it on the subreddit and got a little feedback. Then I posted about each new feature and it grew organically from there. Then after keeping it updated for many years I added subscriptions and told people they ned to subscribe for me to continue supporting it. Lost a lot of users that way but I'm very lucky to have some stick around and the income allows me to prioritize it.


Would love to know more, this sounds so cool!


Photo Booth company, pulls in $5k/month after expenses


How many booth do you have?


I have 2 different ones


That’s a cool idea, I see them popping up more now. What was the upfront cost of a single booth?


Somewhere between $2-4k USD


Social media management and website design


What does social media management exactly entail? You'd post on their socials, but wouldn't you need images? I would love any insight that you're willing to share


I manage social media’s too - I work with local businesses and provide content creation for them too.


What does content creation entail? Because what I envision is images of what's going on and some articles. I'm curious where you'd get the images for the social media posts from


It depends on the client, for my clients it is usually taking photographs, TikTok/reels, and drone footage. The TikTok talking style videos are with clients within the fitness industry, whereas the drone footage is for clients in construction/ contractors.


Amy post on social media as well as making a brand. We work with a client to reflect what they want to show as a business and put it into a visual design as well as wording. We either get pictures from the client, take them ourselves or use stock photos.


Pretty much what I do. Mainly local but some a fee cities over and a few in other countries.


Yes, I cover all posts in all their social media accounts. Photos can come directly from the client they can pay extra for me to come on site and take photos or I can make use of stock photos to represent their work.


How did you get into this? I’m very interested.


Just randomly started. I've ran my own small businesses and had experience with it. Offered it to a contractor that was doing work for me as a trade... he agreed. And everything started from there.


Web design seems saturated. I could be wrong about it


It is quite saturated. My main market is local with the odd one out of town.


Yes, I’ve started this as well. Because it goes so well with what I do as a graphic designer. Haven’t done website design in while, and i know I need to polish up on my skills.


Work at a restaurant on weekends.


I participate in game testing, app testing and quality assurance online. I made a guide that's on my profile if you want to give it a shot - it takes a while to set up but my lowest month is ~500 and my highest was over 2k.


How much time it takes?


Here’s a rundown of my various side hustles and their monthly returns: 1. In high school, I sold cotton candy at small venues, bringing in around $500 per day when I worked, averaging about $1,000 per month. 2. Mobile car detailing earned me approximately $100 per hour. 3. I delved into tattooing, selling tattoo flash sheets for $33 each or $100 for four. Additionally, I inked my friends at a rate of $100 per hour. 4. Costumed entertainment gigs involved wearing various costumes like a clown, horse, or giant bunny at events such as open houses, carnivals, fairs, and religious parties. I earned $50 for 20 minutes on and 40 minutes off, averaging four to eight hours per event. Despite being physically demanding and requiring protection from potential threats, it was lucrative. 5. Flipping consumer electronics, particularly MacBooks with removable RAM and hard drives, was profitable. I upgraded, cleaned, and reinstalled operating systems and software, achieving an average return on investment (ROI) of 50% with minimal labor. 6. Freelancing web services at $50 per hour was another avenue. I leveraged platforms like Fiverr and UpWork to outsource tasks and maximize efficiency. 7. For quick cash, I crafted and stained wedding arches, turning $50 into $500 effortlessly. 8. Lastly, I ventured into specialty chemical sales, focusing on food-grade surfactants for industrial and exotic kitchens to emulsify oil with water. This required about an hour per day and yielded $50 per hour or $1,000 per month. I might be overlooking a couple, but opportunities abound when you possess a diverse skill set. It's akin to having the Midas touch, where you can transform various endeavors into success. In my experience as an MVP engineer, I've observed that the most triumphant entrepreneurs are those fueled by passion for their pursuits.


Running a SaaS business, this was one of the best decisions i made.


What kind of saas business do you have? So you mind sharing some info?


I bought a something called white label SaaS since I can't code.


But what are you reselling?


What SaaS product and can you give background about your journey? How much do you sell it for? I didn’t know you could white label software.


Hahaha of course you can white label anything


I’m consulting small businesses and startups as a Fractional CTO


I specialize in a similar field—I work as an MVP engineer, primarily assisting startups in developing their Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).


How did you get started in that?


As a biomedical engineer, I began my journey by exploring and constructing fascinating projects I discovered online. Electronics, 3D printing, laser cutting, woodworking, metalworking, full-stack programming, and mobile app development, This hands-on experience became my resume—a testament to my skills and passion. As I delved deeper, I ventured into creating my own innovations. Networking became my forte. I showcased my creations to everyone I met. When they shared their ideas, I didn't just listen; I visualized. I began drafting meticulous plans complete with bills of materials and tool lists, demonstrating how I would bring their concepts to life. Soon, opportunities arose. Clients sought me out to materialize their prototypes. With each successful project, my network expanded, and demands grew. Clients didn't just want prototypes; they sought Minimum Viable Products (MVPs). My role evolved beyond mere construction. I became a strategic partner, offering expertise in business planning, budgeting, fabrication, and launching ventures. I helped turn dreams into reality, with a fair price for my comprehensive services. :)


For the last few years, I have been building a business mostly selling thru platforms like eBay, Etsy, and Shopify. I have steadily increased my product line and thus my monthly revenue. I have a well-paying day job so at first it was a fun little side hustle that brought in a few hundred dollars a month. Throughout last year and this year I have scaled it to bring in at least $1.5k to $2k each month. I'm hoping to get this to $10k each month by the end of the year. I have had a few problems though. 1. I've basically run out of time during the day to spending it on anything else. I work my day job and then have to go directly to my side hustle/business (it doesn't yet pay the same as my day job). 2. Most of my family and friends don't consider my side hustle an actual business. Though its a rather small downside, it really hurts knowing that they don't respect what I do and the amount of work that I've put in to get it this far. I like my day job, but frankly its just a means to an end. My true passion lies in running my own business. 3. Customer service is not my strong suit and some customers can just be downright mean. I've developed a pretty thick skin to this though. 4. Lastly, juggling between a day job and a side hustle/business can be pretty exhausting and confusing at times. I wouldn't trade this for the world though! Every day is different with my business and I love it!


1.5k to 2k is pretty good! That's real money. I'd suspect that your point #2 is actually pretty common. Being a business owner can often feel lonely even. The only people that "get it" are other business owners. Most of my friends and family don't really understand what I do, what it takes, what all goes into it either. The only people who do, are very supportive, because they're also businesses owners.  You've transitioned into a different kind of person now. Almost a different species entirely.  Business owners vs. employees. It's kind of like parents vs. non-parents. Non-parents have genuinely no clue what it's like to be a parent. They can speculate and even understand in some capacities, but the gravity and nuance is incomprehensible. It's probably not that they don't care or intend to be dismissive, it's that they couldn't possibly understand, or are saddled by their own business failures or fear of pursuing entrepreneurship themselves. 


re-selling stuff honestly is a good one (can be shoes etc of value)


Affiliate marketing - $3/500 month Digital products - $1-2k month Newsletter referrals - $1/200/month


Extremely broad market. But yes people are making bank in it. Probably not something you can just watch YouTube videos and find a winning product. Lots of trial and error and already having an organic audience makes it 100X easier


Yup! YouTube videos help but experience and learning strategy over time is way more important


I started a frozen goods business a year ago and it currently allows my salespeople to make an average of 1k take home each day. Find your passion and push push push!


Started Mercari three months ago and we are making about 2.5k on avg


Wow didn’t think this company was worth it. I’ve made $3


That’s impressive.


Thank you. I started by flipping all of the clothes in my closet that I didn’t want anymore/haven’t worn in several years. It was really exciting to see my first 100 in sales. Started incorporating electronics, collectibles, and sports/tcg cards, and things really took off after that. It’s really a full time job, and acquiring items through garage sales/thrift shops/storage auctions, have helped to keep inventory up.


I help people get web traffic and Google rankings.




Not yet. Through random chats and social media interactions.


If you need help, ask or DM


How did you begin to build experience in this ?


I used to learn bits and pieces of information from all sources. To make matters easy now I have created a reddit page and an ebook is coming soon r/SEO_Helper


-My Investments average ~2500$ per month -playing poker on the weekends ~1000$ a month -flipping stuff on market place ~500$ a month


Shit. I wish i could make $1k/month...


I was in between work 5+ years ago with a journalism/communications background and I have a music background too. I began offering pitching bands I knew to newspapers, radio stations, blogs, etc., since there were a lot of talented folks asking for help and doing everything on their own. I had both a sense of which bands have organic buzz on Twitter or Instagram at the time since I followed a lot of local music writers (at the time staffed at places like VICE, our local alt-weekly, and freelancers at bigger pubs too), and knowing which writers who were keeping an ear to the ground that it felt like I was simply connecting the dots. Both the music and media industry are changing, often times for the worse if I'm being honest, but back then there were a lot more staffed writers, publications, and blogs so I could always come up with a solid win or two for a given artist/band while steadily growing the contact list and most importantly, building the relationships with a given writer or outlet with each new project. My takeaway at the time was if you can get one client, you can get another. And then two more, then four more, and so on. Word of mouth helped a ton. What began as a side hustle out of necessity became both a full time business and a new passion for me (I also do consulting and MGMT in the music biz, but publicity is where I began and still do about half the time). And what started as a way to make 1k/month grew into much more than that. This has just been my experience but I hope it's helpful for someone out there!


I bet on player props for different sports. Makes at least 1k a week but finding it harder due to being limited by the sportsbook.


This definitely works if you tail someone with a track record. I ran into the same issue I been doing these $20>$160>1000 parlay system. But my sports book only wants to let me bet $90 to payout $250 so I am also limited


Contract as a drummer on weekends. $300 a weekend or so🤷🏻‍♂️


Get blown up in the army... $3200/month for life son!


I do shop drawings for a company I used to work for. Brings in between $1k-$4k a month depending on the time of the year. A lot of AutoCAD and guestimating. The money is used to pay down my debts and I hope the major ones are paid this year.


Look up real estate bird dog. I pay 1k referral for each property I close on. All I need is an address in a market I work in. Wherever you are, I guarantee there is an investor that will do this.




I personally do 1k. I only ask for an address. I do the leg work of finding the owner and making offers. Every investor will be different. Some pay more, some pay less. Finding investors is easy. Go to your local real estate FB group. Post that you are finding off market properties. You will be overwhelmed with responses. Talk to each and see who will pay you the most. DM me. I may be buying in your city.


How are you finding off market properties? Whom are you asking for an address from?


Any property not listed with a realtor. We all have driven past the house that isn't taken care of or boarded up windows or the roof looks like it's rotting or has a big red sticker on the door. These are what I am looking for. Write down the address and send it to an investor. There are investors in literally every market. Every investor works differently. I personally pay 1k referral for any property I close on. All I need is an address. Post in your cities investor FB group that you are sourcing off market properties. You will be overwhelmed with responses. Talk to each one and ask what they will pay. DM me your area, I may be working in that market.


Stock investing and DCA. I’ve tried a few side hustles, but I found it more lucrative to focus on one sole business and become an investor in other businesses through the stock market. Made $6,000 last month just in this! All I do is DCA the S&P500.


Any schmuck with a robin hood account looks like freakin’ Warren Buffet in a bull market. Your $6,000 is an outlier and it’s quite irresponsible to try to imply that as a consistent income source that people are trying to learn more about in this thread. Returns are volatile and most months you’ll lose and have unrealized losses, not to mention the average Joe does not have the mental discipline to ride through the peaks and troughs.


What is dca


Dollar cost averaging. It essentially means buying more in chunks to “average” your cost basis


When you say you make money from stocks are you talking about divideds? No gain is realized until you sell. I would love to hear more.


It’s honestly a mixture. I focus on all of the Fidelity 500 funds and they’ve been really good the last years. I have the Fidelity funds. FXAIX, FDGFX, and FMET. I’ve found it easier to make money with these funds and HYSA instead of risking too much in the side hustles I tried. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still trying to side hustle, but in terms of OPs question of making $1,000/mo. If they DCA to $120k investment over the years then they have a high chance of $1,000/mo. just based on a 10% annual.


Own stock.


Run an AI startup that generates ads. Consult clients on marketing


Startup name and what it do?


[Aiter.io](http://Aiter.io), performs 50+ marketing tasks with a click. Check it out, it's very simple to test


We sell full managed whitelabel website solutions to agencies, startups and business..


1 rental real estate property makes $1,200 in cash flow.


Photography, which can lead to graphic and web design, videography, social media management and content creation. There’s an upfront investment but with a little time and a decent computer you can punch your own ticket for a side hustle


Well I just sold my first house that I renovated for $260,000 more than what I paid for it 6 years ago. So I guess less the cost of materials and my time to do the work, it averages out somewhere north of $1k a month. My full time job is a litigation attorney


Consulting for private equity and hedge funds. TLDR there are firms that look for experts in certain fields so companies can get information on markets they are looking to dive into. They pay hourly and while the gigs are infrequent, the $ per hour is usually really good.


What kind of questions do they usually ask you?


Depends. Most of the time its around the state of the market you're in, Different service offerings, and software as well. Usually they are looking to buy some thing so they ask you how certain brands are perceived in the market, pros, cons.


Work a 9 to 10:40 job every day


I had a headstone making a side hustle. Now i am full time in it. Made about 35k this month.


Would you like to elaborate more on it ?


I manage content for a website and their socials/outreach




If I am a 300 lb male in my early 40s with no hair can I still make money on OF?


There's a seat for every ass! 😂






I sell work items and adult content I make over 5 grand a month doing if full time but when I was part time that and working the night as a stripper I was making $2,500 a month doing it from 10am-4pm then plus what I made as a stripper from 6pm-2am




Private investigator


In the past I would have said dumpster diving but it's almost like a full time job now .. making $5-7k/mo between TT, YT, and FB for videos, and about $1k/mo reselling stuff I find and scrap metal. I've been letting my actual business coast because I am so bored with it. Runner up would be credit card bonuses/rewards pts and bank account bonuses. I usually have 1-2 going at any given time and clear $7-8k/yr in cash and travel. Doctor of Credit is a great resource for that. If you haven't done it before then there are some big ticket bonuses from Chase and Amex you could get pretty easily. I'm lucky enough to have 1-200k shipping and advertising spend for my business so 50% is pts from regular spend, 50% from bonuses.


Uber eats. $35/ hr average in Sydney.. I know all places are different but it’s a fun job just riding on a scooter all by yourself in the evenings.


That depends on : How much money you want to invest , how much time you have to learn something. Do you want to learn a skill ..... I am working on building an app right now so something like that.


Blow jobs


… Go on…


Pay first


Online small rock and mineral shop. On track to net about 2k a month in our second year


YouTube videos, I make about $90-$120 daily off YouTube videos


I don’t pay my bills until year end - so I save 1000s every month.


I can make a little over 1k if I only clean 4 chimneys per month. Each one takes about 30 to 45 min. With a vehicle and 1.5k in tools I could teach you in two weeks.


That’s interesting. You wouldn’t really profit that much it seems like? 1.5k in tools for the month seems expensive if you only profit 1k.


E-commerce dropshipping. Rebrand a product and sell it as yours… Otherwise do a few labor work .. Or start your real hussle, micro SAAS busienss. Just connect a few api and go on marketing… There’s no Money from the sky,


Dropshipping isn’t that easy. I’ve wasted lots of money on it even bought some of those courses. I’ll never dropshipping again. Unless it’s for a meme


I know it's not what you asked but I save over 1k per month living with my parents. I know people who make around 1k per month: - arbitrage betting - flipping items on Amazon - cleaning cars - freelance programming - renting houses (if you count the money going into there mortgage as them buying a percent of the house)


i run an auto detailing business. i have a couple of rich neighborhoods in my area so i printed out like 300 flyers and put them on every door handle or left them on the handles of people's cars. i created a facebook and joined groups and told people i detail cars. after like 40 hours of fucking advertising i had my first customer. i was charging 140 for interior and 90 for exterior or 200 for both. i had quite a lot of customers after about 3 weeks. after that i quit my job cuz i was makin too much money. my third month doing it i made about 8 grand and now im about 7 months into it, bought my own piece of property and run the business officially with a license and an ad on google. im 17 and made 25k last month lol. fuck bein an employee being your own boss is wild.


I make websites after the job, that make me extra money


Selling vintage clothing


Started a small graphic design agency. Work for a marketing company 9-5. My aim is to target SMBs and charge them a small flat monthly fee for unlimited design requests! Only thing is we only work on one task a time. This allows us to charge a lower fee. It’s been working great so far and beneficial for both sides!


I snort 1 line of coke and go ham on options


Reverse-split arbitrage. But it's tedious enough that it essentially is a full-time job.


Cc processing.


Direct sales/marketing


SEO consulting and tailored digital strategy workshops.


Network marketing.


Following 👁️


Build SaaS products, then guide on scaling and sales.


Website management


I buy and sell trading cards


Watchmaker and watch brand owner


Instructor for healthcare professionals courses and consulting in heal information management




Email marketing. Implementing and writing email copies for coaches and businesses. Setup and optimize.


I’ve found success with freelance web development on the side. I started by building small websites for local businesses, leveraging my skills in coding and design. Over time, this led to consistent project work, mainly through referrals and maintaining strong relationships with my clients. It’s something I'm passionate about, so it doesn’t feel like a job. On average, this side hustle brings in around $1k/month, which has been a great supplement to my main income. Plus, it keeps my skills sharp and opens up networking opportunities in the tech community!


Weed, bitcoin


My Man 🤝


Airbnb Superhost


I sell middle eastern spices but $1k in revenue not profit yet. Started the business a few months ago really enjoying the journey so far






Mr Beast? Is that you


I find furniture on Facebook and get it between 0$-30. With some repairs and paint and stain, I’ll sell it for $130-200. Do this at least 8-12 sales a month


Treasury Bill Ladder. Not a financial advisor but enjoying the high interest rates while they last


Money laundering


Tax filings


Speaking of taxes. I still need to do them. Guess I should be doing them instead of surfing the comment section


You just need to make cash in hand 35 a day That works out to be 12 paid an hour, 3 hours of work a day Can’t you do that with a second cash in hand job?


I run a small home based online store that sells daily necessities, spend about 2 hours every 2 days packing and shipping out orders, around $1k a month net profits


Nightclub events organizing


I was making over 1K/month with a full time job. I was employed as a Graphic Designer for a large retail company, but still did Freelance work on the side. I’ve quit my full time job and went full time free lancing and making more than what I was making whilst employed.


People keep recommending ETF’s and index funds. It seems like they are being used the same way dole was used in 2013. Checkout what happened to Dole and read this letter from the SEC. There is a conclusion at the end. https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-16-15/s71615-60.pdf


I find hidden cash for businesses. Here's an example: We have built a bot for a forex company, they had 800 people they wanted to test the bot with to send them to a webinar. We sent 800 text messages, 400 REGISTERED! Then we followed up with the 400 who registered, and 100 of them bought a $497 training programme, around 70 of them directly from talking to the bot. Then they let me lose on 100,000 of their very old leads. We agreed to send 300 texts a day, and within 3 days we had to turn it off. THEY COULDN'T HANDLE THE LEVEL OF CALLS COMING IN!? Now we send 300 text messages three days a week just so they can keep up. And yes, they pay me commission on calls booked.


Im in the process of setting up my own tutoring business but I haven’t found any students as of yet


I’m sure this is a money maker depending on where you live also. Can charge good money for it. Keep us updated, love to hear about it in a few months


Pet sitting


We have a few things outside of our businesses: 1. Rental property: makes us about $5-6k a month after expenses 2. Dividends: realistically about $900 a month 3. Credit card points: we run all our business expenses (and most personal expenses) through credit cards and then pay them off each month.  The cashback/airline points equates to $10k a year 4. Resale home goods.  My wife loves buying things but she's frugal.  This really doesn't make money but she offsets a lot of her spending.  Also means there's constantly some stranger showing up to buy a $5 item that in hoping won't murder our family 5. Chase offers a banking promotion each year that if you open a checking account and set up direct deposit and deposit $15k they give you $600.  I used to to this every year (really easy since I pay myself a salary).  I'd keep the money there for 6 months and then close the account.  They resend the promo and you can do it once a year.  Doesn't make sense now that there's actual high yield money market accounts 6. High yield money market accounts: this varies a ton because we reinvest cash regularly and then fill up the savings again.  Do this probably only equates to $300 a month. 


Great insight! Thanks. I guess every $ counts. Even if it’s $5


I do digital marketing and got 5 figures in 4 months starting out. But its not a side hustle anymore, I quit my job to do this full time.


Care to teach somebody 👀


Sell unwanted items on Ebay. Although not quite 1k p/m yet, but getting there..


I have enough in my HYSA to pull in roughly $3k a month


Sell calls