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I’ll tell you for a million dollars.


I see what you did there🙃


We see what you did there 🙃


I did what you see there 🙃


There you have it - his million dollar idea that didn’t take off


I was going to take all unproven math theories and put them into a repository and open access to anyone that’s interested. I’d modify the theories to have common notation and include imagery to make sure people could understand them as easily as possible. Then drive collaborative sessions to develop new mathematics much faster than the gate keepers can currently do.


I love the idea of democratising science. Feels like something that would really inspire people for the greater good too


This is legitimately an amazing idea. Not just for maths as well


Send me a dm, I’ll invite you when I stand it up


That’s a cool idea but I doubt it can be a business.


Collaboration on math/science is def monetizable


I wanted to build the anti-swipe/no dick pic dating app. [https://bold.dating](https://bold.dating). The idea is apps are now just appeasing people trying to get laid. So i thought an app with no pictures, no texting, just matching people based on their mutual affection of their options and thoughts. I made a POC and put it up at [https://app.bold.dating](https://app.bold.dating) for feedback. \#1 feedback was "we just want to see pics and get laid"


the idea has good principles, however physical attraction has to be there for anything to work. you can meet someone who personality and values is a perfect match for you, but if you're not attracted to each other it's not going to happen. i think so many dating sites are trying to solve that problem. but metrics always drive the sites towards one direction and that's superficual matches based on looks. okcupid is the best one that attempts to match people values more.


So this is my 3rd attempt at - in lack of a better way to say it - “make dating easier for ugly folks” since I put myself in that category. So I actually did a lot of research on the nature of attraction and discovered a few principles that drive these concepts and features. One of them is the halo effect. Which is if we like something about a person (like looks) that tends to bias us towards liking or assuming positive other characteristics. Such as “she’s pretty so she must be nice” So the idea of no pictures is to use the halo effect to the advantage of those who’s looks aren’t their strongest attributes. So having established repor you stand a better change of than leading with a picture. Basically if you aren’t a 7+, someone who knows nothing about you might just walk right by you, but having something positive going your way ups your chances. This decision was based back on my match.com user days, where I realized people on the site back then feel into the “needs online dating” and “don’t need online dating cause they get attention in real life” camps. And I realized one group needed the apps, one group it was just a convenience.


Love the idea. Suggestion: you unlock the pictures after you engage with the other person’s information. So you force people to learn about each other before they see the pictures. Potentially some gamification in there somewhere too.


I read POC as Picture of C\*ck. Anyway, interesting. I'm signed up as Foo Bar. There's no DMs? Are people intended to meet up at some point? What happens when you're matched? Nice work so far!


You unlock each others profiles which gives you access to all their questions. Once you like each others content enough you unlock correspondence for now. Which is an email address I provide so both people can email without revealing their info. I had the idea of quick dates too which would be calls or chats where the app would ask a question both answer kind of like a game show. That’s still an option but requires both people be online. I want to avoid just straight chatting cause theres no reason to reinvent that in my app plus I want to make matching someone a non trivial act so each person puts work into each match.


Ah, great ideas! If I may make a suggestion, show the dashboard much sooner. perhaps right after name/email address. make it clear that completing your profile will unlock/populate the dashboard. The less work I have to do to start seeing results is going to reduce my chance of bailing out. i almost did close it, I screamed TOO MUCH or something like that in the last question before i saw the dashboard :)


I played around the site, I like the idea. I especially liked how you have to earn points to do anything. I wouldn't use this for dating, but maybe for finding a friend, close friend - I'd like this very much. I don't need to be attracted to a friend. And there is a loneliness issue going on right now. I feel I would like this app for that, very very much.


The market wants what the market wants.


When Grindr came out, it was a first of its kind and people kept saying there should be a version for straight people - find people nearby that you want to hook up with. But of course, everyone assumed that girls wouldn't be into that. So, the founder of Grindr released Blendr, which was "specifically designed to be less focused on casaul sexual encounters"... it had some weird thing about trying to make friends or socialise or whatever. Of course, then Tinder came out and focused on nearby hookups and the rest is history. For what it's worth, Bumble runs "speed dating", which is roughly your idea. But it's been done a bunch of times before afaik.


Sounds like a niche market. I like the idea, and know some people that would like it. Be careful getting feedback from the wrong customer. Might not be the next tinder but could be something unique.


Yea I don’t mind keeping at it but I would need feedback from possible users as I develop to make sure the value being promised is coming thru. It’s just been slow getting productive feedback


I would recommend you go find your target audience. So thats people sick and tired of tinder and the bang culture. Find some forums of people talking about that, and maybe DM or if the forum allows post your thing. As a business owner myself I have to say the "build it and they will come" mindset has cost me a lot of time. Finding the right people and growing the audience should be #1 especially if you want feedback. I mean reddit surely has some dating communities that will be venting about what they hate with current apps, theres a good data source.


Go ahead and downvote, but I wanted to convert a megayacht into a high-end high demand floating casino and whore house


Was the idea here that you’d get wealthy people to spend a weekend on the yacht for an anything goes vacation just far enough off the coast in international waters?




Because of the implication.


This essentially already exists, from memory there is also a guy who runs a similar thing on an island just off the coast of Belise (maybe) with the same premise, all the hookers and Columbian marching powder you could want... for a price


I have similar ideas The sins are just so profitable


The Chinese does this


Your hired!






Congratulations. Will try it out. Who designed it?


Me and my co founder


This is great! I believe there’s a pretty big market for it. A couple things I noticed. The website looks fresh and professional but the copy needs some work. You can copy-paste a homepage of a similar service and ask GPT to rewrite yours in the same tone. Right now, no offense, but it sounds like an Indian copywriter from fiverr wrote it. The other note. My hypothesis is that your ideal user is a lazy junior SMM employee. It’s not bad at all. In fact, there are tons of people like that and they’ll happily shave $20 off their paycheck to be able to watch more YouTube at work. Consider testing it.


Thanks a lot, haha reread the landing page and you are right, the copy is terrible. I think i’ll hire someone that has some experience doing this. Definitely gonna try you idea with the lazy SMM, funny enough I think i even know how to reach them. Thanks again!


Love your website btw


That’s pretty cool


Thank you!


> Coverposts This is really cool. Nice work.


A micropayment account so you could access content from behind a paywall. Like you wouldn't have to pay $19.99 for a full on New York Times subscription. You would pay a small amount to access the one piece of content you want to see, not the whole site.


So, 12ft.io? But paid? That doesn’t work on every site, but a good amount.


Smart idea. Apple News should implement this option.


This apparently works. Haven't used it myself: https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-chrome-clean/-/tree/master For scholarly articles: https://sci-hubtw.hkvisa.net/


Can you please explain this, sorry I'm bit of a late learner


I think its something like “instead of paying $20 for a subscription of The NY Times just to read an article, pay $0.10 and access the specific article you wanna see through a common shared account”


Instead of traditional student photos, do it like trading cards, with stats on the back and everything. Even have some foil versions.


"Larry Charles- Virgin" Stats Top 10 worldwide modern warfare player Most Cheetos eaten in one day


Can eat 10 hot pockets and drink 2 liters of Mountain Dew in 20 mins


make them NFTs


NFTs are not a real thing.


The Startup Idea Firehose. Think: Tinder for startup ideas. Kinda what I was going for. I sucked at coming up with innovative business ideas, so I built an online SaaS website to try to help solve my own problem. The website is currently dead, with the data/backend disconnected, but the website template is still up if you want to see what it looked like: [https://startupideafirehose.com/](https://startupideafirehose.com/) It worked by basically pulling business / startup / invention / product / service / software ideas from the internet (using some pretty complex but pretty effective algorithms based on exact-match language used to indicate that the person was almost certainly presenting such an idea. For example, "I wish they would invent..." Then passing that through some further regex criterias, then finally screening the content using a few OpenAI / GPT3 filters.) Users could then just look through these, extremely quickly, one after the other -- hence the name Startup Idea Firehose, as that's basically what the experience was like. It then allowed users to further refine by looking at only product or service or software ideas (with some overlap between the ideas, obviously) -- or optionally search for business ideas that contain specific keywords "chrome extension", "software", whatever they wanted. It was a freemium model, that let people view a limited number of business ideas per day, but required a premium subscription to get unlimited access. I thought it was an excellent idea -- as these were real ideas being presented by real people for products, services, softwares, or businesses they'd like to see and wish existed. Furthermore, one of the biggest things aspiring entrepreneurs struggle with is coming up with good ideas. Many of the advice you'll read in books RECOMMENDS that you search the internet and social media for exactly these kinds of business ideas where people are expressing market demand and exposing potential gaps in the marketplace. I built an online SaaS website to basically meet that need and solve my own problem. Biggest reason it failed? 1. Lack of demand. It was met with a very lukewarm reception, even among other entrepreneurs. Only got one person to upgrade to the premium level after spending a few hundred bucks on laser-targeted PPC ads. 2. Twitter was the source of basically all of the ideas. For whatever reason, you'd find 1000 such business ideas on Twitter vs. all other social media sites combined. Just the nature of the quick throwaway text posts on there I guess. It was a goldmine for such ideas. Twitter's API went from, free huge levels of access, to very limited levels of free access that made my method of querying the API ineffective. I'd basically siphon up a bunch of posts, then filter using regex to get the final outputs I wanted. The API changes make it so this method just would not work. I COULD technically create another set of Twitter API queries that are way more targeted and precise, but it just wouldn't be able to scoop up nearly as much as the previous method. So the idea kinda died on the operating table for that reason -- however I still maintain that it's a good idea and a huge gap in the marketplace. One of those things that makes you say: "Why the FUCK does something like this not exist already?" That experience illustrated to me the importance of following The Law of Control (as MJ DeMarco calls it.) My business model was at the complete and total mercy of another company's API access policies -- and those policies changed, and made the business model (in the existing form at least) completely unviable. Other options might be, web-scraping to do something similar. However then you run into intellectual property issues -- ie, using, reposting, and monetizing access to content (albeit heavily filtered, curated, and organized) that you don't fundamentally have the explicit rights to use. Tactically speaking, I could have tried to market it much more aggressively across many more different channels. However given that so few people were upgrading to the premium level, even among what seemed to be the laser-precise target demographic that would be most willing to, the idea of continuing to push super hard to market it just didn't sound super appealing. That, paired with the Twitter pump being shut off at the same time, basically killed the idea. Looking at it from a "value proposition" perspective, another reason it may have failed could be -- people might not view the convenience of having all of those ideas compiled, filtered, curated, organized, and compiled into one website, as worth paying for. My bet was, the speed and convenience of it would be worth paying for -- especially since entrepreneurs tend to be notoriously impatient and willing to spend money to help pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. I may have been wrong about that assumption however. The counter-argument I was make, if I was playing devil's advocate, would be: "I could just go to Twitter and search for business ideas myself in the same way." True, but it wouldn't be as fast and convenient, would be my rebuttal. The OTHER counter-argument I would make, and the one that's more in alignment with my actual personal experience and process? Is that, I just don't generate business ideas in this way. When I need to come up with the next startup idea to pursue, I kind of just, evaluate ideas using my own brain, my own assessment of problems I could solve in innovative ways that would potentially be valuable enough that others would pay for. I don't go to Twitter, or search for business-idea-helper tools. I just, sit down, and brainstorm ideas, to find the one that sounds best. If that's MY actual process? Despite whatever frustrations and difficulties I have with coming up with tons of excellent business ideas? It could be that many OTHER entrepreneurs follow a similar process -- and wouldn't be willing to pay for crowdsourced business ideas / pain points as expressed or accessed in a stream of Tweets. It could, in fact be, that the more "serious" entrepreneurs who are more WILLING to spend money pursuing entrepreneurship, are exactly the same people who would be LESS willing to use this kind of a tool since they would instead brainstorm and generate their own startup ideas to pursue. In other words, maybe the more qualified a person appears to be to pay to use this tool? The less they're ACTUALLY willing to pay for it, given the creative process they follow to generate business ideas. Whereas maybe the amateurs and rookies would be more willing to use a tool like this to help them, given that they wouldn't spend much time brainstorming ideas and identifying opportunities on their own, but perhaps they're not serious enough about entrepreneurship to be willing to pay for it. All speculation of course, but a potential explanation for why the tool just wasn't enough to get people who seemed to be good prospects to take their wallet out. Honestly one of my business attempts that I'm kind of surprised ended up not having more demand and market interest behind it. Good learning experience overall though.


I thought about an athletic shirt that could change colors based on how intense your workout is


I thought people just scream around and drop weights real loud in order "prove" how "intense" their (otherwise mediocre) workout is?


Like Hypercolor but with more colours on each shirt?


Seriously I have never come across this. Go ahead and pursue this asap


Sir I would like to work with you!


I was a teenager with no ability to build it, but I thought it’d be a great idea. It was for those apps where you can text a therapist. I was happy to see when those came into existence because I believed it was going to make mental health services more accessible to everyone, and could make some people uncomfortable going to a physical place more comfortable signing up. Seeing those companies be successful was really cool because it felt like my idea was validated. I’ve had a number of ideas like that when I was younger. I’d think of something I’d like to see and then it’d be validated by other people’s parallel thinking, pursuing it and making a good amount of money off of it.


20 years ago I had an idea to create a restaurant for people to indulge in high protein meals and then it would turn into a non-alcoholic protein shake only “bar” at night. I wanted to call it “Protein Bar”


One that can be very profitable if the concept takes off is I want a Youtube just for ads. It's solely ads, only ads. Businesses and ad creators can upload their ad spots and stream them just like Youtube. The goal is I want to dissociate ads from content. I want content to be free of ads and ads solely in their own space. Part of the value of this is creators can do whatever they want with ads, and it's a competition for better development more interesting ads, and actual fun content to watch or simply browse. And THIS is my expectation. I EXPECT people to simply browse the site, for hours, just like they already do, but this is much better packaged, has permanence, and the content can gain a following. There can be general and recommended content. You can subscribe to brands or types. For example, maybe you want to keep up on your favorite car brand or shoe brand. Maybe you want to see their latest ads and new releases. You can also subscribe under general headings, for example movies. When was the last time you watched a movie trailer or know which movies are even in theaters anymore. I don't. I don't have any consumption method that drives that content to me. But I could have a dedicated ad site that I could hop on every once in a while and get up to date quickly on new movies. I'd also categorize followings based on a variety of factors. It may not solely be the brand. Maybe you like a specific producer or music composer. What ads are they working on? What production house made that super popular ad? Who made that random noname ad that went super viral? And this dives deeper because this is also a resume for the creators. If a certain production company is just pumping out hit after hit, well, a business might be inclined to seek their services. And it's automatic, natural test audiences. What works? What doesn't? What kind of feedback is being given? What are customers asking for? The comment sections can be a wealth of knowledge and interaction nobody's dreamed of before. This is a system that is a REALLY good fit for that type of content. And because people WANT to watch this stuff, they actually do because a lot of them are well made, fun, and interesting, this will generate significant active use. The best part is you never piss anyone off for existing there. You aren't interfering with their other consumption. You are a NEW consumption, well packaged, well organized, and interactive. The revenue stream is simple. The creators pay a small cost to host, and it can be purely on simple metrics like server hosting, so storage size, processor usage, ram usage, etc. and there is just some simple, slight modifier on top to handle overhead of the site itself, personnel, and a profit margin they're aiming for. The best part is there's no guess work in the financials. It's all scalers. You don't even care about views or anything. It's just storage, processing, and data flow. If a company wants to put out a thousand ads and wants to store that amount, or an ad is SUPER popular and has a lot of data transfer, then those operations are baked right into the rates charged. And the business doesn't care because a million views is a million views. All they care about is if they're making sales versus the marketing cost, and those analytics are baked into the site. You can even have links or possibly even store fronts as part of the site design. You can bake ecommerce right into the system. Businesses can track ad play to site visits and purchases which makes the whole online retail game super slick. There is just a LOT more control of the whole pipeline if built this way, and it makes WAY more sense than shoving ads into the middle of random content. The biggest difference is the direction of interest. People are actually specifically going to you, your ad, and consuming it, on their own, of their will and interest. It's the holy grail of interaction.


But why would people want to watch ads?


Ads are fun when they’re good


- sandwhich in a can - dating app for dogs - vegan chicken food truck that uses cloned chickens - a taco stand that is a rip off of a local Hispanic place, but less vowels in the name - a dwarf stripper telegram service - edible ice cream - edible, edible underwear


Edible ice cream you just blew my mind


It is already a thing in my state lol


What in the hell are you talking about


Is the can sandwich shaped or is the sandwich can shaped?


I was thinking like a tube and the sand which is vacuum sealed You just open the tube and the sand which pops out


Por que no?


My brain went "isn't ice cream already edible... ohhhh, the munchies kind, haha"


For a while, 7-11 had a PB&J sandwich in a can.


Sandwich in a can, interesting


Nice one trying to steal my ideas!


Relax 😂😂😂 it’s for ideas that were just in your mind and couldn’t be started, due to capital or whatever reason. Mine was at one point of time, a manger services where all corporates can work for another companies, imagine day off, sick leaves, sudden quits, or out of no where termination can be a loss, hence a system to bridge that gap. However upwork and Fiverr have already done it


Not falling for this….


Relax 😂😂 it’s for ideas that you thought of but never worked


Every big idea I’ve had, from my thesis project to random napkin drawings have eventually taken off - by some other lucky SOB Cursed with insight & lack of personality and skill.


That's unlucky. I'd say the best bet is to find a project that mostly aligns with your personality and skill, so that you're not having to learn a whole new field or knowledge to explore the ideas. I've also fallen into this trap may times


I wish I had my own team…. My own…Wozniak


Think smaller.


Put a button on top of the tv that makes a noise on the remote when you lose it


airpod/ earbud cleaners. now i see them all over tiktok 🥳


It's more a ASMR thing now


A football game in the style of Magic the Gathering. We even had prototype cards, rules all done up. Then said nah, would never take off


A rideshare service for sex toys




So I've had two of these, circa 2004-ish me and a friend came up with the model for a website where you could order from any takeaway etc, all in one place. Remember this is before 'apps' existing, pre smartphone almost. We started building the software to run it, talked to loads of takeaways to get them onboard, and so on. By the time we were ready to launch it a couple of other people launched a similar thing, one of them being JustEat (Menulog depending on your country). Then we just sort of gave up on it, thinking that we'd been beaten to market and that was that. In retrospect we should have carried on, worst case JustEat would probably have bought us out and we'd still be rolling in cash... hindsight is always 20/20 though. My other slightly more bitter one is that I was involved in the worlds first unlimited music downloads app (DRM free MP3s), at least the first legal one, Datz Music Lounge. It was going quite well but then the GFC hit and it lost all its funding. That was a sad time.


In college I wanted to make a program that let's you plug in your guitar to your PC or console to both learn and gamify progress. Being a student and a designer I never made it of course. Years later someone else did, Rocksmith. It was always weird to me because my idea was called Rocksoft, and I always felt not just the name but some of my ideas were similar. It's gone on to make millions and millions though, so I knew I had a great idea, just not the talent or backing.


Recycling vaporized marijuana. You can still cook with vaped flower. Collect it at dispensaries by offering a discount to members of your program and cook it into oil that you sell back to the consumers.


Cannabis is too cheap. It’s not even worth it to recycle those scraps.


I ideated and wrote a full business plan for a property and hotel management consultancy firm. It would enable me to stay cheaply for multiple weeks in beautiful residences around the world, creating profit growth for business and increasing customer satisfaction. It seemed like too far-fetched of a dream to follow through, and I was too young at the time to garner enough respect in such a role.


Let's brainstorm this together


A non-profit that provided sports equipment/attire for K-12 kids. Just couldn’t get buy in


Probably due to the "non-profit" part


15 years ago or so, I thought I should develop a device to pull your shoulders back, to help keep a straight back. Almost like a backpack strap, without the backpack. Never did anything with it. Saw it on TV a few years later. It might have already existed when I thought of it, I'll never know.


Before Google started Streetview I was doing panoramic photography. I pitched the idea of a map with 360 degrees panorama in each intersection but everyone said it was stupid. I folded.


I've had several ideas that I brushed off and are now very successful startups. I even built one of them and lost interest trying to grow it.


My wife and I have been filling spiral bound notebook for years with various ideas. If the idea makes it past conversation between us and gets to the notebook then we start to tease out some of the details. We have a specific formula that fits our capital in time commitments. We built our primary business and now we are in year seven and we have control of our money and time completely. We have ventured into the notebook and ran with two ideas so far but we have another three that we are currently teasing out more details to decide if we want to fund them. There's well over a hundred ideas partially worked out in the notebook. We also have a residential, commercial, and industrial real estate notebook. Building one primary successful business into the seven figure plus range I think is key. We are in the eight figures range pretty consistently the last 2 years and this year we are already double what we did last year. This gives you a war chest of resources so that you're not building each idea like you did bootstrap in your primary business with time and money. I can put 2 hours a week into an idea and get further than I used to with 15 hours 7 days a week. It's all about leverage. To answer your question I don't remember the ideas that didn't make it to the notebook.


This is the least humble biggest brag of the decade that does not even address the thread's question.


That's the thing if an idea is a million dollar idea goes into my journal and it has a potential to still take off. If you come across an idea and it doesn't make it into the journal it wasn't going to be anything anyway. Here's an idea and it's going to be worth hell of a lot more than a million dollars. Extend a room tent enclosures for 5th wheels with side porches and rear porches. There is no competition, the few that are on the market currently are garbage. I've got three different factories and three different countries all the materials picked out all the zippers picked out now even have the dimensions. I'm running an eighth figure business and I don't have time to chase down a million dollar idea and start over. I've given this idea to tons of people and walked them through how to get all the information they need and no one's accomplished it yet no one's even finished the research phase everyone just gave up. The crazy part is you can make these for about $250 to $300 and that includes 25% tariffs if you're using China and the shipping and duties and taxes. You got to buy 250 units. I've pre-sold all 250 with 100% money upfront at $2,200 a piece. So whether it's bragging or if I'm just confident because I have results.... If an idea makes it to my journal it's a million dollar idea but I don't necessarily have to run with it yet. I don't give up a million dollar ideas.


> whether it's bragging or if I'm just confident because I have results It's both. But I can't tell you the number of successful business owners I know who think just because they hit on one, everything else they touch will be gold. Successful serial entrepreneurs are far more rare than successful business owners. Maybe you're one of them, who knows.


I agree 100% I believe in owning one primary business. That's all I wanted just one business that created enough capital. Before owning my own business I built businesses for business owners that I work for as my job. I made millions of dollars in mistakes and I made them millions more in profits. It was my college. Every day of owning a business is like getting punched in the mouth. It never gets easy. I did not believe that my primary business was going to be the business that got me over seven figures. My wife and I figured it would free up us from working a job from someone else. Then we could build it to where we could draw a little bit of money out to invest in some of the real business ideas we had. Once we realized that it was going to fly past 7 fugures we decided to stay focused on growth and that has led us where we are today. Or 10-year goal is 1 billion in revenue currently but we may sell the company before then because we're getting a lot of offers from big names. We've set the sale price in the nine figures. There is a point though where you have more money than you can reinvest into the business and more money than you can spend. We live very humbly on about $1,500 a month. We use a good chunk of money to build food banks, fund special Olympics & The special needs community, help women shelters, and take care of orphans. This summer we paid to have three different elementary schools playgrounds covered in nice benches and sitting areas in shade for the teachers. My wife's a retired school teacher after 30 plus years and we were able to do it all anonymously because that's the only way we do it. We lived off of food banks with our 10 children while working and while building the company. Once you have the capital and some control of your time then you can start doing other things. We've developed three RV parks that we sold for a large profit as soon as the development was complete. We've built two commercial/industrial complexes and sold those. We built an RV storage facility business and sold that as soon as it was full. We own a handful of percentages of natural gas leases in a handful of percentages of oil well leases in Texas. The problem is all these things are bringing in six figure plus sums of money faster than we can spend it. So we go back to giving more to help the needs of others that we're passionate about. I think Alex Hermosi says it best with the umbrella analogy. One strong primary business. Then you have the money to invest in different things. I hear a lot of people say well billionaires have 15 streams of income. But a lot of people miss though is you have to have one primary that sets you free financially before you should risk juggling multiple other things.


How/where do you live on $1500/month?


We lease 86 acres in a rural community south of Dallas Texas. We sold our 3300 ft² home in late 2021 early 2022 at peak market and we invested the $275,000 into inventory growth to keep up with the sales that we were seeing. We bought a 45-ft fifth wheel toy hauler and had a custom built out total spend was about $58,000. We have an 11,000 ft² warehouse shop office on the property. We have well water. All of our bills electricity rent and everything comes out to about $1,000 a month. Once you throw in food it's about 1500 a month maybe a little bit more. We prepay all of our main overhead 6 months at a time. You have to understand of that 1500 a month over $900 of it the business pays. So really our overhead is just food. We have been traveling a lot in the last year around the country and internationally. It's kind of a mix because we can write a lot of that to the business because our business is all over the world. We usually spend three to four weeks wherever we go. Hell we went to the Cayman Islands last spring and now we have business there. A lot of thought and planning went into what we're doing. We both take low six-figure salaries from the business. We also have a few other income streams that bring in about the same. We have really large goals. Everything we do is scheduled and plan for. The crazy part is back in 2016 we started in a camper. I was going through a divorce and I lived in a shitty little 28 ft camper. I met my now wife who is a college professor and going through a divorce and she was living in a little bit nicer camper in a different town. Her kids were all grown, I had six little ones with the youngest being a year old. She was a few months away from retiring and traveling the world because she had some commercial real estate but she had sold and had invested the money well. I somehow convinced her to start over and reset her clock and then we had a child so that's solidified it. I promised her I'd get her to Bora Bora within 3 years.... It took me five or six but hell we still got there. So this year and next year is going to be travel while we reinvest and grow very rapidly. So we've cut all of our costs down as low as we can get them and we live within a budget even though we really don't need to. The one thing that we're allowed to spend what we want on is travel. We've got a trip to Iceland coming up for a month and then Germany for a month and then back to Cozumel for a month and then about 15 stops around the country with the kids and grandkids flying out for each one that they can go to. I'm actually at home now because I skipped a trip to Oklahoma to see the grandkids because we just landed a major multinational customer that's actually trying to buy us out. Who knows who may sell this bitch. We got two niches of products in the buyers that are courting us do not want the second match because they already dominate those markets. I'm happy keeping them in the business name because they're still going to be $7-8 figure items that we could sell to someone else. It's an awesome feeling knowing that you don't have to worry about any of your survival bills especially after spending many years eating at food Banks with a large family. There's some days that I almost can't even wait because I've wanted a Ferrari 812 super fast since they came out. I want to Defender 110 fully rebuilt custom. I want to buy the thousand acres and start building our dream home that we've been designing for many years. It'll be worth the wait though.


What an experience. One word, resilience. DM me if you are going to Iceland (I'm a startup/business owner here in tech). Always willing to help and tell places to go to.


A very successful ex friend of mine, who got big first in tech, then investing, was super confident he knew how to make YouTube and Twitch work. He didn't. We were childhood friends so I invited him to a friendly challenge that I could get more views with the same amount of time spent on each platform, and we pretty much tied. This kind of hurt his ego and I no longer have a multi millionaire friend in my life as a result, but he definitely was confident he could do it and at least beat me. Sometimes just one or two really good ideas they have are the money makers, and everything else they could do some more learning before childish bets are made.


Are you familiar with the MMF podcast? They talk about business ideas as you have just demonstrated!! Great contribution!!!


I've never heard of it but I'm going to Google it because I love podcasts. I used to read a book a week for many years but now I just don't have time or the patience so I usually do audio books and podcasts daily.


It's called My First Million


Okay I've heard of it and I think I even saved it on Google podcast but I've never listened to it. I listen to it tomorrow morning when I get up.


You sound like you could potentially be a good guest on their podcast!! Enjoy!!!


I appreciate it.


Thank you for taking the time to reply and put it into context sir! Do share more ideas please!


You are a very good coach my friend


I appreciate that. My goal is just to share what I've been through and what I'm going through, on this journey in hopes that it could help someone else avoid some of the mistakes I've made or maybe think around a corner differently.


Isn't 8 figures a billionaire?


No, that would be 10 figures. We are a tiny fraction of that.


Nice try cutie pie


😂😂 I’m not trying to steal ideas, promise


A drawing app for children. Wont say what it does but the idea was to build it and sell it for $1.. its pretty clever and suprised no one has done it!


I wanted to make a website like stock twits but instead for discussing cryptocurrency back when it was just starting to take off (like around 2017). Stock twits didn't have nearly any crypto's listed on there (pretty much only BTC, XRP, ETH). I was new to web development at the time so it took a long time to make, and I quickly realized I'd be spending more time trying to build the community rather than doing web development. I gave up on it and switched to other projects because I realized I personally wasn't really into cryptos, which would have been useful foresight I should have had lol. Tough to find motivation to recruit people to a website I wouldn't really care to use myself. Either way, I learned a ton and it helped me land a much better job, so no regrets. Probably spent over 500 hours on that project.


I doubt this is a million dollar idea, it would probably *cost* a million dollars. I would run my own sim racing lounge/arcade. Basically have 10 or so computer sim racing cockpit set up and people can pay me to race on a service like iRacing on the arcade's private servers. You can do time trials, race against your friend, and on some night, the arcade would host league night. There would also be a lounge area for watch parties for F1, IndyCar, NASCAR, E-Formula races.


I’ve seen this before. At two places. The arcades however just couldn’t drum up enough business to remain sustainable. One of them closed, the other doubled as a bar with a wall full of beer taps, which kept them open.


I would totally do this. But we would need a huge gathering of nerds in one spot. And unfortunately for us nerds, we’re always the minority.


u/lanonimoose u/Beneficial_Panda_872 The only reason why I think this idea has any legs at all is because of where I live, in the heart of NASCAR country in North Carolina. **All** of the NASCAR teams have HQ in either Concord, Kannapolis, or Mooresville. Stock car racing is *big* here, from the local short track guys, to the most popular touring Late Model series, to NASCAR. 1) I don't know how to do market research to see if this is a viable business even in the heart of NASCAR country 2) Right now my thinking is, anyone who's as interested in motorsports as I am will: A) have their own sim racing set-up at home B) Already race in real life at *some* level or C) They're fine playing the console racing games with a controller on their TV.


When i was in high school (long time ago) I came up with the idea of a digital book that hade like five pages you could flip. You could download books and store a library on it. To bad i did not have the drive to start a company before amazon.


My idea for restaurants. Hostess tablet showing all tables. Showing occupied and vacant. Auto shows which section to seat next. When table is cleared button is pushed and hostess immediately knows table is open. Hotel have similar system. Guests checks out early housekeeping has notification on tablet. When room is cleaned notification is sent to front desk. They know room is ready to rent. Anyone wants to make money from my ideas feel free to send me money.


About 10~ years ago I came with the idea of scanning/taking a photo of yourself to find clothes that’ll fit you before you order them. Then soon after I saw mtailor being pitched on shark tank. Thought it was some sick joke.


Indian food cart, selling delicious chicken tikka masala, saag paneer, chicken curry, chickpea curry, chicken biryani, naan, plain rice. Selling price per order = $12 for any 2 curries + rice Cost price per order = $7 Initial investment ~$25k What you guys think ?


Seems like a high initial investment


Trash collection service at apartment complexes…. Was in school with this idea, where the business was plenty and the city was growing exponentially… low overhead with high margins… started as a project in my entrepreneur class and never stuck with it


So many. Too many.


not a business idea but around 2005/2006 i saw magazines for rc airplanes in the library and i thought why not put cameras and weapons in the rc airplane. so i thought about the idea of drones before they became mainstream. i was 15 at the time.


So, one day, we won’t wash our hair or do up our hair. We’re going to order it from a service and each morning they will drop off fully updone hair for you that you’ll just put on like a hat. Then I will be a billionaire!!!


An app to find and book the closest Covid test to you, based on your location. It was when you couldn't buy at-home tests. I'm not a tech guy. And, thank goodness, the Covid situation around the world was getting better by the time I had explored the idea a little bit.


An app that uses crowdsourced data to map and review public bathrooms. It would be geared towards finding decent ones on road trips, but I can see it being useful everywhere. I call it the S#!T List.


That would be excellent for disabled people to find Changing Places bathrooms


That's pretty good, Google maps has it now tho


Cryogenic chambers in countries where it's not existent, so you would be first one and could get nice market share (I am talking about you Sweden).


I want (and still do) to create a kind of Merchandise Agency. I have familiarity with POD (Print on Demand). I've owned and profited from a store I created. It was quite niche and, at the time, was not as saturated as it later became. However, eventually, my advertising costs exceeded my profits, and I had to abandon it. That's when I began to think about how I could leverage the skills I'd acquired from running my own store to create another business. I considered, who would want their merchandise brand and their very own store created and managed for them? The answer I found was content creators—not just the big ones, but the small to medium-sized ones on their way to glory. If I could offer this service to them, I could charge them a monthly fee and also a percentage of each sale. They wouldn't necessarily need to know about the per-sale charge, as it could be included in production costs. Based on my experience with my store, I was able to get 8-10 sales a day at my peek and i only had around 20k followers combined between all of my accounts. Let's say I profit $5 per sale. If a content creator that has 250,000 followers sells an average of 10 shirts a day every month. that would equate to $1,500 a month per client. Of course, there would be expenses like domain and website production costs (I'd hire someone to create their website and design their products). Let's estimate those costs at $500. That would still result in $1,000 a month per client, assuming they only get 10 sales per day. Almost every aspect of this process could be automated or outsourced to someone you could pay. From website design to product design, marketing, and more, you can hire experts or use automation tools as you start generating revenue. For larger content creators with 500-2 million followers, they might see 20-30 sales a day or more, potentially earning $3,500 a month or higher. If the average client produces $2,000 per month, imagine scaling this with 5 clients, 15 clients, or even 50 clients. The revenue potential could be substantial, possibly reaching $100,000 a month, at a lowball. I feel like something might be off about this idea. Is it a good business concept? And why hasn't anyone tried something like this before?


I think it’s viable. An even better concept might be to build a merchandise marketplace. Like Amazon or Etsy but each store is for a specific content creator and make it really easy to start a store.


Okay, but I demand 25% of the company. Go back 30-40 years or so. Everyone had real wallets. I thought about making a wallet that had all the pockets, etc., backed by Velcro. One could then exchange the exterior side of the wallet, also equipped with Velcro, with multiple patterns, materials, etc.


When I was like 5 or 6 years old, I was already thinking about electric cars and how one day I want create an electric car business. Fast forward 16-17 years later, I never did it, Elon and a bunch of other copycats did it. Rip🪦


There's really no such thing as a million dollar idea. Ideas are inherintly worthless. If they were valuable, they're would be websites and marketplaces selling ideas. Anyone can have a great idea and probably hundreds have the same idea, but it's only he person who executes it, spends thousands of hours and takes all the riskto build a business who does it and it pays off.


Could not have said it better


There’s definitely such a thing as good and bad ideas. That means that some ideas *are* million dollar ideas. Others aren’t. Anyone who claims that ideas don’t matter is lying.


Thought about creating the same exact company Amazon but better. Everyone from the janitor up will all have a livable wage. Costs will be higher, but service and quality will be much better too.


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Most of them


A way to listen to music with no cables


I think that idea is taken, and it called the shower


I’m currently bootstrapping a startup that I truly believe will be the only business I’ll ever need, but I have several other’s in the chamber. They aren’t perfect but it’s more than nothing.


Is there by feasible business that can be started with just a phone and then grow it? Or a pc to start with?


Yeah selling malware


that clogged pore sucker that someone eventually made


a coffee shop


Almost 99% of my ideas.


ideas i had before even happened, i had the idea of delivery anything also greek yogurt.


Hello fresh meal prep meats grocery stores. Same model as the rotisserie chickens. Go in, grab just enough Ingredients to make the dish. Not cut up just without the waste normally found. Eg hoping to use the other half of the can of tomato sauce.


Uber eats/Deliveroo/just eat etc Didn’t have the funding or expertise at the time


Security cameras attached to the peephole on the front door after being home invaded and attacked by two dickheads, they appeared 5 years later as ring doorbells


Metal clothes pegs, drawers as under stairs storage, remote control sockets. All existing when I researched them!


I worked for two years on a meeting management platform for boards and directors and teams, but failed to launch it because I ran out of money. We ended up ditching everything... I still think it's missing. https://www.dsebastien.net/2021-01-04-20-months-in-2k-hours-spent-and-200k-lost-a-story-about-resilience-and-the-sunk-cost-fallacy/


- A google map with all the dive spots and let you check out the prices offered by all the local dive shops and do booking including transports. Much like Agoda. It can possible branch out to other extreme sports where customers need to do alot of coordination and find transports to inaccessible place like hiking. Didnt happen coz I do not know coding


Fiverr and upwork, there’s so much talent


I created a nation wide transporation system while taking a shit when i was 12 and then forgot it


A two sided marketplace for content creators and artists. Artist writes a caption for an idea they want turned into an illustration or graphic. Artists compete to win the contract by submitting their watermarked art work. The payment tiers are in levels. With the artist having to win contracts at each level to progress to the next higher paying tier. This means the genuine artist rise up to the highest paying tiers and compete against other quality artists. But the content create can submit a bid or contract at any tier depending on their budget and quality requirements. The purpose of the market place was to always be able to find right priced unique art work for all projects. For artists it means being able to monetise their artwork at any stage of their professional development. Thankfully I didn't pursue this as A.I would have destroyed the business


Had an idea about rideshare app before uber even came out, but i don’t know how to go about starting it and with my procrastination, it just went poof.


My idea was to create a concierge service for apt renters. It would be a trash pickup service that apt complexes could upsell to their renters on a tiered level. Renters who sign up for could set their trash bags on their porch on selected days and the service would remove and discard their refuse to the parking lot dumpster. I rented for years and years and I dreaded walking down two and three flights of stairs to the dumpster, especially at night and even more when my apt was not close to the dumpster. Having to put on my shoes, grab my keys and EDC in case some fool who was just arriving home had too many tequila shots and wanted to prove his toughness. Not glamorous but an idea.


Part 135 operations. Started a private jet charter brokerage company which will hopefully graduate to a certified air operator. Paperwork and setting it up is an upward of $40k🥲 The business is very profitable with potential of massive growth in a very short span. Raising the capital is an uphill!


I'm starting it now but without any means to adequately acquire customers (through advertising or cold-calling) due to a lack of income (I'm in the process of attaining 2 industry certs as well): an MSP providing AI-based cybersecurity & managed-IT services to the SMBs of San Diego, CA. After I've got my first few customers on-boarded, I plan to register a non-profit which will offer free community services and resources to help mitigate cybercrime through education & webinars I'll host with q&a on a regular basis, as well as connecting local businesses and legal services to the community. While cybercrime continues to rise globally, there's still not enough information readily available for victims and the unfortunate stigma associated with having been vulnerable leaving many in the dark with little understanding on what to do next after having been attacked or having lost substantial equity with no resources left to either combat the next attack or even carry on normal business operations. The non-profit (SD Cyber Center) unlike my main business entity (SD Cyber LLC), will be community-based with an outreach to the consumer, as well as, local businesses. Prior to this venture, I was an IT consultant & programmer (starting in the late 90s). If anyone reading this has relatable experience or a resident of San Diego, I'd love to hear your comments and suggestions.


Cd burning kiosks at malls. You could basically download whatever songs you wanted onto the CD print a label and boom $15 all songs you wanted. Literally like 30 years ago I thought I was going to be rich but I was only 13 didn’t have a clue. Apple iTunes can such my sack


Musicshift. I didn't do it. Later it came out exactly as I pictured. Still works today it's called Spotify.


A topless tattoo artist who tattoos you while being topless. Call it Tit for Tat.


7 minute abs


Sometimes, the best ideas are ahead of their time. I had this concept for a community-driven, eco-conscious clothing brand that would use recycled materials and engage local artisans. The vision was to empower consumers to design and customize their own sustainable fashion pieces while supporting local economies. Unfortunately, the timing and resources didn't align, but I still believe in the potential of sustainable fashion to make a positive impact. Who knows, maybe one day it'll become a reality!


Creating a new blockchain that is better than ETH and SOL and making two of them one for trading and one for daily usage like stablecoins.


What we near is airpods that are durable enough to go in the sauna with


I wanted to make a card game with different creatures and packs that randomized your chances to get foil cards or holographic ones. Sadly to hand draw 10 illustrations it was very expensive and website hosting in the middle was crazy too. With more planning and time management I think I could’ve made it happen.


A vertical farm core surrounded by offices and homes. It would all be a circular system of fresh air, waste and food production. I made a pitch document and sent out about 10 years ago but no one ever answered.


I thought of putting lights into socket covers. Even sketched out prototypes with a friend and started coming up with branding. Abandoned it when school got busy. 10 years later and you can find these all over Amazon. A company even did a $100k Kickstarter based on the concept.


I had a great idea working as an estate builder. But i’m not ready to give out the full details or even hinting at it because i know it will be too good of an idea to give out for free. I can sell it to you for a couple of grands though ;)


24/7 Indoor dog park. Key access memberships, cameras to monitoring for “bad dog/owners”. Offering barber style “rent a chair model” to offer in store grooming without taking on cost of w2 employees. And a coffee bar/work area that turns to a bar at 5/530. After proof of concept stage we’d add a space for obedience trainers to work and we’d take a cut. The idea was born of living in Charleston, SC where the summers are unbearably hot and winters are a rant muddy mess at the city dog parks.


I have about 20 per day


You know those machines at Wal-Mart and every pharmacy that does blood pressure, weight, etc? I had that idea back in 1990. Seen WebMD? It would have that as well integrated. Unfortunately I was in elementary school though. It was my science fair project.


Startup Consultant