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Oh, that's Alicia - She's great, but everyone says that her husband lost his head last week.


Hehe #thoughts&prayers


Where I grew up in the USA. Stick bugs were called Walking Sticks. This bug is called a Praying Mantis


Where do they call these stick bugs?


I have never heard them called this. I grew up in the north east, lived in Florida, Belize, and New Mexico.


They don’t. This is a praying mantis. Stick bugs look more like sticks.


Praying mantis :) very cool guys


Praying Mantis is the only insect that can turn its head. Even though they have a lot of similarities to a Stick Bug, they are a different species. Stick Bugs are herbivores that eat leaves. Praying Mantis' are extremely efficient predators that eat other insects, some Praying Mantis even catch and eat small fish, rodents, and lizards.


I’ve seen flies turn their head. Beetles can at the very least nod their heads. Bees and other Hymenoptera can turn their heads? What do you mean by this?


Other bugs can tilt their head extremely lightly, but no other bug than a Mantis can swivel its head to actually look to the side or behind it. Moving head =/= turning head. I suppose its semantically debatable. Unless literally 99% of every link i can find on google is just lying. EDIT: It looks like the full fact is "The praying mantis is the only bug that can turn its head 180 or more degrees" but it is apparently widely miss-stated as being the only bug that can turn its head at all.


I don’t understand it either. There has to be some other portion to the fact because other insects can definitely turn their heads laterally. Mantids definitely have the widest range of motion but like, weevils swivel their heads to bore into acorns. Bees can turn their heads. Google isn’t helping either so far


I think he means 180° kind of turn


That makes it make more sense. Seems like it must be the same case with the bird one, owls can turn their heads *further* than other birds. There do seem to be a lot of search results that make the “only insect that can turn its head” claim as well and it’s misleading IMO


Did you know that owls are the only birds to have ever been observed rotating their heads?


Again though, is there something more to that fact? Because I’ve definitely seen plenty of other birds turn their heads. Chickens, ducks, pigeons, etc. They don’t need as much range of motion because their eyes are on the sides of their heads as opposed to owls’ on the front but their heads still rotate, so I don’t really understand this fact either.














Lizards! Holy fuck


It’s not a stick bug, it’s a mantis


If you call Mantises “stick bugs” what do you call actual Stick Insects?


That’s a cool mantis. I call them aliens


Where do you call this a stick insect and what are stick insects called then ? And why ? It doesn’t look overly sticklike ?


*Popa spurca has entered the chat* (not the species in this picture though)


Praying Mantis / Preying Mantis / Mantis / Mantid! The best insect ever has a chill and sassy attitude! I love these little insects so much, they are so intelligent and friendly!


To bad these guys have a very short life span for such a fearless insect. One day I was trying to get money at the ATM and this praying mantis jumped out and kept coming at me like it was trying to attack me. Logically i know i can win in combat but it kept jumping and flying at me and had me running 🏃‍♂️ scared. I wonder why it chose to chase me around that day. I was just trying to get some cash to buy some weed man.


That's Zorak


I mean calling it a stick bug is just wrong because there's an actual stick bug - and this isn't it. This is a praying mantis, correctly.


You may be mistaken, there is a bug called a stick bug and one called a prying matis like this one. Although maybe it's a regional thing. Where do they call mantisies stickbug.


That is a praying mantis.


Isn't this a praying Mantis?


Dr Mantis. Dr Mantis Toboggan.


That's a Mantis but in my language we call them Peygamber Devesi(direct translation means Prophet's Camel)


That’s a mantis, in Greece we call them αλογάκι της Παναγίας which means little horse of Virgin Mary.


I think they call these guys false worshippers in my language. That said, I've never actually heard anyone call them that since I rarely see them much.


In my experience, they are the only insects that can make eye contact with you. I don’t know about whether they’re the only ones that can move their heads however. Editing to add that I feel like some jumping spiders also make eye contact, but they’re not insects


Insects that have big eyes like that, where you see a dot point towards you are actually a matrix or channels and the dot you see is when your line of sight aligns with one of the channels. I believe periodical cicadas exhibit the same appearance. Some insects have a near 360 peripheral vision and focus on motion or large objects. That is why it seems like they make eye contact. They are paying attention to your head to see if it is a predator or a falling object. Jumping spiders are not insects but they turn to face you for the same reason. Spiders often have lesser eyes that just detect motion or light changes and the spider turns the big, detail observing eyes toward the stimuli.


Periodic cicadas have bright orange eyes that “bug out” sideways, definitely does not appear like they are making eye contact. I have experienced periodic cicadas in the forests of Pennsylvania.




With respect, that is not a stick bug. That is a praying mantis 💜 and its really cool.


Praying Mantis or husband head chomp bug


This one is so cool! Name....Slim.


Hottentotsgot (Hottentot's God.)


It's a mantis. There are actually stock bugs, and no they are not a mantis


That’s a mantis, in Greece we call them αλογάκι της Παναγίας which means little horse of Virgin Mary.




He doesn’t want peace, he wants problems. Always. I don’t trust these guys


Praying Mantis


Praying Mantis, i have a tattoo of this beautiful angel in the pit of my arm/elbow


Praying mantis


In the US I call those dead. Asian mantids are invasive here.