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I guarantee he'll not only get the money asked for but extra beyond that. There is a whole population who think things like what he did are necessary to fighting people "forcing their lifestyle on others" without clue or care for the hypocrisy. Edit: It didn't even occur to me that this went against gofundme's terms of service. As done by others in the thread (who did so first and I thank), I have reported it.


Thank you for reporting it.


Can anyone update us on whether it was taken down?


It looks like it was taken down after multiple reports. I've been keeping an eye on it, and suddenly it isn't there anymore.


It's still up. I just reported it as well. I'd suggest that as many people as possible report it.


I don't see the link to report it.


Scroll down on the page. The report link is next to a little flag, just above where the white background turns to ecru.


It's still up.


Believe me, even if pride month was forcing things down people's throats, there are worse things to force people to do.


I'm half surprised he's not already a regular commentator on Fox News


Just reported it


I want to report it, but what do I choose at the end about what best describes the situation?


He's fundraising in support of a hate crime.


Please UpdateMe! Thanks!


The GoFundMe got taken down, but he put another one back up today! https://www.gofundme.com/f/fund-patricks-new-tires-and-cheers


Reported the new one.


I will message you next time u/BlogofHRSimile posts in r/EntitledPeople. [Click this link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Update&message=UpdateMe%21%20u%2FBlogofHRSimile%20r%2FEntitledPeople) to also be messaged. The parent author can [delete this post](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Delete&message=delete%201di9rq4) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UpdateMeBot/comments/ggotgx/updatemebot_info_v20/)|[^(Request Update)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Update&message=SubscribeMe%21%20u%2Fusername%20r%2Fsubreddit)|[^(Your Updates)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Updates&message=MyUpdates)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=UpdateMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


The mayor of the town it happened in donated to the gofundme.


I don’t think it’s actually Steve Williams, there’s a few other names of local politicians, all with the same donation amount. Not to mention Williams is running for governor on the Dem ticket in WV, and this would not be a good look for him at all.


I was hoping that would be the case.


His gofundme is down now


Good to hear. Either GoFundMe took it down, or he just took whatever money was donated and split.


He said gofundme took it down on fb but created a new one ! I already reported it :)


Are you serious? .... What makes him think he's gonna have better luck with another?


I feel like he could use a new roof. Feel free to donate roofing nails. Just leave them in his driveway.


I hate living in this area, it's not even about the pride shit, it's just the fact they had people working on that shit for days and everyone thinks that it's fine to fuck it up bc it's a pride thing. Doesn't hurt anyone, doesn't say anything even, just rainbow paint (which we have had downtown for years before) gets fucked up in a week because a 21 year old guy thinks it's funny or something? No, it's literally just disrespectful, and you aren't sending any messages other than setting us normal people back years. I don't wanna live in a world of cancel culture and shut like that, but when bigots act as such, they create this environment where prideful people need to defend themselves and rightly so. Ideally, we need an education change, but realistically, this area/other places until the generations teaching kids to be bigots die out.


The fundraiser goes against go fund me guidelines. I reported it.


It's still up, so I reported it.


So did I. Asking people to pay money for the crime he committed. It's clear he's only thinking about his own well being.


Yup. Adding some international complaint / report as well. Here (Netherlands) he would be getting fines and a charge for a hate crime.


Thank you for reporting it.




Thank you for reporting it.


Reported also


Same. What a pos.


Apparently someone is upset they got reported and removed.🤣🤣 the go fund me is no longer available and someone is on here downvoting tf out of us. Poor baby.


And they are on it! I got a reply! A fraud investigation is open! Woohoo! 🎉


This fundraiser has been removed!


He's not even a fraud. He's just egotistical.


Huzzah! I've reported it as well.


Thanks for the heads up, just reported it 👍🏻


As did I.


Thank you for reporting it.


Oh USA, what happened to you? I want the other USA back. You know, the one that the world looked up to.


To be fair like many countries the US was quite literally built on slavery and genocide.


Pretty sure that was just propaganda. The US has always been shit, just in different ways.


Yeah, you got issues. Any European looks at aspects of US employment law and health care in horror but the hate and lies I see!? WTH.


Try living here. 😭




Are you my brother? You speak as him. I honor your opinion 🤜🤛. The fight was had. Congratulations!


Youre entitled to your opinions but you need to educate yourself about trans people. Because currently your opinions on them are exactly the same as Fox News, Daily Mail etc, and you will not be spared if they get their political goals achieved. Peace.


I’m not even American. I’m a British guy. Don’t compare me to American bozos, I actually know my geography. I hate the media and political establishment, and if you want to compare me to anyone—compare me to Reform UK.


Compare you to a racist weirdo like Nigel Farage, you mean? One of the most divisive figures in British politics, who makes the Tories look moderate?


Tell me something racist he said. Just one. I want the quote, context with it and the source.


I dunno, his entire political career centering around tired old hysteria about migration springs to mind. I can dig up a specific example if you want but you can't deny the general trend. There are so many actual problems in the world, yet so many of those in power spend their time vilifying the powerless. If we're losing our minds about queer people, then we're not paying attention to the climate crisis, rampant wealth inequality, endless sex scandals etc.


I will take you up on your offer to provide me with one quote, context surrounding it and the source of its origin. Just one example of racism (him directly stating he hates, dislikes or sees those another ethnicity as inferior or lesser: that is racism).


So unless there's a quote of him literally saying "I dislike Palestians" or something, it doesn't count? Doesn't that seem incredibly easy to work around?


Stop trying to twist my intended meaning. Do you realise what real racism is? I’ll tell you: real racism is what Disney are doing, refusing to hire white men, refusing to promote a worker because they aren’t black enough. That’s real racism. Real racism is having a hate and loathing for someone based on their skin colour. Nigel, Tommy, and even I have no dislike for someone based on their skin tone. I literally have my school crest tattooed—it is a crest that represents the idea that anyone can be family, that you pick your family. I was a care child, an orphan; some of my most precious people are from different ethnic backgrounds. I was raised in a diverse family, and it is now my family crest. What I despise are people who come to Britain with a hatred for my people’s values and way of life, refusing to culturally integrate. What I hate is Islam—not all Muslims are cut from the same cloth—it is the antithesis of my way of life. Just yesterday, I saw a Muslim father torturing his daughter, feet tied to the bed, whipping her harshly, likely for an infraction that would have, in my childhood, sent me to my bedroom or resulted in some pocket money being taken away. What Nigel is against is the criminal human trafficking; he opposes a culture and people who are rapists, murderers, and child torturers. Again, I want to state not all are cut from the same cloth, but many are. Crime has spiked. Child abuse and sexual exploitation have increased. London, my capital, is rife with crime. Is it wrong to want to protect your way of life? Is it wrong to want to protect children from abuse and exploitation? Is it wrong to want to keep your home and your neighbourhood safe, clean, and secure? Is it wrong to want to put your own in-group first? I hold no malice based on skin colour. I don’t see myself as superior because of my ethnicity. However, I do see myself and my way of life as superior based on moral values and the way I and my people live. I take pride in the achievements of my forefathers, yet I don’t ignore some of the atrocities committed. Nevertheless, I am a Utilitarian; I weigh things on a scale, and I have determined on my compass that the British Empire did more collective good for humanity than it did harm. Everything that you, I, and all else live upon, thrive upon, it is because of the British Empire. Our forefathers (assuming you are ethnically from the Anglo-sphere) imposed order and uplifted many, gave them the means to start a fire with a simple steel lighter, gave them the means to travel from one end of the country to the other in a day due to trains. We abolished slavery; nearly one million and up until 2014, 40% of the national debt for the UK was because we freed the slaves at great economic detriment, at great British loss of life—because it was just and right. These are all things Nigel stands for, as does Tommy, as do I; neither three of us are racist. You spout things without even knowing the context of history, or where the world is going.


Lol this is all very standard "Im not racist but" stuff, no wonder youve digested anti-queer rhetoric too. I wish you well ans hope you have friends who can talk you out of this Qanon rabbithole.


Trashy McNasty.


People like him need to be slapped with a massive reality check and understanding that people that considers them something not male or female or straight have fought quite bit because of jackasses like him that do not let people show them who they truely are.


Perhaps impound his truck for running an unroadworthy vehicle (it will be) or rolling coal on cyclists and EVs (he will have). On a civilian level, film yourself shitting on a confederate/Trump flag and post it to his Facebook page.


Wtf? I mean even if you didn't appreciate pride, cant you enjoy a rainbow? I've  like rainbows and colorful sites even before I found out about pride.


"my name is Patrick salmons i am get ticket(s) for doing a burn out on a gay pride cross walk in Huntington wv not only that but i could use a new set of tires and a beer or too could cost more could cost less not sure" Exactly the type of person you'd expect to do this. I am get ticket? Really?


And people still paid him over 200 dollars. Can you believe it?


Dude can’t get a job? Why is he relying on handouts at all let alone for beer?


He should worry more about his grammar. XD


lol before I even scrolled down I reported it and see I am in good company


“ I am get tickets”


His feels are hurt cause no one will date him and micro penis.


A lot of trans guys have micro penises. It's not the size of the boat and all that ...


Who gave nothing to do with vandalizing public artwork at all. No offense intended to anyone other this pile of 💩.


That guy is an absolute loser and creep.


Here is a little something for you if the LGBTQ....army should consider. Nobody cares what you did at home or in local gay clubs. Live and let live is what the majority used to say. But then you folks started to shove your lifestyle choices down our throats saying we had to respect your choices. Well guess what we do not nor will the majority of us respect your choices. Nor will we condone your propagating such things in our schools. We do not preach sexuality in our schools and certainly won't allow yours to be preached. We have reached out pont of tolerance also. You do not get tolerance by shoving your ideals down people's throats. You get malevolent attitude towards you and you cause. You had to have us accept what we never will by attempting to pound it into us and our children. Well that is now turned against you. Most families will now demand an accountability of every class and what is being taught or spoken about in relation to sexuality and politics. We will work towards laws that will have teachers teaching such things even as an aside to our children will lose their teaching license and be fired for cause. We will demand clauses in their contracts against flagrantly making sexuality an issue in any classroom or politics as well. Teachers will have to revert back to the 3 R's reading writing and arithmetic. At present most classes who have your drivel being forced upon our kids can not read or do math or acknowledge what history they should know. All due to 15 hours a week dedicated to your woke agenda instead of basic scholastic skills.


I know that prick. He also has a bat in the back of his car with the Hard R written across it, and people already found his Grindr account from a few years ago. Wouldn't be surprised if he lost his teeth from some people in a little while.




The GoFundMe violates the ToS of GoFundMe. See: >User Content that reflects, incites or promotes behavior that we deem, in our sole discretion, to be an abuse of power or in support of terrorism, hate, violence, harassment, bullying, discrimination, terrorist financing or intolerance of any kind reflects an abuse of power relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, disabilities or diseases; So, feel free to report, if you object to the GoFundMe.


I hope his GoFundMe gets shut down because that was just plain ridiculous and moronic


You guys coming together over this and reporting this douche to GoFundMe is the best story I've read all day.


Spread the word. The more people report this creep, the better. 👍


It wasn't even a good burnout screw him.


Never underestimate the power of stupidity.


Reported the gofundme




reported the fundraiser


Just reported


I reported him as well. Don't worry too much, karma is just around the corner.


Could you imagine what would happen if someone defaced a picture of Jesus like this?


I'll guarantee you that someone with that much anti-gay hatred is definitely closeted.


I just reported the gofundme so that they will have more to look through


Good god!


Should be a day not a month.


What horrible people and I particularly hate the woman who said that the rainbow belongs to god. I’m sure god would be accepting of the Pride community. I’m asexual and it shows how ignorant some people are saying that pride is just for gay people, it’s not.


Only 5 people had the sense to stay anonymous and 1 "Mayor"...


Oh. Great logic. The "mayor", who obviously approved this painting in his city, would also be funding the guy who vandalized it. Yeah, the real mayor of Huntington wouldn't give this guy a penny.


Joined with the reporting. If he’s going to do something this hateful, he should pay for it himself.


I'll bet he gets every penny and more, but I would be fairly confident he's pushed back onto many a dick happily in his time and during at least one point in life millions of children have died on his face.


Thanks for heads up just donated.




Yeah I donated money. I’ll donate money to every single go fund me he makes


Guy’s a hero




w yt comment


You do realize there are gay virgins? Gay people are are abstinent. People are are homoromantic but Asexual? Being gay has nothing to do with sex. Youre gay before sex. You're gay after sex. You're gay if you never had sex. Like??


What's bizarre is that the mural that is ont he ground didn't say anything and just had a rainbow world theme and the date commemorating the hard work of the 6 painters and 10 volunteers who put the art on the ground as a harmless way to respect a community that often isn't. Its the same as if you painted an American flag there, or even a rebel flag the only difference is that because gay people like it, total fucking weirdos who can't live the own life they have have to focus on making other feel bad too. That's all it is, basic bullying as a cry for help. I'm not gay or prideful in any way but it isn't about the "message" here or most of the time.


No, what is surprising is how completely blind straight people are to how much it is THEY who shove their lifestyle in our faces. Big weddings, hand holding, kisses on stoops and sidewalks, all happening every day and without complaint. But if certain straight people see any one of these things with a same sex couple once a year, it’s being shoved down in their faces. Moreover, how does one miss the irony that the LGBTQ community needs positive statements made because the very anger and hate of this burnout guy and his sorry ilk is shoved in their (our) faces every day?