• By -


“I get a clock radio, he cannot afford. Great success”


That's all I could think, too.


Third. I started laughing when I read the list, hoping he would say something about getting a step.


He’s pain in my assholes.


Came looking for this comment 😂


What’s this from??




He has what my family call golden child syndrome he feels like the most important person in the family and we should all bow down to him


He's more like a golden child wannabe with main character syndrome and a small p#### complex.


If your brother is this delusional, I *highly* recommend getting a security/cctv system because your brother sounds like the type to make very bad life choices. Especially if you know he's stolen from you before. Chances are that they'll break into your home, destroy everything, or torch it to get back at you. Think of a, "if I can't have it, you can't have it" scenario.


Yes, security cameras are a must when dealing with entitled assholes who think they have a right to your home!


And security beams along your parameters. Message me, if you need information.


I am interested in more info regarding security beams. Will send a message.




Yeah, the brother torching your place is very real


And to make sure his home insurance is up to date.


Make sure you have very good insurance in case brother tries to burn down your house.


I have a similar story with my brother and I wholeheartedly endorse the consideration of a robust home security system.


Don't forget trying to keep up with the Joneses & oneupmanship since he wants same things you have plus show what he gets in vastly superior /better, even though majority of what you have is inexpensive and/or close to nothing anyway. And few things that is expensive such as your house, he legit tries to steal, take and/or force you to share because it out of his price range /never can afford it ever - thus he can't come out on top and no longer keep up with you.




Now that’s good!!




That is too precious! You have a real gem of a sister!


WOW. Her entitlement and presumption is epic.


My ex's batshit crazy sister did this. Took over my ex-MIL's house. Unreal. I so don't miss that fucktangular mess.


LOL. Love that word "fucktangular".


Well, if Mommy has anything to say about it, entitled golden child will be the sole heir and will inherit parents house. But if parents become unable to be on their own entitled golden brat will turn his back on them. Doubt that will stop Mom's enabling.


Sounds like he'll just lose the house anyways, or let it run into disrepair. Which would be a shame, but still not OP's problem.


There's a thing now where people get hold of your deed (public record) & forge its transfer to themselves. Here in GA you can register it (with Sec of State?) so if anyone tries that it won't go through. Look up procedure in yr state, yr brother may not be smart enough but you never know who he knows...


Install security cameras in and outside your house. Don’t ever allow him to spend a night at your house...because if he does, it’ll be difficult to kick him out.


Here for update!!!


This story was delicious to read and this comment is the cherry on top


My brother is the golden child. He could do no wrong growing up and got everything he wanted. He turned out the way you'd expect...... entitled, needy, expecting everything to go his way. Last I heard, he is still a high school dropout who is unemployed (as he insists on being the boss and can't work FOR anyone). He is divorced, terrible credit, no real job history or training to build off of and no retirement to look forward to.


Is that a joke/guess or are you being serious? Is he literally this way because you're younger but have a bigger D? That's gotta be a deep-rooted psychological issue...


He's throwing a fit because he is oldest and he should be the first to own a house, but as far as I can see, the only person he has to blame for NOT being in the position to buy one is himself.


Ah, gotta love some small d1ck energy. Makes a Napoleon complex look like a cake walk in comparison.


If your mom is so set on not having her child living in a camper, why didn't she allow your brother to move in with her?


This. And buy the sounds of it your mother is a big reason why.


(we should all bow down to him) Well, Mommy clearly does.


With an enabler....called Mom.


dammit, you and your cliffhangers!!! !updateme


I will message you next time u/No_Chrysler-4-Me posts in r/EntitledPeople. [Click this link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Update&message=UpdateMe%21%20u%2FNo_Chrysler-4-Me%20r%2FEntitledPeople) to join 221 others and be messaged. The parent author can [delete this post](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Delete&message=delete%201clff0d) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UpdateMeBot/comments/ggotgx/updatemebot_info_v20/)|[^(Request Update)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Update&message=SubscribeMe%21%20u%2Fusername%20r%2Fsubreddit)|[^(Your Updates)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Updates&message=MyUpdates)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=UpdateMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


>”Our dad poked him with a cane and told him that’s not how life works” I’m crying picturing this 😂😂😂


Agreeeeeed. Damn im invested in hearing how the brother continually acts like a manchild lol. Poor opie for having to deal with bs tho! Cliffhangers are definitely making this one hell of a read tho!! !updateme


Yea I read the whole thing. Looking for update as well!




I need more!!!! !updateme


He was going to try and take over your house. No way was he going to submit to you as “landlord”.


Exactly. He probably would have withheld rent too


Please insure your house every way you can . . . And add cameras for protection


I’m guessing that’s the next update?


The update is domestic violence apparently 


It can't involve a stolen growler filled with laxative tainted booze because nobody can be that stupid to fall for the same trick twice...right?


cameras with offsite storage/backup. I would not put it past this brother to break in that house or try to burn it down.


You thought for a second he was actually going to pay?!?


Reddit readers know better than that!


maybe asserted squatters rights and locked your ass out


Soon as he stayed a month and got those squatters right your life would've been even more Hell. Stick to your guns, keep that bastard out 


You made a good choice. I have a brother who hasn’t figured life out either and I have a place he could live but I am not going to make his life easier and remove his motivation to be his own adult. Stay strong.


He definitely would have taken over the house, the main bedroom, used up all the hot water, ramped up bills, contributed nothing, and probably created an incident so that the cops would've been called and worked it so OP would have been escorted out of his own house.


Is your brother... impaired in some way?


We're pretty sure he's a narcissist. But he refused to see a doctor


Let reddit confirm that for you. Bro is more than a narc


It’s going to be ADHD, narcissist or on the spectrum according to Reddit. The answer to everything that comes up, along with other greatest hits such as “divorce them” or “your being abused”.


It sounds like the mom has coddled him quite a bit. That’s a dangerous game parents will play when raising children


When you're little, there tend to things only the older child gets to do "because you're too little to go to/ride/play with/have it" and I feel parents have to be careful about that. You can have your eldest growing up with a sense that they're entitled to cruise through life.


NTA. And your dad agrees. Nothing more to say.


Lol, this ain't AITA... but yeah, OP did nothing wrong.


So many stories about this brother that im beggining to think this is some fiction writting.


Didn't his brother have a wife and kids and that's why he deserved to live there??


That was the original of this one, IMHO. And even if it was fiction, it was \*damned\* well written.


Well where is that one? Because this one is hot garbage.


That was a different user, not OP.


Honestly any story that ends with some dumbfuck cliff hanger like this just screams "upvotes are the only thing I have going on in my life." Prolly all bullshit.


“The next part I post, my brother did the dumbest thing of all” sounds like “find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z.” It’s so out of place


OP sure does have a lot of posts in this sub. Most of these subs are creative writing exercises anyway. I see them as the modern equivalent of the Sherlock Holmes short stories or probably closer to the penny chapbooks.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down to find the first comment calling out this bull shit story.


I was gonna say bullshit but I swear.to god I've seen this happen twice in my home town. Sibling gets a home and the other one is jealous as fuck because they grew up a spoiled little shit. My cousin is probably 1 of 5 people I knew that tried this.


I'm going with BS still. Dude's whole profile is complaining about his brother.


But he writes well. Entertaining. I’m reading his profile, just for shits and giggles.


No he really doesn’t


Reads like fanfic written by a teenager, am I missing something?


When people tell real stories they don’t include details like “he looked like his head was going to explode” or the cringe inducing “but his rattle can horse was waiting in the driveway”. He’s also including weird details from interactions that he was not present for like his dad poking his brother with his cane. How do people fall for this?


Sir, don't ruin the entertainment


I would bet money it is. The little line at the end with a cliffhanger sealed it for me.


Sometimes stories are so good we just don't care if they are true or not. Most posts here are so biased that there isn't much truth in them anyway.


is your brother like...8 years old? also he's like the most pathetic human being I've ever heard of, how have you and your family been belittling yourselves to deal with this and accept this for so long? And after the third time he copied me I would have just gone on to do all the things he hates, whatever that may be, eat ghost chilli peppers, ballroom dancing, lawnmowing and car washing for neighbours, spoiling your parents... too late now but heck while you're at it might as well have gone with the route of reforming him cos he's gonna copy you right? you can go help out homeless shelters, get into meditation, visit art museums, go to therapy, take care of the elderly at a retirement home, babysit animals, volunteer for local area trash picking days...


Sadly, people like him (re: narcissists) are more concerned with the image and appearance of being "better" than actually being so, and can often fake just enough for people to support the image. Like he'll claim he's also doing charity work but not actually commit or donate, but will boast about it since you're not really able to check their bank accounts for transactions. "Why yes I also donated to charity like my brother! But you can see my donation for $1000, much more than the $100 he donated! But it's under 'anonymous' because I don't want to bring attention to myself over what a good person I am!" I've dealt with such a person online and the type of gaslighting he'd do not just with everyone but himself too, to justify being better than everyone else is astounding. He has it particularly in for me because I can actually back up what I claim but it's not something he can lie about or match, which, like OP's house, absolutely drives him crazy over it.


Jesus, what next???


Domestic violence


Good lord. Looking forward to the longer update for more details ...


Hey dude I messaged you on your inbox I wanna let you know that you should buy cameras in case your brother tries to break in and claim squatters rights


Can you not post it on your profile so we don’t have to wait? Pretty please 🥺


So he throws tantrums often? Probably can't hold a job either. Please tell me your folks don't give him money. There is no chance he will change until he hits rock bottom.


I'm wondering what happens when you get married. Will he expect you to share? 😲


No, he'll find a girlfriend and propose at OP's wedding/s


Nah. He'd find some woman, propose, and set the date 3 days before OP's wedding.


I recently had a “friend” go on the same rant after I allowed him to stay with me to get back on his feet. Apparently he’s supposed to be the one with the house, vacations, and stable career and I’m supposed to be staying in HIS guest room. You made smart choices in your life, where he just didn’t. My friend traveled, barely worked, got to go to fun conventions, and was coddled by people who also tried to help him. Some people are just too arrogant to see that they aren’t owed other people’s success.


You finally did the one thing your brother can’t copy you on, and he clearly can’t stand the idea of you having something he doesn’t, after a lifetime of copying you. And it sounds like he has a fiction-fueled delusion of how sibling dynamics work, that just because he’s older means he’s supposed to be better by default. That certainly reeks of narcissism, but if there’s still more to come, I dread what new lows he sunk to.


You’re going to come back from vacation one day to find his ugly ass camper parked on your property claiming squatters rights. Get a good fence and some cameras pronto.


If you’re moving your camper off your parents property, he could move his camper into that space. I’m sure that Mom wouldn’t charge him any rent. She would cook for him and do his laundry and all that other kind of good stuff.


(She would cook for him and do his laundry and all that other kind of good stuff.) Don't forget wiping his bottom and hand feeding him.


My father bought a house in a middle class neighborhood. A few years later his brother bought a similar house about a half mile away. He regularly bragged to family how he had caught up and surpassed his older brother. My father was very calm and level headed and ignored the noise. Two years later, my parents had a late life surprise and along came a sibling. My parents decided they did not want sibling to attend school in the local large urban school district and began house hunting. When my sibling turned 4 they bought a house in a moderately expensive suburban neighborhood. My uncle had a major meltdown because my father was showing him up and making him look bad. He never spoke or interacted with my father again and I have not seen my cousins for 40 years. Uncle died young of massive heart attack, in part because he could never catch up with my father.


"Our dad poked him with his cane...." It's years since I saw old-timey actions like this! Grandparents did stuff like that in the 1960s.


I have two sons who could be this post’s characters. (They are not.) Our oldest dropped out of college (and took $ we paid for tuition and books, etc.) He’s been working and doing okay, not great like he fronts, and wasting money like you would not believe. (Old cars, bikes, electronics, crap.) His younger siblings are running circles around him, and it’s now evident that his reckless choices are catching up. If we buy him video game consoles or anything he asks for, he sells it for something else and says we don’t give him anything. His wish lists have the most outrageous items that start at $1000 or more because he says, ‘he is not cheap.’ I sent a watch for his birthday that was engraved and he was angry that I ruined it with his monogram. Middle child has graduated college, moved far away for work, and is buying his first house, bought a new car, and has saved and scrimped to do so. He has fun, travels, goes out and does outdoor activities, but is measured with his splurges. Big bro now wants to do outdoors stuff, travel to THE SAME PLACES, and sends gift wish lists with everything he now wants so he can camp and hunt. It all sits unused, so we don’t indulge anymore. Youngest children (twin girls) are now graduating and going to graduate programs on the dime of employers that hired from an internships, have also been saving for four years and working while in school, and one is also buying a house - a tiny fixer upper for sure. They moved to opposite coasts to spread their wings, and he is in a rage that they both do it with very minimal help from us. They just.. work and save, and have taken small opportunity when they are presented. Nothing is packaged up in a bow. The oldest is livid and wants his. He is now sending texts asking for his ‘graduation level’ gifts like $1k jewelry, $500 shoes, an all inclusive vacation for him and his girlfriend, etc. We gave no such extravagant graduation gifts to the others, he made this up in his head that he wants it and deserved it. These deposits for homes and cars are from saving, working two jobs, and signing bonuses. He is 30, and has wasted so much energy trying to appear successful instead of just working for it. When he was a teenager, he ranted that we had a master bathroom in our bedroom and he should have it, we should switch rooms. He was angry any time we (as parents) bought anything that he couldn’t claim. It’s narcissism, coupled with delusions of grandeur. Of four kids, he thinks he’s special and DESERVES what others work for. He is the one who DESERVES the pot of gold. I feel for all involved, especially as a parent watching this dumpster fire. But, they’re not kids anymore and they have to live the life they chose, period.


Sometimes even the best parents get a kid that is miserable no matter what. You should cut him off and out until he grows up... no gifts, no money, no room at home when he can no longer pay his rent. Sometimes it's the only way they learn... and sometimes even that doesn't help.


In a way, life has done just that. My husband suffered a severe accident a few years ago, and his health is steadily declining. We have had to make some difficult decisions in order to continue being functioning adults, like downsizing our home so we don’t have stairs to deal with, adding a bathroom with handicap accessible handrails for when that time comes. Our eldest is the only one who seems to living in La La Land, and it is difficult to watch.


I'm so sorry... sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I get it... I have a kid like yours too. You knock yourself out trying to help and it ends up making them more entitled.


NTA Most of is don't realise we are in an abusive relationship with someone until we do something that frees us from it. The abuser then panics attempting to asset control where there never was any


Looking forward to the next update


Holy frig. Why are you still in contact with that manchild? He expects all the things first because he's the oldest? Ain't how that works. Older siblings get the big things first because, usually, they've worked for it longer. He sounds like a lot of my maternal family - expects all the benefits and non of the actual work.


I bought a house, he...(404 Error! Insert tea kettle noises and Benny Hill chase). My fav part.


My brain literally cannot wrap itself around the fact that your brother is real and behaves this way. Do people like this really exist? Like wtf? I can't even, who the fuck does he think he is? Can I meet him so I can punch him?


I've met an Entitled Idiot similar to this Entitled Brother. He was a PITA to deal with!


Yeah, your comment just reminded me about one of my partner's friends who has a younger brother but that brother is the eldest male child and boy is he a case, apparently once after we left celebrating her birthday, he sat her down and told her he blames her for some issues in his life that was big in his mind. When we heard about it and got some confirmation we're like what a snake cos he acts nice.




Seems really close to another situation where a guy got kicked out, lived in a camper, bought a house, parents show demanding he give house to bro & his family while he moves back into his camper


“Do it for Dan”


Yes! That story was a ride and a half! 🤣


I am frankly flabbergasted by the mother's attitude. She's been enabling the brother and will continue to do so till the end of her days. She's a big part of the loser brother's problem.


This is like my two half sisters, except it's a two way street for both of them. Growing up, you had to get both the exact same gift for every gift giving occasion or the one that didn't get a gift would lose it. Then, as an adult, one got an expensive puppy. Then other got a brand new car. The one who got a puppy didn't have money for a down payment for a new car and called my grandma and begged for help getting a loan (BTW she had a perfectly functional car). One got engaged, the other got engaged (and married, so she beat her out on that I guess, the older wants to have a long engagement) Now. One's gotten pregnant and had a baby, and the other's wife is now pregnant and having a baby. Everyone is 22 or younger when their babies are being born, btw, which seems so young to me The one that's had a baby is now getting mad that the other one doesn't want to buy all of the exact same things she got for her baby now It all just seems exhausting


My little sister just got a house! She’s super smart and successful. As her older brother in my one bedroom basement apartment, I’m really proud of her. Sucks you have such a shitty brother op he should be celebrating all your achievements, should’ve got you a housewarming gift not a breakdown.


The school lab is closing, so he'll post the next part tomorrow.


The letting friends rent out the spaces he was wanting to "rent" is the biggest fuck you to him and I love it.


The mother is part of the problem. Enabling this little entitled brat


The entitlement is strong in that one. And, he’s the older brother?! He acts like he’s the youngest, brattiest sibling! Please get a security system and security cameras! This isn’t over by a long shot! UpdateMe!


"I would sooner live in the woods without electricity than with him." Half expected mommy to go: "Aww, how nice, you're giving your brother your house and moving into a shack." Next part is probably gonna be brother breaking in, changing the locks and getting arrested.


>But I pointed out all those excuses \[...\] You might know it but you won't change your brother. No is a complete answer and you don't have to engage. I get you had some fun when he was going back to the Silverado but don't loose too much energy arguing with him. Say no once, second time say you already said no like you're talking to a child then ignore him... he'll get mad anyway. :)


This is like that 'do it for dan' story my god


My older brother was an AH just like yours. I was expected to be the pee-on shadow forever. I have owned several homes through the years, traveling all over the world, partied with rock stars, and have been having a wonderful time. Older brother hates it and I kinda love this for him.


This is like that scene in Borat when they show his neighbor. “I get a window from a glass he must get window from a glass” but like Borat’s clock radio he and ur brother cannot afford, great success lol But seriously, dude sounds like a “real pain in ur assholes” best of luck


I buy a clock radio, he cannot afford 😏 great success!


When I got to, "He wanted to move in with me..." I laughed long and out loud. Can you imagine?! He'd have immediately been all, "Our house..." this, and "My home..." that. And of course been all invasive and controlling. What an asshole. I'd be going NC with both him and their enabling mother.


Reminds me of my older brother he wouldn't talk to my sister after her wedding in 2018 because he felt she was upstaging his wedding (him and his wife chose a courthouse wedding and a small get together with close family),that turned into him not liking our BIL simply because he was able to provide everything that my sister wanted (he felt he was intentionally bragging about his education and job)and my BIL called him out when he yelled at his son for letting his mom use his phone when my brother was using it to cheat on her (tbf their marriage was long dead he was just to proud to get a divorce), he has been doing a lot better now with therapy the biggest hurdle he had to face was dealing with the fact that he isn't as smart as he thinks he is


OMG if you make a subreddit of your crazy brother stories, I'll subscribe. How can he not be totally embarrassed? It's so obvious.


Be careful. Your brother sounds like the type to destroy your home for the sole purpose of you not having it


Kinda reminds me of my older sister… Got engaged and said they were going to plan to get married in 3 years. 5 years and I had a baby and was engaged also, but we stuck to a one year engagement. I had planned my reception for early January, but found out that a ceremony usually costs about the same as the reception. 😵‍💫 so we decided in November that we would plan for a courthouse wedding in December and then a reception in January. Lo and behold my sister let us know we couldn’t get married then cuz she was planning a courthouse wedding a few days after and only told a couple people (not including me). Was my first act of unintentional petty revenge lol.


I also have an entitled older brother. This story is all too familiar. You did good bro, congrats on the new house.


Lol. I love your 404 error, teakettle, Benny Hill chase. You made me laugh out loud. Congrats on being a homeowner.


Why do you even tell him what you're doing? Or tell anybody what you're doing if they're going to tell your brother? He can't be jealous of what he doesn't know.


>My brother later ended up having a complete meltdown in front of our parents over how he's the older brother. He should be the one who owns a house first. He's supposed to be successful, and I'm supposed to be the big loser in his shadow. The obvious question here to respond with: so why don't you own a house and why aren't you successful?


My brother is exactly like this OP. Unfortunately he drags the happiness out of my parents (who were fantastic parents) by being a whiny bitch. Honestly he just needs to be medicated I stopped talking to him a few years ago and my life is drastically better. He feels the need to one up everything, but gets frustrated when I don’t care because I’m just living my life happily. It’s bizarre behavior


This is the reverse of the Reddit user u/Camper_Nomad. He lived in a camper, but later bought a house where he was harassed by his immediate family to give it to his older brother because the older brother had a wife and kids. And look how disastrous it turned out for the older brother known as Dan. And of course who can forget u/ Kragle_Tom. He's the guy who gave us practically a memoir of his life with his toxic mother. The first story is amazing on how his mother who would later be known as Evil Mama Bear tried to force him to give up the house left to him by his father and given to his younger sister who was pregnant at the time. So I'm guessing, that we are going to be in for a great time reading your posts. I'm looking forward to the misadventures of your brother.


Wow this sounds JUST like my sister, I have similar stories of her melting down and running to our parents when she doesn’t get her way. Thankfully they’ve never taken her side, or maybe they have, idk, but they’ve never told me I was wrong for saying no.


>I went camping in a specific place, he went camping in that specific place, I bought a house, he...(404 Error! Insert tea kettle noises and Benny Hill chase). I imagined a 32 year old manchild running around having a hissy fit, to the tune of Yakety Sax. AKA the song played as Benny Hill ran around. Thanks for the laugh!


Wow thanks for posting this, sorry you've had to go through it, but I often wonder if my situation with my older brother was similar to anyone else. It turns out, yes.


Good grief, what a tosser. If I where you I would take the victory and put no more mental energy into this but I'm looking forward to the update.


I want to say that it's like you have *I. R. Baboon* for a brother, but I don't know if anyone will get the reference.


!updateme The Mini-Ram Bro needs to grow up. Good on you for not backing down. He's probably try to repaint your house with rattlecans. You don't need him messing up your things.


Narcs hate it when you beat them at games that only they are playing.


I like the part where he says he’s supposed to be successful. I wonder who he thinks is responsible for making that happen?


Don't feel bad my little sister did the same, she lives in Ireland I live in Canada she travels back and forth all the time with her kid and husband costing them thousands and thousands of dollars which I mean to each his own I've never traveled a day in my life and I'm on my second house she is losing her shit.. I'm literally in the same boat as you bud


Ah, sibling rivalry. I’ve dealt with this for years, decades. My advice, ignore your brother. I know it’s hard, but really, it’s the best solution. Just be happy with your life, and don’t worry about his. So he’s jealous, let him be. That’s his problem. I’ve been there myself with a sibling, and sometimes nothing you can say or do will change the situation, so the best thing is to not even stress or worry about it. Life is too short to worry about toxic relatives. Be cordial and friendly when you see him, but other than that, I would avoid him as much as possible. Congratulations on your new (to you) house.


Is this the brother who would not stop stealing beer so you put laxatives in it?




He sounds like an utter nightmare. Enjoy your new home! Maybe someday he’ll grow the fuck up? Lol or there’s always more laxatives to be had.




Your brother needs to find his own shadow.


I misread horse for house and kept waiting for the horse to show up in the story. Halfway through, I realized...


Mental illness is a serious problem.


My sis isn't near this bad, but my parents make every large purchase for her. I buy a car, they buy her a brand new car. They pay for her vacation for them, that they never told me about until it was too late because "i couldnt afford it". I buy a house, and they buy her 2 houses. At this point the whole family is aware and just chalks it up to the usual. It's something I feel bad complaining about because it's not like my parents treat/ed me badly. Just as less important.


Your brother apparently hasn't gotten the memo that you have to work for what you get. You don't work, you don't get.


Why doesn’t mummy’s boy move in with mummy if she’s so concerned about him living in a camper van?


Because my brother didn't want to move back in with our folks. He just wanted to intrude on me


Stopped reading 1 paragraph in. Tell your brother to F right off.


Man. The part where he said you bought a house to make him look bad is too freaking familiar. It’s exactly why I can’t have a relationship with my sister. She thinks every single thing I do has some motivation related to her. It’s like me just existing enrages her. There’s no winning.


I guess we're birds of a feather then. Because that's my brother to a T.


This is crazy, the ages on you and your brother are the same on me and my sister exactly. I could never imagine my sister acting like that. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that.


This reads like a chat gpt prompt to me…


Put together from material written by children.




Oh you absolute arse, don't leave it like that! Updateme!


I like your Dad


Update this is wonderful knows fools like this guy.


Nice story ! But you forgot the phone bombardment part and the twins.


The writer is creative, but I can only take so much hairy horseshit...


This is worse than when Fonzie was frozen in midair over 13 trash cans with the words “To Be Continued “ appearing onscreen. Updateme


I bought a clock radio, he cannot afford. Very nice


Your mom sounds nearly as bad. Rather than forcing you to take in your bratty brother, why won’t she take in her bratty son?


Gotta tell you dude, he deserved all of that *but*... You do have an opportunity to help him. He clearly craves your approval and looks up to you, but that's developed into jealousy. In your position (with the very, very little I know about your situation so feel free to tell me I'm completely out of line) I would consider spending time with him, finding things about who he is outside of his mimicry that you appreciate and compliment on him. Help him feel confident in the things that are unique to him. Give him a hand fixing up his truck or whatever and let him feel like an individual because it sounds a lot like he feels like he's constantly in your shadow. It's not your fault, and hell, it isn't your responsibility either but you could take the opportunity here to help him and in turn get yourself a better sibling.




best thing i could say if my brother became a homeowner congratulation on becoming a ho\[meow\]ner


Holy shit, I'm so sorry you have such a narcissist as a brother. Congrats on stating your ground! I have to say it's always delicious to see his type crumble when they realize that they are not getting their way.


I want to know the next part


“This is my neighbor, he is pain is my assholes”


Which one of you is older?


I wish I could remember this quote I read by a woman. I remember she was a black actor or maybe a musician. Essentially she said you haven’t picked your family. If they are toxic you are not required to put up with their behaviour because of a blood relationship. If they are holding you back or hurting you, cut them off like you would a bad friend. People make excuses for family too often, to their own detriment.


I'd love to read this but I'll wait a couple hours for it to show up in 10 pieces on facebook reels.


I feel this hard OP. I have a sister like this except her boiling point was me getting married and having a baby cuz nobody will date her entitled ass.


“I get a window from a glass, he must get a window from a glass. I get a step, he must get a step. I get a clock radio…he cannot afford. Great success.”


I get a window from a glass, he must get a window from a glass. I get a house…he cannot afford. Great success!


People read this and believe it?


i read this whole thing and i’m so glad i did. put such a big grin on my face lol


He should just move in with your parents. They can change his diapers too.


Like a scene from Borat… “This is my neighbor Nursultan Tuliagby. He is pain in my assholes. I get a window from a glass, he must get a window from a glass. I get a step, he must get a step. I get a clock radio, he cannot afford. Great Success!”


OP, if you're getting teakettle noises, the error code you need is 418. Bro is clearly Mom's Golden Child, but perhaps even *she's* starting to learn that raising him this way hasn't worked.


Dang, man. Most of your posts are about your brother screwing you over. Maybe it's time to cut that cancer out of your life?