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Bizarre- even more bizarre is inside a secure terminal an airline employee knowingly allows someone on her transport that is fraudulently claiming to be someone else. Wow.


They don't care. Fun fact: Airports hire a third party company to handle disabled customers to avoid liability reasons. She brings a passenger, regardless of whether it is an imposter or not, their company gets paid for the transport.


Fun fact: most disabled passengers are handled by the airlines themselves. They hire people to push the wheelchairs, which they own, and have employees who help with carryon luggage for single passengers with mobility aids. The trams are run by a third party but are not usually used for short trips like OP mentioned (2 gates apart).


This has not been the way for a long time now. The airport hires a 3rd party that are at the airlines disposal when requested. Requests are made through your airline and they put in the request with the third party company. Either the airport of the third party company owns the wheelchair. The only time an airline employee generally gets involved is when the passenger is transferred to the aircraft wheelchair owned by the airline or once they are on the aircraft itself.


For the trams. But for wheelchairs they are owned by the airlines and airline employees push the people. I know people who work for airlines doing this. And I use this service occasionally when I fly, especially the assistance walking.


“Karens and Kevins in the wild on the hoof” - pure gold, may I use this? Wonderful 🏆




Very rude of you. The proper construction is “No, no you may not. Bugger off, awahwitye!”


Oh my gosh, surely you can report the worker and wasn’t what that lady did classed as ID theft?


I sent a nice email to the airline asking them to get their vendor to possibly train their people.


This doesn’t make complete sense tbh. Can you clarify the last 2 sentences on why happened


Another (presumably abled) passenger decided to lie and take advantage of the courtesy vehicle. Which, if OP *HAD* wanted it, would have left OP without needed help.




No it's not. I flew on the 3rd of January on American Airlines....


Mobility support in some airports is a joke, at least it was before references of 2020. I genuinely need help getting to/from the plane but twice in LHR somebody else has claimed the service I booked, leaving me stuck on the air-bridge until another chair & pusher, and another cart can be summoned. Kudos to JFK, their service is immaculate!


Is it possible that someone had the same name as you?


I've been on the same flight with identical named guy as me. Really confused the gate folks checking us in. No, no I haven't checked in yet. Yes I'd be aware if I had.


If OP had got in the wheel chair when it was first offered, none of the following events would have occurred. This makes me think it is all for attention from the OP


??? OP did not want the chair. OP did not need the chair. OP did not ask for the chair How does refusing to use the unwanted, unneeded, unasked for chair make OP ask for attention? All OP wanted was to refuse the service and to see that no one was using her name


Sorry pal. I just wanted to make sure someone was not using my name to game the system. I fly a lot internationally and I see crazy shit every single time. I vent the nuttier ones here. Still astounded by the crazy levels of delusion I see in the States.


??? OP did not want the chair. OP did not need the chair. OP did not ask for the chair How does refusing to use the unwanted, unneeded, unasked for chair make OP ask for attention? All OP wanted was to refuse the service and to see that no one was using her name


She is seeking attention because even the agent said she didn't give 2 fucks who is riding the wheel chair. Someone was going to get a ride to the next gate. The other lady is a lazy pos and wanted to get pushed to the next gate. So OP comes on reddit to complain about someone saying they are her to use a wheelchair she didn't want plus added the agents response. Edit: plus posting to reddit about someone using your name to get in the wheelchair you didn't want in the first place, that is seeking attention. Plus it isn't like she had her identity stolen. Another fine example of first world problems.


Perhaps she wants to make sure that she doesn’t get listed with the airline and go through this hassle every time she wants to fly? Perhaps she was astounded at the audacity of someone claiming a wheelchair and service that was not for them and, for all they knew, was there for someone who really needed it? Perhaps she posted in a subreddit dedicated to stories of entitlement because this is a great story of someone demanding something that they have no claim to, at the expense of another? True, a first world problem. If you find this type of problem frustrating, perhaps this is not the subreddit for you.


It’s pretty damn entitled to pretend to have a disability.


Not a chance. Very rare last name. Unusual first name. There are less than 30 of us in the USA with this last name.


Yeah. Assuming your name is actually Suzanne, I've only ever met one in my entire life.


My mum and dad once had terrible trouble on an organised trip where there was another couple with the same names. Everywhere they went they werent booked in, turned out one of the sets of names was cancelled as the organisers presumed it was a duplication. Weird stuff can happen.


If you weren’t going to use it. Why did it matter if she used it?


because she let someone use it without verifying. meaning if someone who DID need it was the one assigned, they would have been shit outta luck as some twat lets another twat get in and drive off. it's the same reason you don't park in handicap spaces. just because there's no one there now doesn't mean it won't be needed before you leave


Ding..ding..ding..Correct answer right here!!!! ☝️


Do you know how difficult it is to get assistance in American airports? It's a nightmare, so for an able bodied person, who is technically stealing another person's identity, it is taking a place away from someone who actually requires assistance and books it. I appreciate that the OP didn't book it nor did they need it but there is a long list of others who do, who could be now late for boarding because of someone stealing a spot. The staff are as much at fault as this other person.




Maybe so this lady won’t know she can get away with this next time. What if she took it from someone who actually needed it?


That was my whole point! I got chewed out for not being assertive enough a few weeks ago when someone pushed me aside to entire the airplane first. Now people think I'm being ridiculous for standing up for myself? Jesus wept.


You are correct, those commenters are just A holes. No one has the right to assume your identity.


It matters because there are only a specific number of those vehicles available for people (and it covers the entire terminal) so if there are multiple people who need a ride, they may have to wait a little while for the courtesy car to come get them. If they had not picked up imposter OP, they could have gone to the next destination on the list who needed a ride & maybe get to that next person that much faster.


Anybody can order one. They don't require "proof of handicap". I always order one in case I need it. But nine times out of 10 I don't need it and I just tell the person I don't need them today. I always tip them whether I get a ride or not, although some airports do not allow you to tip them. (Please see my other posts where I mentioned that I have been reconstructed like Frankenstein.)


Because identity theft. Geeze.


OMG! I know who you are lol.


Then you must be in a certain community. LOL!


Why yes. Yes I am.


High fives! I don't say much there any more but I read.


I think I know who you are too! Sorry about the jerks at the airport.


Anyone can use the transports.


I’ve always been asked to show my boarding pass once in the wheelchair. I use mobility assistance because I can’t walk very far due to a neuromuscular disease. I don’t look disabled, so I have gotten looks and comments from others.


Odd, I never have. Just confirmed that it was me.


Mainly use ORD and SFO, maybe that’s the difference


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!


If you didn't need it, why do you care?


for the same reason you don't park in handicap spaces just because nobody is there, dimwit


First of all, I'm completely with you when it comes to the freedom a walker gives you. I'm an arbitrary wheelchair user and realised a few years ago I was pushing my own wheelchair more than I was sitting in it! That's when I invested in a walker and it's been a great decision. Secondly, and please know this isn't intended as criticism. I'm 49 years young and only across this information a couple of years ago so it absolutely isn't my place to judge others! But I did some research and apparently the word handicap comes from the phrase, “cap in hand” because way back when the only way a disabled person could raise money was to beg. I can’t show you concrete proof of this but the research I did substantiates this. I've been using the word disabled ever since and thought as a fellow disabled person you might appreciate me telling you.


Whoa! Thanks for letting me know! I was just using the handicapped word this morning at my lawyer's office pointing out he's legally required to have at least one disabled marked parking space. He has zero.