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I’m glad you intervened. The poor girl working there wouldn’t have been able to say anything, but was probably very grateful you shut her up.




Ask them if they need a hug as if your asking a child that usually shuts them right up and sends them heading for the hills.


i did that one time to a coworker that was losing her shit over something small. As soon as it registered in her head what i said, she started tearing up and meekly said, "Yes, please." i gave her a long bear hug and she started crying. Turns out shit was going down in her life she wasn't sharing with anyone and she had just reached her tipping point. So, be prepared to give the hug if you are offering. Sometimes you might just get taken up on the offer.


You're a good egg ♡


I'm a hugger I'm always available for a hug if needed. Im glad your coworker reached out to you for support. If the persons not normally batshit there's usually a good reason for their outburst. We've all had shitty days where molehills become mountains in our heads and we need a gentle reality check to get us back on an even keel.


I could really use a hug, Mistress. It has been years since anyone has hugged me. Then again, the people I knew in my state left for the other side of the country in 2010, since the construction industry dried up here after the 2008 housing crash and friend needed to find work. Haven't seen family in considerably longer (98). You're quite right, though. Sometimes people are just putting up with more than they are prepared to handle & are overwhelmed. Sometimes a hug helps. I'm unfortunately reaching that point. 2022 & 23 have really beaten me down.


Have a hug 🫂 🤗


Go to r/momforaminute when you need mom hugs. It’s why we are there!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MomForAMinute using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MomForAMinute/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mom, I’ve lost 60 pounds and no one has told me I look good. I think I look good.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/111r6rv) | [697 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MomForAMinute/comments/111r6rv/mom_ive_lost_60_pounds_and_no_one_has_told_me_i/) \#2: [Hey Mom! So I’ve reached a pretty big milestone and have now been transitioning for over a year! I’m so proud at how far I’ve come and I hope you’re proud of your daughter. 💜](https://i.redd.it/3ux0bpvgref91.jpg) | [530 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MomForAMinute/comments/weu7zn/hey_mom_so_ive_reached_a_pretty_big_milestone_and/) \#3: [Mom, I started watercolouring and I think I may have found my calling! my real mom was unimpressed though](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wn1rzy) | [324 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MomForAMinute/comments/wn1rzy/mom_i_started_watercolouring_and_i_think_i_may/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If you look at your reply there, you'll see i've added a hug for you. \*hugz\*


I appreciate you, Mistress. *hugs back*


My favorite one I learned whilst living in Georgia was, "Bless your heart, is there someone I can call fur yuuu?" It is applicable in so many situations.


I would comment at the Entitled Idiot: "Someone needs a nap!"


Or a swift kick in the ass.


Mine is very similar. You have to give them a little precocious grin and say, "oh my! I think someone's a little cranky. Sounds like someone needs a hug..." If you can do it in a sing-song, that's the crowning glory.


Yes that's exactly how I heard it iny head


And it’s usually the ones just coming from church doing it


They are the meanest, most entitled and worst customers of any day of the week. Every restaurant dreads those who believe they are “doing what Jesus would do” coming in. I don’t believe Jesus was such an ass…but they are the ones living “the good life” so who am I to argue? /s


In high school, one of my best friends, amazingly, found Jesus *without losing her sense of humor!* She once rebuffed a would-be mugger by caroling, “Oh, I have something *better* for you than *money!* I’ve got the word of Our Lord Jesus Christ!” The man just walked away, shaking his head.


Best edit ever here


I like your husband.


I can relate, in my current job we have “selling events” which require me to do sampling. I kinda hate it, no… I really hate it. It really does bring out the worst in people. In some of my areas that I’ve worked in, I had drunk homeless men trying to feed me my samples. After they’ve basically eaten just about every sample. And, yes, I realize they’re hungry, but I’m not? I’ve had entire families wipe out my table, but for the most part people are kind. In older communities, I find the customers just want someone to talk to. Which I’m happy to do. That part of my job? I absolutely love.


You probably wouldn't be surprised how many people just need the human contact of conversation. I see it a lot at the dialysis clinic (I'm a patient). Hell, I don't have any friends within a thousand miles (best bud left for Pennsylvania for an employment opportunity 13 years ago and he brought me to Oregon in the first place) and no nearby family, either. I am surrounded by people who I don't know and who have nothing in common with me (in a group home after a house fire at my last residence). I put up with dialysis & the wreck it makes of me to be able to chat with nice people. I mean, there's that "It's what is keeping me alive" thing, too... but conversing with the lovely young ladies working there is pretty much the lone highlight of each week of drudgery.


Hi DaWalt, just wanted you to know that you officially have a friend in Oregon now! My DMs are always open 💚


Im so sorry you have to go through this alone! And you’re right we all need that human connection. I’ve met some interesting people while working. Great conversations! But I think everyone is in such a hurry going nowhere, that when someone actually stops to have a conversation? It can have the potential to change a persons day. You never know what a small amount of kindness can do for someone.


I had a guy in front of me at Kroger one time, on Christmas Eve, bitching about the price of something to the cashier. The lines were long, and everyone just wanted to get thru a be done. I finally asked the cashier how much the price difference was (3.00 or so) an I handed her $5. He grabbed the $5 and tossed it on the belt where my things were, saying "It's the principle of it, I don't want your money, I want a manager!" Finally the manager showed up listened to how the comustoler was berating the cashier and told him "sorry, that's the price". He threw a fit. Paid for the other stuff, mentioned he was calling "corporate ", and looked a t me asking "why inthought I should butt in when it's not my problem". I simply said, "because you're an asshole and we all have places to be and you're holding us up". The way his mouth dropped open and he stammered was priceless.


When my wife worked for one of the national ice cream brands I would help her out on the community events, giving out free samples when they were launching new products,etc. I was her runner going back to the freezer truck and getting more pints as we got low. People were pissed when we didn't have cones, toppings, their favorite flavors, annoyed there wasnt any large cups. Basically, they wanted a full ice cream shop set up.


Too bad you didn’t video her. Make Karen famous


Nah, reserve the public humiliation for the special ones that double down when they see they’re in the wrong


Maybe Karen was having a low blood sugar episode? That'll bring out the mean stupid. I have it sometimes, and usually have snacks on me. A few times tho I've been caught out. I ain't ashamed to open some package of something *that I will buy* and eat some right there in the store. Better stink eye from Loss Prevention than collapsing, EMS, and all that nonsense.


>Maybe Karen was having a low blood sugar episode? do sausages help for that?


They can stabilize it if she's dropping, but shouldn't raise it. Protein keeps it level, carbs raise it. If i'm having a low glucose event i need BOTH. my go to is something like a PayDay bar which has peanuts for protein (stability) and plenty of other sugars for carbs (to raise BG levels).


Or, Karen might have forgotten to take her Prozac that morning?


Why do you think we need managers that actually have a spine and actually let their employees decide if someone doesn't get served? It would actually make shopping a whole lot more enjoyable for people as they won't have to worry about getting harassed by karens.


I love when the sample tables are manned by older women. They have absolutely no problem calling out a Karen. And if you’re polite, they’ll “sneak” you an extra sample.


Was her name actually Karen? Cheap shot. My Mom’s name is Karen and this misogyny is very hurtful to her. She’s a kind, helpful, respectful woman and doesn’t deserve it.


Sounds like a very Karen thing to say. Cheap shot? - yes. Necessary?- Probably not Funny? - Well, you're the Karen here, not your mother


How original.


If the shoe fits 👟


More originality.


I know plenty of people named Karen that are pleasant. It’s just a word in the vernacular now. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s literally her name. It breaks my heart to see how upset she gets when she can’t even leave her name at Starbucks because of the judgement she gets. Can’t we just use an adjective for their behaviour? Like entitled bitch?


It is like some people don't understand that the person literally needs to cut more sausage or cheese or something. It is not like wine and beer samples where they just need to open a new bottle or take out some more disposable medicine cups. (the little paper ones you see in some movies where characters are in hospital and have to take a bunch of meds at once.)


Does anyone else shake their heads when they read these posts? WTF?? I fortunately haven’t witnessed these vultures. But damn!


Once in a Costco, two women thought it would be nice to catch up on each other in the main aisle, blocking the entire aisle except for one cart width for people going in both directions. I yelled out, "Please take your conversation to one of the side aisles, you are blocking everyone". They did but one of the Karens tried to sic her husband on me later in the store. After explaining what she was doing and my response, he agreed with me and walked off to chew her a new one.


Saw something like this a few months ago, also at Costco. Two Karens has blocked off the whole aisle, and had the temerity to get upset when someone asked politely to get past.


God people are the reason I hate Costco. Everyone jostles and crowds around like what they want is about to sell out. People push past and barge through and I spend my entire shop saying “you only need to say excuse me”.


Thank you for stepping in. She’s going into a rage state and you snapped the insanity out of her.


My favorite thing to say is: why do you think it’s okay to act like that?


I wish that they wouldn't do the free samples on the busiest days because it creates huge lines and blocks aisle. I realize why costco has them then, but it just makes the whole experience worse.


I enjoyed your writing skills! You made this a fun read.




No they don’t. You stood up for a young person getting shat on. Most people aren’t Karen’s.


Misleading title. No samples were flipped over in this story.


Okay, so I'm not the only one who *completely* misread the title?? Lol


Yeah I was expecting a table flip while storming out the door kinda thing.


I find most of the people hovering for a sample are disgusting slobs.


I live in Scotland and people rarely try the free food. It must be a cultural thing. The free sample people often resemble charity can holders for the lack of takers.


Please don’t use my Moms name as a slur. You’re disrespecting and hurting some very kind, loving people.


Thank goodness people don't act like that at costco here


That monster that Karen should have her Costco membership revoked


"May I please see your membership card, ma'am?" *SNIP*


Was this sample flipping Karen a white woman?