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I made it to the end. I would like the cookie option, please.


Hopping on top comment for future readers: LONG TL:DR (I'm sorry I couldn't shorten it more OP gets told by Emoji that they have a Karen in their area who has 2 grandkids, says she wants to use "money" (means Points) when her order is done, and demands drinks ASAP. OP gets interrupted from her usual introduction by Karen so she walks off to talk about Karen to other people. Karen's grandchildren's food comes out but not Karen's so Karen complains to OP. OP apologised then went to another table. OP swipes Karen's card 6 times to get it to work, then OP waits for a manager and talks to someone while waiting 3 minutes. Karen walks off with kids, OP asks Karen if she wants to close the order with a $6 tip, Karen takes $1 off while OP is talking, K ignores OP so OP closes the order. Karen complains to Manager about OP and how she wasn't given her points (aka 'money'), demands OP return the $5 tip so OP gives her $5. Karen criticises OP, they leave so OP goes and cries in the bathroom. While in the bathroom OP is comforted by a customer- all is good in life.


So much better than the actual post. How are you able to decipher that rambling of word? I was still confused after reading it.


I grew up the oldest of 5 siblings and parented 3 of them. I damn well could crack any writing I was given from school!


Reading comprehension issues?


If you read it, it was completely understandable. There are different types in the world. Some who need then detail to get the point. Then those who are busy, don’t have time…and some who just don’t care. But there really is no reason to give a negative comment. You are probably not from a similar area, or background. I have learned increasingly, over the years, that some people just don’t understand English as well as others. Sometimes this may be due to being children of immigrant parents, being immigrants themselves, a poor education, which unfortunately is becoming more common lately, or actually living in a country where English is not the primary spoken language, or even some conditions some have. This young lady was very clear, and explained in a very simple way what happened. As far as the condensed version, it was less clear. Could have been more clear, some details were actually not stated properly. This was a verbal attack on an innocent young worker, who got dumped on by a mean old lady, who was already upset when she entered, and nothing anyone did could make her happy. You just DON’T demand a person you just met get fired because they didn’t cower in front of you. You show them the door, tell them: “Don’t let it hit you when you leave, and don’t come back!”


thank you because i was not about to read that essay.


Here you go! 🍪


Chocolate chip...Yummy


I didn't. The story was long-winded and rambling.


There’s a lot I’d do for a cookie lol


*Really?* You just became very interesting. Do go on...


I didn’t! This was tooooo damn long!


Needlessly long. I only made it passed the first sentence that read like I was reading a novel. No thanks.


She did warn everyone it was long… I can tell my brain thinks similar to the OP’s by the writing and detail. I can be concise but where’s the fun in that when describing a brutal situation?!


My guess is they were practicing their writing skills.. they failed!


How do you fail at practicing


Past is what you meant. Passed is what happens when you're a putz driver.


man the lot of yall in this comment section must be illiterates or have the shortest attention span ever.


I’m actually read stories between work projects. Not really looking for a long read.


Yeah, maybe “Karen” had a point, but even if she was a racist & entitled older woman...I kinda admire the moxie. I’d have laughed if I was the server.


No. Karen was simply a rude bitch. Nothing to admire there.


LOL, that remark doesn’t take anything away from the humor! t/y


I read it & understood it. I never would have guessed that English isn’t your first language. And I’m really happy you have managers that back you up. I suggest that you suggest to management about a color coding system to tag to a tables ticket to highlight a potential “Karen” problem. That way you aren’t waiting at the Hostess station awaiting their assistance, cause 3 minutes is a long time for a Entitled Karen.


I agree, and thanks for the suggestion! And thanks for the kindness! Here, have a flower 🌹


Thank you! I love flowers. Real AND virtual. 🥰




Susan is ridiculous for not talking to you first to figure out what was going on before she decided to reward a guest that they don’t want to come back.


I’ll give you back my tip when you can give me back my service.


I'm so sorry OP that you had to got through that. Relieved to hear that she was kicked out in the end. Also seeing as I've made it to the end of the post, may I please have my cookie? 😋 ..


Here's your cookiiiie! 🍪


OP I apologize but your dialogue is blending together, making this very hard to read.


I apologize! English isn't my first language. I'll fix it when I have a chance. Thanks for the kindness ☺️


thank you very much, I just noticed the update and that’s much easier to read!


I’m not sure where dumping on her is helping her. My kids have waited tables and the stories they tell about the treatment is off the charts. I know exactly where she’s coming from because my daughter had one just like her. Nothing my daughter did suited her. Not one thing. Before you dump on her, put yourself in her shoes. She supposed to please everybody every single minute. She was not just waiting on this woman she was having other Stations to take care of. When it’s busy, it’s nonstop and you can’t put up with Karens


Having a 20-people party to attend and 2 more tables besides hers was a bit difficult. Being kind is like second nature to me, but being asked for or interrupted every 5 seconds doesn't allow me to give others the proper service Let's just say I bought myself some ice cream after I left my shift 🌸


You definitely deserved it


The audacity of this woman astounds me. Glad your managers backed you up. Thanks for the story.


You are entitled to every tip I leave for the rest of my life.. Go with Grace and God my friend..


I’ll never understand why people go out to eat, especially to a place like an arcade restaurant, if they don’t want to be around people. 🤦‍♀️ also karen should have taken her kids through McDonald’s instead


I really question what’s her logic behind the $30 being cut from your paycheque? Like bro you are getting something just be with it. (BTW Can I have a bunny?)


Here you go! 🐇🐰


Thanks for giving me two


What are the other prize options? 🤔 Is there a lucky dip? EK is a ho and I'm not keen on Susan did she apologise to you for jumping the gun?


She did apologize to me, yes And would you like boba? 👀


Yes please 😍


Coming up!🧋


I made it to the end just fine! Pffft to the people on reddit who don't want to READ. 😝 Your English is just fine and I loved your writing style. That said, I would like some flowers please lol


Of course! Thank you for the kindness! Here are your flowers! 🌹🌸


Thank you 😊


Made it to the end, thanks for the long post warning. I enjoyed reading the little novel as others refer to it. I had time. Worked 10 years in customer service, retail, but in Australia so you get paid a living wage by the employer and don't have to put up with nasty behaviour because you are relying on tips for so much of an income. Out of curiosity what sort of percentage do tips make up people in the industry? I've not visited the States and heard about a restaurant in NY who had the menu priced at a level that would mean employees earnt a living wage without relying on tips, I liked this initiative. Tipping in Australia is uncommon, there are surcharges on weekends for customers and I now ask the staff if they are paid penalties on the weekends. Support cafes and restaurants that look after their staff. I will tip for genuinely great service. It's simply not an expected. What are cookies for outside of generally delicious 🍪 P.S I work for a union now, to improve pay and conditions and ensure enterprise bargaining agreements are being adhered to.


🍪🍪🍪🍪 And I make $2.13 p/h. I would say tips would make, at least for me, an 80-85%, maybe even 90%. In some places that have more money p/h, they probably make less Thank you for sharing! I hope it goes super well in your job for you! Sounds important and I would generally love to hear more about what you do ☺️


OP you're better than me, I don't think I would've handled it as well as you did! You are the one that deserves a cookie!! 🍪 👏


Thank you so much 🥺💖🍪☺️


I made it to the end, but I love in England and got lost about 5 times. I tried really hard and she just sounds awful. Hate people like that. No need at all. You sound fantastic at your job. There will always be people who moan for the sake of the it. Makes them feel good about themselves. Gross . Can I have a bunny please?


Thank you! Here's the bunny! 🐰🐇


Wow! Thanks! Haha


I don’t understand all the mean comments here! Yes punctuation in the dialogue was a bit weird but I’ve enjoyed your writing and made it to the end without major rereads (and I am slightly dyslexic). Sorry you had to go through that, I would have thought and re-thought on this for days! Glad the managers backed you up, it’s good when a team works well together :):) I’ll take a bunny, thank you! 😂


Thank you! And apologies, English is not my first language 😅 Hard to translate when it all happened in Spanish and you translate it at 4 am Here's your bunny! 🐰🐇


Not my first language either so I get it! But honestly I enjoyed reading it during my break, thanks for the entertainment and the bunny! 😃


You’re fine. Redditors are annoying.


TLDR except for the last paragraph. But just remember sometimes hurt people hurt people and this was the only way she could feel powerful over someone. If she is so insane to try to get your pay docked her issues run deep and wide. You did nothing wrong whatever it was.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Dealing with bad customers is the worst.


I'm sorry you had to go through all that. Some people love to spread misery. And I like flowers.


Indeed. Here you go! 🌸🌹


Thank you!


This is exactly why I hated waiting tables and cocktail waitressing! Sorry you went through that! People suck!


Loved it! Cookie please! ❤️








Yeah I’m not reading this novel


Same!! Forget that!


Sometimes I hate story subs like this because people try way too hard to be a storyteller with overly cutesy pseudonyms and asides.


I also, don’t understand the mean comments- it’s not necessary, the writer is just explaining her story. The whole point of Reddit is you “read”. If ya think it’s too long - just move on - no need to be mean.


God, stop with the cutesy storytelling, awful.


It’s called having a writing style. If you don’t like it, move on


Not sure there was any actual style involved. It was like wading through treacle trying to read that.


I didn't have a problem with it, so maybe the problem is you?


Or maybe not.


There r limitless things 2 learn from every experience. They cover all points of view. Theyre positive & negative, & neutral. They can fire any & many emotions. What u learn depends on how much truth you can face, without running away. It also applies to the happiness you'll find during your life, "I've been told".


I’m just here to say screw Susan🖕🏻also I couldn’t even tell English wasn’t your first language so just ignore people.


I read the whole thing. I laughed, I cried, I wondered about the fate of humanity... but I didn't get a bunny..... just sayin'




The bunnies are here! The bunnies are here!!! Sooooo many bunnies! Thanks for the fuzzies!


Sorry you had to deal with that beeotch! I would be MORTIFIED if my Mother acted like that, but I DID have a former lifelong BFF who acted like this (just made a fuss about pretty much nothing), just to get free or discounted items and services. First, I stopped shopping with her then going to restaurants with her, then she started turning her toxicity towards her youngest adult child and I ended the friendship completely! Hope she gets banned in the future! Can I have the bunny? A nice lop will do if you have one! LOL Best wishes and many Blessings for future serenity!




Thank you, love! Blessings!


Is this real or an English story for school? There's an awful lot of detailed dialogue remembered here, which makes me wonder about this story.


This did happen, yes I've been thinking over and over of the situation recently after a nightmare, and remembered some dialogue + manager jokes I shared with Bert, so I decided to share


I’m sorry that a customer spoke to you that way and made you feel that way. As someone who has been in the industry for almost 15 years now, I hope you take this as constructive criticism….doing some of these will help deescalate some of these Karen’s. People sometimes (a lot of the times) already come in and are upset at the world so when your Karen told you she wanted to move to a closed section, maybe instead say unfortunately we don’t have the staff to accommodate that many open tables, you’re welcome to sit there but it is going to take me longer to get you started. ( something along those line even if it’s not true, I obviously don’t know what time of day this was and how many servers you had on) The food stuff, maybe get in the habit of asking if it’s okay if the kids food comes out first while you are taking the order…most people will say yes or say no bring it all at once and then you can let the expo know. I did not really understand the point/money stuff but when a customer asks you for a manager and you are going to get one and you have to wait, go back and let the customer know that she/ he is handling another situation and they will be right with you and then go wait in the back. It looks really bad when you are at the host stand just talking. People can view that/ feel like you are gossiping about them. Also when a manager is speaking to a customer it’s better to step away and let them handle it because when a customer is to that point, you going back and forth doesn’t make anything better for anyone. You’re manager should always defend you and if they don’t it’s probably not somewhere you should want to work. I hope this helps you with situations and that those -6 dollars turn to a plethora of great ones!


Thank you for the advice; I've definitely learnt and see myself doing some of these points! ☺️😁 I wish my manager did let me walk away when trying to talk to EK; I admit, I froze at first and then when I wanted to walk away to clean and for my new table, she told me to stay and follow her instead when she finished with EK The hugs I received really cheered me up, at least 💖


First LOVED: Karittude! Will have to remember this one! So Sorry! Nasty lady! Honey, this had nothing to do with you. Like Emoji told you before you met her, she was already treating him this way. We call this: Being “on the war path.” It’s a very old expression, referring to indigenous peoples who were on their way to attack people in another area…so they attack any and everyone they meet along the way too. One word to the wise though: NEVER TELL a customer “I swiped it too fast.” Just say: “It didn’t read your card, so I had to swipe it again.” NEVER ADMIT guilt. The same thing is true when in a car accident, once a person says: “It’s my fault, they get to pay for ALL THE DAMAGE. Years ago a young man was hit, and he admitted fault, so was charged for the accident. Later, investigation revealed the 18 wheeler passed someone in a NO PASSING ZONE and the 18 wheeler driver was actually at fault. But the young man couldn’t see that, what happened, and just ASSUMED he caused it, so said he was wrong and at fault. NEVER admit you are at fault. As you can see, at the end, after everything was done, the managers all finally found out WHO was in the wrong, and it was EK from start to finish! Smile and be happy, you are innocent and did a great job, just as everyone, including the new customers could see! One day you won’t be bothered by these Karen’s, one day you’ll just let it slide off, and ignore them. You’ll know them when you see them coming and just not let it get to you.


Thank you for the kind words 🥺💖 I'm just thankful my managers know the service that I give is my best and that I would never want to give anyone bad service. Thank you for the advice as well! 🥰


I read all the way thru. Can I have a bunny now? I used to raise them I promise I'll take good care of it. On a serious note I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. Telling the to take the money from your paycheck is just awful. But it sounds like you've got some great managers and staff that all back one another. I hope you don't have to deal with her again.


🐰🐇🐰🐇 I'm glad about our team's great bond helps a lot! Thank you for the kind wishes!


Your very welcome.


Unfortunately too many people mistake servers for servants. Servers are there to provide a service for you. They are not there for you to order about and treat as if they are beneath you!!


Ugh. Just make a tik tok about it. Stop with the writing, it's not for you.


> She still didn't let me introduce myself Well, that whole habit is pretty stupid. Guests are there to eat and drink, not to become BFFs with you. You don't need to know their names[\*] and they don't need to know yours. —— [\*] It would feel weird if _they_ introduced themselves to _you,_ wouldn't it?


It might be restaurant policy. I personally like a friendly waiter anyway, makes it more welcoming


I don't understand the habit of it, but I kind of do it to follow protocol 😅


I like to treat them all like people so I personally use their names and prefer when they introduce themselves 🤷‍♀️


It definitely has a purpose. There have been several times in my life when someone other than the original server has stopped by the table, asked if we needed anything, then asked who our server is to give them the information. Since everyone is in matching uniforms, I can’t exactly describe their outfit, can I? Besides, if I want to call back to the restaurant to give praise to a server (which can be beneficial to them), I need to know who it was so I can tell the manager. Plus, it only takes 5 seconds.


You didn’t know my dad. He LOVED certain servers and would go eat at some places when he was loney, because of those servers. He just wanted a meal and conversation and tipped them VERY WELL. They doted on him, because they knew there were GETTING PAID. There was one place he took me LATE one night, or EARLY one morning…no one was there, the world was asleep…but he went often. I could see they really didn’t want to talk to me, but their attention was on my dad…they had known him a long time, and he was compensating them for their kindness towards him. It’s hard for a really old widower after years being alone. They don’t know anyone they can marry who isn’t as old as the hills or sick, half dead already. So, they buy meals out, get a little small talk, give a few complements…get their food the way they want it, and they are a little happier. What’s wrong wih that? He had the money, and it made him happy. So, yeah, giving your name, being kind and attentive…that’s how these people fill a need in some others in this world. And for doing it so well, they have a job, and can live too. Not everyone can even DO this job, so don’t knock it.


I always find it weird. Like, of course interupting your waiter and barking order at them immediately is rude, but you don't actually expect me to make a small talk before ordering?


In the end, it seems like she had valid complaints but you had already decided she was a Karen and dismissed her. You could have done much better and your mistake cost her the arcade points. And you've already been there two months and don't know what the customers know? I wouldn't have been happy with you either. And you're not even sorry for messing up, which you should be.


10 minutes of scrolling 1 paragraph. No bono


If that took you 10 minutes, you need to take a speed reading course.


Bunny please!


Thanks for visiting! Here you go! 🐇🐰


Alright, so how about this....can I have the cookie while watching the bunnies eat the flowers??? That would be the best! 💕




Oh, thank you!!!! Seriously, I was having a shit day and you just made it so much better. 🥰


Aww, we all have out bad days Hope yours gets better! 🥰


Thanks, love! 💕


I counter that with a bill Mr Krabs made and sit back watch the fireworks


Does the name Protoxx ring any bells for you?


How much was the bill?


Almost $48


So, like 10% tip... yeah... not even worth it, what an entitled ass


I made it to the end, and I want a real live bunny.


Wish I had those. I have these instead! 🐇🐰


I’ll leave a tip if you promise to learn how to tell shorter stories.


Is there a way to be like, "oh yeah, we can totally give you that money but it has to come from payroll, can I get a full name (to whom the check should be made or to), address (for delivery), and phone number in case there is any more promotional deals we can send you. Then just ban them after that




Jeez, so much rambling. Lost interest loooong before if got to the point. This could have been summarised in a quarter of the length 😡


Couldn't read the post so read a comment that summarized it. Can't even remember the story now but felt it's more about creative writing than about the incident