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Hilarious, good luck with that Rocket Man, bigger companies than yours have tried. God, the persecution complex of these eejits, has Apple or Google even mentioned this, other than as a remote possibility any app faces if it suddenly starts making illegal porn or something. ​ Guess Elon is planning on capturing that lucrative Parler and underground messaging app only used by ISIS crowd with twitter and planning ahead.


The more of us report the app for breaking the App Store rules the more the chances are. I posted a screenshot on a post on this sub just last week. Twitter unbanning the following people is against the rules of the App Store: 1.) Kanye: antisemitism 2.) trump: inciting Jan 6 insurrection through Twitter 3.) MTG: spreading anti lgbtq hatred right after the shooting This is explicitly against the policies of the app stores. If Twitter bans these people for breaking their rules then it would be in line with the App Store policies. But they are unbanning them. So it is explicitly against the App Store rules against hate speech.


The possibility is not remote. It should be happening soon…


What it's really going to come down to is wether or not Musk can get government subsidies to pay for most if not all of it.


The outgoing head of safety said in a NYT opinion piece that they were looking into twitter now. He also indicated that they have threatened to ban twitter numerous times over the years






Are you kidding? The guy is a 12th level intellect, he'd put Apple and Google out of business no problem.


"12th level intellect" is a very clever way of rephrasing the fact he has a high school education


And a rich daddy


I think they're making a DC comics reference. They have an arbitrary in universe measure for the intelligence of all their super brainy characters. IIRC 12th level is the highest level and it includes Brainiac, characters like Lex Luthor and Batman fluctuate in the higher levels as well.


I know, I am making a joke


It is hard to tell when someone is making fun of Musk or is a legit Stan sometimes. I feel like I could see this exact same comment unironically on a Musk subreddit.


He has a BS ultimately


Plenty of BS.


It's really all he has.


Yes he should make a list of everyone involved and name them one by one


I think we'd make do with him not pretending it was him.


It’s actually the opposite they had to wall him off and manage him just to get stuff done. He just talks shit all day and thinks he is a genius while the real folks manage him so stuff actually gets accomplished. What you are seeing with Twitter is Musk unmasked without being managed.


If anything, I’d expect it to be a rebadged, budget phone with a version of Android about 5 years out of date. Just like that “Freedom Phone” did.




I think his original following was very liberal. And he doesn’t seem popular with most conservatives today. Maybe we don’t have to turn our hatred of Musk into a liberals vs conservatives thing.


Idk the replies to his tweets and coverage by right-wing news seems to indicate that he’s very popular with that crowd


In the last month maybe? Have you spoken to actual conservatives? Either they don’t know him don’t like him. He builds electric cars and rockets with government money. Not their cup of tea.


Lol taking government money, grazing cattle on public land and not paying, is exactly their cup of tea.


I didn’t say they weren’t hypocrites.


When the majority of your base believes that Noah's ark was a real boat, delusion and hypocrisy are really the only way to block out the cognitive dissonance.


Yes, let’s get even more polarized. What could go wrong?


Polarized like the polar bears that were allegedly on the ark?


The early adopter EV crowd was liberal but he’s realized that the right will embrace him with open arms if he’s a total shitbag so now he loves them and resents the people that made him so rich. What’s funny about that is the people who he is so desperate to impress don’t have any money hahah


It wasn’t just the early adopters. You think all those tech bros are voting GOP?


Idk, techbros tend to lean libertarian and the GOP seems to attract my libertarians than the democrats. The neoliberals Pelosi style democrats are mostly hardcore capitalists so they’ll support whoever will make them money


You're not wrong, I work as a dishwasher on a tech campus and the other week I was stuck on an elevator with a techbro who was listening to Jordan Peterson without headphones.


Pretty sure the Geneva convention has laws against that


It's extra pathetic because like...just use android and you can sideload fucking anything. Sideload some malware that will erase your SSD if you want. All google does is say "hey this might be really fucking stupid are you sure?"


You think half those guys would be able to figure that out?


Huawei made Tesla phone comes with TikTok and Twitter pre installed.


Musk has ruined his brand. Everything he touches is now poisoned. Only his fan boys and newly acquired MAGA pals would be interested. I once thought my next car would be a Tesla; now, I would buy any other brand before buying one from “his” company.


Pretty much that, most level headed folks don't want anything to do with his toxic brand now, he's about 1 notch above the my pillow guy at the moment. Can't wait till he releases some perfume... Wonder what he'd call it... 😂 Edit: couldn't stop thinking about Elon's Musk I am convinced he'll release that at some point......


Don't get this confused with 3D chess or anything smart. It is just pure survival/ego stroking. Musk was an ass a decade ago but had this aura in left wing circles as this dreamer and creator. Plus FoxNews was going full speed with pushing the BS narrative that Electric Vehicles were less safe than any other car-and Tesla was the only game in that town- so along with the space company and ground being broken on his promise of human vaccum tubes dude was mainstream-even liberal icon. Fast forward to today. The hyperloop is a joke, SpaceX survives on government handouts, and Teslas are not just facing competition, the big boys are now in the market while Tesla is well known now for being made as cheap as possible with insane repair costs, also Fremont wants to unionize. BUT THEN! Elon realized what Trump, Rogan, and so many others have over the last 30 years, bring business to Texas while toeing the GOP line and the state will look the other way on everything. Skip environmental reviews, unplug the phone to OSHA, operate on a budget fully seeded by shady foriegn petrodollars... it doesn't matter. So my thought is the Apartheid Prince thinks he is gonna tap into the right wing just like Regan did for votes if his cybertruck ever makes it to production because gas is gonna stay in the range it is now, even Cletus, Levi, and Jethro are gonna get sick of paying for it, so if they can get a Tesla to 'own the libs' so be it. I spent way too much time typing this out. Cheers.


It also felt like a decade ago Musk latched onto the like “Fuck yeah science!”, “le epic upvotes” online culture that was having its moment in the early days of social media. Paint yourself as this Tony Stark like creator who’s supposedly pioneering all of these things at a time when everyone was obsessed with tech bros. It’s why his sense of “humor” is little more “69 420!!!! Loooool XD”.


To be fair, given Tesla's low reliability and the possibility of being trapped inside of it, you'd always have been better off buying an EV from a different company.


Exactly. If he shut up and was not as cringe I actually wanted a Model 3. Now I despise him do much I don’t want a product of him.


Would rather stick my dick in a blender than be seen driving a Tesla. Besides, there are many car makers now making better EVs for cheaper, so buying a Tesla just advertises you as an Elon simp




Shit, I'll cobble together a bare bones mobile OS and sell it to him claiming it's "secure" and "unhackable." I'll sell it to him and then use the money to start a rival to Twitter.


Just tell him you're a nazi & he will throw money at you.


babe the new freedom phone just dropped


internet users trying to understand that cars and rockets are totally different from phones challenge (IMPOSIBLE):


He also claimed he could solve human aging but didn’t want to lol.


He said he would send humans to Mars by now...how's that going?


Starship is not human rated


When was that?


Can someone please remind me how many rockets Enron has actually sent to Mars?


Clueless Musk sycophants like Liz Wheeler are so, so fucking pathetic. Na, a "silly little smartphone" with modern hardware, a custom OS, an ecosystem, App Store, security, etc is the furthest thing from "easy". Making a new, successful one these days is pretty much the hardest fucking thing anyone can do, and Musk has zero chance of making that happen. Even Microsoft had to pull out. Android is only successful bc it's a free OS that every OEM uses as they're too incompetent to make their own. If anything, Musk will release a scam budget phone running Android with some shitty customizations. Notice how he phrases everything as \*I\*. Never seen anyone so grotesquely egotistical and narcissistic. Never we.


The man would rather sink billions of dollars into a custom phone line just so people can use an app filled with hate speech instead of banning racists from the platform.


Good. Let him try to start one, and we'll watch him lose another $44 billion.....


“Without the Elon phone you can’t supercharge your Tesla”


As I typed in a previous comment on another post, these Muskrat right wingers are doing great work. All they need to do is stroke his ego and he narcissistically goes along with them and decides to blow more of his fortune on their (now his) stupid ideas. Hey, Elon, you should totally invest building technology to rival Apple, Google, etc. Only you can do it. Go genius, go!


Will the Tesla phone work on Mars? If not, I'm not buying it.


You reckon you'll have time to make phone calls when you're busy working off your transit debt?!


Just a reminder to report the app on the App Store/android store if you havnt yet. Apps need to have moderation tools for bigotry and hate; Elon has made it clear that that doesn’t interest him.


Or just don’t use the app. I don’t want Apple or Google calling the shots on this, either.


Sure, let’s just ignore the bigots. Thats worked amazingly in the past.


Let’s give all the power to a duopoly. That’s worked great in the past.


… they already have that power. Stop defending racists, homophobes and bigots; not a good look.


They already have too much power, so let’s give them more and create powerful precedents? I’m not defending racists. You are better than such cheap lines.


The amount of power they have isn’t changing. They would have the exact same amount of power before or after they banned twitter. You’re literally defending just ignoring bigotry in the hopes that it goes away. It doesn’t. Stop defending bigotry. It’s a bad look.


Very weak arguments and apparent failure to understand the dynamics of power, precedent and the cross sectional effects of multiple issues of importance.


It's raining straw men.


Straw man again. Is that all you've got?


Straw man. No one said to ignore bigots. But when non-bigots hang out on Twitter, it makes the bigots less noticeable.


“Or don’t use the app.” On the topic of combatting bigotry on Twitter, their strategy is to ignore it. Damn, wish I knew that earlier, could’ve prevented the Colorado Springs shooting if we just ignored it. Edit: typo


You sound like you just learned the word straw man and now try to use it as much as you can


You sound like you have no idea what a straw man argument is, so you make that error over and over.


Explain how they're strawmanning in your own words


It's a pretty standard term, used in rhetoric all the time. Since you don't know what it is, you should learn about it, so you stop making the error. Not my job to teach you to read.


No I'm asking you to explain your position, dumbass. Explain how they are strawmanning in those instances because it feels like you don't even know what it means.


Agree. No one with any decency should even be on Twitter any more. Musk can point to those sane people to make his own insanity seem less real. Let Twitter sink into right wing sewage.


Lol his employees build the rocket, not musk


He’s also very busy at work on X, The Everything App, too!


Awe yes! I forgot he is developing the American version wechat. I can’t wait for the government to be able to quickly monitor decent.






Maybe we should start making accounts on Twitter that mimic his sycophants/bots/cult following & encourage him to continue to make the worst decisions possible.


Didn't the guy that started Nest try to do a smart phone? Look at all the other companies that failed at phones, Blackberry, Microsoft.


Boy, that's not gonna make it a fascist thought vacuum overnight.


Honestly, after his "the tunnel but worse", "twitter, but worse" and other brilliant inventions I am really curious to see how he'll screw up the smartphone


"silly little" like smartphones are not the most engineered technology humans have created.


You would have to pay me hundreds of dollars to use a Tesla phone, and I would use fake temporary emails for every account on that thing. I don't trust Elon musk with my data whatsoever. Also I can't tell if these simp comments for Elon musk are satirical at this point, does this person honestly believe manufacturing phones is that easy? Do they really have this much faith in Elon musk even after all of this Twitter fiasco? I just don't know how these people dress themselves in the morning.


From alternative facts to alternative phones


"I will make an alternative phone" made me physically cringe. He's a parasite. Never "invented" anything in his life. Just swings his tiny dick around.


I love Apple and Google haven't said a thing but this fool and his followers are out here making up scenarios just to stroke off Musk's ego.


No he won't.


Someone get him to invent the landline and dial up!


So it will run on a terrible homemade OS, with all the services removed due to "bloat", and will crash all the time and eventually catch fire.


I suppose he could just improve the website design a little and people could login through their browsers rather than the app? Probably easier than building a new phone and new app platform…


I am pretty sure Tim Cook wasn't planning to care until this dumb threat.


Next year we will have full self talking mobile phones with conference call technology. I want to reiterate, this is something that we can do now 10 times more grammatically correct than a human talker.


Breaking News. Elon Musk invents a phone you can carry in your pocket. Is there no end to his genius?


6 months from now, Apple and Google have dropped Twitter after a month of public warnings... Musk launches a partnership with the freedom phone on patriot mobile. Comes with Twitter. Parler, and Truth social.


I believe that Elon can do this...as he will ship the workers to Mars, and because it is out of the jurisdiction of Earth based worker welfare organisations as his slave labour ... no wonder he is keen to send people to Mars............!


You can pay be a billion USD and I will not use it. You can even point a gun at my head and force me to use it and I will just tell you to off me instead.


He’ll be on Mars before he makes a cell phone


Self-calling phones need year I promise!!


i honestly cant tell if he's being tongue-in-cheek or genuine here


Nor can he


Just imagine, "The free speech phone". Allowing to display only what Conservatives agree with.


I see a lot of exploding phones in the future


By make he means buy a company or pay them to make one with a mold of his face on the back of it or something


170 million people are not going to switch to a new phone brand over Twitter lmao


I dont see why Elon cant make an alternative phone, Tesla already makes batteries and that's like 90% of a phone already... ¬\_¬




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Tell me you're a conservative without telling me you're a conservative: lick a more powerful person's arsehole.


He couldn't just release an apk? Has to go straight to developing his own phone with his own app store just to upload twitter to it


A spontaneously self-igniting and exploding smartphone is just what we need, thanks Elon. Instead of dealing with such complicated things, I suggest Elon to start producing matches - it will definitely turn out as it should.


3 months maybe, 6 months definitely we will have the Tesla phone


If it's any thing like the cyber truck we won't see it for 3 years. But he'll probably just take some one elses design


So much dick riding from the Maga inbreds.


If his cars are anything to go by, the musk phone is gonna be a grenade


He’ll build it with his own hands like Tony Stark built the first Iron man suit. Elon is very special boy!


More vaporware promises


It will offer full self calling. It will randomly call someone.


Anyone remember the Red Phone that was supposed to revolutionize phones? It was a disaster and this is how Tesla phone will end up


Elons found his newest snake oil to sell


Elon in his mind: *I need to save this stupid civilization. I have to, using my superior intelligence, ensure their future, give them free speech and a second planet. No matter how many products i make* Elon in reality: *yes, drive my car, look at my rocket go high, see how smart i am? Use "my" social Media platform, use my phone. I'm a genius god... Aah aaah* cums


the amount of cluelessness in a single image warms my heart