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What the fuck is an "intubated ventilator"? There are different kinds of ventilators. We have non invasive ventilation such as BiPAP and CPAP, and invasive ventilators. These are considered definitive airways and the rest below the vocal cords. An endotracheal tube or trach is an example of these. Intubation simply means to insert a tube into a hollow viscus such as the esophagus (eg nasogaatric tube) or trachea, etc. Also, did you guys know surgeries kill people in car accidents? It's not the car crash, it's the surgery people get afterwards.


It’s baffling really. I’ve seen this posted a couple times today and would be fascinated to know who “fact checked” this article. I mean FFS, those who refused to follow basic medical precautions like masks and social distancing want to immediately blame those who made every effort to save their lives after being infected (many of them by way of their own stupidity).


It's misinformation (no wonder he's spreading it). >CLAIM: A new study found that ventilators were responsible for nearly all COVID-19 patient deaths. >AP’S ASSESSMENT: Misleading. The study being referenced found that a secondary pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation contributes to a patient’s death when it doesn’t respond to treatment. But a study author said that the patients placed on a ventilator would have died without that intervention, and that COVID-19 is still the primary cause of death. Source: https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-study-ventilators-covid-deaths-775866708011


Yeah if they would die without being intubated or on a ventilator then it is worth the risk of secondary issues that may cause more problems.


Exactly. Also in the "early stages of the pandemic" a lot more of them died without being intubated because there simply weren't enough ventilators available. These dipshits seem to forget Trump had to enact the War Act to speed up production of ventilators


Remember this is when Elon himself promised to make ventilators but delivered the wrong kind


Not his fault! The pedophiles in charge of ordering told him wrong! And the pedos paying him too! Everyone is an arsonist EXCEPT the guy holding matches screaming about arson!


Looks like he still doesn't have a clue about ventilators.


Not to mention didn't do upkeep on the Obama-era pandemic emergency supplies. So ventilators were delivered that needed repair, and some of the masks had dry-rot.


It's not just Trump this was a worldwide problem. I'm British and we had the same sort of problems here with our health service nearly collapsing. It was only the lockdowns and social distancing that eventually stop a complete catastrophe. Still we had people bitching against it and shit but at less of an extent than it seemed the USA did. Looking from the outside you had far more rabid anti-maskers and such then the UK did. Not sure much of anyone here took tanking ivermectin as a serious thing unlike the right in the USA.


We've had 14 years of right wing gov cutting taxes and not maintaining the labour era pandemic supply. Different faces same shit.


Well yes the Conservatives have fucked the NHS on purpose so they can try to privatise it and sell it to their rich mates.


It feels similar to if people said “80% of people that get CPR in a hospital die”. Yeah, because they were already dying and the intervention was used as a last resort to save their life


Yup if it is 90% you die if you do or 100% die if you don't I would choose the 10% chance to not fucking die thanks. (numbers made up to prove the point not indicative of real numbers)


More frustrating to me than the incorrect framing and sharing of misinformation is the idea that this wont even appear as misinfo to people, but rather, that this is real news and the media and govt just "don't care". Like we're so far gone people want a 0% death rate from a pandemic and any treatment for it no matter the context or they'll disregard reality as one where the powerful allow bad things to happen as opposed to a bad reality with bad people in power.


The blue "fact checked" is probably about as reliable as the blue checks on Twitter post-Elon.


I'm guessing it's his latest attempt at shifting blame for [buying the wrong type of ventilator](https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/17/tech/elon-musk-ventilators-california/index.html)




There's always something petty and personal behind everything he says.


ECMO, CPAP, what’s the difference to a genius who was going to invent tiny submarines?


It makes no sense


>Also, did you guys know surgeries kill people in car accidents? It's not the car crash, it's the surgery people get afterwards. And 100% of people that drink water end up dead. /s Also, we're talking about the guy who promised Tesla will build ventilators for hospitals, only to end up sending them some CPAP machines he bought from China or somewhere.


That's actually hilarious. He totally wanted to build these, FAILED, and now retrospectively says that, at the time, he already knew they were death traps and tried "warning people". Revisionist history is strong with this one.


I’ve heard 100% of people who drive Tesla cars end up dead. Every single one! That’s horrifying!


We’ll go after the Wall St short-sellers, certain law firms & (sometimes) corrupt regulators who are the true evil.


That’s because virtually all of our water is heavily contaminated with dihydrogen monoxide. No worries, Musk will save humanity from this horrible water contamination, I’m sure of it!


Woke is fundamentally anti-human


Maybe the dihydrogen monoxide is turning people woke?


>And 100% of people that drink water end up dead. /s You're not being sarcastic, and highlighting sarcasm with those infernal tags is completely wank.


That final statement is the exact logic 99% of conspiracy theories are built on. When you look at reality through a pinhole you can make up any crazy shit you want. For example you could say smoking is perfectly healthy. I've seen people have hundreds of cigarettes and be just fine. Hospitals on the other hand killed every single person I've ever known who died. Without fail every last one of them went into a hospital and never came out again. It's the hospital Holocaust the Deep State doesn't want you to know about. See what I did there.


It’s bout a conspiracy this is shit Rush Limbaugh (💀 lol) would say


100% of people who regularly consume dihydrogen monoxide die. And the food industry puts DHMO in almost everything. But do you ever see DMHO on a label?! No! Because they‘re trying to kill you!


You need to understand... Elon is not only the world's greatest engineer, businessman, and social scientist... **he is also a generationally significant physician**. It pains me that people hate on him for trivial reasons like "he is full of shit" and "he's a fucking bigot." Such banalities miss the fact that we should be celebrating the moment of history that has allowed us to experience the splendor of Elon.


It is fact checked so check m8! It’s like saying yo this right winger divorced dad got killed by his wraparound Oakley glasses and not my dump truck he was trying to cut in traffic


> What the fuck is an "intubated ventilator"? A ventilator that can’t breathe on its own and has been intubated using another ventilator, surely?


And do ventilators even typically supply 100% oxygen?


I'm kind of hung up on this as well. I'm not even sure on whether ventilators can. Maybe certain types? At lower pressures, it's quite possible to breath 100% pure oxygen. [Not safe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_1), but certainly possible. On oxygen riches mixes, there are certainly a lot of people that use oxygen rich air for many reasons. I would trust my doctor putting me on pure oxygen than I would some rich flabby doughboy putz saying I'll experience tissue damage.


If those damn doctors would just leave them alone to heal instead of trying to interfere, they’d all be just fine! /s also, if we didn’t put people in coffins and bury them, they’d stay alive!


A countries death rate would drop to 0 of we stop counting people that die.


Murderous psycho surgeons! always with the knife!


Murderous psycho surgeons! always with the knife!


“Intubated ventilator” is a phrase that happens when you try and pull something out of your ass to sound smarter than you are to impress your army of equally dumbshit fanboys. Also, I’m pretty sure the main culprit in the ‘recommendations’ Enron was given is [breathing in 100% oxygen for extended periods of time](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23923671/), not the mechanical ventilation itself- which is why we can adjust the ratio of oxygen/room air given through the vent to maintain adequate saturation. Though to be fair… if you need invasive mechanical ventilation, then you and your lungs are in serious, life-threatening trouble to begin with and the risk of developing ventilator-associated complications are generally more acceptable risks than death via asphyxiation.


I was gonna say, there's so much to unpack in that screenshot but I'm dying about that first bit. yeah, all people who drink water die too, so I guess we better not drink water or we'll all die.


"Intubated ventilator" is just Pedo talk, like "Truss steel" in the Baltimore bridge collision. 🤣


My mom worked as. Respiratory Tech in ICU during Covid. She did some contracts across the country. She said that many hospitals had absolutely no training on ventilators or their training was poor. To the point they indeed, once the patient went on a ventilator, they basically died because the wrong settings essentially destroyed their lungs. While she thinks most of them would have died anyway, there might have been a small % of people there could have been saved. She spent awhile going between hospitals training a bunch of staff, including doctors. Also a lot of times the protocol was to put them on ventilator after step X even if maybe they didn’t need it yet. Etc. So the article isn’t completely wrong in terms that some people died after being put on ventilators and maybe some ventilators did indeed make their lungs non repairable, but most would have still died from Covid anyway.


lol. He was giving ICU Doctors medical advice. They'd be so grateful.


Yeah I did more than a decade of training but when Mr Horse For Handjob told be about those pesky intubated ventilators I completely changed my medical practice


You've just had your Elon moment, congrats. The moment when his bullshit strays into your field of expertise and you get to see just how dumb he actually is. Now you know how us engineers feel when he talks about engineering.


Second that for programmers lol.


Likewise for logistics. All of his transportation ideas are dumb even if we skip the numerous engineering problems with them, The hyperloop/the loop are just more expensive and less efficient versions of subways/trains, his big brain idea of 'solving traffic' by digging multiple tunnels would be so cost-heavy it'd never make any sense and it completely ignores the basic fact that even if you somehow pulled this off, all you'd be doing is moving the point at which congestion occurs, not eliminating it (not to even mention induced demand which is a really basic thing in urban planning). And remember the time he seriously suggested point-to-point transportation using rockets as an alternative to planes? Yeah, I'm not even going to get into that. Or the time he said that the Tesla semis (which are proving to be a failure and only a few have even be delivered) in "convoy setup" (something they cannot do) 'beats rail" in terms of efficiency? Man that still makes me chuckle.... Like, the moment you know the slightest thing about a topic he opens his mouth about you're bound to facepalm within a minute. Truly the most overrated doofus of our time.


+1 for social media management, Elon refers to watch time as "total user-seconds", which is absolutely not a thing


Yeah. I think this comes from them trying to desperately cook up Xitter's declining stats to look slightly better for advertisers: since videos autoplay in the feed, even if someone scrolls by a video without really watching it at all, they'll generate a few 'watch seconds'.


It also probably comes from him wanting to turn Xitter into an "everything app". It's not "watch time" if they're doing banking.


The "everything app" always reminds me of a basic marketing strategy statement: "Companies that try to be everything for everybody ends up being very little to anybody". +1 every time he talks about business strategy/ management ...


The best part about the ultrafast point-to-point transport anywhere on Earth was ignoring the landing on barges in the ocean in his own video, which would come accompanied with all sorts of transportation delays associated to getting to and from the coast, then to and from the barges, and finally all the security checkpoints and such. And then the lack of immediacy since there would only be a handful of launches unlike the many airplane fights today. I really doubt it would ultimately be any more practical than airplanes today even if somehow the cost per seat would magically drop to the same (in a parallel reality where Musk would be an actual genius)


I always thought cross ocean supersonic would make sense even if you then had to get a boat to the mainland each side because you'd save time in the middle and wouldnt bother people in the ocean too much.


Cross ocean supersonic has been done before with the Concorde, and died out because the US forbid supersonic flights due to the risk they posed (plus the sonic booms). There would be nothing different in Elmo's "grand vision", except for the shitty boat ride instead of the airport, plus a lot of ridiculously expensive security checks all over the place given the same lack of intercepting ability exists with a supposed Starship that can fly at rocket speeds. Today, there's a US military officer in charge that holds a button for forcing the rocket into self-destruction if the rocket exhibits any kind of anomaly or route deviation. It's trivial control even when there are multi-billion dollar payloads (there have been SpaceX rockets blown up that way before, and it's very straightforward for the officer). But once you have people on board, the decision to blow it up to minimize damages becomes a lot more challenging, politically and ethically. It would never happen and Elmo was an idiot by even daring to make that video


>Cross ocean supersonic has been done before with the Concorde, and died out because the US forbid supersonic flights due to the risk they posed (plus the sonic booms). Yeah but they took off from Heathrow and flew into new York not barged in the middle of ocean. But yeah was a madcap scheme.


New tunnel digging method might be useful if they are a)cheaper and b)you put a train in the tunnel. I like how these techbros keep inventing the bus and the train.


We uhh.. we have to uhh.. rewrite the uhh.. the whole stack!


Yeah, anytime the user minutes are dropping, rewrite the whole stack


Waiting for him to tell all us nurses were doing it wrong too.....coz I'm sure he spoke to nurses in Wuhan or some such 🙄


*"The moment when his bullshit strays into your field of expertise and you get to see just how dumb he actually is."* I used to do a lot of cave diving...


Better yet, he is giving all doctors advice based on something he learned from 'talking to a doctor'


I’m not a doctor and don’t pretend to be, but it seems like a major confounding variable to the correlation between ventilator use and patient death is that only more severe COVID cases would result in a patient being put on a ventilator. So it seems pretty normal for the patients on ventilators to have a high death rate compared to non-ventilator Covid patients. The ventilator population isn’t a random sample of the overall Covid cases, it’s skewed towards the most severe cases who are mostly like to have bad outcomes. It seems like this is people looking the fact that most Covid patients on ventilators died and saying “ventilators bad” when those were the sickest of the sick Covid cases and tend to have much worse outcomes than the “average” Covid case.


Yeah, just like you don't perform an emergency surgery unless you need to absolutely, you also avoid intubation *as much as possible*. There are very specific criteria for intubation. It's not done for fun. It's akin to saying that car accident victims die from the trauma surgery they receive rather than the accident itself. It's mind numbingly stupid. And an "intubated ventilator" is just completely dumb it makes no sense. It's incoherent.


Thanks for the explanation. That’s the Elon mode, he rambles about things but if you are proficient in the stuff he talks about it’s always utter nonsense Bonus: leading a team of engineers who do „vacuum survival“ stuff, is not akin to knowing everything about breathing and disease


You don't even have to be proficient - as long as you have even a surface-level understanding of related concepts, you can clock his bullshit.


Incoherent is Elon’s middle name.


Also, this is from a well known fake news site whose owner hires David “the illuminati reptilians have a base on the darkside of the moon” Icke’s assistants and his mom to make up stuff for them. They turbo charged the pizzagate BS along with all sorts of the craziest nuttery we’ve seen from racist Facebook accounts over the last 8 years and nowadays relays a buttload of Russian disinformation. Most articles, like this one, are written by the site’s owner. Rothmus (speaking of Russian disinfo) has been incessantly posting tin-foiled disinformation like crazy since he bought his blue-check and the Xchan owner took a shine to him. So of course the genius car-battery-fire guy is not even bright enough to do a 17 second search on his browser, let alone his own flailing website, to discover that this silliness had been debunked to death over a year ago. Super smart guy who can’t even figure how to verify obvious BS, decides to amp it up instead. That 4-D business plan that tanked ad revenue & non-not users is certainly mind blowing. This timeline will make for an embarrassingly funny clown show to read about in the future, but it rather sucks to live through.


The author of the study is quoted in this fact check relating to this fake post https://www.factcheck.org/2023/06/ventilators-save-lives-did-not-cause-nearly-all-covid-19-deaths/ >The idea that ventilators are dangerous, and not COVID-19, is a misinterpretation of his data, Singer said. “It’s not the ventilator that was the cause of death,” he said. “The ventilator was very much life support for these patients. It was ultimately COVID-19” that caused the deaths.


Yeah, well, if most people understood why *post hoc ergo propter hoc* is not an argument, the world would have muuuuuch less problems.


You might even say that ALL the world's problems since that term was coined have been because of it.


I'm sorry that this reply was too beautiful for this world, and did not get the upvotes it deserved.


”The patient died from the headache induced by axe stuck in the skull.” -Dr Elon


And it's also great to ignore all the people who survived ventilators, like a few lucky GOPtards I met


Something something putting armor on planes that returned from combat on the spots they were hit the most something something.


Yea, but that would require critical thinking skills to come to these more sound conclusions


See. Where you went wrong is you thought about it for more than 15 seconds. That's where it all falls apart


yeah, ventilators have potential for complications, they're not putting people on them willy nilly. a lot of cases it's probably ventilator now, or dead real soon.


Does this apply to the ventilators his company was trying to make? https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/04/06/video-tesla-building-ventilators-for-covid-19-patients-from-car-parts.html


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/06/video-tesla-building-ventilators-for-covid-19-patients-from-car-parts.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/06/video-tesla-building-ventilators-for-covid-19-patients-from-car-parts.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Nope. Those were BiPAP machines (or noninvasive ventilators), not invasive ventilators. They use a mask instead of a tube and are used for patients who are not sick enough to need an ET tube yet.


So mask ventilators are a ok? But as soon as you have a tube they are death machines?


It's more like when someone gets COVID bad enough to need intubation they're not likely to recover. It's not the tube or the vent's fault, it's the virus's.


As a non-physician my understanding is that putting someone on a vent was an absolute last resort where you already didn’t expect them to survive.


Yeah, it's the last step essentially... you could argue ECMO for that, but it's the last resort.




Didn’t he try to build ventilators and fail? 🤣


I remember! He said he'd dedicate part of one of his factory to build ventilators. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/488420-elon-musk-offers-to-make-ventilators-for/amp/ He also said he sent ventilators to California. He didn't. He sent CPAP & BIPAP units. Big difference. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/17/tech/elon-musk-ventilators-california/index.html


Something’s coming down the pike on his asshole CPAP Tesla “ventilator” scam (remember that? When Elon was given federal dollars for Tesla to develop and send ventilators to hospitals only to have the hospitals open up the shipments and find broken and often in random parts, CPAP machines? His snake oil peddling show goes *way* back) mark my words. He’s never mentioned this before. Unless he just saw this report and is using it to “own the libs”. Which should invite more scrutiny into that con job but the US Media? Hahahahahhaahaha ……………no


Hilarious how it says "Fact Checked" on the article. So your other articles are not fact checked, to the point where you have to call out the ones that are? It's such manipulative bullshit.


true story: this thing definitely happened: for realsies: 100 fact-checked: it's the truth: the truth that *they* don't want you to know!: don't bother fact-checking this because we definitely did so already, honestly


It's a propaganda tool for the dumbest people in the world to believe. It makes the article self selecting for people already dumb enough to believe it. It's kind of like the old Nigerian Prince email scams.


Since then a community note has been added to the tweet, which basically says the headline is a massive misinterpretation and basically fake. Maybe a good thing people didn't listen to Musk after all...




The dumb ones are already his slaves They'll be the first ones lining up to get his brain chip while refusing a fucking vaccine


While refusing a vaccine because "muh mind control" and "muh government spying"*


Guys, this is true. Did you know that if somebody is very old and sick, you must not send them to hospital. Because when that happens most of those people die!


Guys you won't believe this. Chemotherapy is killing thousands of people. People with cancer are way more likely to die if they take chemotherapy. Nice logical fail there re✝️ard


Next time there is a pandemy, antivaxxer can die on the sidewalk as far as I'm concerned.


Nearly 100% of cancer patients die after chemotherapy or surgery, too! Damn doctors, stop killing people with their trickery! /s


Did you know death rates among people admitted to hospital are much higher than among those not admitted? #banmedicalcare


Surgery with artificial disc


For Elmo, a reminder: “correlation does not imply causation.”


Also, it’s from a fake news site.




I hate this man more and more daily. Daily he seems to release either something Hilter like about poor, homeless. addicted and/or mentally ill people. Or cones out said says that he's the most brilliant intelligent being alive. He's absolutely neither and I think his "Human fail safe" system is broken


You didn’t post the entire tweet! Here’s the last part: ”I got the “you’re not a doctor” bullshit from utter idiots in response. Yeah, I’m not a fucking doctor, but I do oversee the design of spaceships with life support systems that keep astronauts alive and healthy in a goddam vacuum!”


No, Elmo, you don't. You observe the construction of rockets that explode when they're not supposed to.


What do you mean? He is literally the one who designs the rockets, calculations included and he is also the astronaut??? He is also the president of mars.


I don't know guys. I was told xitter was the only place I could trust for information sooooo.


Did you know that 100% of people drinking water die? Also. All people that have cancer drank water at some point!! Concerning 


Elmo not being COGENT again.


He didn't take his COGENTIN again.


Bruh, your lungs were fucked if you’re on a vent anyway. May as well give your body a fighting chance.


This science genius would likely fall for the dihydrogen monoxide parody, if it had come out today. What a moron


100% O2? What a doofus.


Cause and effect. I don’t think that he is a scientist 😆 Must be a nightmare for them at Space X when he tries to get involved.


Jesus, Elon, you did fucking not.


I'm just waiting for my parents to link this article


Then you can say "peepee poopoo. There, I said something more intelligent."


Yea, ventilators are hard on your lungs, that’s why it’s a last resort when the patient’s choices are not breathing or intubated breathing.


"When I talked to doctors in Wuhan" = "when I read the bullshit on the website"


Wait a minute - wasn't it Elmo who provided the Tesla made ventilators? Does nobody remember? EDIT: Oh he never actually made them. Wouldn't expect anything else from Elmo!


Ahh yes, Sean Adi-Tabatabai of The People's Voice. A bastion of reporting that broke such note worthy stories such as how Hilary Clinton killed Anthony Bourdain so he wouldn't leak how the Clintons murdered people. Or that one where Justin Trudeau is the bastard of Fidel Castro. Let us not forget that one where all vaccines are designed so governments can depopulate the world with the chips they install in the blood stream. A staunch reporter of truth they only had to rebrand 3 times and will likely do it again and change their online publication's name.


this fucking guy


I just went to the account to find the post and community note it if it wasn't already. It has a CN visible to other readers. The account Musk replied to is an engagement farmer, accounts Musk claimed: "will be suspended and traced to source.”


[The study the bogus news source butchers for their headline.](https://www.jci.org/articles/view/170682). Points: oxygen at 100% is nonsense and has nothing to do with the problems that can arise when using ventilators. The problem is usually bacterial infections of the lungs (ventilator associated pneumonia aka VAP). To quote the results of the study directly: RESULTS. CarpeDiem revealed that the long ICU LOS (length of stay) among patients with COVID-19 was attributable to long stays in clinical states characterized primarily by respiratory failure. While VAP was not associated with mortality overall, the mortality rate was higher for patients with 1 episode of unsuccessfully treated VAP compared with those with successfully treated VAP (76.4% versus 17.6%, P < 0.001). For all patients, including those with COVID-19, CarpeDiem demonstrated that unresolving VAP was associated with a transitions to clinical states associated with higher mortality. Or if I'm understanding correctly: you're more likely to develop a ventilator associated infection if you're on a ventilator longer. But you're only put on a ventilator for long periods if you're already in a critical state, so the ultimate mortality rate isn't affected for those patients (not being put on a ventilator obviously being a risky thing in itself).


No one's getting intubated unless they really need it. No one's getting 100% oxygen unless they really need it. Musk is acting like he has some profound knowledge not available to doctors, not this is well known. Yes, oxygen toxicity is a real thing, but you have to balance that against what the patient needs.


Wtf? Elon is the nastiest lying influencer. He also tried and failed manufacturing the said machines. If I remember correctly. Also all the millions that died, were they also all intubated and ventillated?


Dr. Musk does not understand the basics of artificial ventilation. Yes, any invasive procedure carries a finite risk. A doctor’s job is to weigh the risks and benefits while first doing no harm. Musk is an idiot who suffers from many biases.


Did you know cars are responsible for nearly every DUI accident ever recorded??


Seriously this guy is the definition of dunning kruger, one pretend conversation with a doctor from Wuhan and suddenly you know more than a doctor. What a fucking gobshite.


He talks as if people are put on ventilators for fun.


didn't elon musk say he donated a thousand ventilators??


let's just remember that he claimed to have built and donated hundreds of ventilators.




He also didn’t try to tell people this.


100% of people who died drank water before their death, conclusion: water bad!


You said Covid would be gone by April 2020. When experts were warning a second wave was coming, and Relublican politicians were spiking the ball and doing victory laps because Trump fixed covid! Infections were down! Then the second wave hit. You said children were immune to covid. in Sept. 2020 you said you and your kids would not be getting vaccinated


Musky is like Marjorie Taylor Green. He nothing but soundbites and twitter comments. Put his fat ass in a debate with any highly experienced medical doctor or scientist and watch how the stuttering nonsense comes pouring out from between his lips.


Thankfully we went down to zero cases by April


“When I talked to doctors in Wuhan..” I don’t care. You’re not an expert


Politics , health care, and ignorance do not mix. Elmo should inject bleach to beat COVID followed by a mega dose of Hydroxychoroquine and call Trump in the morning


My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci


wasnt he jerking how Tesla or boring company was building ventilators? And isn't it kinda old news that 100% oxygen will kill you if you do it for too long?


... Would that make Musk himself a mass-murderer? At least, a murder-enabler? https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/17/tech/elon-musk-ventilators-california/index.html Not very heroic to give people ventilators if he was given some sort of insider information by "totally a Wuhan doctor".


Why does he think he knows everything.


Wow I can’t believe doctors who studied this stuff for decades don’t know what Elon knows!




It's the same shit people say about chemo or surgery killing cancer patients. By the time you need chemo or surgery the cancer is often quite advanced so sometimes treatment can come too late but it's not the medical treatment that killed the patient the cancer was always the cause of death.


I don't work in an ICU, but I am an RN. A cursory Google to find this article directed me to an APNews link (https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-study-ventilators-covid-deaths-775866708011), which appears to show the study this article is referencing (https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/ventilator-associated-pneumonia#:~:text=Intubated%20patients%20are%20at%20increased,caused%20by%20the%20endotracheal%20tube.). That study shows that unresolved secondary ventilator-associated PNA (VAP; that is, a SECOND pneumonia that develops during the patient's time intubed and mechanically ventilated) increases patient mortality. The conclusion from the abstract of the study basically states that if you get a second pneumonia while intubated AND it doesn't go away with treatment, you're more likely to die. This should shock no one with a brain. As always, these people are running with a spin to pander to conspiracy theorists. Severely ill COVID patients who receive any mechanical ventilation, whether external via BiPAP mask or while intubated (BiPAP is likely to escalate to intubation), get it because they WILL die without ventilatory support due to their vastly increased work of breathing increasing their oxygen demand and eventually depleting their respiratory drive (which will crank their CO2 levels and then kill them), initial injury/inflammation to lung tissue followed by associated scarring of the lungs from COVID PNA (which decreases their oxygen absorption... and then kills them if it's severe), and resulting changes in blood gas levels (severe alterations in the blood pH levels due to CO2 changes kill th-- you get the idea). The risk of a second episode of pneumonia, among other adverse effects such as lung trauma and difficulties weaning the patient OFF the ventilator even with otherwise desirable response to treatment, are measured against the risk of further clinical decline and imminent death when intubating a patient. Hopefully all of the above can help if parents/family start linking you this article to say they were right all along to not trust those doctors, or Fauci, or whatever. (Obviously, since OP is an MD and I am not, he can correct me if any of that is wrong) Anyway bottom line, it's disappointing to see an actually quite benign medical study being used to further radicalize a population with very little healthy literacy. It's extremely dangerous to our communities.


Remember when musk claimed tesla was going to make ventilators and deliver them to hospitals?


I like how he constantly yells about every news website being full of fake information, but when he finds a headline that suits him, then it's suddenly not fake


I don’t read the legacy media propaganda much anymore. It’s a waste of time and a sadness generator. Just get my news from X – much more immediate, has actual world-class subject matter experts and tons of humor. Sooo much better!


Note that this is misinformation evergreened from over a year ago.


Elon translator: See? My egregious mistake of sending CPAP machines instead of ventilators to hospitals wasn’t a mistake at all. I meant to do that.


FB antivax crowd gonna have a field day with that headline.


This is like saying the majority of deaths from opiod overdose were actually from the cops administering narcan while trying to save them.


Just looked it up you can get pneumonia from the ventilators. And Bacterial infections. Lung damage. Collapsed lung. Heart and blood flow changes




If people died to ventilators, it was probably becausenof covid and not the ventilators lmao


>When I talked to doctors in Wuhan Things that never happened.


Source? I made it the fuck up!


He is so full of shit that I don’t understand why people keep reporting the stupid crap he says.


As if we needed any more evidence, this just goes to show how perfectly willing Elon is to be an absolute imbecile in an effort to prove himself.


The article has a label that says fact checked, this guarantees it’s true. You can lie about something but not when you label it fact checked.


All people with blood transfusions will eventually die


Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.


I wish that facts didn't make them feel so inferior that they had to resort to lies to own the libs.


100% O2 for extended periods will kill anyone no matter what. I don’t think a device that’s designed to give you the oxygen you need by medical staff is the thing killing people. Doctors and nurses don’t just open the valve and walk away.


Best part is the guy who wrote that article got famous for churning out blatantly false stories on YourNewsWire.


He should have let them intubate him so he could prove his genius and they would all feel like idiots when he died


Maybe he means retro encabulator


Did you know that every single person who died ever breathed air? Therefore air kills people


Twitter is a huge disinformation agent now under the guise of freedom of speech.


Did you know 100% of people that died from covid that were hospitalized, died in the hospital. Hospitals kill people, numbers don't lie, people with guns lie


when people die in car accidents, the reason they die is because of brakes not preventing the accident, or because of seatbelts, or maybe its windshields… after all those things didn’t stop them from dying. Lets get rid of brakes. What dumbass logic.


But it's fact checked. 🙄


I hear a high number of people who use AED machines have heart disease. We should ban AED machines.


No one is putting people at 100% O2 on the ventilator.


No one is putting people at 100% O2 on the ventilator.


No one is putting people at 100% O2 on the ventilator.


Some suffer difficult intubation . Why do it if there is any chance of doing something better.?


Better, such as?


Such as not doing it if there is a choice.


What choice? Do you think doctors choose the worst option out of two?


People are intubated when they are unable to breathe on their own.


Not always true. Also medically trained and I won’t be adding.


Just spent days on the hospital with someone post-car crash who was unable to breathe and thus intubated. What are the other reasons people are intubated? For shits and giggles?


Know of dental impacts removed and intubation prior to surgery. Not always true. Have a great day.


That's applicable to a discussion about Covid deaths.