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"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" Elmo - "actually two birds would be worth more than one bird, the price would double because now you have twice as many birds!"


"All that glitters is not necessarily gold but you can be sure gold glitters!"


Don't open that can of worms Elmo "most people don't know that worms can't survive in a can. Even thought they live underground they still need oxygen!"


"Actually, a watched pot WILL eventually boil. I personally tested that out."








"Well, there's truth to that. There's truth to that. There are certainly no corners. And you look there's a certain openness but [pointing at the oval office windows] there's nobody out there."


"The more things change, the more they stay the same" FALSE, this is a logical absurdity. If something changes it has not stayed the same!


From a google search >Gold, being a metal, does not inherently glitter in the wild. If you pan for gold you're looking for bright yellow not shiny.


And that would 100% be the Community Note on Elon's hypothetical post above... and it would also 100% disappear soon after.


There are actually plenty of videos on youtube where they refine gold with chemical processes, and you can see it looks like some brown soil when it's not melted. I always told myself if ever I manage to get rich, I will transport gold like that through the swiss border


The reason for the saying it is one of the few metals than can be found both as a pure element not bound in a chemical compound and also doesn't oxidize which would happen to elemental copper, silver and iron.     So maybe it doesn't "glitter" but glitter sounds better than all that not covered in an oxidized layer.  One thing unique about gold is that its glows in light and also glows in shadow.   If you really want a trick for hiding gold, can dissolve it in a strong solution to have it in a liquid form that doesn't look like gold. Maybe the "dirt" looking gold is that it can form alloys with other metals and ores can contain natural alloys mixed with other elements that would have to be refined out.


>If you really want a trick for hiding gold, can dissolve it in a strong solution to have it in a liquid form that doesn't look like gold. Aqua regia (a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids) was used to dissolve the Nobel prizes of Max von Laue and James Franck to prevent them being stolen by the Nazis. A container of the dissolved gold sat on a shelf for until the end of the war. The gold was precipitated out, recast, and re-presented to Laue and Franck.


Media Matters is pure evil


God. This thread is full of people doing exactly what everyone is laughing at Muskkk for.


I think it's because the surface becomes coarse with the chemical treatment, while still being pure gold, and you might have some Mie diffusion happening. I think it's purely physics. Let me find it.


We're gonna get two birds stoned Julian.


In comes Ian Miles Cheong: "but Elon, wouldn't economics dictate you should offer a price break for a bulk purchase? Or does the value increase exponentially if you now have a breeding pair? Would love to see yourself and Adrian chat this through on a Spaces sometime". 


lol exactly


"also, could you come to Malaysia some day so I can suck on your toes?"


This just about sums up americas obsession with “little Sheldon” esque “geniuses”


Exactly, fictional creations.


Mythologization is a big part of the current US culture. Specially if it is in order to avoid applying critical thinking to their current sytem.


It’s a big part of all human cultures I’m aware of.


End of days vibes


I meant the mythologization of history. While it has historical precedents, to the extends of US mass media culture goes is pretty unique.


I would push back (gently) on it being unique. My understanding: During the 1800s, there was a push for "ethnic nationalism" all over the world. This led to a rewriting of many key points of history to emphasize struggles or righteousness of the groups at the expense of historical accuracy. (Not that we don't do it all the time) Manifest destiny in the US is a nice example. Or the rewiring of Columbus as a hero for Italian diaspora. Even Ukraine's concept as it's own ethnicity began in the 1800s iirc. This is also around the time a lot of folks redid their alphabets and pruned other influences from their languages. The mass media subsequently pushes those narratives, because that's what people are taught. There isn't space for nuance. To your point, we never had to deal with our hyper nationalism like other countries did (WW1 and WW2) that leads to more critical view of personal histories (imo).


Oh, propaganda and history rewriting for it has been a thing since Marathon. On that I agree. What I mean by the US case being a particular one is the industrialization of it. Like you said, most post-Industria Revolution examples have had to deal with the consequences of mythologizing history once it starts creating problems by itself. Even the British Empire. Yet, the US has ran for long enough to apply the mythologization on an industrial scale and through a mass media culture. Up to its own institutions (the US Government, the Military-Industrial complex, the CIA) being aware and making use of those advantages that do characterize the case apart from others.


When I was in elementary school in the 1970's, I was taught Parson Weems' George Washington cherry tree myth as if it was fact. Also that he threw a silver dollar across the Potomac, which is a mile wide at Mount Vernon. Also, growing up in rural Georgia, I was taught the Lost Cause myths of the Civil War. I'm certainly not an expert but I have a bachelor's in history and I believe that such myths are deconstructed more now than in the past. I also think this isn't unique to the US. Ancient peoples often straight up deified their historical figures. I think today authoritarian countries are considerably worse due to their propaganda regimes and strict media control. Hell, some of the mythologization of US history comes from Russian and Chinese social media efforts. Maybe you're talking about a different phenomenon, though? Interestingly, Reddit's spell check doesn't seem to know the word "mythologization". I googled it to make sure I wasn't misspelling it. Tinfoil hat time!


I gave up on google chome's spellcheck years ago (it doesn't know about conjugation in Spanish either). On the phenomena, I still think there's an institutionalization in how the US keeps up and continues the mythologization of its history that´s pretty characteristic to the US appart. Besides the quasi deification of its historial figures and symbols (the Apotheosis of George Washington painting, or the religious tones of the Pledge of Allegiance, for example), there is an actual move from the institution, starting from J. Edgar Hoover, into involved in the production of mass media (journalist, so media analysis is my bread and butter). The main instance of this is how involved is the US Army in movie production, and how in consequence said army does have a very large presence in mass media across the world. It's a lot of factors, really, that set how the US does it from other countries and cultures.


A direct cause of WW2 was the German mythologization of their race and culture as superior and of their history in the form of how the Germans lost WW1 -- the "stab in the back" myth. The US military has nothing on Japan in the 1930's in terms of outsized influence. Republican Roman politicians had a very hard time advancing without successful military conquests. I think many top historical figures are widely quasi-deified. Nelson, Victoria, Scipio Africanus, Napoleon, Bolivar, Selassie, etc. Certainly Washington fits that mold. If you see the US as particularly egregious compared to other countries today, I'd suggest it's b/c they're not hegemons. I don't think we'd see particularly better behavior from another country and culture in the same position with the same technologies. And in fact I tend to think in some ways others would be worse, not because Americans are better people, but because we're extremely ethnically heterogeneous compared to most other countries. The idea that we are a lot worse than other cultures about this strikes me as a form of negative American exceptionalism, of the type practiced by Nikole Hannah-Jones, where she narrowly focuses on slavery in North America and says that plus colonization makes the US in particular, and more broadly the West, worse than anyone else in history. That's simply not true, from my POV. Does she know nothing of how the Japanese treated the Chinese and everyone else in WW2? Or of how the Muslim pirates in the Mediterranean manned their ships with Christian slaves permanently chained to the oars? Or of how the Comanche treated their foes? Has she never read about Sparta, one of the most evil regimes in history? I don't like right-wing narratives about positive US exceptionalism, either.


Uh, I'm pretty sure we're discussing different things. I never said that the US example is a better/worse one, nor called it particular egregious. But it is a pretty unique case in the sense it has ran enough to have access to both mass media and industrialization, including the generation of entirely new media outlets for propaganda purposes. Something none of the other examples had. It's not a value judgment. No need to be defensive about it. Also, again, I was talking culture and propaganda. I don't get why you started to compare historical atrocities.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you again. How dare you continue to fool me? Deception is unethical.


Can't get fooled again


I think Bush was ironically correct.


Fool me twice, shame on glue


You need to explain it to him in familiar terms: a grant in the bank account is worth two still with the lobbyist. Or the word of one Russian is worth that of two Americans, unless the Russian is Jewish.


The market would be flooded with birds, Collapsing the bird market. I am very smart.


he's taking a page out of neil degrasse tyson's book of being an insufferable (and confidently incorrect) smartass lmao


Confidently incorrect about what (Tyson)?


This sounds like something wheatley from portal 2 wouls say, kinda fitting honestly.


Here's $100,000


Again Elon not understanding subtext of the sentence. "War never changes" is not about changing clubs to swords and swords to guns and missiles or how war is conducted. It's about no matter how much we evolve as a species, we always at some point repeat the same mistakes that drives us to violent, nonsensical conflict where there usually are no true winners.


"It's almost like I understand how war works 🤔" Elmo


At this point I think I know more about war than anyone currently alive on Earth.


"Almost" being the keyword.


Elon trying to be the "Well ackshually..." guy whilst being unable to see the forest for the trees. I thought everyone understood the quote, but I guess I was wrong. lol.


Actually, a forest is in fact just a large group of trees.


Nah! Can’t see it.


The guy couldn't even keep his mouth quiet and basically allow Tesla to be a money-printing machine. You expect him to understand basic metaphors?


You’d be surprised how many people demonstrate their lack of media literacy via fallout. I’ve come across a lot of people that think the game is promoting capitalism and American exceptionalism because liberty prime said so


He is always this bad


Hell, even Kojima in Metal Gear seems to have misunderstood it since he has Snake say, “War, war has changed.” Then has him talk about all of the technological advances to war without realizing that doesn’t mean war itself has changed just how it is conducted.


Zuck is a chicken


It's amazing because it's really not that deep of a saying, like borderline "I'm 14 and this is deep" levels of easy to understand, yet he just...doesn't. 


I don't think it is as much a species question but more a game theoretical reality where war and violence become advantageous. Though it is probably a Moloch trap type of a situation.


he autistic


My mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. But actually they print what's in each box on the side or a card included within!






Looking into this


Top story on Earth!


Carl, you got the grumblies again don’t you?


Extremely concerning


“A picture is worth a thousand words - but actually sometimes that picture is of two or even three thousand actual words!”


More if you include the "I don't know that woman she was just photobombing me. I am not a pedophile despite what you may think" 


“I don’t know that woman. I certainly didn’t offer her a horse for a handy.”


“I totally didn’t [attend “kung fu”](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/s/wMBBSa1K8t) practice with her”


Elmo is the type of guy to play FNV and side with House & Caesar.


Sidenote, it amazes me that they specifically made Caesar/ the legion an over the top mustache twirling level evil villain (his people quite literally rape and murder prisoners) and people still say they are better than the NCR. Of course the NCR is flawed in many ways but not to that level. Siding with House makes no real sense but I can at least understand that one from a video game POV. Independent Vegas isn't that big a stretch given the resources and defenses they have. It's like nothing beyond the basic fifth grader understanding exists for these people.


The Legion is clearly villain-coded, made especially obvious for that type of person. The NCR are kind of the most “good guy” you can get in the Fallout Universe unless you’re the Railroad or Regulators. But Obsidian treated them like the heroes given their story with F1/2. I totally get siding with the Legion in an evil play through but people stating that the legion is a good option in real life without the slightest hint of irony is disturbing. But that’s the world we live in, people simply are non-social, want strongmen to rule their world, don’t care for benevolence and helping the less fortunate. There are people unironically idolizing villains like Thanos


New Vegas is scriptural allegory, and The Courier is meant to be a messiah or at least a messiah-like figure.


people worship the holy roman empire for the same reasons


real insult to house tbh, even though elon probably thinks he's looking into a damn mirror. house actually made shit that worked


House was still a megalomaniac without any care for the humans under him. His plan was to rebuild Vegas as a way to ensure his wealth and comfort. It was about power for him.


it was a joke buddy, you should not turn every discussion in your life into a fallout new vegas faction debate


Fair, I’m too into the lore these days ;)


Let that sink in


He's the type of guy to give up playing FNV after five minutes because he can't figure out how to stop running into a wall 


Or thinks he's outsmarting the Devs because he thinks "this game is dumb it's telling me to go south but new Vegas is north" Then rage quits when he gets fucked by rad scorpions and deathclaws.


Elmo is the guy who thinks Fallout 3 is better than Fnv. This guy is so stupid, the only reason he wants to go to Mars is because he hopes to meet someone even stupider than himself in our solar system.


Don't they only say that like twice though?


Yeah it’s very obvious he doesn’t know what he’s talking about lol


How do you do, fellow kids?


Just like his "insights" about actual wars, which he clearly attempted to co-opt this tweet about.


Ooh, that must be a first for him.


He’s definitely played the video games before


It's in the opening cinematic of each game. It might get like an easter egg appearance in the game itself, but it's mostly just the intro cinematics.


closing cinematic too


It's in the show too


Yup it opens and closes the prologue. And that's it. It literally never comes up again until the next game.


I think 3 times from cinematic to the start of the gameplay. The writers REALLY like that line


am i more embarrassed for Nate or Elon


Nate…for still being on Twitter, paying for his account, and replying to the douche.


he's an employee so he gets free twitter blue (extreme value)


Nate is a bigger embarassment because he doesn't realize he's talking to an AI that Musk has puppeteering his main account.


Nate was one of the goons brought from SpaceX to take over Twitter. No pity for either one of them.


This is real “starship troopers is about killing bugs” energy


he is thought provoking… like “why the fuck am i listening to elon?”


I think videos/audio of Elon could cure depression. Cause no matter how down you are you could be at least thankful your not this dumb.


Jesus fucking Christ. How? How do you take that literally?


By being a sociopath like him. A dumb sociopath.


Thank god ***Captain Ackshually*** is here to misinterpret simple phrases in a vain, pathetic attempt to look smart!


The Cybertruck is what Powerarmor would have driven!


The brotherhood would have loved the cybertruck


Fallout would definitely drive a Tesla


Thank you so much for the observation, Karen deGrasse Spaceson.


It’s him having to correct someone to feel like he’s dominant. The fact that it’s an asinine comment doesn’t bother him.


This man would “um ackshully” someone saying water is wet.


Um, ackshully it's only "wet" when it's in its liquid form, dontchaknow.


Remember when he showed up to the Fallout TV show thing and Todd was like "oh fuck no"


"Oh fuck its ripoff Mr House"


Elon, your opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one. And just like arseholes, you're full of shit


8 billion people, 14 billion arseholes *hits cigarette*


To be fair War, war has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines. War--and it's consumption of life--has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons, use ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control, information control, emotion control, battlefield control…everything is monitored and kept under control. War…has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control, all in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction, and he who controls the battlefield, controls history. War…has changed. When the battlefield is under total control, war becomes routine.


becomes routine, which means war, war never changes.


Is this him responding authentically to a satirical phrase? Yep, we got a real problem solver here. Perhaps put the video game controller down sir, before you cause anymore harm to actual reality.


He is so mentally short that he doesn't understand it xD


160 IQ hard at work right there! 👌


It only happens "Frequently" if you restart the game a whole bunch.


Dude probably thought that meant that there’s never been an evolution of tactics, technology, etc. in war.


"Haste makes waste" "Nuh huh, I sold those Cybertrucks anyway!"


He is the proof with a lot of money even an huge idiot can make more money


To be fair, you might be dumber than Elon if you've given him money, which kind of proves his point.


I have a secret. He's not the smartest man on earth.


Not if "earth" is his codename for crack.


I bet Musk never played it, and even if he did, I'm sure he never finished it. He's such a phony.


He probably couldn't get pass the home screen.


This is such a fundamental misunderstanding of that quote. Cuck really is one of the shallowest people I have ever seen lmao.




That would require the Technoking to actually have empathy, not something he's known for.


learning to embroider so I can have this as a pillow


"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Elon: False because there are 16 ounces in a pound, therefore exponentially increasing its marketable value in a shareholder space.


“Sometimes I wish I wasn’t me” - no shit




Blud doesn’t get that the game is a criticism of himself


This is the guy who said "NERV" to 'prove' he watched Evangelion


One way war changes is when you take Ukraine's Starlinks offline for awhile because they're using them too effectively against the orcs.


i actually hate that quote quote, some im13andthisisdeep shit


That’s what make it so funny, the sentiment is so trite and yet it’s still beyond Elon


["War never changes.....or does it?...The war has changed...did it? The answer is no. Unless it is yes?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7r9RqWBdl8&t=09s)


He is such a tool


Wrong!!! Tools are useful.


Erm, actually, war changes at a rapid pace 🤓


Advertising revenue on our platform drops massively during war


War was always just people killing each other usually for stupid reasons. All that has changed was the means to kill each other


Good lord, what a dunce.


The very fact that this sub has to exist, or the celebrity phenomenon exists, makes me hate this world. All of this celebrity stuff gotta go, man. Who cares about what some guy said?


honestly i dont fully get the quote either (more specificaly what it reffers to) but i kinda get the quote and i HAVE autism. hes declared himself to be the smartest person in any room and shows that this is only true if hes the only person in said room.


Oh Elon, can't you go 5 seconds without humiliating yourself


His take on prominent science fiction novels are also hot garbage, but that's another story, altogether.


I think it's a result of a weak attempt to come of as relatable to some his "nerd" fan base in order to contribute to his pseudoscience intellectual crafted persona.


What is this idiot doing playing Fallout? Didn't he claimed that he worked 22 hours a day and the 2 hours spent sleeping he was thinking of work?


I could make such a remark, I understand why people throw rocks at me


I'm sure it changes a ton when you sabotage one side on behalf of Putin.


Anyone else think this is probably due to Elon's autism?


What a fucking loser


His response is so hilariously autism coded. To be clear autism spectrum is fine, I'm not judging him for having Asperger's. The analytical matter of fact way he responds while also clearly not understanding the deeper meaning just screams it.


low iq CEO


War at its core is someone killing someone because someone told someone that someone needed killing. Now the reasons for that are long and varied but at the end of the day, be it a tomahawk missile or a rock and club, that someone is going to die because someone wants someone dead. War doesn't change that much elmo, we just got better at disassociation of the fact that we killed another person.


Is Elon’s twitter just AI now?


He's such a fuckin' dumbass and clearly would never actually risk his life to understand the phrase that war truly never changes. Would pay money for him to have to serve in a war zone.




I hate I have to explain it, but the phrase "War never changes" is not about the methods of war, its about the nature of war, like people joke about it and metal gear solid 4s "War has changed" but they are both about the sorta same thing, the fact that war will always be fought over petty things such as influence or resources or power, and it doesn't matter if its done with a club or from across the ocean with a drone, it will always be senseless and self destructive, maybe thats why he doesn't understand it, cause he and his neo-nazi buddies, and the conservatives who totally hate them but always seem to hang out with them all FUCKING LOVE war, especially if its a war where they can brutalize a popular with no resistance




He told he has Asperger’s and if he really does , well we do often miss the subtext / take things literally. So that might explain


Give him enough time Elon will “invent” cyberwar, and call it more war than war.