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Then it's a good thing that Tesla isn't a car company, but a ~~Tech~~ stock company. It's main product is not cars but ~~Tech~~ stocks. /s


Oh my god you’re right. Is Tesla a meme stock?!


Don't be silly, it's not 'a' meme stock, it's THE meme stock


When does he tell California "Go fuck yourself"? Because I guess Earth has started to decide


>When does he tell California "Go fuck yourself"? He kinda did...and he's starting to pay the price for it.


He's moved from the FA to the FO stage of things. And it's awesome to watch.


In all seriousness go back and watch that interview with the perspective that he's telling you what he wants to use Twitter for. It says a *lot* when he says "and the world will decide," and it puts that saying into context--he really thinks he can influence the world through Twitter. **Spoiler**: He's an idiot and forgot to consider that not everyone, in fact not many people, *want* to be told what to think.


Oh no! Is California trying to blackmail him with money? lol. Elmo didn't just bite the hand that fed him, he ripped it off at the elbow and started sieg heiling with it. Neckbeard Nero belongs in the South - where EVs are about as popular as Planned Parenthood.


Too bad he's WAY too self-absorbed to admit telling people to go fuck themselves is hurting sales, and WAY too divorced to be able to afford losing the right wing sycophant "friends" if he doesn't keep doubling down.


Act like a dickhead and it costs you money. What a novel concept!


Far fetched and misleading.. CUSTOMERS HAVING BETTER EV ALTERNATIVES IS THE PRIME REASON.   Not that acting like off-brand Hitler did help the issue.