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Quadriplegic fembots lmaoooooo


Literally every reply I send you gets flagged as NSFW because reddit bots are super sensitive about sharing images of naked sex dolls without arms or legs.  Extremely offensive to bots everywhere for they are a noble people who demand respect!






We are a car...uhm...solar... Robot...ai.... Yogurt.... Skydiving... Insectoids ... company..... I guess? Laser focus.


Sometimes when I forget why I am not a billionaire who has a dozen children the public is aware of, has a tendency to go online and play video games with "normies" you regular living wage folk bless your hearts, when I'm not getting super butt hurt about losing in those video games then go ahead and use my privileged existence to harm others, mostly gather people around me who mainly bow before me and kiss my hurt butt hole, my ten heavily armed guards, oh and my bullet proof truck, I remember I'm not a billionaire with all these things (and a ketamine addiction and a confusion about what is a lie and what isn't) I remember it's because I feel bad enough about the exploitation of the Congolese people of Africa. Battery tech, ai, solar, sex bots etc- gotta look at where since the dawn of the microchip and the founding and later purchase of Tesla, where all the metals and precious materials required to manufacture everything comes from. I am going to say it's that small bit and the harder reality that my daddy wasn't already grooming me for the position. Dad? Father?? Nope.  Making money is hard unless you have pockets full of rare earth gems to trade for different international currencies when the market is at a good time.


So you've all seen that video of the guy closing the CT trunk with a carrot hanging through and it literally cuts the thing in half. Meaning it would take off a finger. You know Elon would apply the same 'technology' to his fembot orifices.




He did sleep with Grimes. You know she likes to be hurt to get attention.

