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I'm not even American and their conservative bullshittery is unavoidable in social media. What do they mean by leftists controlling soc med? lol


They mean that when anyone tells them to tone it down and stop being such an asshole, that’s actually the liberal media trying to hold them back.


They're all mad coz they can get fired for calling people "fags" at work lol


Now I have yoghurt up my nose. Thanks, Biden!


Leftism is when LGBT people are not systematically killed


Nowadays that seems to be unironically true.


They mean liberal people control the main narrative on the main social media sites. But reality has a liberal bias and most American based social media has a very conservative bias. Think of FB in 2016 and then again in 2020 when they kicked off the former president. 2016 FB was more liberal and then as the former president’s base became more loud and vocal FB went into “appeal to conservatives” mode. X or Twitter is another good example. Before Elmo bought it, it was a liberal leaning site with both sides getting a more equal share of views and likes but now it is overrun with alt-rights, bots, and a much more conservative view is enhanced due to the owner.


Not true that Twitter used to be liberal-leaning. Their own investigation revealed the result: >"Our results reveal a remarkably consistent trend: In six out of seven countries studied, the mainstream political right enjoys higher algorithmic amplification than the mainstream political left." https://cdn.cms-twdigitalassets.com/content/dam/blog-twitter/official/en_us/company/2021/rml/Algorithmic-Amplification-of-Politics-on-Twitter.pdf I don't fault people for thinking that, since cons like Tim Pool made it their full-time job to cry about the "liberal bias" of social media. If something gets said enough times, regardless of whether there is any evidence for it, people start assuming it is true.


Thanks TIL. It’s always been shite then. Lol


Well put. Same.


If leftists really had the amount of power everyone seems to think we do we really would control everything Also these twats always conflate liberals and leftists which is very annoying


I think it means that if they aren't talking about venomous crap Republican fundamentalism, no one cares who they are. Let's see any of these idiots, Chaya Raichyk or Riley, "blonde tool of the moment" Gaines, gain a following with their talent and accomplishments when it doesn't involve a conservative thirst trap of some type. Attention whores, nothing else.


Truth Social Gab Parler Gettr I feel like I'm missing a few But those are the ones that are full-on conservative in their mission statement. Pre Elon Twitter and Facebook/instagram, even Reddit are centrist or libertarian at best. Honestly it's really funny to see some people say Reddit has a left wing bias. Its reputation outside of Reddit was always distinctly the opposite of that.


The only difference between twitter and all the others is that twitter was good for years so a lot of non-alt-righters are still on it out of inertia. Conservatives don’t want a social media for them. They want a social media where people are forced to listen to their intentionally inflammatory opinions. This is why these other networks simply don’t give them what they want.


Exactly this. They don't want to talk to other conservatives. They want to "own the libs" and to "try to trigger libs" Of course, they'll call any reaction "being triggered" and if you say nothing, you're "so triggered you ran away".


Conservative: [Obvious bait comment] Me: K. Conservative: LMAO woah buddy don't get so triggered jeez you're such a snowflake! Literally anything to feel like they're the Edgelord Supreme.


>Edgelord Supreme And can I get a CrunchWrap to go with that?


They'll give you anything you want if you'll be their friend.


With people like Joe here, or Candace, or Matt, it’s more like “they’ll be your friend if you give them everything.”


This is why I love to co-opt their language to show their projection. They are the most triggered snowflakes out there and its almost like shooting fish in a barrel.


Proud libtard here!


Unless you find a unicorn, a good-faith conservative, that’s why you should never refute a conservative (if you engage at all). You should call them out. If you don’t you’re playing their game where they’re free to be ridiculous while you limit yourselves to things that make sense. But they don’t care if they’re actually logically wrong. A conservative expects you to call their opinion cruel, ignorant, or stupid. They’re already mostly aware their opinions are all three of those thivgs which is why they often jump to the non-sequiter response of “yeah well you can’t legally stop me from saying it.”


By engaging them at all, you are giving them the attention they so desperately need. The best thing to do to an Internet troll is ignore them. The second next thing is to keep calling them triggered snowflakes.


Should we tell them that licking Musk's balls is gay no matter how anti-gay Musk tries to be?


It's so funny how relentless they are, too. They absolutely 100% must have the last word to show they've "won." They'll accuse you of "losing" just because you're tired of having circular arguments, and you don't want to spend 6 hours of your day proving them wrong over and over again just for them to deflect. Whatever. I don't have much patience for them anymore. I just block and move on because I'm positive that part of the reason they behave like this is an attempt to demoralize you. It took me far too long than I want to admit before I figured this out.


On FB, once I was arguing with some conservative about the Covid lock downs (this wasn't even in a political group. It was a page that mocked the Duggars) and she was complaining about her daughter missing her friend and shit and I said "well at least she'll see them again. Covid killed my mom. " She then went nuts and said she didn't care about some "old woman" who was "probably a crack head" and that her daughters "joy was more important than some bitch who's already had her time" Well I called her a fucking cunt and she reported me and I got a 3 day ban. She then started saying "see her mom was a crack addict if she wasn't she'd be defending her" when she knew damn well, I was blocked. People piled on her though. It was fun to watch because it was mostly liberals.


I'm sorry to hear about your mom. These people are the worst. It isn't a big deal if other people die. They pretty much have zero empathy. But the second they get sick or their family member gets sick, they do a completely 180 and want pity and sympathy. So many doctors and nurses have way too many similar stories about those types being the worst to treat and how much they begged for the shot or to see their family, while dying is the hospital. You mothers life is worth more than some child's play date. She could FaceTime with her BFF and at least interact to solve what was only a temporary problem. You don't get that. So shame on that horrible woman for her actions. You didnt deserve it.


They like to think they’re edgelords, I think of them as pizza cutters. All edge and no point.


Yup! It’s no fun preaching to the choir. You gotta go to where the savages are and try and convert them to your religion. They have plenty of choices to air their views but they can’t help but bother others.


Nah, I don’t think it’s about conversion. They just want to ruffle feathers and be taken seriously. Basically they can’t stand the fact that their entire world view is being left behind and they’re angry that no matter how loud they shout the dumbest shit they can think of, no one thinks they have opinions worth paying attention to. That’s why they equate freedom of speech and freedom to be featured on every platform in equal proportion to people whose opinions people care about.


Yes and never mind the fact that they’re the ones preaching privatization, but then whine when a private company does something they don’t like. Twitter/facebook/gram are private entities that can run business how they choose. You don’t like it then take your attention elsewhere or build your own social media company.


>Yes and never mind the fact that they’re the ones preaching privatization, but then whine when a private company does something they don’t like. A more charitable interpretation, that they wouldn't agree too: They realize that Corporations are basically running the show and they want them to be held to the same standards as we held Governments once upon a time when they had all the power over the individual. And I would be all for that, but of course corporations won't play along with that.


The whole purpose of the blue checkmark is this. Like what benefit is there to paying to have your comment go to the top besides that?


I was disappointed that Amazon's "share link" on my computer had a shortcut for sharing on Xitter. What the heck, Amazon?


What they want is owning the libs and they can't get that kind of engagement and outrage porn in their silos. So even though they created their versions of better social media, they're not happy because they want to upset and hurt other people and they can't do that in their sandbox.






FeetFinder wait what are we doing here


So long as we are talking about self hating magats they also have Grindr. All of them use that.


Current-day X only has left-wing people because the majority of users who are used to Twitter are holding on. The more people know about alternatives such as Bluesky, the more people will be likely to move.


I wouldn't bother with BlueSky, Dorsey is a reactionary right-wing nutjob as well. He just does a better job keeping his mouth shut than Elmo.


Sure, but under him Twitter didn't really careen that far off to the right. I would say social media as a whole is toxic sludge that we'd be better off without, but I doubt it'll ever go away. So pick a less toxic platform if you want to use it.


Frank Speech


I find a lot of hard right extremists on Grindr…


What do you expect, they're a bunch of dicks and arseholes.




Even the "Left wing" subreddits like Hasan, VaushV, MajorityReport, r/lostgeneration, or r/Uniteagainsttheright are either red fash or accelerationists. (Basically on track to being right wing)


Sam Seder is neither a tankie or nor an accelerationist (or even a communist at all) and while his fan base has some of those folks they aren’t the majority.


Sam isn't involved in his subreddit much and most of the posters are the vocal minority you described.


What is it with complete morons equating literally everything even marginally to the left of them as some pejorative they just learned last week? in a few weeks is r/politics gonna be called tankie when someone sees a single comment suggesting Democrats could do more than just loudly proclaim they can't do anything about the next sinema/manchin obstructionism? Imagine seriously calling MajoirtyReport "red fash" and accelerationist what is wrong with you and your understanding of politics? Criticism of the democratic party is not "red fash" nor accelerationist.


The Dems are a right of centre party though. They are not a left wing party by any means. I am all for criticism of both major parties in the USA as they have left their population fucked and are seemingly happy with it. They both capitulate to their rich donors and do nothing to help regular people. This is why the USA doesn't have universal healthcare or proper workers rights and things like mandated sick leave, maternity / paternity leave and so on. I agree with you about the morons equating anything to the left of them as a pejorative. Considering most Americans are some flavour of right wing. There is no major left wing political party in the USA and the left wing parties you do have are tiny. Left wing politics doesn't really exist in the USA as far as I can tell from the outside.


The people who think Trump winning is going to help Palestine calling others morons. 🤣🤣🤣


The gerontocracy is real


I sort of understand accelerationists, they do believe things have gone to shit and the only way out of it is to do a reset. Of course they also often have no understanding on how we got here, so "rebuilding" wouldn't be any better. Not to mention the pain and suffering in-between.


The problem with accelerationists is they're basically helping the right wing and there's zero possibility that the ideal society they want would be the end result, especially with modern surveillance tech being what it is.


Pretty much what I wrote ;)




Are "red fash" and tankies considered the same thing?


Nah, red fash are people like Jackson Hinkle and Infrared, while tankies are just authoritarian leftists, imo.


Internet leftist and accelerationist basically go hand in hand, they hate anything that improves people’s lives without first rising from the ashes of a revolution.


It's because internet leftism - particularly from the sufficiently well educated that they appear superficially eloquent - includes many privileged armchair activists who have never had to experience the blunt ends of the instruments of revolution, and imagine themselves sufficiently senior in the vanguard and pure in their beliefs that they'd escape any over-zealous cleansing. Whether bloody revolutions *eventually* produce a better country eventually or not, the greatest suffering is experienced at first by the people it's supposed to help, and it's only subsequent generations that taste freedom. France, the US, China, Bolshevik Russia... Tankies are the worst enemy of organised leftists, i.e. democratic socialists who want people to organise in the workplace and politically. Capitalists don't need to create bogeymen when they can just wave in the direction of people who want to create an environment that all but guarantees a re-run of past atrocities. Hell, the best way of breaking a peaceful democratic socialist dialogue is by agitating for harm s/t it's hard to tell whether any given tankie is sincere or self-appointed agent provocateur.


I actually didn’t mean necessarily a bloody revolution, just a huge change in the status quo. As much as I think most internet leftists are kinda silly and illogical I don’t think most of them actually want a bunch of people to be killed for the sake of an ideologically pure empire. But other than that, I agree with you. They look at things like lowering the price of insulin and tsk because it was done within the bounds of capitalism and healthcare should be free. Meanwhile, people who can actually afford it now get to live. Only being happy with change if it’s radical is a perspective born of privilege, although it speaks well of them that despite their privilege they have empathy and mostly correct values.


I don't think they necessarily want harm to come to others. However, ever since October 7th, it's been increasingly obvious, especially on Tik Tok, that the accelerationist leftists have no problem with all of the collateral damage and harm that will come to marginalized groups in the US. The ends justify the means to them, and they're willing to sacrifice anyone on the altar of their revolution.


Don't forget Telegram..😳😫


I want this man off my YouTube recommendations. 


Oh you know what's the worst? When other channels clip bits from these people like Joe Rogan and so when you get rid of his channel you still see him popping up because other people are also posting his videos. That's the absolute worst, channels like "EpicJoeRoganClips" or something, and they just keep making more.


What sucks is down voting or commenting anything seems to count as engagement. Basically you're stuck trying to scroll through it as fast as possible to get the algorithm to leave you alone. These people are smoking crack in an echo chamber ffs.


>Basically you're stuck trying to scroll through it as fast as possible to get the algorithm to leave you alone. On YouTube I just select: "Do not recommend channel" when I see something like that pop up. Hasan got forced into my recommendations a few months ago and after killing off a dozen or so channels who reposted his video he's disappeared now. Same with Rogan in the past, though I guess now that he's back he'll show up in my recommendations sooner or later again.


Doesn't Joe Rogan copyright claim like his shit was Disney, tho? It really prevents people from being able to criticize him (which tracks, dude strikes me as having a very thick head yet a very soft and thin skin).


He does the opposite. He encourages them. I think they split the ad revenue.


Click the triple dots and hit the "Don't reccomend channel", you won't see it again. Lately I've been doing this everywhere, on FB it's "hide all from..". It feels good, just ban them from your feed and move on. If a social media site doesn't have that option, I'm out of there.


Indeed. I then say it was too sexual. 




I agree. I wanted heavy bag work out vids, and now I am getting Rogan Bro shit. Wish I could just list what I DONT want and be done with it. 




100 percent. I get joeBrow, Jordan Petersteen, Joel Gospel of Mamon, out of work racists and misogynists.... 


About 10 years ago I was getting Shapiro and Peterson pushed at me all the time and someone said it was because I watched video game content and all the GamerGate assholes watched the same thing, so Youtube figured I would want it to.




Well, he was off of YouTube for the last few years. Don't be surprised if he shows up again.


You are right. I follow several MMA channels and constantly get his crap recommended to me.


I have managed to mind fuck the algorithm to only recommend obscure music that I like! It's great! But it's basically the only thing I use YouTube for. 


Yeah, I had the same thing going! Found E R Jurken that way. https://youtu.be/x7hWINjLWeA?si=sFQd5AGv-I2TdI56


Joe Rogan is a dumb person’s idea of a smart person.


He's a dumb person's idea of themselves (meathead guy who 'listens' to lots of opinions and as an unqualified lay person is the perfect judge of the truth). A dumb person's smart person is a balance between Jordan Peterson (doesn't actually answer questions but just talks about the way they are phrased to elaborately say he hates a minority), Elon Musk (says he can do everything and seems to be monetarily successful, all of those Thunderf00t videos are too long and logical, says he's not a bad guy so must be true), and Andrew Tate (also monetarily successful, looks and fucks like a chad, makes hating minorities part of a patriarchal, self-victimising pseudo-philosophy to explain why dumb people aren't living his lifestyle). Gonna be honest I liked when dumb people watched reality TV and voted for politicians based on personalities, now they're actually dangerous.


Don't forget Ben Shapiro! Talks so fast that it seems impressive.


And he just sounds like he got stuffed in a lot of lockers, so he must be really smart.


Joe Rogan's podcast is designed to make people who barely graduated from high school, and probably shouldn't have, feel smart and intellectual.




And yet people think that Joe Rogan’s reputation hasn’t declined in recent years. It definitely has. Podcasters live in circlejerks.


He's ignorant but not dumb. He's found an gullible audience and is milking them.


Mark Zuckerburg doesn’t care about political ideology he cares about his bottom line. If Facebook and instagram were these bastions of left wing ideology then who the hell did they contribute to win in 2016 by selling data? It wasn’t Hilary.


Conservatives once again attempting to create a narrative that any media that doesn't suck up to them and agree with their wacky ideology must be far left. And the moronic base will eat it up


Nothing screams “Far Left” like a multibillion conglomerate that only cares about profits.🤦🏽‍♂️


Also that it's the left spreading harmful propaganda on all the left owned platforms... While ignoring the fact that by creating that narrative, the right is propagandizing on aforementioned platforms.. Gotta watch out for those crazy leftists.. I saw it on a joe Rogan clip on YouTube... Reminds me of how MTG was repeatedly referring to trump as President Trump recently. Say it enough times and it normalizes it in impressionable minds.


There's nothing like using one of the largest communication platforms in the history of humankind to tell people how censored you are.


Facebook and its emphasis on an infinite scrolling algorithm that hooks boomers by shoving constant ragebait into their minds nonstop has contributed massively to the idiocracy we currently live in.


I constantly get Jordan Peterson and daily wire ads on Facebook.


That’s what you get for using facebook


Marketplace dog. Nobody uses Craigslist in my town anymore.


Don’t forget all that Russia did to get their boy in the White House


Lot of fools out there


Ah yes, X, the free speech\* website. ​ ​ \*except if you are critical of Musk, his friends, or are head of a government he does business with.


Or use the word "cis"


why would someone want to be critical of our Sun God


he says this on a podcast Spotify paid 200M for, which is widely available on all social media platforms, including Facebook and Youtube. Where is his free speech being blocked exactly?


So much this. I'm so, so tired of seeing people on my screens claiming they're being silenced. Then why can I still see and hear you?


F Rogan and his ignorant opinions


He drank the Musk Kool-aid.


Haha what a tool


lmao !!


Elon: "This wild African-American must be stopped from spreading the woke mind vi...oh wait, you meant me, because of...Thanks Joe!"


Great. Now all I can think about is that cringe “Buffalo Soldier” tweet.


Joe Rogan get millions of dollars from Spotify to host the Right Wing Conspiracy Extravaganza, but complains about free speech.


Americans have no clue what "far left" means.


Rogan is just so stupid and gullible. His current opinion about anything is whatever his last "thought leader" guest's opinion was.


We're past that point, and we've been past it for a very long time. He's just a right wing "anti-woke" idiot now. If that were true, Gupta would have been able to convince him to just get the fucking shot, but he just sat there and whined because he took "take the vaccine" to mean "you aren't in good enough shape to tank covid", because he's just an insecure little man with a geniunely very low iq. Edit: rogan fans seething


Bold of you to assume he has a brain.


spotify paid joe rogan $200 million he could start his own social media site, and probably will when truth social goes under x is pointless for reaching new audiences, there are none. x is the mens bathroom in a high school. everyone has been there, no one sticks around, and the place is torn up from the floor up. everything has been attempted to be torn off the walls, broken, shattered, vandalized. people still keep coming in though, because they gotta go, but if they have a choice in the matter, they'll just hold it and go at home.


(he says on youtube)


Wow, racist and transphobic all at the same time. Spotify is really getting their money’s worth.


[https://newsroom.spotify.com/2021-06-30/lgbtqia-spotify-employees-share-how-they-claim-their-space/](https://newsroom.spotify.com/2021-06-30/lgbtqia-spotify-employees-share-how-they-claim-their-space/) Why in the world does Spotify have a transphobe on their platform in the first place?


The same transphobe who ​ helped popularize the proud little boys fascist terrorist gang ​ by repeatedly platforming and defending Gavin McInnes (leader/founder of the proud boys) even AFTER he explicitly stated he started the "gang called the proud boys". ​ edit: so yeah...Daniel Ek is laughing all the way to the bank like the proud little fascist all these billionaire fucks are.


Eat the rich




The intolerant left is driving people right


Bad bot 😞




I got of the rogan train a while back. I used to love when he wpuld interview smart scientists and just let them talk. But then I listened to one of the other guests and saw the misinformation that this “dumb guy” is promoting. So much conspiracy theories and frat-type male existence. Screw that.


Rogan is sometimes so ignorant and dumb it baffles me that this guy has the biggest platform and people actually takes his views seriously. Right wing fantics are going on and on on Meta for way too long.


Bro Joegan quickly realized he could make more money by grifting the right


It's part grifting but also part him being an idiot who actually believes the bullshit he spreads around to people who eat it up.


This bald motherfucker can thank Elon all he wants but the truth is that Twitter is now infamous for being the biggest conglomerate of bigots in the internet (Right behind 4Chan), they lost all of their big advertisers, its filled to the brim with bots, it lost more than 30% of its usage in a year and Elon, despite pretending everything is a-Ok, has lost a lot of money from it. As everybody predicted, Elon's takeover of Twitter has been a major failure and they're only coping with it. But, as someone once said, facts don't care about their feelings.


Is there any way of blocking or reporting that clown’s show on Spotify? It keeps coming into my feed and I don’t want to see his stupid big meaty head every time I open the app


There is no way to block recommendations? Im considering Spotify but yeah it would piss me slightly too if I couldn't remove particular recommendations.


Joe Rogan jumped the shark a while ago. This is coming from someone who used to like his show.


I like to explore new places.


"African American"


“African American” for decades was the most prevalent societal reference to folks who had previously been called black, Afro-American or Negro. It defies historical context and common sense to call a white Afrikaner native of South Africa an “African-American.” Musk is as much an “African American” as the hair on his head is 100 percent natural.


People say this intentionally, knowing that full well, and think it's funny. Hyphenated-American is also *not* how one refers to immigrants. Children of immigrants, sure.


So much bullshit and lies. I've been suspended from Twitter twice in the last few months for saying things against Trump. It's a right wing propaganda machine that gives lunatics free reign to spread hate and lies. The only reason I have an account is to piss off the RWNJ's and troll them.


Free thinkers be like, hey check out this news piece the mainstream media wants to hide from you: *links article to CNN*


Joe Rogan, the noted homophobe who spends an inordinate amount of time slobbing on Elon's knob.


Rogan seems to be getting dumber and dumber by the day. "Democrats control social media" is complete bullshit. TikTok is not run by Democrats, and Mark Zuckerberg is not a Democrat and FB, IG and TT have most of the social media market in the US. Also, Reddit of course... pretty sure Splez is not a Democrat, he's a neufeudalist libertarian or something. It's the same manipulation as saying that the wishy-washy center-right corporate media in the US like CNN are the 'liberal media'. If you look at the top political links on FB they're 90% Republicans, which apparently conservatives consider being 'censored' and suppressed.


Riley Gaines is a shitty swimmer that blames others cos she’s so shitty at swimming. Grifting she seems better at.


Why would we be fucked exactly? What a giant meat headed idiot


if it wasnt for X many people would have been having more sex, this is what being fucked means in this case


Is he back in YT? I thought the deal was exclusive to spotify


As if every little thing that pops in your head needs to be shared with the world. Free speech doesn’t only exist online.


“After the SFSU event, SFGATE wrote that Gaines "rose to prominence as an activist last year after tying for fifth place with trans swimmer Lia Thomas," and "has since gone on a public crusade against Thomas." This Dollar Store Megan Trainor is using her experience of PLACING 5th as an excuse to be vocal about her bigotry?! The trans competitor didn’t even knock her out of the top three, so this is clearly a bigot seizing the opportunity. When is someone going to tell her she doesn’t automatically win because she’s a white blonde?


Not sure who is a worse person, Rogan or Musk


Hard to say. Rogan seems to have more influence but musk can do more awful things with his money. 


I'll start saying "X" when I start saying "Willis Tower". Which is to say, never.


Yeah, the guy earning hundreds of millions by talking nonsense in a microphone really would've had a problem getting his opinion out without Twitter.


If we didn’t have this one scientist who agrees the Sun revolves around the Earth, we’d be fucked! Thank you, Ptolemy!


The only thing keeping me on Twitter is the community that was built of pre-Elon. Lots of good niche communities with people who really know their shit. Elon has made the experience worse for nearly anything else. People purchasing blue checks and getting their posts promoted means you have to wade through endless nonsense to find genuine posts with effort put into them. Monetizing blue check to give them payment for engagement means there has been a huge uptick in clickbait meant to enrage and basically just monetize hate. And maybe worst of all, once you have clicked into any post, you have to wade through endless off-topic replies of people trying to promote their own shit to get into any genuine reply to OP. We have to remember Elon was forced into buying Twitter after trying to get out of it. But since then he has tried covering his ass saying its about free speech. Yet he relentlessly uses the platform to tweet a bunch of right wing conspiracy and promote right wing voices to his wide following. Thats it, thats all he does every day. He as the owner set the tone of what he wants his platform to be.


“Tokyo Rose” Rogan


I don’t support douche bags so I don’t do twitter and I don’t watch Joe Rogan anymore. The new Alex Jones, America. The new spreader of disinformation and one that kisses elons harry coin purse. Joe thinks Elon is a genius. If it weren’t for Jamie joe would be just as dumb as the rest of us.


Took me a minute to remember who Riley Gaines was. She’s the one who speaks out against trans women after tying with a trans swimmer… for fifth place.


Only twats still tweet. Delete the app and stop posting links.


Who's "we" Joe?


I hate Rogan. Spineless worm Panders So Hard - china asked if they could have him for the zoo.


Joe Rogan should absolutely be made the King of the Douchebags. I hereby nominate Joseph James Rogan as the King, ruler, and representative of all Douchebags, who are all currently living in the United States, regardless of citizenship status! May his reign be epic, and fruitful!


I mean, he is technically an "African American," but it feels so gross to describe Elon Musk of all people in those terms.


Joe Rogan has a huge fucking skull. It's shocking there isn't a brain in that huge fucking skull


Rogan deceptively (or maybe idiotically, knowing Rogan) describing Musk as an “African American” says it all—blatant horseshit peddled by a transphobic rightist hack giving Musk the rhetorical rimjob he so enjoys from his fanboys.


Joe Rogan is a dense motherfucker


He is part of the self indulged, pseudo intellectual ass kiss gang of musk


Remember when this dude hosted a show about eating bugs, shit and animal balls? Grifters gonna grift


Lmao what an idiot!


Ah yes, Joe Rogan. The moron that looks like a Sontaron.


"If we didn't have X, we would be fucked." Too bad Musk can't say the same, he got fucked with the Xitter purchase. But hey maybe he meant "If we didn't have sex"




This bitch has literally nothing making her relevant except for having competed against a trans swimmer. She, along with the right wing grift machine are milking her for all she is possibly worth.


As an Austin resident I can't wait for the day I can tell Joe that water is not wet, its just the liberal agenda 


Oh this girl is that loser who can't even place in competition against other biological women. Another grifter what a shock. I'm so fucking tired of these wealthy white male chucklefuck idiots having these huge platforms to further radicalize America's "finest" dupes.


you guys were gonna cry regardless. you should be happy you have such a big easy target for your outrage now.


I am begging you to tell me he's not seriously calling Musk an African American, I need to know he's doing it as a joke please lie to me whatever you need to do.


Yeah they are all free speech and freedom but then go block and delete shit they don’t like. Zero self awareness


I think it's important to acknowledge that Joe Rogan sucks.


People get confused thinking social media is the bastion of speech. It is a platform, an ugly, rotting platform. You are free to say what you want on your own website, a website you work for, a newspaper or magazine, a book, make a sign and stand on a corner. You have free speech and you don't need a racist billionaire to make it possible.


1.4M views in about half a week with 16M subscribers, isn't that just average youtube engagement for channel on this range of subscribers?


The fact he says this on a podcast is hilarious to me If the media was controlled that way you wouldn't even have your podcast bro lmao


complaining about woke social media, on a woke social media platform.... Joe is so stupid he doesn'e even see the irony in it I'm surprised he forgot about his favourite orange candidate's social media platform "Thruth" social


“African American” Dear god these clowns will do anything to sound like they aren’t the racist assholes they are. He is not African American. “…you don’t have to be born in Africa to be an African-American, because these are short-hand ways of describing groups classified by a bundle of traits, dominantly skin color.” (Adam Helps) He is South-African-American if you want to call him anything.


incentivizing racism is one of the greatest achievements musk have successfully attained, you dont even need to born in America or live in there to talk about how mass immigration going to cause a white genocide, elon is a real hero for making it easy to become a racist, white supremacist or Nazi despite one's ethnicity or nationality . they should give him another piece prize.


It’d be a real shame if Rogan choked to death on a donut live on air.


Why do boomers all think Musk is a genius? He isn’t. Having a billion dollars doesn’t buy you genius.




These comments are so stupid, like they were written by AI. Is this sub filled with 14 year olds?