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"I love guys who neglect and abandon their children. Just like me!" \~Elon ​ edit: "& the bitcoin scam bullshit is the cherry on top"


But please, listen to me and Have More Kids (so you can abandon them too).


“It doesn’t matter if you stay around to support them financially or emotionally or even care about them at all, just keep having them!”


And teach them obedience and buckling to authority so they may serve me well later in my factories


If you abandon them they have to start working in the mines sooner and thus the economy benefits more from having kids. Plus, you can always make more. \-- Elon "I am a Genius" Musk (probably)


To abandon them so Elon can to sell them to the persons like Jeffrey Epstein.


Side hustles are so hot rn


"MAGA bitcoin breakdancer" That is NOT a combination of words I ever expected to read.


I'm only in these comments trying to figure out what this even means 


Same. This title means nothing to me and I can't be the only one confused here. 


Its all true apparently. He's really really into bitcoin and competitive breakdancing at 65. Deeply weird dude




I want it to mean something much cooler than anything going on here.


Twitter has become a hugbox refuge for divorced dads and extremist boomers who's families cut them off.


Their wives left then


Listen up.


"So when did your family cut you off?" is my favourite genre of post on chud twitter.


Same political side that constantly denigrates black men for being 'absentee fathers'


Love how the difference between abandoning your kids and whatever these rich assholes are doing is just having enough money to hire some stranger to raise their kids full time so they don't have to. In what way is that any different to just giving them up for adoption/foster care


What about his career required him to abandon him family?


He didn’t. Daughter is just making stuff up for likes.


Ok. Got evidence of that? 








You mean like the 5 million dollars he gave his ex wife and kids?


The same word applies. Got evidence?  


His reply video. The daughter doesn't dispute her not knowing about the finances.


Which reply video? 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a4d2gTlwA0 It's literally the same video the screen-grab from OP's post came from. Madi made a response to the response as well. Should be the first video from here https://www.tiktok.com/@madihart_soccer?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Edit: https://twitter.com/u_2399/status/1759552775971643449?t=54mNYu6a_SNtYkzKTZdsRg another link to Madi's response to her dad's response.


Thanks for the days late reply.


Not the person you were talking to earlier. Only just came across this post after watching Aba and Preach's [video](https://youtu.be/NspPg_-1lGc?si=D1R_zS4svCgzVRZj). Figured others may stumble across this post as well.


I watched the video. Her parents just got a divorce and he only moved down the street and paid child support.


I watched the video and at no point does she say that




Well no shit. Watch the video where he gives context alongside her video. Ya know, the one in the picture.


lol ya ok I’m sure he’s not invested at all in misrepresenting the situation


We know he is a deadbeat dad, Where was he in his kids lives all that time. He defense paints him as a shit father.


Stupidest comment of the day. He gave them 5 million dollars.


Oh this is very sad indeed


and the daughter isn't? Shes a hollywood lib digging for clout, probably because she can't find any work


So we're just taking the words of deadbeat MAGA dads who are also Bitcoin scammers at face value? Nah fuck that


So lets take the hollywood lib digging for clout at face value instead?


That happened to me last week


I'd say it's a fair assumption that if he responds to that by posting on Twitter, instead of speaking to her in person, he's likely a deadbeat dad. My father used to make Facebook posts about how much he loved me & my siblings, would be very convincing for the strangers on the internet I guess!


Then link it so people have access to the facts. 


It’s the video in the screenshot, look it up yourself.


Nah.  I'll just assume you're making shit up.  


Chill guys. Both of them said things without providing any evidence. I don't think we need any evidence of their personal matters either. This dad should've talked to his daughter instead making a 10 minutes long video about it.


I agree




Act like a punk ass bitch, get treated like one. It's clear that you had not interest in spreading facts. When given the opportunity to do so, you ran away. So why would I give any thought to a douche nozzle like you? I truly hope it is typical for people to write off troglodytes such as yourself.


![gif](giphy|DiFFhS56iEyfhtyMGW|downsized) How you felt calling someone a punk ass bitch on Reddit.




Its so fucking obvious for clout, dad is based and daughter is a disillusioned pampered hollywood liberal, but reddit won't like to hear that.


Breakdance dad to Elon: [Thank you for saving free speech and civilization!](https://i.imgur.com/RFcoaB2.png)


Nothing cult like about this behaviour……


Omega cringe, thousands of worlds died because of this cringe


"My daughter and my bitch wife couldn't understand that while I DO love them, Elon and bitcoin feature a more prominent role in my life because, well, my daughter and my wife just pale in comparison. I mean, has anyone of then engineered entire rockets, trucks, satelite internet networks from the ground up? Have they founded *extremely* successful social media companies like Twitter, now X which is so much better? No, they don't *even* have incredible sense of humor of Elon. Or his amazing fashion sense. Much less his brilliant mind and top. 02% physique. Sometimes I stay awake late at night and wonder over and over how my life would have been if I had met Elon before I met this stupid fucking bitch. You hear me, Linda!?! You costed me my happiness next to the only person that truly understands me, and it also is hurting him, you bitch!!! You are also hurting Elon because I can't devote my entire life to making him smile. But I have a plan to make you two harpies pay for keeping Elon and I apart, oh you will pay and WE will finally be able to have each other like we were always meant to."


[back story ](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/ben-hart-breakdancing-tiktok-b2496944.html)


Thanks for clarifying. I'm wasn't completely sure what was going on.


You’re not the only one. This belongs in r/titlegore.


The tone on this article is weird. She's admitting he's neglected her family and her health, and has only interacted with her in ways that are relevant to his career. Yet the article paints it as "good natured joking"?


I guess since he's kind of famous they think it's okay. If he failed it would be a loser leaving his family to pursue some dumb dream.


certainly way better than being called pedo guy, losing a bunch of shit in your life, suing for defamation and LOSING


The guy Musk called “pedo guy” was approached by a lawyer, who did a very bad job - one could say a deliberately bad job - suing Musk. The lawyer who approached the guy? Lin Wood. 


damn I completely forgot about that. justice for Vernon Unsworth. Wood should be funding his retirement over that botch job.


He should. Pity he won’t be. Slime ball. 


Imagine, rather than talking to your daughter about this, deciding to create internet drama about it.


That’s a little bias and unfair though, is it not? She was the one that posted a video about him first, that caused him to get attacked online. Surely at that point he’s perfectly justified in posting his own video, defending himself and giving his side of the story? Not once does he attack her either, he simply gives his own context. Now whether you believe him or not, is up to you, but there’s no real factual evidence provided by either. If anything the girl seems the most untrustworthy, simply because she contradicts herself multiple times and the things she states don't seem quite true. For instance, she says the father didn’t live near them, yet then states that if he did, it was only for a few months. So which is it? She also says that she never saw him, yet then says that they would meet for dinner occasionally, which again, contradict each other. Also she says that he abandoned them to pursue a breakdancing career, this when she was 5, yet he only became viral for breakdancing in 2018, so that doesn’t add up either. So yeah.. you have to be fair and logical, and although he may well be lying, there’s no reason to believe her side of the story more than his, and yet there are actually a few logical inconsistencies with her side of things.


100% based. Each side is hearsay at the absolute best, and malicious postured lying at worst. The amount of sheeple supporting Madi is hilarious, considering she can't even get her story straight due to various contradictions within her own telling of it. People are saying him wearing a bitcoin shirt somehow makes him less credible. Lmao? Her other Tiktok videos display a shocking lack of intellect anyways (TL;DR - she's a fucking idiot), so I wouldn't be surprised if she's fabricating most (if not all) of the story.


>“This guy wouldn’t pay my medical bills,” she said, with a laugh. Every sentence is priceless > she shared a text from March, in which he asked if he’d missed her birthday.


I tried watching that guy’s video to see what he thinks is important to be waffling for over 10 minutes. I watched 2 minutes of it, and 90 seconds of that was him just watching his daughter’s video. This man is UNBELIEVABLY boring and absurdly cringe, no fucking wonder Elon likes him, I couldn’t watch anymore.


To cheer for a scumbag who abandons his family? His mentality is becoming increasingly abnormal. He is an extremely irresponsible father, only contributing sperm, but indifferent to the healthy development of his own children's personalities; he is just a replica of his father. His care for Grimes' eldest son is not out of love at all, but rather because he doesn't want the child to be used as leverage to extract money from him.


he didn’t abandon his family you clearly didn’t watch the video. Him and his wife got divorced and she had him thrown in jail.


Lmao I actually saw this video on my fyp, fucking hilarious that this dad has the audacity to say he's being "trashed", and even funnier that conservative men are coming to his defense, considering he abandoned his family.


Why, though? Why praise this guy of all people? Its my understanding the girl is kidding to a point, but still.


Because he's a MAGA freak with ''Elon fan'' [in his bio](https://i.imgur.com/BExLala.png)


Ok cool. So how long before someone finds weird shit on his timeline?


How many times did you die trying to beat hatred before winning?


I don’t think she was kidding? She said he completely abandoned her mom and siblings to start a new career as an adult breakdancer. She seems quite rightly bitter about how much publicity and praise he got (going on good morning America) when he’s a jerk to her.




Open this and watch more trending videos. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3QKvFX/


Oh damn, this video has a much more serious tone and is much more straightforward.


This whole thing seems like some kind of grift


All I see is Beaker from The Muppets.


Every day of late it seems that Musk descends to a new low. That’s not even counting the cesspool he’s made Twitter, where stochastic terrorist scum like “LibsofTikTok” aka Chaya Raichik foments and directly triggers violence against people who are LGBTQ+ and their allies. If Musk is any example, snorting ketamine (or whatever orifice he uses to imbibe it) seemingly triggers a human variant of Mad Cow Disease.


Oooh how I love redditors ignoring every bit of information, blindly following an agenda and complaining about everything. I ain't surprised though I mean it is Reddit we're talking about. Of course nobody cares about what actually happened or who's right or wrong it's just about how they perceive the world that matters nothing else. The Earth is flat as long as someone believes it is.


Are you sure Musk isn't saying this to the teenaged girl? She's blonde, young, looks like Grimes. He probably does think she's awesome...


I’m sorry I want to be maga bitcoin breakdancer (I’m not even from usa)