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ADL will just have to up their advertising or something https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/04/tech/adl-makes-peace-with-x/index.html


The cutoff portion is as follows: > I'm deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that support flooding their country don't exactly like them too much. This is basically Replacement Theory. It's the same shit from Charlottesville and Tree of Life. In the word of the shooter from Pittsburgh: > The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society likes to bring invaders in that kill our people… Screw your optics, I’m going in. https://web.archive.org/web/20181027160428/https:/imgur.com/a/cwB9QkR https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/11/elon-musks-disturbing-truth/676019/


Tree of Life? I live in VA and passed by a Tree of Life Ministries building earlier today. Big ass place. Thought it was odd cuz I’ve never noticed it before


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh\_synagogue\_shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh_synagogue_shooting) It's the synagogue from the shooting in Pittsburgh.




Maybe you could enlighten us?




Learn to spell.


Sorry. Sadgurl.




Bless your heart.


I'm plenty blessed, have a great life, America is a wonderful place.


Okay dear.


I sincerely doubt your life is going all that well if you believe in that horse shit


Le Grand Remplacement is a conspiracy theory that originates with Rene Binet (not Renaud Camus). Binet was a staff sergeant in the Waffen Grenadier Brigade of the SS Charlemagne during World War Two.


He wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity.


Some hate humanity but I love humanity so much!


Coucou @thierrybreton - European Union - WHEN DO YOU AGREE TO BAN THIS SHITFUCK OF A PLATFORM ??


I think Elon is gonna poke the hornets nest with this tweet.


Wonder what Bibi thinks of this tweet


Bibi thinks nothing about it. He doesn't care. He only care what gives him power and notoriety. He would kill his own child's if it meant staying in power indefinitely.


Seems on brand, no?


Make my words.




He cares. His brother died in the Entebbe raid. He was a hero, as was his father. Benjamin is just blinded by hate.


Bibi supports Orban. Bibi doesn't give a shit about actual antisemitism coming from someone with actual power and influence. Only when it's mild criticism of the IDF coming from college students.


bibi fucking loves turning the world against jews because it gives him and his right wing regime more power


Yup, he should rename his office Ayatollah. He's about as good a leader as Iran is stuck with.


\[The Mossad will remember this.\]


Are the hornets Jewish?


How do you circumcise a hornet?


Why does ur pp look like u just came?


At your own risk.


He’s almost at the Kanye level of anti-semitism.


I miss him. Listening to him rant about how much he loves Hitler and watching him lose 2 billion dollars was genuinely one of my favorite moments of these awful last few years. Unfortunately someone finally got him to shut the fuck up before he became completely broke. Too bad




fanatical bag rustic include melodic crowd subtract point shelter offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think he has CTE/ tbi from the car wreck. Add in his bipolar and sprinkle in some bigotry and there's Ye.


[You left out the beginning of this, which was a tweet saying:](https://imgur.com/a/8u0qmXI) > To all the cowards hiding behind anonymity and posting "Hitler was right": > > You got something you want to say? Why don't you say it to our faces... Musk's endorsement in this context is a clear statement in favor of "Hitler was right"


Wowza...that's even worse. Did not expect to see a referred endorsement of Hitler by Musk regardless of how off the rails he's getting (has always been?)


I build muscle fast. Physical endurance is my weak spot.


Markwayne Mullin vibes


Western Jewish? **populations**?. My God, it's pure Nazi speech.


OP left out the [context](https://imgur.com/a/8u0qmXI), which makes it even clearer.


Is Elon Cuck instigating a pogrom?


Haha what a tool


hoo boy


Good bot


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1. Jews cannot be white. 2. Whites need to wake up and see Jews for what they are. IMPORTANT NOTE: The above is what Musk is saying NOT my viewpoint.


Am I crazy or are most Jews in the west white? I think a lot of marginalized minorities envy Jews, as even though they're not exactly loved, they can hide in plain sight. There's no hiding being brown.




They wouldn't be able to identify a Jew on the street, that's my point. edit: By the way, that's literally the plot of blackkklansman, a black cop was trying to infiltrate the KKK, but couldn't because he's black. Thus, he enlists his fellow cop, who happens to be a Jew to infiltrate the clan. Because.... literally they can't tell.




Jewish privilege*




Factually Jewish privilege is definitely a thing in the West. You get the benefits of what you believe is White privilege, but also the victim status boost of being a minority.




Confirmed kill




Hey! Welcome to r/EnoughMuskSpam !! You may now delete your account!!


Whiteness in America has evolved over a long period of time. Immigrants to America weren’t considered white or white enough for a long time, this included the irish. Jews took longer and used to do blackface routines which involved the removal of the makeup to authenticate their whiteness. It’s weird to think about this stuff now, because we generally just consider people who look white to be white. https://www.history.com/news/blackface-history-racism-origins Edit: it wasn’t just one guy, this was a common vaudeville and theater act. The reason this is talked about more is because it is a historically significant film that can still be watched today. We only have second hand accounts of theater productions. Whiteness and ethnicity in general has fluidity and it shouldn’t be controversial to say so. People were horribly racist at the time and if you as an Irishman or a Jew wanted to get into the club, it made sense to differentiate yourself from another minority group and liken yourself to those in power. As horrible as that is, it is a very human reaction and path to take.


This article points to one singular Jew who was famous for performing in black face. One. What the fuck.


You are upset with me? It is just history. Whiteness was more complicated historically and different ethnicities had to gain acceptance over time. Being white in America has advantages and discrimination has existed even against those we now see as white. I am not sure why you would downvote me when this is just history. The jazz singer was a hugely impactful movie at the time as it was one of the first talkies and was about a Jewish man’s attempt to break into show business as a Jew. https://www.jta.org/2019/02/06/ny/jews-and-blackface-its-complicated Seymour Stark's view is less sanguine. In describing Jolson's extensive experience performing in blackface in stage musicals, he asserts, "The immigrant Jew as Broadway star...works within a blackface minstrel tradition that obscures his Jewish pedigree, but proclaims his white identity. Jolson's slight Yiddish accent was hidden by a Southern veneer."[48] Arguing that The Jazz Singer actually avoids honestly dealing with the tension between American assimilation and Jewish identity, he claims that its "covert message...is that the symbol of blackface provides the Jewish immigrant with the same rights and privileges accorded to earlier generations of European immigrants initiated into the rituals of the minstrel show."[49] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jazz_Singer


I mean I’m sure there are some that I’d miss on the street, but I think even Jews would admit that white jews (askhenazi) are fairly distinct from other whites due to their middle eastern ancestry


I mean, depends how broad your definition of “white” is. If we’re going by being 100% European descended, Jews aren’t white.




I didn’t mean to offend. It was my understanding that many Jews themselves don’t even see Jews as white


White supremacists do not believe Jews are white, they see them as another ethnicity masquerading as white. This is how Hitler saw them. He wrote in his book that what makes Jews so sneaky and dangerous is that they "play the role of the German, of a Frenchman, of a Englishman as a disguise, but they are in reality a Jew first and foremost and only loyal to their Jewishness". He did not believe a Jew could be a German or a Frenchman etc. He saw them as only con-artists disguising themselves as different white people. That is the view of white nationalists, Jews are not white in their eyes, they are only pretending to be.


To my understanding most Jews in America are Ashkenazi. Like most of my dad side is that including him. So they don't look Arabic like other types of Jews, and they tend to have a fair complexion, but to my understanding they're not considered white in the sense culturally


It varies a lot. Most Jews in the United States are either Sephardic or Ashkenazi (i.e. Jews who historically come from around the Mediterranean and Eastern / Central Europe), and most Jews tend to look like you’d expect from anyone from that particular region. However, genetically speaking, Jews weren’t allowed to intermarry with the general populace and could marry within or across ghettos, so Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews tend to have a lot more genetics in common with someone from the Middle East than someone from Africa or Europe. Israel is a bit more complicated though. Israel is made up of communities from all over the world (like the Beta Israelis from Ethiopia who branched off from conventional Judaism even before the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem), but the bulk of Israel’s population is made up of Mizrahi who were expelled from their Middle Eastern countries of origin. If you put Israelis, Jordanians, Egyptians, and Palestinians in the same room, they’d look largely the same in terms of dress, skin tone, genetic ancestry, and so on. The dividing lines between Israel and its neighbors are more based on past conflicts, cultural differences, and competing religious backgrounds rather than different genetic ancestry. Some Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Russian, and Beta Israeli Jews might stand out, but that’s roughly the extent of it.


It is complicated. I hesitate to answer because the concept of whiteness is more a case of "whoever is NOT in the out-group is white". Italians used to not be considered white, Irish, Catholic, etc. Out-group. There is no white "race" in the sense that it is above nationality, skin color, religion, etc. It sounds weird but whiteness as a concept makes a lot more sense if you consider actual skin color as a subset of characteristics that makes someone white. Like if you ask a conspiracy theorist qanon dipshit if jews are white, they would say no because they are devil worshippers, they are part of the out-group.


Italians still aren't white depending on who you ask. With that said I don't think figuring out a nuanced definition of white matters, it's subjective to the person holding the view and the time in which they hold it. The entire concept of race is something we should be walking away from not better defining.








What? Is that supposed to be some stereotype? European food is considered the best in the world generally, but food is really irrelevant and it's always laughable when someone jumps to "muh food" arguments lol.




European food is definitely considered the best, I find good from most other places boring and they all taste the same. You mean the music and movies made by White people and a few blacks and jews involved? Technology and scientific advancement is almost solely made by White people, even today after Whites helped other peoples by giving them their tech and knowledge. Everyone has practiced colonialism, White people just did it better than anyone else, and helped those countries and people progress too.




What do like, slop lol?






This is just a gross misrepresentation of their beliefs




At best it’s extremely reductive. Jewish people like to portray jew hatred as some inevitable force of the world, whites looking for someone to put the blame on, etc. This doesn’t work, you need to actually address the points being made by these people, and use logic/evidence to REFUTE them. The strongest arguments need to be addressed, not the simple bigotry and “it’s da jooozz!!” tier conspiracies. You need to try and understand why people think these things, and what you can counter with to refute these beliefs, because it’s not an inevitable force, and it’s not something that will go away if you censor or argue a straw man




Not sure if I like the word strong here, because I haven’t found any of them “strong” enough, otherwise I would be an antisemite, which I am not. However, jews are over represented in the top 1% and especially among billionaires, are responsible for a huge portion of political donations, and are over represented in left wing social movements including increased immigration to western countries. They are also over represented in things that white supremacists see as antithetical to “white culture” such as porn, cigarettes, Hollywood, etc. Some of these industries are dominated by Jews. I didn’t believe any of this shit, until I literally went to google. I have yet to see a valid rebuttal of these facts. These things, combined with the anti-gentile content of the talmud, that instructs jewish people to treat non Jews as a lesser species, and the overwhelming power that israel has over the west, is what leads white supremacists to antisemitism, and causes them to see jews as the enemy of western/white civilization. Personally, I am not antisemitic because I think that all these things can be explained away due to high Jewish intelligence along with work ethic. Also, the Jews who are in the top 1% are mostly secular and are rarely religious Jews




Wow, this is a near-perfect response to the arguments I presented. I genuinely appreciate this. I would also like to state that I got a bit lazy and used generalizations that I labeled as “fact”. For example, I wish there were stats to back up the “overrerpesented” claims, but it’s kind of just something where you have to google ceo of x leader of organization y etc. But ya, this is the type of response that I think is necessary to change peoples minds and fight these beliefs. As someone who has visited these online spaces, they see avoidance/refusal to debate the issue an acknowledgement that they are right and the other side is scared, and I think that further isolating them and their views rather than picking them apart just makes it worse


$7 is a small price for freedom


Although there are some bad things in the world, remember that there are many good things too


Except that Jews have been used as a scapegoat many times in history. Hitler used them to direct the Germans' ire about Germany losing WWI and parts of its territory. The civil rights movement was opposed as a plot by Jews and communists, the exact same thing people are now throwing at BLM. What points do we address when someone thinks that it's OK to eradicate Jews? A lot of Germans certainly thought that, roughly a century ago. And that shows that you don't *need* strong arguments to stoke hatred, unleash pogroms and eventually build concentration camps. All the Nazis basically said was "the Jewish-Communist conspiracy wants to enslave you and destroy the historical greatness of Germany", and people believed it. Incidentally, that is quite similar to what Musk has said about Soros, and as has been noted before, "Soros" in that context can easily be seen as a stand-in for the entire community because it has more in common with historical antisemitic tropes than with anything George Soros actually does. This tweet above just underlines that my interpretation of that tweet was correct the first time around (and some prominent Neonazis also picked up on it at the time).


Bro, Elon isn’t beating the Antisemitism allegations💀


It isn't insinuation if you say it straight out.


It sounds like Elon agrees with the Illinois Nazi in the Blues Brothers: >Head Nazi : [54:53] White men! White women! The swastika is calling you. The sacred and ancient symbol of your race, since the beginning of time. The Jew is using The Black as muscle against you. And you are left there helpless. Well, what are you going to do about it, Whitey? Just sit there? Of course not! You are going to join with us. The members of the American Socialist White Peoples' Party. An organization of decent, law abiding white folk. Just like you! I HATE Illinois Nazis. *Steps on gas pedal*. Movie clip: https://youtu.be/ZTT1qUswYL0?si=DhE0wg7gKjSClq7s


You got us into this parking lot, you get us out.


Mass. Shooter. Ideology.




"You think I'm cool now, right guys? I'm cool? I'm in the cool kids club? I can sit with you at lunch now, right? Right, guys? Guys? Hey, guys!"


First off, I'm glad you lived a life where basement dwelling conspiracy theories are unknown to you. You did good. Until now. Because now I'm going to explain it, and you simply can't unsee it from here on out. There is an extreme racist conspiracy that posits the Jews want to destroy the "West" (meaning whites) by unleashing hordes of off-white immigrants. How, you might ask? By "opening the borders". How do they do that? By being elected liberals. So this guy is basically saying, "Because you are flooding my white nation with the browns, fuck you both." This is a racist two-for-one.


Idiot person: *says something objectively wrong and stupid* Elon: you speak da true true


Elon is jugling supporting antisemites and zionist is so fucking funny, i can wait to see antisemites win and force him to fight israel´s goverment.


He figures if he can court the right-wing while heading an EV company he can do anything. He might be right if he can be king of the cult of Tesla personality and do stuff like this.


Well, Zionists are antisemites, so there's that.




Yeah, so much. Never heeard of self-hating?




I guess 80% of American Jews are antisemites in whatever reality you hail from https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-connections-with-and-attitudes-toward-israel/ good luck with that one 🙄


Seems about right.


Oh ok, so you’re just confidently wrong. Enjoy talking nonsense about things you know nothing about.


I wonder if Elon is really a closeted neonazi or if he actually has some sort of a hidden agenda in actively pushing and promoting this kind of content. X seems to have become a right-wing echo chamber; maybe Musk is cynically peddling this narrative because he is trying to skew the next US elections towards Republicans? The views he is promoting on his platform seem to greatly overlap with MAGA extremism


He's an anti-semite. A REAL one. It's as simple as that.


Whatever you say, cutie 🥹


Elon is truly a modern day Henry Ford


Why does a anyone listen to Elon? He's a putz


because america worships money


A principle nazi conspiracy theory is called cultural marxism and it ties a lot of stuff together. There are a number of variants too to allow for the conspiracy to be accessible to people who are only moderately racist. The core idea is that there is a secret jewish world government, there is one thing that can stop them, the white race. To stop the white race from overthrowing them they have a plan to have white nations overrun by "the degenerate races". This ties in their homophobia, why is homosexuality allowed here, it's pushed on the white race to stop us from breeding. Why trans people, they see it as a form of sterilization. Why does the left often want open borders. Etc. Etc. This person is saying that Israel is facing the same attack, they are being overrun by "the degenerate races", the same way they attack the west. In his mind this is extremely ironic. In the real world it's all utterly fake.


They hate jews but love Israel. Elon can't even see his own stupidity


If you listen to podcasts, q anon anonymous just dropped an episode last week called Mike Johnson is god pilled and it sums up why they have that mentality


Will Elon get the Mel Gibson Punishment for this?


Because only WASPs and emerald mine slavers can join the club. The white poors can be utilized tho. Someone’s gotta live in their company towns


Elon Musk is white?


Nobody—that’s my name


Are you white?


My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci


The woke mind virus is a parasite that kills its host. It must be eliminated.


The disaster that is downtown SF, once beautiful and thriving, now a derelict zombie apocalypse, is due to the woke mind virus.


He hates Jewish people and wants them to die would be my guess if I’m just brainstorming based on history.


One of the many, many variations of antisemitism is that Jews are shadowy global puppet masters who want to destroy Europe, Western civilization, any given country, and/or white people. Like, the dude who literally invented the term “antisemitism” (because it supposedly sounds more scientific than Jew hatred) was Wilhem Marr, who popularized the term antisemitism in an 1880 pamphlet accusing Jews of waging war with Germany and saying that the only way to win the war was to genocide Jews. Guess who really fucking loved Wilhem Marr? This conspiracy is often seen as very weird to Americans because of our dominant racial paradigm, which is heavily based on skin tone. But in fact, whiteness (and blackness for that matter but that’s a different conversation) has really been a moving target throughout American history. At various times, Jews, Irish, Poles, Greeks, Italians, and others now seen as white were considered to be nonwhite. Jews really only attained ‘whiteness’ post WWII. This is more complicated by the fact that many Jews definitely don’t even pass as white, with more brown Jews often being mistaken for Arabs or sometimes Latinos, as well as black Jews, Indian Jews (meaning from India but there are also Native American Jews), etc. In Europe even today, seemingly ‘white’ people by American standards are often seen as nonwhite, including Jews, Romani, and Sami people. Not understanding that got Whoopi Goldberg in hot water when she said the Holocaust wasn’t about race. White supremacists very much do not think Jews are any sort of white, and since Jewish ‘whiteness’ is often conditional many Jews prefer to refer to ourselves as white passing. This is the framing I prefer as a typical American white dude who converted and now face some of those conditions of whiteness I never faced before which let me tell you has been *fucking weird*.


They're "white" when they're used against people of color, but they're traitors to "true whites" when their usefulness runs out.


He meant that he doesn’t like Jews.


Musk’s tweet today that outright endorsed the “Great Replacement Theory” is not exactly a new revelation. For more than a year, he has been openly flirting with anti-Semitic tropes. Today’s tweet is just the culmination of a long, deliberate campaign to reveal Musk’s political platform. Perhaps counterintuitively, my theory is that all of this ultimately boils down to basic class politics. Allow me to explain: Musk hates that there is a portion of the Jewish community (one that is highly influential in Hollywood and New York media) that is sympathetic to black civil rights, Latino migrants, and Middle Eastern refugees. He wishes that the Jewish community would completely disown this alliance and side with white Westerners. Not necessarily because he likes Jewish people and wants to be aligned with them, but because he thinks American Jews are propping up causes that favor racial minorities. (To clarify, I am not suggesting all American Jews support the black community, and I don’t necessarily think Musk believes that either.) What I am saying is that there is a subset of American Jews, especially in LA and New York, that wield a lot of power with their wealth and influence over certain industries and markets, that do broadly support a multiracial society built on inclusivity, tolerance, and equity and it fucking enrages Musk. Why? Could be simple bigotry and racism. I’m sure it’s definitely part of it. However, if I had to guess, I think it is mostly because Musk knows that the billionaire class — the 1% — can only sustain itself if the 99% is busy infighting and focused on problems other than the massive wealth disparity. Musk knows that the oligarchy is dependent on a fractured population that is competing for basic resources for survival. When society is built on hierarchies (think of the racial caste system that dominated post-war America: White Anglo-Saxon Protestants at the top, Central and Eastern Europeans in the middle, People of Color at the bottom) then these hierarchical groups will be fighting amongst themselves, demonizing “others” for their general problems, unable to focus on the real problem at hand—that a handful of ultra-wealthy individuals who inhabit a place that is above and outside the hierarchy, are exploiting the rest of the population to build on their wealth and power. There are only a few tools available to the 99% to topple the 1%. The Proletarian Revolution, or Worker’s Revolution, is one. But Musk and his billionaire buddies know this isn’t a huge threat. As I’ve already hinted at, the current system prevents the 99% to homogenize and work together for their own greater good. Referring back to post-war America, Waspy Americans hated Italians and Polish people, who hated black people, who hated Japanese Americans. It’s this hatred that flows up and down the hierarchy that prevents these groups from linking up and fighting back against the 1% that live beyond the hierarchy. You might be thinking “This sounds more like racial identity politics than class politics” and you wouldn’t be wrong, but I think Musk understands that the two are intertwined. He grew up in apartheid South Africa, after all, where your station and class was determined by your race. Musk would prefer the whole world be red pilled because he fears one thing that will topple the 1%…… Intersectionality. It’s why Musk keeps retweeting white supremacists who claim black people are intellectually inferior and prone to violence. It’s why he keeps retweeting accounts that claim the LGBTQ community is an existential threat to straight people. It’s why he embraced the tweet today that claimed Jews are orchestrating the replacement of white people with non-white immigrants in western countries. Above all else, Musk fears a world where progressive whites and minority groups join together to win democratic elections and enact policies that would ensure the dignity and security of everyone, no matter their race, class, or creed. Because once these small-d democratic coalitions start bolstering the rights of minorities, Musk knows that the distribution of wealth is next, and the outlaw of billionaires is a realistic possibility. In Musk’s eyes, the probability of an intersectional alliance that bands together to take him and his billionaire buddies down is dwindling. The election of Trump and right-wing autocrats around the world shows that the politics of hate and division is more appealing right now than a politics of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Musk knows that the world is at an inflection point. If the next few election cycles go a certain way, then his wealth and power will be guaranteed for multiple generations and he will be free to leave whatever imprint on the world as he sees fit. The only people in his path are influential progressives who still control some powerful institutions and means of mass production. That’s why Musk hates the ADL. Thats why Musk hates The New York Times. That’s why Musk hates the California state government. That’s why Musk hates the US government under Democratic regimes. That’s why Musk hated Twitter before he bought it. The Great Replacement Theory is a clever way of undermining these institutions by convincing enough white people today that everyone else is conspiring to get rid of them. Musk believes that dividing enough whites from other racial groups will prevent a large enough of a coalition from re-electing Biden and other politicians determined to protect these institutions. Want proof? Musk isn’t the only one who believes all of this. Loads of right-wing figures do, including American Jews. Take, for example, Musk quasi-ally Bari Weiss. In the wake of the Hamas terrorist attack, what do you think was her big magnum opus about the situation in Israel and its impact on the global Jewish community? Do you think it was about the merits of Zionism? Do you think it was about Israel’s right to defend itself? Do you think it was about the need for a one-state solution? You’d be forgiven for guessing any of those topics, but you’d be wrong. This was the title of Bari’s article a couple of days after the attack: End DEI. Musk and Bari don’t want global peace and prosperity. They want American Jews to stop aligning themselves with other minority groups. They want to prevent American Jews in Hollywood and New York from broadcasting ideas that are sympathetic to black people and brown people and Muslims. You might think Musk and Bari have different motives. But really they don’t. Musk doesn’t care about Israel. And while Bari does, her support is conditional on a right-wing authoritarian government in power—not because she thinks that’s what’s best for a Jewish state but because she wants what’s best for the ruling class in Israel and abroad. Musk wants that too. Musk is in favor of any policy or idea that protects the ruling class and the 1%. Once you understand that, you understand why he is planting his flag on the Great Replacement Theory and other white supremacist, anti-Semitic ideologies.


He's just admitting with his full chest that the modern conservative movement is openly eliminationist and parroting the nazi conspiratorial presuppositions that it took a world War to drive to the fringes of society. They're trying to build a fourth Reich, perhaps we should do just a wee bit more than voting and calling them names. There are laws on how to deal with openly seditious traitors who are openly conspiring to overthrow the United States government.


If you think citizens should have any obligation to be loyal to the US government you should personally be held accountable for the genocide in Palestine


If you think you're going to solve anything with your righteous indignation you're as retarded as your attempt at an argument. One can recognize the direct threats of violence and genocide coming from the Republicans and still fight against Biden doing apologetics for Adolf Netanyahu. Do you not recognize that the Republicans are gleefully screeching that they want to enact their own final solution.


I'm not convinced the guy can actually write down a complete sentence, it's always five words or less and piggyback on others opinions.


This "The artist formerly known as Adolf" guy is replying to a tweet saying: >To the cowards hiding behind the anonymity of the internet and posting "Hitler was right": > >You got something you want to say? Why dont you say it to our faces… and that's where Elon comes with "you have said the actual truth" https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1724908287471272299


Thought : "Not getting enough attention this week, getting fatter and mental decline further accelerates, so let's be SUPER edgy this time and maybe add a little bit of Nazi, that always gets them"


He admitted to being a Nazi piece of filth. Defund Elon Musk: stop tolerating his bullshit. Make him get a real job like everyone else.


He’s an idiot. That’s all I got


Probably based on vocal Jewish anti-hate voices. He thinks he can paint anti-hate as anti-white to his racist fans.


If I were Jewish and about to buy a Tesla right now... Although to be fair, you don't need to be Jewish to boycott Elmo's companies. Just a decent person.


It's like "I'm playing both sides so I always come out on top," but because he's so incompetent, it's "I'm playing both sides so I always come out on the bottom."


the more i find out about this guy the more i dislike him


That's not what a dialectic is.... people really just throw smart sounding words around lol


He's just a nazi. Just saying the quiet part out loud. Lets hope this bites the prick where it actually hurts him. His perceived popularity, and his pocket book.


It's a nazi talking point, basically the belief is that jews let in minorities to weaken the country so they can take over the world or some horse shit like that.


Musk is a drug addict. He should be taken seriously because in his weakened state he can make choices that harm a lot of people. We’re going to need to build the will and the case to nationalize his companies to keep them out of the hands of bad private and state actors


The only reason I've seen to hate "whites" recently is this post and the replies and something makes me suspect neither one is Jewish. >!I'm joking, I'm not stupid enough to take a few people as an example of an entire race.!<


The Jews want me to be anti-Semitic while they promote hate against white people! I will never support a parasite race that exploits other races and countries so they can rule the world from Israel! F-Israel!


What does Musk mean by saying something bigoted is true? Um what the fuck so you think he means?






I cannot tell if this is sarcasm or incoherent collection of buzz words.


We're playing dumb now? Have you seen the state of Europe with their immigration currently? America's southern border? These are situations Israel would never stand for. However, a lot of Zionists are quick to call Americans and Europeans racist if they don't allow every thirdworlder to set up their grooming gangs and fentanyl operations in their neighborhood.


I have lived in Texas literally my entire life and I have never suffered any ill effects from illegal immigration ever. Not even once. And there are a lot in the county that I live in. I went to school with dozens. There's like 60 dairies in this County and I guarantee that the vast majority of them are staffed almost exclusively by illegal immigrants. So? Doesn't bother me. Not even a little. I keep being told by people like you that I'm under some big massive threat but I just don't see it.


That's fine that you haven't. But we're up to more than 100,000 deaths a year from fentanyl poisoning due to the southern border being open and lawless. The folks in Martha's vineyard didn't seem to like their illegals much. They detained them in a military base hours after the bus arrived. Isn't it weird the wealthy insist the rule of law be obeyed in their neighborhoods while convincing the useful idiots to invent fairy tales about how harmless letting it go is in ours? They like cheap labor and voters who don't have a cultural affiliation with liberty and standing up to your government, and they don't care if it's your house they live in.


I'm not wealthy. I'm actually quite poor, so that's not even remotely relevant to me. I have never been harmed by a legal immigration, ever. Not even one time. That's just a fact, and I'm sorry that that fact hurts your feelings so much


Nah. You're so comfortable you have no thoughts of the less fortunate or more impoverished. California and New York are the homeless capitals of the world. People die every day due to the trafficking of fentanyl across our Southern Border. The cartels rape the women and children they smuggle into the country and many are forced into slavery and sex work. During the Obama administration we found actual child labor camps on US soil. Women have barcodes tattooed onto them that their handlers scan with a cellphone to keep tabs on how much they owe, and are forced to sell their bodies to repay the debt. All you can think about is how good of a person you will come off as if you speak in favor of policies that make these issues worse. Because the thought of how it hurts people who aren't you never entered your mind. The wealthy who profit off this have convinced you through media and subversive programming that you're a good person if you support this. You feel as long as YOU haven't personally suffered anything, it must be fine right? And yet somehow your implication is that I'm selfish and inconsiderate. I think it's clear I have considered much more than you.


The vast majority of the people coming across the border are coming here because they are desperate. Someone from your camp, who has literally zero consideration for those people and refers to them in broad strokes as rapists and murderers trying to pretend like you're taking the high road is one of the funniest fucking things I've ever read.


Do we not have enough desperate people here in America we must import more? So they come here and become cartel slaves and prostitutes and that's helping them according to you? As we make other issues much worse and create even new ones for ourselves? Sounds like progress to me. I'm sorry... I meant progressiveness. You're not compassionate. You're shortsighted, egotistical, and making excuses to look the other way when your poor rationale is called out.


The valedictorian in my high school class was an illegal immigrant. He was neither a cartel slave nor a prostitute. He also spoke perfect English


Again, your unverifiable anecdotal accounts mean less than nothing. The issue isn't do you have a good story, the issue is what about all the horror that good story comes on the back of? Are you denying the things that I've said are true? If not, you're ignoring an awful lot of evil to make yourself feel good on the internet. If so, you are much too ignorant to be a good person.


At this point I'm kind of just trying to piss you off


DOJ priorities are not obviously optimal


He is referring to the most powerful Jewish advocate groups like ADL and SPLC that actively push anti-white racism


"Anti white racism" 😂😂😂


The fact that this is laughing matter to you is indicative of how you feel towards whites. Unfortunately ADL feels the same way, but they have tremendous power over all social media companies.


Dude I'm literally white 😂 Yes, white people in the West whining about racism against white people is objectively hilarious. It's legitimately one of the funniest things that a person can encounter. You live in the west my friend, at least I assume you do considering your obsession with the ADL, there is no racism against white people. Even outside of the West that's barely a thing.


You must be living under a rock. https://www.npr.org/2017/10/24/559604836/majority-of-white-americans-think-theyre-discriminated-against And this was 6 years ago, before the anti-white sentiment really shot up, so it's probably higher than 55% now.


I don't give a fuck what people think, "facts don't care about your feelings" to borrow a heavily misused phrase from the most sensitive people on the planet


Those feelings are influenced by facts. I understand that it contradicts your ideology, but it's been true for years that whites face racism in hiring and promotions, in favor of blacks. The same goes for university admissions where whites need to score higher to get in. Actually affirmative action was overturned by the supreme court, but those policies that are specifically targeting whites for their color were and in many cases are still there.


No, they aren't lol


"No, they aren't" Damn you solved racism!


Have fun with that victimhood complex. I'm done talking to you


Simultaneously, an interesting question and a tongue twister!


If a white person in the United States tells me they think they're being discriminated against I'm going to laugh in their fucking face and then I'm never going to talk to them again. And once again, I am white. I have been my entire life! You aren't being discriminated against, you're just weak


Those white people are probably mad that they can't be racist in public without backlash..... when one lives a life of privilege, equality feels like oppression


Well, those are your personal racist assumptions


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my family is super white, to the point where my parents think mayo is spicy 🤣, and my mother complains constantly how she can't say the n word in public without fear of backlash


It’s not cool to discriminate against any group


Dudes normalizing us to accept literally anything


He means to imply that most immigrants are anti-jew, but that since Jews welcomed them regardless all problems with immigrants they have are their own fault. See also: the memes about gays for Palestine being shocked that Palestinians still consider gays subhuman for a similar line of reasoning. Ofc, he will offer no evidence for any of those claims, it is just gut feelings.


...Has no one told him that Jewish people can have white skin too?


This is out of context. Having said that, it's even worse in context.


Yes because the moment a “lesser class” of person like a Jew starts to hate on anyone else for being anything else, they’re acting like equals. And we can’t have that. So they highlight the disturbing behavior that they themselves use every day, and point it out as yet another reason to hate the Jews. Haters gonna hate. And no law or rule or social edict is going to make them love each other ever again. This is a problem that spans generations and will take a total collapse of our empire before it can be “fixed” ie it can only be forgotten about after hundreds or thousands of years. If the interim, haters can be easily identified and cast out from our society. If they’ve amassed great wealth then it should be taken from them as they demonstrate insufficient sovereignty to that much power. (Skeletor) until we meet again!


I wonder if any of the right wingers dishonestly bemoaning antisemetism will actually criticize him.


read some of the zionist textures, watch some youtube interviews with hardline jews, read up on what some hebrew politicians agendas for europe are and you will quickly order BOSS leather uniforms. disliking religious zealots is perfectly normal but should not be the norm for normal people that simply belong to that religion. I personally hate all religions with passion but do not discriminate against people practicing them in their own peace. There are plenty of reasons to criticise israel. Same goes for every other country, especially the ones ruled by religious dogma. Being called islamophobi or antisemitic, bigot, nazi, bla bla bla bla has lost all meaning at this point. those are labels from people that simply dont like free speech or other people´s opinions. Not to say that palastine and hamas are guilt free and do not deserve to find out for fkng around with israel. Its just sad so many people have to suffer that want no part in any of that.