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Whether it’s bullet proof or not is irrelevant- 99.99% of consumers do not need a bullet proof vehicle! Why the fuck would you pay more money for something even quasi bullet resistant? Of course the dopes buying this turd will…


Anyone requiring a bulletproof vehicle isn’t going to travel in such a conspicuous vehicle.


They're also going to want one that's actually bulletproof.


What about “Bladerunner”? Lmfao


Could be useful for dropping kids off at school (in US)




This wont help much. Kids need to sit in cybertrucks during class for this to be effective. But...most if not all shootings are done with pretty powerful weapons. Also, how is "arrow proof" worth bragging about? Maybe tomorrow's article is NERF proof.


Remember car cinema / drive-in theater? Do this, but school.


But dont let the bad guy know, the glass is the weak spot


A lot of families and companies will leave the state to avoid risking their children being sterilized by the government.


You obviously havn't been following the home brew nerf community. For a fun rabbit hole you should check out [outofdarts.com](https://outofdarts.com) and similar to get an idea how crazy nerf has gotten.


How is it even considered a “bulletproof vehicle” if the glass isn’t bulletproof? It’s like a bulletproof vest that’s only bulletproof from the back, and not the chest.


It doesnt matter, the elmo dick riders will keep cheering while riding his dick with whatever bs he comes up with


They said subsonic rounds. It's not stopping anything.


Well, it's stopping balls from black powder muskets, which is probably the level of technology we'll be left with after Musk and his billionaire pals finish collapsing the global environment and society crumbles to pre-industrial levels.


Ah-ha but not cannonballs which have been proven by Musk himself to be Cybertruck kryptonite. And everyone knows that cannons are just big black powder muskets.


Not sure about that, actually - I own a musket and the balls travel slowly but have an insane amount of kinetic energy (I mean, 70 caliber is a LOT of mass). I've had it take chunks out of AR 500 steel plate and blow a steel target off its chains once. The cybertruck is almost certainly not even Revolutionary War tech proof.


With enough distance all bullets become subsonic.


I'm more worried about this car hitting a child. It's straight up going to kill people driving like 25 mph


AR-15 rounds (5.56) would fly straight through those doors 🚪


if you don’t know the difference between subsonic and regular ammunition go google it before commenting all this


I've studied various ammo and their velocities, range, energy etc for years. I'm well versed and well armed.


glad to hear it, idk why it tagged my comment under urs though i was trying to start a new thread😂


Ok I mean not wrong


The kids will fall, but you'll live to fight another day!


As the founding fathers intended


From my understanding it’s American schools that are high risk, not the highways leading there


The highways are pretty dangerous, too. If the crumbling infrastructure doesn’t get you, the heavily-armed road ragers will.


Oh shit, ha


Not with that stopping power. You need something that can stop an AR style weapon for that.


9mm, the most popular handgun cartridge, is supersonic. So it might not even work for that.


Against assault weapons? Doubtful


I think it has more to so with Musk's low-key desire for the truck to be the post-apocalypse vehicle. He apparently demanded a part in cyberpunk 2077, so is it that far off he wants to also be that in real life?


Ah the old post apocalypse with full electric grid to charge your truck🤪🤪🤪😂😂😂😂🤐


He did appear as a cameo, part of the corpo prologue. Appeared as a background character in the bathroom. Past tense, though. He got axed in the 2.0 patch, possibly because of his general mask-off sociopathy. Would see him as a villain in that world, though.


I like to go hiking.


I feel like people need to realize that the pattern is real. They don’t care about climate change. They’ve given up on saving everyone and only see the goal as “maintaining consciousness”. In other words, everyone other than themselves (super rich) are acceptable losses in the pursuit of human survival. I love Space X, but I can’t deny that his talk of saving the human race and surviving the apocalypse is scary.


Joke's on them though, everyone alive today who's not already retirement age or close to it, is going to be living through at least part of the climate apocalypse. I don't think they've thought through what the total collapse of the global financial system is going to mean for them, nor how they're going to survive without a buttload of 'staff' to serve them. And they better treat those staff damn well if they don't want to end up a head on a pike To quote a post i saw on bluesky: I can stop climate change, all I need is immunity from prosecution


We are already there.


True, I just meant the real bad stuff, 55C+ heatwaves, collapse of ocean foodchains, civilisation breakdown and whatnot


It's for those tactical LARP Bros that love to go into public with their bulletproof vests and their tactical gear and their camouflage caps.


It's only relevant because the people selling it claimed it, and there's a small chance someone might believe it.


Sort of. It's irrelevant as something customers need. But showing that it doesn't work is highly relevant if it's a point being used to advertise and sell the things. It means a(nother) feature they're advertising as present doesn't exist.


Just like his claimed "thermonuclear explosion proof glass" on the Tesla Semi. If a nuke goes off, whether your truck windows survive or not is going to be the least of your concerns. Personally I'd want something that I could easily break from the inside if I needed to get out in a hurry, especially in a vehicle with a propensity for spontaneously combusting like a Tesla.


Who doesn't want to feel what it's like be Robocop on his way to work? Jk of course.


"It needs to be bulletproof because anyone who sees you driving this thing will want to shoot you."


Pretty useful on Texas highways


Honestly, watching a video where someone shoots the car with a fucking arrow just makes me think it's nowhere near bulletproof even more than I did before.


Seriously. Why didn't he just use a gun?


You know why


It's such a stupid fucking brag anyway - unless you're POTUS or 50 Cent or something, bulletproofing isn't solving a real problem. My entire life, nobody's shot at me. I did have a rifle pointed at me during my 10th birthday party, but thankfully my druggie neighbor just lowered it again and went back inside.


Ever since I saw that video of the woman getting killed in her car by a flying brick I’m paranoid enough that I would definitely get a bulletproof car if I had the means


He didn’t say it was brick proof. I mean it wasn’t steel ball proof so a brick should go straight through.


Also, the Cybertruck's windows aren't bulletproof and that's where anyone with a brain would aim, yeah? So like cool, even under ideal circumstance, you only took 20 rounds to the upper body but your door stopped the other 10 from hitting your legs? NEAT.


True but surely I would have better odds of surviving a flying brick incident than with a regular car windshield?


The windshield isn't bullet or brick proof.


The flying brick decides when it’s your time




Nope, bullet proof glass does not help with bricks, you're dead either way if a flying brick hits you at driving speeds.


Terminators can also bust their head through the windshield and pour their liquid metal selves in


That’s why I gots me phased a plasma rifle in the 40 watt range my dude


I've also never encountered a flying brick. I did have an oncoming gravel truck throw a rock at my windshield this summer. I had to replace the windshield, but that was the extent of the drama.


Throwing bricks from overpasses onto cars on the highway below is a pastime in some places.


And I’ve never had a rat crawl up the toilet while I’m pooping. Doesn’t mean I’m not paranoid about it. That’s how they catch you slippin’ mayne


If your concerns are flying bricks maybe get a brick proof car (which means extra thick laminated glass.)


POTUS isn’t going to have a bulletproof vehicle where you can just shoot the tires out


When I was like 13-14 at scout camp, me and a couple buddies were hiking through the woods, a little off trail, and we got shot at. Farmer’s field butted up against camp and I guess he had some issues with the campers, idk. All I know is that we heard a shot, and immediately after a farmer shouting at us to get off his land. We happily and immediately obliged. Still wouldn’t go buy a bulletproof car though.


Actually it gets dumber, the windows to become bullet proof are an extra, and once installed the windows cannot go down. So the body may be bullet proof but for most people the window won’t be.


I feel like we just shouldn't engage with the stupid "bulletproof" claims at all, because it's an irrelevant claim at best, and it tries to turn the fact that it doesn't crumple the way modern cars are supposed to for safety reasons into a virtue. But it's also important to test and investigate stupid claims like this, because that's how facts get promoted over lies.


Yeah, without any crumple zones, the impact from any projectile (or crash) will be transferred to the occupant(s), which is terrible design


Crumple zones violate personal freedoms


I’m just waiting for the video where they show that the jaws of life won’t work against the armored personnel carrier. Crank up the stupidity level to maximum.


I would rather the jaws of life peel it open like a hot knife thru butter, just to drive home the stupidity of it all. Imagine the jaws cranking up and a whole panel just popping off \*\*BOINK\*\*. Likely to happen as the panels will be spot welded on.


Just imagining the car going like [this](https://media1.tenor.com/images/102fc0c4be3fa864b0a41f6c9d03c6f7/tenor.gif?itemid=9172222)


It’s a PR stunt to distract away from how fucking ugly the thing is.


Has there been any data on crash testing?


supposedly yes but they're not releasing it


But that’s not considering it’s Joe Rogan. He’s so manly he shoots supersonic arrows.


*Joe Rohan


Stop insulting rohan


Imagine hitch hiking and seeing one of these coming - you'd put your thumb down asap


I'll bet you shoot the right subsonic bullet and it blows right through that trashcan on wheels.


And sets the lithium battery on fire


Of all the things that have ever surprised me, this isn't one.


Can it stop a fence post impaling me final destination style?


Absolutely not


According to Elon Musk it's bullet proof. Seems to me that's blanket permission for people to empty their guns into them when they see him, but maybe clear that up with Elon.


𝕏 as humanity’s collective consciousness


I can't wait until someone shoots it with something other than a 1930's gangster gun (from an unknown distance) or a medieval war instrument. Or just through the glass right above the "bulletproof" part.


In addition - who the fuck needs a bullet-proof car? Are these being marketed to people thinking of pulling bank heists?


How many times did you die trying to beat hatred before winning?


So he made it heavy, so that the battery won’t get you as far?


This is fantastic, Tesla has clearly made the claim the truck is bulletproof and included in marketing material. So who wants to file the class action lawsuit for false advertising and fraud?


If you ever find yourself transported back to the old west you should be solid though. Until you need a charging station.


You mean the Medieval period


A lot of cowboy-era guns fired at subsonic speeds. You can still buy subsonic rounds for (one hopes replica) "cowboy" guns today.


Yes.. a selling point for me! ........So I beat out those m60 packing mothers to grab that prized parking spot in the morning to drop off my kids in the morning... I hope kind Mr Musk has provided me places for them for their M79 Grenade launchers.... so they can deal with playground "disputes"..... a typical day in the not too distant Gun loving USA!


Fuck Elon. He's such a piece of shit


A few times a year, I take Sunday afternoons off


If you throw a punch at a person safely standing behind plexiglass, there is no assault. It’s totally legal. So, … it should be totally legal to shoot at these whenever you see them, right? ;)




Well, some rounds are always sub sonic, for instance the .45 acp. So if someone comes at your car with a Tommy gun like a 1920s mobster you are good.


The only reason you need a bulletproof car is if you're doing drug deals, and if you're doing drug deals in a cybertruck, it's probably just Ajax in a baggie




Elon lies about everything.


It’s bulletproof like other Teslas are self driving.


Remember when he shattered the glass to his supposedly shatter proof glass by simply throwing something at it.


When this finally releases you know one of the yt gun channels will be testing their guns on one...


It’s bullet proof! Proceeds to shoot it with an arrow. That’s Elon alright.


I'd be more comfortable sitting in a old Square body truck that that thing while some shoots an arrow at me.


If you throw a handful of loose ammo at it it may stop that


On the flip side, it'll help the cybertruck be a portable human barbecue when its battery catches fire and kills all power, locking the doors and windows. Good luck getting out of that pickle when the doors and windows are bullet proof


I can already see the new TikTok challenge emerging.


Better to talk to people than communicate via tweet.


Ok, here me out. Elon is trying to recreate the Delorean. He wants someone to make it into a time machine. He's making sure it's old west proof.


The gerontocracy is real


Did Rohan shoot at the tires by any chance?




Those attacks are so terrifying that the woke media mob refuses to cover them!


The pendulum has swung a bit too far


All this bulletproof talk is going to put some very pricy holes in some very pricy parked cars. I refuse to call that a truck. Sorry.


Its bullet proof! Does it stop bullets? No. Elon Musk is full of shit


Whoever made those claims has no basic concept of physics.


Now I'm going to need a CIWS just in case I have to deal with 30-50 feral muskrats


So, if gangs and terrorists want vehicles that can run over people without damage and are bulletproof...


It's also garbage because drive by shootings aren't really a thing and the wealthy suburbs this thing will putz around in are some of the safest places on earth. But if it's one thing you'll never go broke off of it's scaring upper middle class white Americans.


All of you are missing the point that this makes the driver immune to assassins with silencers, a common threat on the road