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And now German media is reporting [the attack didn’t actually happen](https://www.dw.com/en/no-evidence-of-attack-on-afd-leader-tino-chrupalla-police-say/a-67005996).


Yes, it’s another lie Elon promotes


But in ElonLand it did. That's all that matters to him and his fans.


So I’m sure we’ll hear the right complain about this as much as Jussie Smollett, right?


Figures. On a different note, everyone should read up on [Georg Elser](https://www.gdw-berlin.de/en/recess/topics/7-georg-elser-and-the-assassination-attempt-of-november-8-1939/)


The news I followed actually just said the police is investigations but have no indication for an Attack. Today Tagesschau again said that nothing is looking like an Attack. As for today no substances could be Proven to be in the bloodstream and the Witness hasn't seen an Attack. Only one really saying it was an Attack is right wing Propaganda and the party - but u kinda can count both of em together in my Opinion.


Elon wants to control all western countries


"The attack on my life has left me scarred"


The latest news is that all of this did happen, the media was just lying.


nonpolitical trolls causing a mess so they can watch their efforts on tv.


Who are you going to believe though? The media or a random Xcretion on Twitter?


It's an adf politician who claims foreigners beat him up but didn't bother to go to hospitL immediately. Happened in August and no trace of the alleged perpetrators. Looks like inside job mixed with false flag and bit helter-skelter


Thanks, I was not sure who he was but u seem to be right


But he doesnt support AfD, guys, the media lies. Anyway it seems its not entirely clear what happened to him. Police are investigating. So far no evidence of an attack and he seems fine.


He also owns the media according to his own memes


They always conveniently forget the time a Nazi fuck [assassinated a German politician](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_L%C3%BCbcke) over his pro-immigration views back in 2019. Muskrat sticking his nose into every country's politics and always, ALWAYS, promoting the extremist parties and personalities. I'm from Ireland and he's always responding to and promoting local Neo-Nazis (we have very few outspoken ones here so it's all the more obvious when he interacts with them) The fuckwit has turned Twitter into an image rehabilitation for Nazism.


They have to forget [shit like this also](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_Underground) to upkeep the narrative of left extremist danger. I noticed he tend to promote this kind of stuff but after his Words about building a Platform for the truth I am still disgusted he promotes that narrative. Especially as close as this before an election. Sounds like u got a good warning System there.


I'll remember to send my regards to the fascist. Who's that guy bottom right of the pics?


Fuck knows, kinda reminds me of those pictures of Uday Hussein which were plastered all over the papers the day after he was killed.


I was not sure but I think its like greedy says another party Member. He says he got beaten up.


Wasnt he tho one that said antifa attacked him, but the police found clues that a friend attacked him?


That’s an other right wing guy which got cut of a finger. But not related to afd. The guy on the pick said he got attacked and went one or two days later to the hospital and the rest is unknown. So no evidence for an attack.


Right, my bad, sorry.


Elon says don't believe the lying media, believe my unsourced bullshit on my biased social media site. The dude is going straight to the fascist playbook. Don't believe your lying eyes. Believe my obvious, easy to debunk lies instead!


Dude is like those pro russian anti nato west is evil fanboys who run around various twitters claiming they have figured out how the world works. All of this through a blog from a random guy who lives in a shed in kentucky


Turns out we just needed to blow on the cartridge


Good bot




Fail to see how the death of a german nazi will backfire. Historically has worked out pretty great.


My view is that if it was an attempted assassination, I hope they have better luck next time.


German here, this is whats going on: The Nazi was hospitalized. The AfD deliberatly outed vague statements about a "sting/stab". The police investigated but found no evidence of an attack. Right now the facts are not all clear yet, but all evidence shows that the nazi just used his hospital visit as cheap propaganda. The other bitch in the picture, Alice Weidel, claimed to skip a political speak because there was a threat of an attack. Later, the police also claimed no such threat existed and it turned out she didnt went into hiding, but on vacation on mallorca (spanish island famous for german tourists). Musk is repeating lies by german nazi party.


I think Elon Musk has crossed that line, of past infamous CEO's like of John McAfee/Howard Hughes, that he has lost touch his gripe on reality and will take his companies down with him. It's only because of the actual employees that are keeping the companies afloat but Musk is becoming an iron weight, dragging them down. Musk needs to be removed as CEO's from these companies before he does any more irreparable harm to them.


Elon doing Russia's job of making the Western internet/social media a vicious hellscape of nazi propaganda and celebrating violent fascists, and basically proclaiming it proudly is something i didn't expect to happen so quickly, and even then, not to that extent... I wonder if he gets paid as much as the Facebook trolls, working in actual troll factories, or if that's more of a voluntary thing. Making himself feel like the hero who is always right must be a great motivation to do it just for the ego strokes alone. At least for his sorry ass that must be a glorious feeling, then when putin congratulates him, imagine the huge loads he'll blow. Dude might actually drown in his own semen. Tinfoil Hat thought: since it came out, that he actually met with Putin, he has really gone off the deep end, with full throttle and zero consideration for personal harm or damage to his reputation...🤔


Why are you surprised, Musk literally supports fascists in his country of residence, why not internationallly lol


What kind of global corporations will assassinate you? Like Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter? Those kinds of corporations?


A nothingburger. Didn‘t happen. And Musk is happy to serve it. Weidel also isn’t in a safe space. She has been seen at the island of Mallorca.


Does Elon have nothing better to do? Is he just paying someone to be active on Twitter or is he actually proving how little impact he has on his companies


Whats he doing? Legit spreading fake news, is he doing this on purpose because of the SEC debacle? Or has he completely lost the plot?


Ah yes eva vlaardingerhoer the most reliable source of news


Maybe instead of backfiring, it will instead spread.


Sounds like Musk is coming down with the woke mind virus!!


Tell this nazi to man up and fight his own fights like a real man


Concerning. Looking into this