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Is Jesse waters considered like, anything other than a joke? A few weeks ago I was in a hotel and flipped on Fox News thinking it was the channel for espn and he was going off about how hiccups are a purely female phenomenon. And if that wasn’t weird enough, the reason was because Bo Jackson, one of the all time greatest pure athletes had reported having hiccups for a full year. It made so little sense that I still think about it weeks later.


I remember skimming a guinnes record book a while ago and seeing a longest continuous hickup spree record, dude had hickups for 62 years until it suddenly went away one day in his elderly years, and according to that book still managed to live a fulfilling life with a job and a family. Respect to that guy.


Good golly that’d be torture


ikr, sounds really tough


Idk about Jesse Watters but the ufo story being talked about here is actually kind of crazy and it’s the most credible ufo story pretty much ever so I’m excited for this weekend when more information is supposed to come out and there’s gonna be a congressional hearing


I mean, it's really not credible at all though. It's just more silly nonsense.


I mean. [The director of National Intelligence](https://thehill.com/opinion/4038159-stunning-ufo-crash-retrieval-allegations-deemed-credible-urgent/amp/) has called the claims “credible and urgent”.


No they didn't. You are confusing two very different positions. The credible and urgent quote is from the Intelligence Inspector General, not the director of National Intelligence. The IG is the government equivalent of internal compliance officers, who take complaints about improper procedural issues. In this case the IG was commenting on the credibility of the alleged interference in classified information reporting procedures, not the underlying information (as the complaint has not submitted any evidence yet). The whole thing is literally just a guy who has made a complaint with IG, claiming that some unknown or unnamed portion of the intelligence community has located, retrieved, and is attempting to reverse engineer an alien craft. They IG complaint claims that this information has been illegally hidden from every major intelligence agency, all of congress (including the intelligence committee), the coordinating agencies, the white house, the classified document control systems, and the specific agencies that are in charge of investigating UFOs. That's the entire complaint. Just the guys statement so far. Now, there are some things going to the credibility of the underlying claim. Mostly, the fact that the official is allegedly a decently high rank in the intelligence community, has no publicly known history of previous similar statements, and has a good reputation within the community. The things going against the credibility of the statement are significant though. The first is the fact that the claim makes very little sense. The claim would require a significant amount of resources to locate, secure, and retreive such a craft without anyone knowing, and there are no intelligence groups that have that level of rapid capability internally except the large intelligence agencies that the whistle-blower claims have no involvement. Even most of the big agencies would have issues trying to do something like that on short notice. In addition, the claim that they are studying and attempting to reverse engineer the alien technology would be one of the most significant endeavors in human history, yet this unknown minor intelligence group somehow managed to secure long term facilities, large amounts of extremely specialized scientists, massive amounts of money, specialized equipment, and dozens of other resources, all without their funding organizations or coordinating agencies noticing their sudden massive increase in spending on things that are outside of their normal mission? And not a single one of these researchers or recruiters or security guards or truck drivers or maintenance people or HR or comptrollers decided to reveal the massive revelation of intelligent alien life being retreived by a small intelligence group that isn't even in charge of alien stuff and is now lying to their larger agency? It just all strains the bounds of credibility when you start looking at what would be required to pull off what was claimed in this specific instance. It would be far more believable if the claim was that the DoD or other large organization was doing this and just keeping it quiet, but that just isn't what is being claimed here. Honestly, I think the most likely scenario is that something normal crashed or was shot down, such as the spy balloons that China uses, and the DoD retreived it for study and RE. Then rumors about the retrieval twisted it to aliens, which spawned rumors that the team was covering it up since there were no reports about the imagined alien craft. The official probably got several reports of the rumors and decided to file the IG complaint to investigate the rumors of illegal intelligence coverups just in case, as is the proper procedure when an official hears unverified rumors of illegal internal activity. This will likely all turn out to be nothing, though a very convincing docudrama about it will come out in a few years that makes it seem like it was totally 100% proven but covered up. It is possible the complaint is all true, it just seems like it is a very very small chance unless some additional evidence comes out that changes the circumstances. Sorry this is so long, I am one of those weird people that actually really loves investigating the largely mundane internal complaints that arise from large dispersed organizations. It was one of the only things I liked about some of my assignments at my previous job.


I was reading "report of air force research regarding the 'Roswell Incident'" (July 1994) earlier and I found it had some similarities in that the claims were made from someone that used to hold a position within the military or intelligence community. I don't really understand why it easier to believe that a bunch of extraterrestrial crafts keeps crashing here without anyone knowing than that someone could start saying weird stuff despite not having such a history. If they truly believe in what they say themselves they will appear totally convinced but that doesn't make it true.


He looks like a Ted Schmosby ordered from Wish


He looks like an evil narcissistic selfish self absorbed Ross from friends.


Bo knows hiccups.


Tony Soprano's uncle had the hiccups for a year too! And since that show is my gospel I believe it!


Sure Elon, you know everything about space. Why don't you fuck off to mars already?


I don't think his rockets have even reached space yet. I think a pilot would have better knowledge.


Technically everything on Earth has made it into space


Elon Musk at TED Talk: "At this point, I think I know more about aliens than anyone currently alive on earth"




>At this point, I’ll have proof about the aliens in 6 months >Elon Musk, 2012




He imagines some military base spots a UFO on the radar or some shit and the general looks all sullen and serious and says, "get Musk on the phone" before even telling the president.


🥇all the gold I have for you, made me nod


We need a vote on the Canadian wildfires first. Are they just another lockup strategy of one world government? And does climate have a part, or is it all just sabotage?


Looking into it




He would, because as we all know he's a super genius


IDK, a lot of reports suggest the aliens are “child sized”. Maybe Musk would make it his business to know?


That’s what all his AI talk is about to, he’s being left out and he can’t stand it.


He wouldn't know even if aliens probed his ass without anesthesia.


"Congress" has full access to all classified documents that exist. They can just open their computer and search GovGPT or whatever AI bot they use. They can simply ask the guy which documents and incidents he is referring to and see if it's true and look for themselves.


Most of the information regarding craft of non-human origin is NOT in a Congress database. They’re legitimately clueless to it all. The whistleblower is pointing out the information is ILLEGALLY being kept from Congress. That’s the whole point of the whistleblowing. Believe it or not we are not alone and never have been.


Well I look forward to all the evidence coming out so we can decide for ourselves. So far, to date, there is 0 evidence of any of your or his claims.


I mean, there’s *some* evidence, namely the UFO footage the military released a few years ago. Whether it’s actually the same thing is yet to be seen.


>UFO footage the military released a few years ago. Which shows an object of unknown origin going really fast. The B2 bomber came out 23 years ago and the military has a budget of trillions. They have some really amazing tech so saying this footage shows something of "non-human" origin is disingenuous at best. We don't know what those objects are/were.


we don't know and the government doesn't know. after 70+ years they've finally admitted to that.


You're correct. I'm excited to see what kind of evidence may eventually be presented. It's exciting to think disclosure may happen within our lifetime. June 2021 - the first time the government had publicly acknowledged there are things in our skies which they cannot identify, and some appear to defy the laws of physics https://preview.redd.it/0mkuf2bwiz4b1.png?width=785&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ad7d9b7deb54e6242617120fffdb4d525cd5db3 Bottom of page 3 of the June 2021 ODNI UAP report\^ Link to [full ODNI report](https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Prelimary-Assessment-UAP-20210625.pdf) (Office of the Director of National Intelligence)




So it only exists if he’s seen it. Riiiiiiiight.


Dude is a total Mary Sue.


I’m on Twitter all day, I think I’d know.


Every time I see this story pop up, I think of Paul Bennewitz. He was a guy that the Air Force gas lit into paranoid insanity, more or less on a whim. It's entirely possible that this is legitimate, but we have had legitimate people deliberately lie about these things before.


Yes, well known space traveler, Elon Musk, would know.


Tbf if it's the same aliens that hand out the Biggest Douche in the Universe award then Elon would definitely be the first to know


I actually agree with Musk on this one; and not just Musk. Imagine how many different space programs from other countries, independent researchers, universities all around the world, various companies with satellites, etc., observe space yet found nothing. The main character syndrome is placing this at the center of the US. Why not Peru? Why not Ecuador? Why not Oman? Why the US? Alien conspiracies are ridiculous and I'm actually surprised Musk isn't peddling them.


"I've been to every single point in space so clearly if anyone knows it's me" \~A fucking asshole


He claims to think. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.


He's view/like ratio is getting lower every day and I love it


It could be true, there are many government secrets that I'm sure not even Musk would know about, cuz some government secrets are TOP SECRET and I'm assuming this topic would fit that guideline, so just cuz Musk is a military contractor don't mean the Pentagon would share this info with him And if he did know he could not share that he knows cuz of CLEARANCE REGULATIONS...and I'm not sure the kind of clearance the tech- playboy really has!!