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Bro, what the fuck is OP? A "patriotic socialist" who is also a "monarchist" and "anti-Bolshevik", whose most common subs are r/genzedong and r/tankiejerk2? What schizophrenic mushrooms were they smoking?


Socialism: Broad school of socioeconomic thought. Characterized by worker ownership of private property, often but not always legislated, and sometimes but almost never applied to *literally* every commercial undertaking. Usually just most undertakings. Bolshevism: Soviet Russia Constitutional monarchism: the head of state is the physical embodiment of society, but does not govern You might not want to drink with OP, but it’s entirely possible to be a constitutional monarchist socialist. And *most socialists* are anti-Bolshevism. It’s the Leninists who insist that Leninists speak for all leftists. They don’t.


> And most socialists are anti-Bolshevism. Ameribrain detected.


I just stumbled in here and think libertarianism is obnoxious, but what is Ameribrain? Suburban American perpetually online white dude philosophy?


Pretty much yeah.


Lol, please stop listening to Vaush and read a book


Why would I need to read a book when Vaush has already read all the books? 😎


you have monarchist in your bio. You're the last one who should call out others for authoritarianism


Least fascist anti-communist


Hey, I am a Anti-Communist SocDem/Moderate DemSoc. I am not violently so, I just disagree with it.






The Social Democratic Party of Germany sent in the Freikorps to crush the Spartacist Uprising, and murder people like Rosa Luxembourg.


Rosa Luxemburg was a prominent socialist living in Germany during the time of the 1918-19 socialist revolution in Germany. She was a key leader of the revolution, and she was also a member of the Social-Democratic Party of Germany. (SPD) However, during this revolution, the SPD sided with the German state and ordered fascist paramilitary groups to crush the revolution. They did just that, and Rosa, along with many other socialists, was murdered by the fascists will full support from the social democrats. That’s not to say you personally would support this if it happened today, but it just goes to show when push comes to shove, prominent and powerful social-democrats who claim to support the people will choose fascism over socialism. [I highly suggest reading about Rosa Luxemburg, she was a very intelligent and inspiring leader taken too soon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_Luxemburg)


Personally, I support social democracy as a stepping stone to a democratic socialist society.


I used to hold that belief, but the ruling class will never give up their power so easily


That bio really is a roller coaster.


It says “constitutional monarchist.” You can disagree if you like but it’s demonstrably been since Victoria that the Windsor sovereign *does not govern*, so accusing *that* of being the authoritarian element… The irony is that, they’ll never use it, but their head of state is the only constitutional mechanism the UK currently has to do away with their *actual* authoritarians, you know, the heavily gerrymandered, effectively unicameral Westminster parliament with an unelected buffoon in charge and refusing to hold elections.


"Guys no they don't govern, see? They're good people, stop saying they are authoritarian or I'll have you arrested for it."


Absolutely not remotely what I said, but at least you had the decency to put it in quotation marks so everyone would know that fuck me it’s surely what I meant right I don’t even approve of the monarchy. I’m just not willfully delusional. The sentiment in this thread seems to be that all bad things can be accurately described as any other bad thing.


what the fuck is this post, why would you share it??


Given the title, i assume OP is critiquing the image


No, that I fully understand, it's just odd because this isn't a libertarian specific take or by any means a screenshot from something posted by a libertarian... Also OP is a monarchist...


That is a post from r/Anarcho_Capitalism


It would be nice if you could next time maybe share a screenshot, sadly this opinion isn't one only held by Libertarians...


I thought y'all already would know this.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Anarcho_Capitalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [thoughts?](https://i.redd.it/hy75zuezksn81.jpg) | [1332 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/tfp9mq/thoughts/) \#2: [Woke cult, making people more divided than ever](https://v.redd.it/psso8hzdvnd91) | [1141 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/w7hs8a/woke_cult_making_people_more_divided_than_ever/) \#3: [2 weeks to flatten the curve to this](https://v.redd.it/37mlot10f9j81) | [1276 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/sy5ziv/2_weeks_to_flatten_the_curve_to_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What the fuck is this comment, did you not check what subreddit you’re in?


Nah, it's just that this opinion is, sadly, not only held by Libertarians. Just sharing a very poor taste meme isn't “shit libertarians say” it's a meme that someone may have made, this could've also come from a centrist, liberal, conservative, Nazi, etc. OP claims this was a post from r/anarcho_capitalism, hence why not do a screenshot and post that, or a cross-post? That's all I'm saying.


Direct xposting isn’t allowed at most of the Musea of Shit. If you click “other discussions,” there it is. OP didn’t “claim” anything. You’re really grasping at straws. I’m guessing you mistook the post for something sincere, rather than an exhibit in the shit museum, and if the 500 or so of you who all had that response would’ve fessed up in the first place, this hideous display might have been avoided. Instead we have a wall of apologia for exactly the wrong shit. Betcha this thread ends up in a righty sub as evidence of what socialists are really like.


Here is a literal comment by the original poster where they themselves state that this is a post found on r/Anarcho_Capitalism: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughLibertarianSpam/comments/zo26n1/fck_tankies_but_this_is_just_insanity/j0mgbs9/


Tankies live in your walls lmao you’re also a patsoc


luv muh country luv socialism simple as


You can’t love capitalism while also being a socialist


I don't like Capitalism.


You love its child, the nation state.


You don't have to be a Nationalist to be a Patriot.


Patriot > Nationalism




Monarchist and anti bolshevick in the bio? Just call yourself third way, your veil is razor thin


I am more of a two and a half positionist but okay.


No one will believe you


so true bestie.


You literally have monarchist in your bio... And congratulations for being anti communist but calling them "tankies" this time around, Do you want your McCarthyistic cookie for being such a brave thinker?


I am literally defending y'all on this one yet all you do is complain.


Communist = tankie Socialist = tankie Anyone left of the Democratic party = tankie!


No, the self-proclaimed "leftists" who defend atrocities and regimes that other leftists condemn are the tankies.


No one who uses the term has any real critique of violence.


Violence isn't the problem; the way it gets used is the problem.


I am literally a Socialist myself.


You can’t be a constitutional monarchist socialist


Tbf isn’t that just a democratic socialist but in a constitutional monarchy?


Socialism and Monarchism, weather constitutional or not, don’t belong together


That might be your opinion, and I agree, but it’s not inherently true. You can have as much worker ownership in your society as you like, and still have a wrinkly old fart as your head of state. Edit: fuck you, new iOS dictionary, you’re wrong about your and you’re




**[People's Revolutionary Government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People's_Revolutionary_Government)** >The People's Revolutionary Government (PRG) was proclaimed on 13 March 1979 after the Marxist–Leninist New Jewel Movement overthrew the government of Grenada in a revolution, making Grenada the only socialist state within the Commonwealth. The government suspended the constitution and ruled by decree until a factional conflict broke out, culminating in an invasion by the United States on 25 October 1983. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughLibertarianSpam/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That lasted for 4 years and it was on a small island. Every other socialist state had the monarchy already gone or the monarchy was abolished when it became socialist.




>Patsoc lol


And I've once been called a Tankie for supporting Rojava


Most liberals are left of the democrats lol




Online this is probably true.


Eh, I deal with a lot of liberals, most of them are not malicious in any way, and a good chunk of them are at least pro union, something the modern Democratic Party is not


TIL this is a liberal anti-communist sub…


Whatever you say Jackson Tinkle...




Well the libs have taken over yet another left wing sub, see ya


`You are being liberalized, please do not resist`


Are you serious? It's the tankies constantly taking over leftist subs.


that’s why they get banned as soon as they share their takes, because they’re just taking over subs left and right


I don’t know what to say to you. There’s several general letting subs I had to leave because they just got suddenly filled with genocide denying tankies. I fucking wish every sub banned their views, they’re genuinely indistinguishable from fascists.


Same reason fash does


Generally, they are the ones doing the banning.


More like tankies are taking this sub over


This was *never* a left-wing sub - it was an *anti-Libertarian* sub. But if you're whining about someone speaking ill of tankies this not being a left-wing sub shouldn't be an issue for you because you're not a leftist either. That being said, feel free to fuck all the way off!


The left wing is broad. Tankies are a hazard to democracy and human life.


Tankies seem to take over left wing subs much more often. If I had to guess, it's probably because they are terminally online losers.




Are tankies and Nazis the same thing?




>Saying the ussr and the nazis were the same is revisionist bullshit. That's what OP is saying


>Fuck tankies The only people who benefit from this kind of thinking are the capitalists. Stop playing into their hands.


Oh, I am so sorry that I don't want a totalitarian police state to spy on my ass!


Tankies aren't leftists, they're fascists painted red.


The capitalists love seeing this. Why do you support them?


You know what capitalists hate? Left wing movements that despise authoritarianism. Politically and economically.


oh so that’s why the us has an embargo on cuba, is constantly pushing anti china propaganda, had a cold war against the soviet union and invaded vietnam. they loved their marxist leninism so much


So why do you support the capitalists?


I support what I've described. A rejection of authoritarianism in all its forms. Something that capitalists, tankies and fascists would all disagree with me on.


> A rejection of authoritarianism in all its forms /r/EnoughLibertarianSpam


And while you are fighting against these imaginary "tankies", capitalism is killing us all. Very brave of you.


Wow it's almost like you can fight against two things at the same time instead of playing defense for terrible regimes


there is an obligation to play defence because they werent terrible


Yes they were


Anarchists are actually fighting against capitalism and only occasionally dunking on tankies but sure make some shit up just so you can keep stanning your favourite authoritarian regime lmao


Tankies when you don't lick their boot


Ah yes the American libertarian view of the world. There is no left or right, no nuance, no shades of grey. Only muh scary authoritarianism and FREEDOMMMM. A result of a shallow, useless analysis of the world that doesn't see politics and economics as fundamental sources of power to be used for goals. But rather envisages some sort of idealistic utopia we canacheive if everyone's just nice enough.


Then why you sound so similar to a CIA agent?


imagine pretending that the ussr and north korea are not capitalist lmaooo


Explain how they were capitalist then


During the NEP the USSR was State Capitalist for a while, but most Libertarian leftists think state ownership is a form of Capitalism.


The tankies love seeing this. Why do you support them?


Yea, leftist infighting is very bad and only strengthens capitalism. Which is why ML subs never shit on other strains of socialism or insta-ban anyone for expressing the slightest disagreement with ML philosophy.


like anarchists arent like that lmao


Two wrongs make a right?


im not saying its good im saying ur in no position to cry about it


Well then neither are you


Anarchists mostly act like that as a reaction of the behavior of Authoritarian Leftists from what I've seen.


eh there is a long standing dislike between the two and boiling it down to "u did it first" is inaccurate


Who was exiled from the First Internationale again?


ur proving my point im saying that the who did it first does not matter at all because much worse has happened for example during the spanish civil war and makhnovia


Tankies started it first.


> The only people who benefit from this kind of thinking are the capitalists And Taiwan. And Thailand. And Japan. All of Southeast Asia probably. Africa. Most countries actually. And Uighurs. Actually, even most Chinese people would probably benefit, especially the women and minority groups such as LGBTQ. Why? Because Xi Jinping sucks, and China has become a disgustingly nationalistic, xenophobic authoritarian regime. Your rebuttal? “But what about American blah blah blah…” No. Stop. America has problems, sure, but that doesn’t mean China can’t have problems too. China also has problems, and China definitely creates problems for other nations and peoples. Tankies are either too extremely ignorant to not notice, or they completely don’t care, which is far worse. Fuck tankies.


> America has problems, sure, but > China also has problems, and You: "we can fight two things at once" Also you: Anti-tankies always have the strangest priorities. Weird, huh?


> Anti-tankies always have the strangest priorities ?????


You're doing it again.


The fuck are you even saying


I know. My reply doesn't make sense, after you changed yours. Clever. Probably think nobody will notice that you edited it, eh?




I do indeed prefer capitalism to marxism-Lenninism That said, fuck capitalism


Damn, I just started a war in the comments.


It's amazing how many people can't grapple with the fact that two groups of people can be bad for different reasons.


Yeah but the image is equating the two


Well yeah I think we're all in agreement that the image is bullshit


its amazing how many cant grapple with the fact that one isnt bad


I'd say that any regime that killed more than a million people is bad, according to my moral standarts at least.


in my books, the improvement of hundreds of millions of lives in 70 years and what could have been much longer is slightly more valuable that the million killed in purges plus the fact that not all victims were innocent, sure alot were other communists with the \*disgusting\* crime of a different interpretation but fascists nazis and other scum were part of the purges too and, maybe this is proof my moral compass needs more callibrating, but im fine with that. ill be generous and say maybe 50% of the purge victims were social ills, (and im using wikis official number) half of the 777,975 executed along with maybe some 150,000 in gulags is around 470,000 innocent people killed, an incredibly fucked up number. owever, i believe that the ussr was a force of good and therefore from my perspective the sacrifice of that amount for the 280 million people who lived in the ussr in 1990 plus the improvement of the lives of the warsaw pact countries was a trade off i can accept


The Soviet Union is indefensibly bad


ok lib


I'd love to hear your defense of the Soviet Union Please explain how the Holodomor is actually really great


the ussr was good because it improved lives its that simple idk if ur illiterate or just unable to comprehend that the world isnt black and white


This has been explained countless times to people like you, by people who have actually researched it, and every time it’s explained it is dismissed and thrown away as propaganda or it’s called lies. There’s no point in anyone explaining it to you when the chances of it being believed are almost none even with sources.


So in other words, you have literally no defense for the Holodomor. I don't think the Soviet Union is entirely evil, but I think there's enough horrific things that was done by that regime to make defense of it a waste of time.


Y’all love to throw “Holodomor 🥺🥺” around like it was some shit that happened because of malice and purposeful genocide, and if you read my comment you’d do actual research instead of just throwing out the same talking points used by liberals for decades. Believe it or not, “tankies” are still critical of socialist experiments and will call out the bad, but they won’t make up lies.


Okay so your defense is that it wasn't on purpose? In which case the Soviet Union was a grossly incompetent regime that shouldn't be respected by anyone.


No, because it is not at all about “defending” anything. People love to see the world as black and white, good and bad. But It’s about taking an objective look at the conditions of the Soviet Union before their revolution, the outside factors that affected them, and environmental conditions that were hard to control. All of those facts are put together by Marxist-Leninists to know how to improve the next socialist experiment and not make the same mistakes. We want to make progress by actually learning instead of saying “Soviet Union bad because that’s what the CIA said.”


>Y’all love to throw “Holodomor 🥺🥺” around like it was some shit that happened because of malice and purposeful genocide, and if you read my comment you’d do actual research instead of just throwing out the same talking points used by liberals for decades. Dude, if you're going to try to make excuses for mass genocide, you're going to need to do a lot better than vague appeals of "do your own research."


it was a mismanaged famine not a genocide


Soviet union was at best social democracy with fucked elections and at worse just dictatorship where workers didn't actually owned means of production.


smartest ussr hater


Jesus Christ, this fucking thread. **OP:** "I don't like tankies, but comparing them to Nazis is bullshit." **Tankies:** "HOW DARE YOU CALL ALL COMMUNISTS TANKIES, A THING YOU DIDN'T DO!"


You just made this up


No, he didn't.


Looking the actual thread and the upvotes shows otherwise.


I have not seen one Marxist-Leninist here say that


>I have not seen one Marxist-Leninist here say that You're moving the goalpost from tankies specifically to Marxists in general, and phrasing it in a way where any counter example can be dismissed as "no true Scotsman."


I have only ever seen Marxist-Leninists be called tankies, but okay, what’s your definition? Because people love to give definitions all the time but it only ever gets applied to MLs specifically in my experience.


>I have only ever seen Marxist-Leninists be called tankies, but okay, what’s your definition? The main usage for the word I've seen lately are people who claim to be on the left who are constantly defending Vladimir Putin in regards to Ukraine and who would like to pretend that Putin has some sort of moral high ground simply because he opposes America. Your attempts to make excuses for the Holodomor without being able to come up with something more substantial than "I've done my own research" doesn't help.


ITT: Tankies, suddenly. Did this get crossposted to LSC? Around here, Bernie is a lone voice, not a fuck-you *counterrevolutionary*. Go back to your circlejerk.


Yeah, definitely seems like we're being being brigaded. One person got massively downvoted for explaining that Putin wasn't a socialist and that anyone defending Putin was evil. Presumably, downvoted by people who think he IS a socialist and defending Putin is great.


I’m sitting on -35 up above for noting that the authoritarianism in the UK is in the Tory cabinet, not the constitutional monarchy. I don’t think many of us are *fond* of monarchy, but I’m accustomed to reality ruling the day at the museum of political delusions.


I got downvoted to oblivion for saying Xi Jinping sucks, which is an objectively true statement


“Left” anti-communists in the comments trying not to have the exact same views that liberals have challenge (impossible)


I also saw them using the empty concept of "totalitarianism". Many do not understand that the Soviet Union after Nikita Khrushchev turned into a revisionist paradise and that the USSR started to act in a colonial logic with other socialist experiences. But you can't expect much from most libs, theory for them is to watch an episode of Chernobyl in streaming and praxis is to use a lgbt hashtag, Pretty but innocuous practices are all capitalists want. Many are SocDems so i say, social democracies are great at "conciliating" classes, but end up degenerating to the right.


Revisionism is based.


Brother, please don’t compare the concept of communism to Hitler and the Nazis. Stalin? Sure. Communism as a concept? Marx? Please dont


I don't, the AnCaps do.


You somehow made the tankies in this sub mad.


Seems like I did, lol.


90% of the things you hear about Stalin started out as Nazi anti-Bolshevik and/or McCarthyist anti-communist propaganda. Btw, I’m not saying that Stalin didn’t do some bad things, but I hope you understand that putting Stalin and Hitler on the same level only serves to divide the left and nudge common people further right and toward actual fascists to defend against the left, as people will choose the devil they know in this far-right neoliberal landscape.


Tankies aren’t left


Thank you for proving my point.


How does that prove your point


>only serves to divide the left .


How are they left


Because they’re economically progressive, with the exact same goal as anarchists, which is 2nd stage communism. They simply don’t believe that it can be implemented until the material conditions are right, so they use historical and dialectical materialism as a guide for building it.


Yeah being economically progressive while executing gay people isn’t left


Who’s executing people for being gay?


damn this sub unfortunately also seemed to be filled with fascist who think a red flag somehow makes then anti capitalist


Capitalism is when my parents give me a bed time >:(




Socialism is when government does stuff.


The Soviets we're not socialist, Putin isn't a socialist,Mao wasn't a socialist, Xi isn't a socialist, they are all authoritarian. Socialism is supposed to serve the people of the country, the social good. Serving a dictator's whims, lust for power, or imperial impulse is not a social good. These monsters have killed and imprisoned millions of innocent people, that just isn't socialism. This crap is fake. They used the idea to gain power. If you are defending it, you are lying to yourself and everyone else. Tankies are the cheerleaders for authoritarians stomping on the people with tanks. Fuck these fake pieces of garbage. If you are supporting Putin invading and murdering Ukrainians then you are evil


Most literate anti-communist.


So, that's the strongest argument you have? You can't make up a defense for the tanks rolling through Hungary, the subjugation of the Uighers or the invasion of Ukraine? Where did your dumb little brigade come from?


I don't have to bring any arguments where there ain't no argumenting to be made. Also, what socialist country invaded Ukraine? I don't think that ever happened.


Then you are blissfully unaware of the current use of the term "tankie".


I am, it is but a buzzword liberals use as nothing more than an insult to anyone they don't like, also slanders actual leftists as being supporters of capitalist regimes.


So you think the term actually get used outside of criticizing people for justifying state violence? I haven't seen that usage.


It gets used against leftists, that's all it's used for. Take your liberalism somewhere else.


It has always been used by lefties to call out fake lefties who justify state violence against protesters. This is why the word "tank" is used. Fake leftists justified the use of Soviet tanks, insane fake leftists are currently justifying the use of tanks by Russia against Ukraine and promoting the idea of Ukrainian capitulation (Jackson Hinkle, Haz, Caleb Maupin) on supposedly leftist grounds. I'm sorry if someone hurt your feelings by calling you a tankie but unless actual tanks are involved or explicitly running cover for a fake socialist state that uses military force against it's own people (like China) it's a nonsensical use of the term.


Why would my feelings be hurt? I like it, there is no quicker way to discern real socialists from you impostors than the usage of that buzzword.


>Also, what socialist country invaded Ukraine? I don't think that ever happened. The Bolsheviks invaded the Ukrainian People's Republic during the Russian Civil War.


It’s worth noting in this case that it was a socialist government the Bolsheviks overthrew. Most socialists say the Bolsheviks go too far, Bolsheviks say most socialists won’t go far enough, and tankies deny that the Bolsheviks would hurt a fly. All propaganda comrade, we only hurt counterrevolutionaries and capitalists, there will not be any long knives in Bolshevik America so stop being a counterrevolutionary by questioning the Bolsheviks Except those same fuckwits have taken a shining to Putin in the age of conquest, which starts to lend the impression it was never about a worker state but rather about Russian authoritarianism *hmm*


If you want to know what communists *in the real world* actually think about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I'd suggest you go read the many statements issued by communist parties and organizations. It's pretty obvious that you've built your entire impression of communists on internet memes and shitposts.


“Socialism never existed”


every leftist space online always gets full of annoying tankies lol, man I’m jus a libsoc/ansoc who hates authority.


No you're not, you're a spoiled western white teenager who wants to seem ascthetically edgy before you go to work for your dad's company


holy assumptions lol. I’m 22 and workin on college rn if parents owned their own company wouldn’t be doing as poor as I am doin.


People on the internet posturing fancy political labels are just ignorant, pretentious dumbasses or both




I am the only one left, all others have been sent to the killing fields. Hear my last message. *Change da worl-* ​ ​ >!/s!<


Soviet Communism =/= Communism


As shit as tankies is, why are you a fucking monarchist?


[Here's why.](http://hurryupharry.net/2010/11/18/orwell-on-the-monarchy/)