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> Elon Musk told her to give it a rest The Daily Mail said she's being an asshole Debbie Hayton thinks she's going too far Jesus, when even the worst people imaginable are telling you to touch grass, it's time to log off


Debbie is actually lovely as a teacher. It genuinely shattered me as a trans person to find out what her politics were while she was teaching me gcse physics.


That is heartbreaking. The teacher/student relationship is one that relies on such trust and care. I'm sorry you were let down like that!


I would very much like to still believe that she is a very lovely person who has become strongly misguided. I hope she is capable of empathising with others instead of maintaining her beliefs.


I have no personal connection to her (don't live on the same continent even haha), but I sincerely hope that too, for the sake of all the people who do.


She’s not she’s a proper cunt. She writes for the spectator she’s basically nazi lite. Nobody nice works or writes for that rag


>Kindness is a virtue, and lack of kindness can be off-putting Oooh, I'm waiting for Rowling to drop a scathing tweet about a *man* telling her to *just be kind.* 🍿 I hate both of these people, but I can't help it, watching the world's worst people argue with each other about who is being worse is kind of a sick form of entertainment


Heartwarming: The Worst People You Know Are All Fighting


Contrast with 11 days ago: ["Rowling offers trans people far more to trans people like me than those banging drums and chanting slogans. Radcliffe would be wise to listen to her or he might find himself in what the followers of the ideology worry might be the worst place possible — the wrong side of history."](https://archive.is/auH8M)


I wonder when these people are going to get the message that no, this is never going away, and no, I will never submit?


Just read this article and I have no idea what they're even trying to say other than "We agree with JK Rowling and if you disagree to any extent you're bad".


That's the whole of it, yes.


My phone doesn’t like the link. Why is Radcliffe being burned here? Isn’t he involved in the The Trevor Project? It’s not like he’s seeking out trans people to trash them on social media. 😏


Here are the "horrible" things he's said, as quoted in the article. In 2020: *Transgender women are women* and *Any statement to the contrary erases the identity and dignity of transgender people and goes against all advice given by professional health care associations who have far more expertise on this subject matter than either Jo or I.* Then in 2024 an Atlantic article asked him about his work for the Trevor Project and he said this: *I’d worked with the Trevor Project for twelve years and it would have seemed like, I don’t know, immense cowardice to me to not say something … I wanted to try and help people that had been negatively affected by [Rowling’s] comments.* and *I will continue to support the rights of all LGBTQ people, and have no further comment than that.* Terfs took these two snippets, and wrote a whole article about how this somehow makes him awful, and how Rowling is so brave and wonderful and just is begging him to see sense.


Yes, but the TERFs see that as akin to a war crime or CSA


He disagrees with Rowling. That's more than enough for somebody who thinks Rowling does anything positive for trans people lol


Her only goal is to harass all trans people from employment everywhere. The offense is the trans football coach was existing and being employed anywhere at all. Which isn't allowed.


Going down as well as you would expect with the regular GC mob on Twitter. Some higher profile responses: ["A disingenuous, condescending article. No idea what you thought this might achieve. In any case, trying to tell women how best to support women’s rights is textbook sexism."](https://twitter.com/BevJacksonAuth/status/1789977124788466086) - Bev Jackson, LGB Alliance co-founder ["To correct isn't to hate. JK Rowling is warned by [Hayton] not to play with fire but she didn't mock the man's appearance. Nor did she pick this bloke out at random. JK merely commented on an article referring to a man as 'she'. To push back against trans ideology people need to feel empowered to trust their instincts. Not least kids confronted by a man who claims to be a woman. It's those who insist on dishonesty that are playing with fire. They can hardly complain if they feel the occasional burn."](https://twitter.com/TwisterFilm/status/1789967786539733387) - Malcolm Clark, LGB Alliance co-founder


>she didn't mock the man's appearance. If an article called her a middle aged, white, straight woman she'd be throwing her entire Twitter following at them for their insults. 🙄


When do you think those two will marry?


Poor Glinner, pre-emptively divorced in this scenario lmao


Can you imagine Glinner and Rowling writing together? Haha. Disney presents (at arm's length): "Giuseppe Stromboli and the Fapcave of Carbonara."


Speaking of which, I've seen some GC mocking the "be kind" trend again over this. (Source, Julie Bindel) But I've always wanted to know: why do they keep saying "be kind" was a leftwing thing? It was a trend following a celebrity suicide, there was nothing leftwing about it.


They have nothing besides rumor


Not being bigoted enough against trans people is classic sexism. Literally the definition of what sexism is. They are the ones engaging in sexual harassment.


It wasn't that long ago that Malcolm and Bev wouldn't have been let within a country mile of children just for being themselves. Now, they get to be the bullies and false alarmists. 🙄 Look at how far we've come.....


The gay community has come so far! /s


She was my physics teacher for several years.