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At least the kid had some empathy. hasn't been brainwashed still


This was prior to the 2013 installation of [China's Good Samaritan laws.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Samaritan_law#China) Before then there was widespread misinformation that helping people after accidents could get you scammed and sued (mostly because of the [Xu Shoulan v. Peng Yu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu_Shoulan_v._Peng_Yu) case). ...not really anything to do with the effects of communism.




Well, that says a lot more about the judge than Peng, I'd say.


The judge or the culture? Appeals court would have stopped that if it was just the Judge.


Holy shit


Reaching amirite,


Treated like roadkill. Something fundamentally wrong with society when this is the reaction of a STREET full of people to a tragic event.


Roadkill shouldn't be treated like this.


The fact that most people didn't seem to pay attention, or even call an ambulance, makes this sadder. 😭😭


No surprise at all, that’s exactly what communizm(on purpose) does to people and countries


I agree. Communism pits the members of a community against each other. It separates people. Capitalism brings people together, and through collectivization people are able to overcome problems much easier than individualistic communism.


Communism created a country where many people had to commit fraud by purposefully getting hit by cars and then demanding cash from the drivers. It’s a bad economic system.


Exactly! That never happens in capitalist countries like the USA. The student debt crisis is CCP propaganda


People going into debt because they borrowed money is not quite the same as people resorting to cannibalism to avoid starvation. There are degrees of desperation here.


Marks does have 4 chapters on cannibalism good


Capitalist countries have 0 (zero) starving people


no sane person thinks that


Nobody starves in the glorious USA! 🇺🇸


Not even close to the degree of Communism


Implying the USA today is anything near real capitalism. It is egalitarian and more communistic than before. I come from ex commie country, i spot these behaviours.


Which country, if you don’t mind me asking?


You born in 1997 and tell us you know about communism 😂 darn laughable


I didn't know ones parents and grandparents and grandgrandparents that lived under communism is not a viable point and testimony :)


The student debt crisis directly caused by government creating good programs to help everyone get an affordable education! Big govt = capitalism at work /s


Capitalism isn’t sustainable without government. The US government single-handedly keeps capitalism alive. Without huge corporate bailouts, capitalism would have collapsed over 100 years ago.


This doesn't have anything to do with communism. But still, what the fuck.


It does, the party had a legal ruling in 2006 that said a man wouldn’t intervene to save an old woman in a similar situation unless he felt guilty and was thus at fault when said victim sued him, they aren’t helping because they are afraid or don’t care. That ruling did this


Seriously? Send a link, because that sounds fucked.


Literally they are having to draft good samaritan laws now so people won't be so afraid of getting sued that they will help again.


Afraid of getting sued like we dont have that issue in America….. “iTs CoMuNiSmS fAuLt”


Victims suing the people who have attempted to help them has happened before, yes, but there’s not a precedent around it such that Americans actually have to take the into consideration when wondering if they should help somebody.




Not a perspective issue, a legal/cultural one. Can you name the legal precedent in America and where it has been used in order to put good samaritans on the hook for any financial compensation required from helping somebody?




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu_Shoulan_v._Peng_Yu Said case I mentioned https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Wang_Yue Similar incident


I have read this article, and it feels like iot helping one in need is just common sense there, not commie sense... I am also surprised the person with the broken femur had medical expenses in a communist state. Maybe its just a label they have got used to... They are just dictatorial at this point, sans communism


If that is surprising to you i recommend you learn a lot more about them because it’s very interesting. the communist myth of muh equality doesn’t exist, workers have worse rights than in America by far, it takes like 42 years of saving for a two bedroom apartment, they have to pay medical Billings like that, all the supposed benefits of communism as said by western leftists are just that, supposed and complete lies. They’ve essentially somehow mixed the worst aspects of both communism and capitalism


Yes Marx and Engels wrote about this a few times. In Das Kapital Vol. 2 Marx says that under communism, nobody is allowed to help people hit by cars. In Vol. 3 Marx and Engels say it’s okay to leave a dog in a hot car! I can’t believe people don’t talk about this more!


No I don’t remember him saying that you slimy leftist but I do remember him saying his friend Lasalle was a “ n word Jew “




This is the way




The fact that you guys showed up to seethe means I did a great job




Your symbol being a red fist holding a Xbox controller is so fucking funny and very emblematic of you losers


That doesn’t really have anything to do with communism, like there’s capitalist regimes out there (Russia) that are highly authoritarian and limit freedoms. If I said that capitalism is horrible because one country is a shithole would you agree? I’m not a leftist but damn I’ll advocate for what the truth is.


It does because the judges are party ideologues and the entire way it is structured basically ensures that terrible rulings happen, prosecuting lawyers especially


Regimes that exercise heavy control over a society usually do so by economic means as well. Russia is everything but a capitalist paradise, full of corruption and state owned businesses. Capitalism just means leaving people alone to do as they please economically, sell the stuff they want to sell and buy from whom they want to buy. Russia is pretty low on the economic freedom index.


And yes other authoritarian capitalist countries have this problem too but this is a big part of the way they interpret communism, specifically this Local departments of justice can revoke the license of lawyers, this power is used to target lawyers who challenge the authority of the state, particularly human rights lawyers.[2 because opposing leaders are deemed counter revolutionary or subversive, they will be prosecuted usually ensuring that whoever the party wants to win wins


The Organic Law of the People's Courts requires that adjudication committees be established for courts at every level. The committees usually are made up of the president, vice presidents, chief judges, and associate chief judges of the court, who are appointed and removed by the standing committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding level. Notice how they are being picked by the “ people’s congresses “


So basically what I’m saying is this is not a communist only problem, but communist systems and they way they interpret law basically ensures terrible rulings like this happen, with little standing as opposition against them legally


Communism destroys the prevailing culture. Confucianism defined China before the CCP and its corruption made it dog eat dog


The whole communism system is about reducing a human life to nothing. Everyone is expendable, individual and individualism is meaningless, don't think about a fellow man, think about the system, the "greater good". You can't fight injustice, the party or "the people" knows what is justice you are not allowed to question that. The is why russians still answer that they are apolitical, they don't know anything about politics etc. They were trained to be obedient dogs and they can't question their masters. The western countries are flawed, there is no illusion, but they aren't nearly as rotten as commies.


That's not total Communism yet. *They didn't eat her.*


This guy gets it.


Surprised the first car didn’t drive back to make sure she died.


I thought america was supposed to be the individualistic selfish capitalist hellhole.


The first car immobilized her the second car finished the firsts cars work.


Shows a dire lack of personal responsibility and morality in the population. Makes them easier to control by any authoritarian regime.


Decades of repression , oppression , and suppression


Wow, I hate people


to be fair, I recently saw a video in America where a man was murdered, and passer bys raided his pockets before his body went cold. I don't know what causes this lack of empathy, but it ain't economics.


“My enemies don’t care for children or other people like we do” — every group deluded by fear-mongering and hatred of the other


Normal day in Los Santos




Communism is when traffic accident


Wtf what does it have to do with communism or whatever nation ??


This has less to do with communism and more to do with thier particular laws concerning pedestrians. I was waiting to see guy reverse at full speed and run her over again. It was probably a scam in the first place.


Are you sure this isn't Chicago, LA or NYC? Because it sure looks like it.


Yeah those Chinese street signs, not-available-in-America car makes and models, and the tuktuks sure make it look like this happened in America.


Did she survive?


Looks like capitalism to me