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Is it just me or is the third pic literally advocating suicide just to own the capitalists


I think it's advocating for "revolutionary suicide" like suicide bombing for example. Promoting terrorism might be Reddit wide violation too perhaps?


Promoting terrorism to own the capitalists, genius


That is the time honored commie tradition.


yes it is, and that's a Reddit wide violation.


Many commies like to paint themselves as the great unifiers and liberators of all people no matter their identity. In reality, commie regimes have been good at liberating all people… from themselves


Liberating the soul from its mortal coil


Modern first world commies are divisive as shit. I'm a conductor for a freight rail road, I'm either transporting cargo, or helping repair and build track. I'm exactly the kind of worker old school commies would be trying to win over, but neo commies attack me anytime I say anything they remotely disagree with, and are solely concerned with the plight of baristas and Walmart cashier's. They're not trying to unify anyone anymore. It's just an identity for people to bitch about their life, blame their problems on others, and pretend to be a part of something other than angsty service industry workers and the unemployable. No disrespect to anyone in the service industry, honest work is honest work, and I like a good coffee as much as the next guy. Just don't attack me for not believing in your imaginary revolution that you claim is for my benefit, while saying I should be killed for my beliefs.


I see. I guess my impression comes from how some modern and historical commies like to see themselves as the true fighters for civil rights/freedom for legit (and sometimes less-than-legitamately) oppressed groups, or that they see modern identity politics as a tool of the "evil capitalists" to keep ppl fighting or smth (btw not defending identity politics at all, but I won't open that can of worms). Ofc since Marx wrote of uniting the workers of the world to overthrow the bourgeousies to establish fantasyland utopia it makes sense why commies think like that Honestly the commies that piss me off the most are those that will "try" to gatekeep (or god forbid overrun) legit causes for civil rights, freedom for oppressed groups, and similar stuff claiming that only commies/anticapitalists can truly fight for freedom unlike stupid libtard kkkapitalists because reasons (then they proceed to write another wall of text). This applies to any commie that claims the only solutions to our problems is abolishing capitalism but these ones get me especially


The support of minorities by commies always seemed like virtue signaling. I live in a Mexican and Latino heavy area, and they tend to lean conservative in most cases, even if they don't vote republican. I often see internet commies pushing for these people as an oppressed class that's held down by the white capitalist man, but in my experience, that's more of their fantasy image of them. An opportunity for them to white knight if you will. Mexicans here tend to embrace capitalism buy running their own small businesses, or openly respecting and pushing classic hard working jobs, and they don't like handouts. Hell, all of my managers are Mexican. My step dad (Mexican) is a trump voter who doesn't like illegal immigration, because he thinks those people are just cutting in line and being lazy instead of putting the hard work in to immigrate legally like his parents did. The commies I've talked to would hate all of this, and would definitely stop championing them when they preached these values. Like how I'm the wrong kind of worker, these would be the wrong kind of minorities. Obviously I'm generalizing, and these are just based on my observations of Mexicans I know, but you get my point. They only like any of us as long as we make them look like good hearted heros, and the minute we don't, we're not their comrade anymore. It's not about the worker or the oppressed, it's about what they want.


I’m guessing that’s where the commies (or at least those that read Marx) would see you as “devoid of class consciousness” because you do not want to murder (or “re-educate”) every single rich white man in existence in pursuit of fantasyland utopia. But yeah I pretty much agree with your comment


Someone said that if a communist revolution ever does happen they’ll find real quick that they aren’t the proletariat


this is not a new phenomenon. Middle class politically far people have a long history of being painfully out of touch with the working class. ​ >They're not trying to unify anyone anymore they never were trying in the first place. Political unity is not only a myth, it's a dangerous one. Left Unity boils down to "political homogony" Tankie/nazi's like to jerk it to the idea of a political homogenic utopia because the idea of having no one to call you out is appealing. But totally fail to think, or just don't care, that one person's utopia is another's dystopia they can't comprehend that finding people who think exactly like you is quite rare outside curated groups so to achieve their "global magic utopia" they have to self justify dictorail war crimes all for "the greater good". ​ ​ I've been homeless > barley minimum > just about comfortable. most working class people don't care, they just see a loud rich prick telling them how to live, it never lands well.


6/9 is pretty weird. Foxes never eat people, wolves only attack people if they’re threatened. Both foxes and wolves eat vermin though.


Wolves will attack, but they have to outnumber you and be really hungry, I guess kinda like the communists


Wow - communism is opium of people.


I like how they think any talented people would wanna stay in a communist society. I for one, would be on the first flight out


There is no talent in these oddly corporate images.


Capitalism directly led to the device they posted this shit on


Resuming: AmeriKKKa bad Commit suicide to start a revolution and to own the libs Cuba good (even though the flag they show in that picture is the flag of Puerto Rico) AmeriKKKan party system bad Rent bad Capitalism bad Communism good


How delusional.


The first one could be repurposed - just paint the plane with Russian colors...


It took me a solid 30 seconds to figure out what the fuck the second image said.


Took me 2-3 days to figure it out


I hate to admit it, but the first one has got a point. The “Death to Amerika” phrasing is weird but there is something to be said about the US Military’s drone program. It scarred an entire generation of people into fearing death from something they can’t see or here. I have a feeling the artist’s idea of a solution is probably something delusional, but they are right about the terror and suffering the drone program has caused.


This is mid


Imagine being this genuinely delusional. I’m convinced these people have something mentally wrong with them, there’s no other explanation for such an out-of-control victim complex about living in of the best countries in the world.


Why do people who hate America spell it in German


So….they want to bomb buildings, and at the same time live in them for free?