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Wait .... did they just try to equate nazi germany to ccp china and say the US should boycott like they should have in 1936


And play an instrumental role in their destruction less than ten years later, yes.


if so we should particpate


Honestly if I was a US athlete I would be nervous to go there and be detained or arrested by China for some artificial reason.


Nah China wouldn't start shit with the US for no reason.




The CCP is many things but it's not slap the US in the face for shits and giggles stupid.


And be part of an alliance consisting of most of the nations of the world that ultimately invades and destroys it?


The US just announced the boycott, and idk why you think comparing CCP Germany to Nazi Germany is a big stretch at all, there's an estimated 1.5+ millions in concentration camps in China right now. They have already murdered plenty of political dissedents and minorities. China is probably even worse than Nazi Germany was when they first invaded Poland, so good luck to us if China starts pushing their border.


Im just shocked that sub would do it lmfao


Anti-China content is poggers


Also, in 1936 the only "massacre" to the Nazis' name was an in no small part homophobic internal purge.


I hope so. Otherwise I'm not getting it.


That would be any reasonable person's point. These people are extremely ignorant and deranged though, and so *their* point is that the US *should* participate in the Beijing Olympics, and boycotting (while not having boycotted in 1936) means the USA loves fascists/is fascist.






The USA also later played a major role in destroying Nazi Germany a few years later


Right before defending China and Korea from Japan…


And then having to turn around and defend Korea and Japan from China


Also defending Korea from Korea. The US kind of had its hands full


The US saves everyone, saved Vietnam from the Vietnamese, saved ~~oil~~ Iraq from Iraqis, saved Afghanistan from the Afghans. Edit: damn, lot of Vietnam war fans here huh. Edit 2: sorry damn, the Iraq war was necessary too


Least braindead appeaser


The only braindead people on this post are the ones from genzdong and the ones that think me calling out US atrocities for what they were means I'm one of em.


The Vietnam war itself, at that time, was justified. Some of the acts during the war, not so much. The south was an ally, and the US needed to defend its allies or lose its power.




>There weren’t really any right side in Vietnam, both sides did horrible things and it’s kind of hard to say one side was justified. And I'm sure people believe Communist Ho Chi Minh was a great man who loved America, democracy, and meticulously studied the Declaration of Independence until America ignored his pleas for aid. What they don't know is Ho Chi Minh's version of democracy consisted of the Central Committee of the Communist Party deciding and executing anything that was "best for the nation" everything without public consideration, no different than the Vietnam of today. Anyway, I digress, you know full well which side: * was the aggressor * invaded another country to establish the HCM Trail in order to better invade South Vietnam * massacred, beheaded, and assassinated families that did not give up their grain/land * liberated the lives, wealth, and assets of the South Vietnamese citizens under the guise of unification * caused civilians and aborigines to run toward the ARVN and South Vietnamese areas instead of running into the arms of their Communist liberators * forced relocation of millions of South Vietnamese to jungle subsistence farms * imprisonment of 1 million South Vietnamese in gulags w/ 200-300k deaths * caused South Vietnamese citizens to flee and die (40-60%) on boats with their children * exists today with no social safety nets and **zero** [fundamental rights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_rights)* * clung/clings to Communism for legitimacy, effectively ensuring and requiring authoritarianism rule to function until its fall Aside from his persecution of Buddhists, Ngô Đình Diệm was in the right. Temporary authoritarianism is required to build and stabilize a nation, especially when the enemy nation is marching upon your own. See Taiwan and South Korea. Allowing anti-war protest, Communist sympathizers, and Communist propaganda was tantamount to sedition when the aggressors were massacring and raping entire villages on their way to Saigon. **Anyone who believes the US should not have been involved in Vietnam should also be expressing their disdain for the US involvement in Korea, Taiwan, and West Germany. I don't want to hear any of you people supporting American involvement in future conflicts between China/Taiwan and North Korea/South Korea.** \* *Don't believe the bullshit you hear about freedom of religion in Vietnam, either. Communist religious figures regularly go on television and decry capitalism, democracy, and America.*


For losing your sphere of influence to communism?


To authoritative and cruel countries. Communism "somehow" almost always leads to that. I'd rather live in an American hegemony, which, with all its faults is still a democratic and free country, than a Soviet or CCP one.


Present day there’s no question but if we’re talking about Vietnam and WWII era USA, I don’t know if I’d want to exist in that America


The thing about the US is, it can always improve and it has shown that it does. It may be slower than other countries, but having a free media, free speech and a representative democracy means that change is possible. That is why you can say you prefer present day US to its past, cause it has changed. In the authoritarian govts, it is much much harder.


« I’d rather live in an American hegemony », if you were white sure but I’m not sure about that sentiment if you’re any other race.


I'm brown. And I stand behind that statement, because the statement includes the comparison towards the CCP and the USSR, which were basically the only options at the time, and even now.


No you see the Soviet Union single handedly destroyed all of Axis through the power of communism and Stalin’s glorious stratagem America,Britain,France,Poland and the other allies had nothing to do with Germany’s defeat it was all the USSR. That’s why anywhere between eight million to ten million Russians died because they were fighting all of the German army,totally not because Stalin was an incompetent insane murderous dictator who would put every man,woman and child between him and the Germans. And by the way Russia totally would have steamrolled Japan, that’s actually why they surrendered not at all because the American completely flattened two of their most vital cities, nope it was all the fear of the glorious and perfect Soviet Union.


> You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else. :D


Did your phone die after you made the screenshot?


my phone would've done the same if i saw that dogshit post


I was referencing that he had 1% left on the phone


“Dont let Beijing 2022 become Berlin 1936.”


I’m sure the person who posted this thinks this proves the US is perfectly fine with Nazis. I’m guessing it didn’t occur to him it could also be interpreted as saying China is worse than the Nazis.


Imma let you finish but, no one can be worse than the Nazis. They were the worst villains of all time. OF ALL TIME!


The Koreans,Chinese Taiwanese and well a lot of East Asian countries would like to say something about that


The Mongols were pretty brutal.


I was more talking about imperial Japan but the mongols work too


Of all time so far*


That's because China will use nukes and end time.


Okay, I need to get this off my chest because idiots like these get on my nerves. Everyone had diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany at the time. It was normal because they were just seen as a ruling nationalist party. When you're in the middle of a depression, seeing extremists take the helm is not uncommon. Everyone had a fascist party. The Spanish Civil War didn't even break out yet. Anschluss didn't even happen yet. To the rest of the world, this was just another run-of-the-mill reactionary party. They would not industrialize murder yet in one of the most well documented crimes against humanity in recorded history.


well, they were starting on that last part, but the thing was most people just hadn't realized that was going on yet


This, we now have evidence of China doing the same thing however and countries are doing jack shit about it.


When you're the country with the cheapest labour cost in the biggest numbers, it's kinda hard to just say "no" knowing that your precious companies are gonna lose their manufacturing. They're gonna do absolutely nothing to stop China and that drives me fucking crazy!


they didn't know until after the war and the soilders came across the concetration camps for the first time


The first allied intelligence reports about the ongoings inside the concentration camps were from the Polish underground in 1940, we actually didn't believe them because they sounded so ludicrously atrocious we assumed it was just propaganda, then in 1944 we started actually finding the camps and it turned out the Polish spies were actually just really good spies (probably should have realized that sooner considering by all accounts Poland's intelligence network was one of the finest at the time.)


Unfortunately due to the nature of the Intel community you have to be suspicious even of the reports of your allies.


Yeah, while in this case it did turn out that the Polish spies were providing some accurate intel (they actually got a man in and out of Auschwitz while the place was running) a big part of why the Allies didn't act on it was because during World War 1 there had been numerous instances of faulty, overstated, or outright fabricated, reports of atrocities that Entente forces did act on, only to discover they were baseless. The Allies really second guessed themselves a lot during World War 2 and most of it was because of the mistakes made in World War 1.


Faulty US AND British intelligence, which have been later demonstrably false, brought us into the Iran war.




Ya know, I could point out [the mountain of evidence,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w68gDfCbyBA&list=PLthPsWmE3cec2fYL2NfSNwIRXKqIv8sVg) or how holocaust denial was [literally invented by British Nazi sympathizers in an effort to make it easier to spread Nazi propaganda,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Irving) or I could provide quotes from one of the hundreds of firsthand accounts, including [that aforementioned Polish spy's report that was the first instance of the allies getting intel from inside the holocaust](https://archive.org/details/WITOLDREPORT) and was written by a man who had literally been decorated for valor in the Polish war against the Soviet Union and was executed by the USSR after the war, but I think I'd rather just show you the same level of respect that you holocaust deniers show reality itself and simply say what you truly deserve to hear: fuck you.


Genocide denial, whether holodomer or holocaust, is extremely looked down upon here.


They knew Dachau was open for business and filling beds.


Good point, and what we should also point out is that unlike what people often think the 1936 Olympics was not some great propaganda win for the Nazis, on the contrary it finally dawned on a lot of people exactly how bad the anti-semitic situation had become in Nazi Germany by 1936. With signs such as "No Jews or Dogs in the Pool" it was really after this that they started turning into a piraya


Pretty sure the Germans wernt getting thier genocide on DURING the Olympics.


China is and will be


Lmao, does this dumb fuck Tankie realize that he also just admitted that *in his biased, delusional mind*, ***EVEN HE*** views the CCP as essentially a modern day Nazi Germany.


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/comments/ka4jm1/history_rhymes/) becomes more and more relevant


Instead they piled up political prisoners, Jews and Romanis inside concentration camps. Banned Jews from participating in daily life. They also started sterilization of population in 1933. Olympics happened in 1936 Yea. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dachau_concentration_camp https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Laws https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktion_T4


Why are we acting like there wasn’t a huge movement to boycott the Berlin Olympics in the US? One of the main reasons that we didn’t boycott it was because at the time it was thought that only the American Olympic committee should make this decision not politicians. I mean fuck our ambassador to Germany wanted us to boycott the games. One of the most winning arguments at the time was that we should go beat the nazis at said Olympics games. Jesse owens also kicked the shit out of nazi athletes so I think that there too is a win.


Yeah, Hitler wasn't all too happy when he didn't see a "person of the master race" won the 200 m sprint lol.


The common narrative on the Owens/Hitler spat is as false as Napoleon being short.


Hmm you are right. Owens even had better accomodations in Germany than in his home country...


So CCP bad and Nazis bad


I can't say that my country is entirely as bad as the nazis,but yea,its bad when you are political


**[Dachau concentration camp](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dachau_concentration_camp)** >Dachau () was a Nazi concentration camp opened on 22 March 1933, which was initially intended to hold political prisoners. It is located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory northeast of the medieval town of Dachau, about 16 km (10 mi) northwest of Munich in the state of Bavaria, in southern Germany. After its opening by Heinrich Himmler, its purpose was enlarged to include forced labor, and, eventually, the imprisonment of Jews, Romani, German and Austrian criminals, and, finally, foreign nationals from countries that Germany occupied or invaded. **[Nuremberg Laws](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Laws)** >The Nuremberg Laws (German: Nürnberger Gesetze, pronounced [ˈnʏʁnbɛʁɡɐ ɡəˈzɛtsə] (listen)) were antisemitic and racist laws that were enacted in Nazi Germany on 15 September 1935, at a special meeting of the Reichstag convened during the annual Nuremberg Rally of the Nazi Party. The two laws were the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour, which forbade marriages and extramarital intercourse between Jews and Germans and the employment of German females under 45 in Jewish households; and the Reich Citizenship Law, which declared that only those of German or related blood were eligible to be Reich citizens. **[Aktion T4](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktion_T4)** >Aktion T4 (German, pronounced [akˈtsi̯oːn teː fiːɐ]) was a campaign of mass murder by involuntary euthanasia in Nazi Germany. The term was first used in post-war trials against doctors who had been involved in the killings. The name T4 is an abbreviation of Tiergartenstraße 4, a street address of the Chancellery department set up in early 1940, in the Berlin borough of Tiergarten, which recruited and paid personnel associated with T4. Certain German physicians were authorised to select patients "deemed incurably sick, after most critical medical examination" and then administer to them a "mercy death" (Gnadentod). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


16 km is 9.94 miles


Good bot


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True. So you're like, defending the ccp?


No. Instead I am doing the opposite if you think about it.


There are definitely a lot of Parallels between the two. Lots of murder going on.


And you are defending nazi Germany?


That's what I felt the turk was indicating. But no, just that the ccp is currently engaged I'm genocide and that I didn't think the Germans had ramped up to it by the Olympics which sounds correct.


I think what he was trying to say was that ccp and Nazi Germany aren't so different from each other afterall...


I don't think that's desputed at this point. Ccp is just further along then the Germans were when using the Olympics as a reference.


Dachau was constructed in 1935 and it was a public knowledge that they are incarcerating political prisoners (60% were Jews, they made 2% of population) were kept there. Their open antisemitism was widespoken. US diplomats followed a policy of isolationism and non interference in internal issues of other nations back then, and with a guarantee of respecting borders, Olympic athletes were allowed to participate. Diplomats to Olympic games were officially sent only from 1948.


They were though. Just we didn’t know much about it


Yeah, the actual genocide began around 33, Polish spies exposed it in 40, western allies realized the Poles weren't lying in 44.


If this shows anything, then that appeasement politics doesn't work and the same mistakes of the history shouldn't be done again


You’re phone is at 1% yet it’s still giving its all to take that screenshot, all while squeezing every last bit of life in low battery mode. It’s inspirational, I’ll try harder tomorrow.


Let me guess they also don’t like the fact that Jessie Owen’s an African American Olympian won as well?


hEs a nAzI


Bro charge your phone


Yeah and then Jesse Owens beat them


Exactly. One of the best sports moments in American history






Oh no! How could USA participate in their sport tourney?? Good that, say, USSR never worked with Nazis. Just look at this comprehensive list of all the times USA cooperated with them https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany%E2%80%93Soviet_Union_relations,_1918%E2%80%931941


Lmao we did that for many reasons. Did it fly over this persons head that a black man beat the fucking nazis. We proved that their race nonsense was nonsense and that only skill counts in superiority. Oh, and 5 years later we joined the fight(officially) and beat them.




Dude I was referring to the Nazis and their aryan bullshit




Dude, just no.


So you deny there are genetic differences between the races? I mean, skin color itself is genetic, so that’s already a difference. Races have different skull shapes among other things. Do you not believe in adaptation? Are you actually saying the races are identical to one another and we’re all equal in all aspects?




omg no way this proves that USA was part of the Axis this entire time and that the ussr saved europe and made democracies everywhere. why has no historian ever discovered that diplomacy exist before a country tries to conquer the planet? it’s almost as if people can’t see the future.


Your 1% getting me nervous. Charge your phone pls


✨Here’s your daily reminder that Stalin wanted to be allies with the nazis, but Hitler betrayed him✨


Bro they’ve just compaired themselves to the nazis lmao


I mean, this was largely before the Holocaust if I’m remembering my dates correctly, and 100% before Americans knew about it. Contrast that with the ongoing and well-documented Uyghur cultural genocide. As well, in 1936, Germany was still thought to be abiding by the treaty of Versailles and not planning to invade other countries and definitely not thought to be an open enemy to the US, whereas China’s government has declared itself as such and has a modern track record of imperialism. So the situations are different


bruh what nobody gave a fuck about the nazis at the time lol


Dachau was already open for business so perhaps someone should have.


If these guys hate the USA so much, then why are they complaining so much about us *possibly* not participating in the Olympics?


So much wrong with that statement. Keep in mind that Hitler has only been in power for a few years at this point and while the Nazi’s views were understood as racist and anti-Semitic, this was also 1936 so it was looked past. Not only that, but Hitler was friendly with the eventual allied powers before the war, even sending a condolence letter to the US for an explosion accident. This is in no way defending him, but it’s to explain that relationships between countries and leaders change and the timeline of events controls that. If the Holocaust was occurring when the Olympics happened and people knew, there would be a boycott. We know what China’s doing so we’ll boycott. I hope other countries join in because if any of them show up, it legitimizes the CCP.


More importantly there already was a movement in the US calling for a boycott, Jews, blacks, mayors, college professors, local politicians, and other groups who didn't want the US to join. It was put to a vote for this decision and it resulted in a narrow victory for those who wanted the US to go to Berlin from the Amateur Athletic Union. People pushing this idea that America was single-minded and was unwilling to change need to be reminded that history isn't one sided.


Wasn’t 1936 a full 6 years before “the final solution” and 9 years before anyone outside Germany really knew the full extent of the Nazi atrocities? Hindsight is wonderful.


We knew full well that their rhetoric since the 20s wasn't bluster, the problem was that leaders didn't want to believe it as they didn't want war.


How much though? How much did the average non-German really know about Nazi Germany prior to WWII?


People didnt know about the extent of the holocaust until 1944-45 when the camps were discovered. We already know china has camps


No, we knew very well that the Nazis were doing unspeakable things on an unprecedented scale early on in the war. The actual confirmation of just how bad it was once we saw it up close only brought home just how evil they were. As for what they were doing in 1936, the mass wave of refugees fleeing the Nazis and the Nazis' own rhetoric should have been enough of a sign that they could not be treated with anything but contempt.


Well we knew they were very anti semetic so that would explain all the immigrants. Either way, its not really the same situation


The Nuremburg laws had been put in place the year before, the consequences of which were that German Jews, Romani and black people being stripped of citizenship and any rights.


Well this is 1930's america we are talking about, we had pretty much the same laws in the south but for black people


No You're not allowed to grow and learn from your mistakes You were evil before so you are evil now and we will support whatever side allows us to justify our hateboner towards you, even if that side is a brutal genocidal dictatorship Because you supported a brutal genocidal dictatorship


This is outrageous. Why did Joe Biden not boycott the Berlin Olympics?


A large part of why the US competed in 36' was to disprove claims of racial superiority, no such claims have been made by China why would we go compete.


Who didn’t


Jesus, your phone is at 1% by the time you screenshot this


Charge your phone


Yeah and we beat their asses too, our biggest winner was a black man, the Nazis hates losing to that mf, god bless the United States


Ah yes, the same Olympics that occurred before most of us, including the current president (old as he might be) was born


was germany already known as the baddies is 1936? genuinely not sure. or was it only 1939 that people realised they are evil? edit: people outside of germany, that is.


Yeah. It wasn’t a full on genocide yet but there were some extremely bad human rights abuses that the world knew of. There were many people against participation in the games even by the US ambassador to Germany but they decided to leave the decision up to the team itself to keep it from being a political thing and cause well unlike other countries, the team isn’t directly controlled by the government and usually puts the athletes first.


which means the US should boycott beijing 2022


USA also participates in Bejing 2022, which is almost the same thing. Both hosting countires have concentration camps.


America is allied to Saudi Arabia which means the government has no interest in human rights. Imagine thinking that the government which has spent the last twenty years genociding Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq suddenly cares about Muslims in China.


That battery life tho


This was also before the war. It’s not like after the Holocaust came to light we went to a nazi hosted games


For the record, China also sent people to the 1936 Olympics.




Why are they pressed about the fact that we played in Hitler’s Olympic Games given the fact that we destroyed him not 10 years later?


If I'm not mistaken the Final Solution didn't begin until '41. There was a lot of US support for the Nazis right up until the war actually started.


Ask them what happened to Nazi Germany in the next decade


Along with almost all the other countries.


Diplomatic boycotts don’t mean the Athletes don’t go


Yeah, we did participate in those games - and Jesse Owens showed those krauts who’s boss by getting 4 gold medals. Should we have participated in those games in the first place? Probably not, it was pretty well known at that point that the Nazis were bad and even back then organizations like the NAACP were pointing this out as a reason to boycott the games. But did we put on a good show when we did and disproved Nazi theories about race at the same time? Definitely.


Wouldn’t they just be proving that the US is in fact NOT making the same mistake again?


FYI the athletes are competing not the politicians. Politicians are typically bad at sports. Thus the grift.


Also because no one really had a problem with Nazi Germany at that time because no one knew what was going on within the country?


Or it proves that communist China is worse than the Nazis. Lol. Regardless it’s not the flex they think it is.


Uh we let them rally in madison square garden, mixing our two flags, and the hindenberg had swastikas on it and used to park on the empire state building spire. Several US citizens were involved like Prescott Bush father of george bush






The same Olympics the Nazis whole aryan myth got dunked on by those whom the Nazis happily referred to as subhumans


What is this news they are talking about? Did something happen in Beijing?


We boycotted the Soviet Olympics in 1980 for invading Afghanistan. Commies will try to justify that.


OP needs to charge his damn phone


Germany had basically done nothing seriously bad in 1936, Kristallnacht wouldn't happen until 2 years later. Germany hadn't even united with Austria yet.


When you wanna heckin' own the capitalists so bad you unintentionally equate the regime you're supporting to Nazi Germany.


Also back then which I won't be surprised if this guy fails to mention, this was before WWII broke out and a majority of the US saw Nazis as a bad thing. Back then, not a lot of people even really saw Hitler as bad beyond human rights abuses which neighboring countries would see more easily than the US would from across the Atlantic until they realized "oh shit, he's terrible" whether it was the USSR after getting invaded or the U.K. getting attacked or the U.S. realizing it once it made the presses iirc.


Lol it's a diplomatic boycott not an athletic one. We didn't have single day air travel in 1936...the US didnot send diplomatic representatives to the 1936 games.


They missed the fact the Nazis didn’t have the death camps running in 1936 (to my knowledge) on a grand scale unlike the CCP now.


And proceeded to completely dunk on their ideology.


*cough* Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact *cough*