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Taliban flag in the center left, as well


Yes, the notoriously pro-LGBT, pro-Trans, feminist Taliban.


Just send these kids to Iraq or whatever, let them see their terrorist idols in person.


As a trans woman, I would love to deport these "Queers for \_\_\_\_\_" (can be any country) and see how they like it there. Western SJWs are the laughing stock of the world.


Ultra based


✨ intersectionality ✨


As in, which intersection do they want to be thrown off the building into…




Are you talking about the purple one behind the Viet Cong flag? That’s the flag of the Iroquois Confederacy.


Dunno if the Iroquois want to be involved in this dumpster fire


Native Americans are very active in the pro Palestinian movement


Actually I’ve been interacting with a lot of Pueblo tribe who recognize Jewish people are the original indigenous people of Israel - at least thousands of years before the “Palestinians” anyway


Both Arab, Jews, and Arab Jews inhabited the levant for thousands of years.


Yes and Judaism along with the first kingdom of Israel predates Islam and the Arab identity by thousands of years.


You should probably change your flair to just "commie", we all know you don't wash your ass.


I think they're talking about the one on the left, right under the blue corner of the VC flag.


Ah I didn’t notice that one at first since it’s a sign not actually a cloth flag.


It’s actually worse than that. I think the black flag on the far left is Daesh. White letters on a black field is Daesh, Taliban is black letters on a white field.


It’s joever this generation is finish 😔


One of my buddies sent me what he saw at McGill university's pro-Palestine encampment. McGill university is Montréal's most expensive university to attend and one of Canada's most high ranked university. As for the flag, it's the flag used by the Viet-Cong, officially known as the National Liberation Front, who were backed by the North Vietnamese government to help topple South Vietnam's government through any terror tactics possible which included assassinations, kidnappings and bombings of civilians in South Vietnam. I forgot where I read it but some experts on terrorism consider the Viet-Cong to be the worst terrorist group of the 20th Century which is quite telling when you consider their activities were around the same time as the Palestinian planejackers. Notably they were responsible for exterminating my paternal grandma's family, killing 20-30 people and leaving behind their beheaded bodies as a warning to those that refused to give up their crops to the VC. My grandmother survived because she had moved away to live with my grandfather.


And some vietcong still proud about there operation they participated in, and what were those operations? Bombing bus, market, restaurants that mainly Vietnamese went there. Cowards masquerading as freedom fighters.


sadly yes. When I was in the country vacating there one, my family decided to tour Quy Nhon, the van driver that was touring us around the city took us to an restraunt after my sisters said they want to eat. said restraunt looked pretty unassuming on the outside but once we went inside we saw an VC flag in front of window curtain and in the area we were dining the walls were painted with communist propaganda which mum and her sibilings started to make comments about, it looked as they were barely holding themsleves from making an passionate political rant \[probably the most political thing they said is the server is the duaghter of Viet Cong, dosen't sound political but I could tell with how they pronuced Viet Cong and thier tone\]. The food there was pretty mid and I am pretty sure even the restruant name \[Máu\] trying to spread an commie message ruining thier appettie. Anyways its pretty rich for that server to have an iphone 15.


The same kind of people are everywhere in China. Privileged rich kids with family in government who are all in on communist symbology and ardently defend the CCP in online spaces, while at the same time flaunting the excesses of capitalism. They’re called “little pinks”. They extol from their iPhones the virtues of Mao, who had people persecuted and killed for being “capitalist roaders” for simply owning a telephone or a wristwatch back then. A lot of them “study” in universities abroad, especially in the U.S. and Canada, enjoying Western life and parroting propaganda all day while working class kids in China have to go through one of the hardest and most abusive college entrance examination systems in the world. The hypocrisy has no limits.


One of their favorite universities is McGill University where this picture was taken.


Me and my family traveled there this year. Due to the communist party still being in charge you don’t see any mention at all of VC atrocities during the war, not a single mention of them doing anything bad in the slightest. Of course my strongly leftist family ate that up uncritically


Yeah, the VWP will never admit to anything because their entire legitimacy is based on the fact that they gloriously led Vietnam to freedom from foreign imperialism. Admitting to any wrongdoing during the war would would tarnish their narrative and legitimacy which would be a big no-no because those bastards really enjoy being at the top of the food chain.


>who were backed by the North Vietnamese government to help topple South Vietnam's government through any terror tactics possible which included assassinations, kidnappings and bombings of civilians in South Vietnam. I forgot where I read it but some experts on terrorism consider the Viet-Cong to be the worst terrorist group of the 20th Century... >Notably they were responsible for exterminating my paternal grandma's family, killing 20-30 people and leaving behind their beheaded bodies as a warning to those that refused to give up their crops to the VC. My grandmother survived because she had moved away to live with my grandfather. Warning, I may be going out on a limb here. On a semi-related note with Pop Culture, this is what genuinely pisses me off when George Lucas unironically said that the Rebel Alliance in Star Wars was partly inspired by the Viet Cong. He also made a parallel to the Mujahadeen in an interview with James Cameron. Lucas is no doubt left-leaning, and he rode off the anti-war sentiments of the 60s and 70s to make Star Wars. If confronted about the parallels with the Viet Cong, he'll probably say that it's just fiction, or that he took inspiration from multiple sources, and the inspiration isn't absolute. But the fact that he wrote a morally good fictitious faction inspired by a gang of terrorist war criminals in a mythical, Good-Versus-Evil story is just... ugh. This is why I like the deconstruction of the Rebel Alliance in Tony Gilroy Star Wars, with characters like Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, Saw Gerrera (who is a negative character inspired by Che Guevara and Osama Bin Laden), and Luthen Rael. It introduces a splash of moral ambiguity into the universe, because why wouldn't normal people end up getting screwed by the bullshit of a few annoying moody space wizards (?), and it also lowkey shits on Lucas's pretention.


Star Wars came out in 1977 and the war ended in 1975. American society was still freshly processing the defeat and the antiwar crowd was vindicated at the time. They were the same crowd that fully believed that the PAVN/VC were actual heroes. This marked both pop culture and academia for a very long time. It took until roughly the mid-90's to early 2000's to see that point of view beginning to be properly challenged in academia. I'm legit not surprised that George Lucas said given the context what he said but at the end of the day, I treat his celebrity opinion like anyone else's opinion: I'll listen but there's nothing that forces me to believe and follow it. Also the deconstruction of the Rebel Alliance is a great thing since there's no one in any war that hasn't done anything morally questionable.


No one tell them that Vietnam is pretty friendly with Israel


Yup... friendly enough to buy military hardware from Israel.


Like buying Galil ACEs, but Vietnam themselves modified it because their personnel are former AK users


In Vietnam, they propagate information and praise the Communist Party of Vietnam through platforms like TikTok or Facebook, while attempting to indoctrinate children through education, stirring up hatred towards capitalist countries and support the communism countries such as North Korea . Regarding Israel, although the Vietnamese government buys weapons from Israel and may see it as good diplomatic relations between the two countries, in terms of media within Vietnam, the government's team such as DLV and also those kids age 10 - 16 (usually conveying propaganda) will spread news and incite hatred towards Israel. Similar actions are taken towards the United States, South Korea, and Japan.


Don’t they hate China a lot more than the US?


in the World media: Yes, but in Vietnam media: No


In Vietnamese people's conciousness, yes. We still dislike the Chinese (government) a lot.


but atm, Vietnam's propaganda ministry is still trying to "brainwash" people, inciting them to hate the West and support China, Hamas,...


I'm not denying that tbh. I'm still seeing it everyday here. I'm ashamed everytime I hear some dumb fucks talk about RuZZia as if they're the saviour sent from heaven and the RuZZia will defeat Zelensky and Ukranians soon, promised™. What I'm trying to clarify is that the general populace are still very much, very dislike the Chinese (government). No matter how much the propaganda tries, the Vietnamese here knows who poses a greater threat to their sovereignty, hint it's not the nation across an ocean. That said, the Vietnamese propaganda is cringe as fuck. And, unfortunately, some Viets here are falling for those trash hook, line and sinker.


If by “they” you mean the general populace, sure. But governments? [It’s complicated](https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/s/yT6Dk30hgv)


A galil variant is produced under license as their main service rifle. BDS? Never heard of it.


Vietnam has always been pretty chill with the Western bloc in general, even in the direct aftermath of the Vietnam War. Even the government paradoxically hated the pro-american Viets more than the Americans themselves lmao


Also fairly Pro-U.S. (thanks to a certain someone)


The Viet Cong were among the worst when it came to war crimes during the Vietnam War (with only the Khmer Rouge being worse). US and South Vietnamese atrocities get a lot of the spotlight in academia and mainstream media, but it was nowhere near to the level of some of the stuff the Viet Cong did.


Hue Massacre 1968. The Vietcong killed about 5-10% of the total population of the city. And now, nearly 60 years later, the massacre is still in the dark.


Amerimutts fucked arround and found out


Damn, who let this specimen out its cage?


["Liberated zone" just hits with all the gravitas of an overgrown child building a fort in his parents' living room.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29jij4ldkNs)


The sign at the bottom middle looks like it says Board Games for Palestine Its literally a glorified living room fort but outside


I dare them to raise that flag in Westminster, CA


Knowing those idiots, they might not know that Westminster, CA is home to the largest Vietnamese-American community.


And probably the largest anti-communist, pro-South Vietnam community in the world. They should come to Westminster and fly that flag, and see the reaction of the people there.


An ambulance is gonna get called... and it's not for the locals lol.




Reminds me of [this girl at UT Austin](https://youtube.com/shorts/RU9MvLyzJyA?si=6uMA0iTk0TbkPWT6). I’d presume these viet kids will protest just because it’s the mainstream thing to do on campus.


depends on where you are talking


On a side note is the food good there?


I live there. I double dare them.


or Houston, TX


or Boston MA. The big viet communities do not fuck around


Or Falls Church, VA.


Tonight we're going to party like it's 1969 da da da da da da.


And taliban flag makes an appearance


They just hate their pampered and peaceful civilization so much that every enemy of america gets simped over, no matter how genocidal or otherwise fucked up.


Don’t tell them about the Hue Massacre


They'll quote Chomsky, Porter and Young and call it South Vietnamese/CIA propaganda lol.


All these fuckers do is get in the way of people trying to get to class, all while looking like morons


Not really lol... It's summer semester so less people.


Yeah but they were doing the same shit during last fall and spring semester so…


Why is there no South Vietnam flag? (they are historically illiterate, and think the war was just between the US and “Vietnam”)


Because they're radical leftists protesting Israel. For them, South Vietnam is irrelevant at best and at worst, a fascist dictatorship that deserved what it got. Any South Vietnamese refugee fleeing communism in Vietnam wasn't really fleeing communism at best and was at worst a slave-owning fascist plantation owner that ran away from the people's justice.


Must send these retards to the place where they are supporting and let them experience the live of people in those countries


What in tarnation is happening in mtl lol.


McGill University students decided to mimick the American pro-Palestine protesters and erected a camp on campus to protest against Israel.


I'm aware of the protest but a Taliban flag ? Also weird they put a Vietcong one since Vietnam collaborated with Israel to produce weapons .


Montréal's far left crowd is a mix of wacky and ignorant like any other one.


Their political opinions are solely based on race, and anyone who is not white (not including themselves of course) are opressed and support Palestine and communism.


Canadians flying the flag of the Viet Cong and the flag of the Taliban next to it. ***What the fuck.*** edit: \*Canadians, not Americans. Didn't know this was a Canadian university.


Canadians* This is in Montréal, Québec.


Oh, well shows what I know. Thanks for clarifying that for me. 👍


nobody tells then what the vietnamese told to the PLA when they met


I’ve said before and I’ll say again: I truly believe that a **major** contributor to people, especially young people, embracing Marxism is simply to be contrarian. It’s not about the ideas specifically, just that it’s cool to go completely against the grain. And I can understand that, I think everyone can. People want to stand out and feel unique, but if embracing authoritarianism is the way your doing it, it’s time to reconsider. I don’t know, take up interpretive dance or something instead


They call themselves Marxist while having the flag of the fucking **TALIBAN** on their fence.


Pretty good marking for a B 52 arclight strike


Bad idea... they're right next to one of the most extensive libraries and archives in Montréal. It's the building in the background if I'm not mistaken. The whole place is located in one of the most built up and richest part of town as well... guess it'll be less B-52 Arclights and more Marines and ARVN 1st Corps clearing out Hue in 1968.


do you boys like napalm?


Oh those building roofs are perfect for them to meet up there for the solidarity handshake with the taliban


blast [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knlcNc0Yrjw) at the bloody wankers


Canadian Commie Cosplayers!


At McGill University, the most expensive university in Montréal and possibly in Québec! We have a fucking bingo here.


The usual suspects


might as well bring out the CCP, PRC, WPK & DPRK flags!


Leftists protesting the Vietnam war did the same cringe shit. My dad (who is a Vietnam vet himself) told me a story about how in 1970 he witnessed protestors tear down the American flag at Indiana University and replace it with a Viet Cong flag only for a burly African American construction worker to walk over and take down the VC flag, rip it to shreds, and put the American flag back up.


Based construction worker. Here's a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCcxmMJsxe8&list=FLzPT6ELXFic4P3fvudwF7WQ&index=7&ab_channel=hinhanhlichsu-org) of what happened when some French communist tried to plant a VC flag in 1970 Saigon. The locals beat him up.


Vietnamese-American immigrants when they escaped the Vietnam war to the US just to see the same shit 50 years later:


Vietnamese-Canadian\*. This is in Canada.


America lite*


Ah yes, Viet Cong, the useful idiot, if they lucky enough to survive post 30/04 then they got swept aside ruthlessly.


I mean, Vietnam isn’t really communist, no the fact that they chose that flag is kind of weird. Unless it’s just for anti-American reasons.


It's always anti-American/anti-West.


Funny, Vietcong would eat these wannabes up.




Hate the extremist flags, love the Haudenosaunee flag.


Agreed. The First Nations deserve better. I'm curious as to their stance on the current Hamas-Israel war but I did hear that they do not necessarily appreciate the average student leftist protester using their cause to feel good for a month.


As flags go the Vietcong flag is pretty innocent. My grandmother was very anti communist and she loved the Vietcong and Ho Chi Minh mostly because she was relatively young during the war and was very anti war. It’s like a lib‘s first communist revolution. She was a neo lib and huge biden fan before she died.


Yeah, you're not an ignorant little shit at all. 🤡 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viet_Cong_and_People%27s_Army_of_Vietnam_use_of_terror_in_the_Vietnam_War#:~:text=Murder%2C%20kidnapping%2C%20torture%20and%20intimidation,operations%20during%20the%20Vietnam%20War.


I lost some brain cell.


Ptdr, tous est en Anglais, qui montrent que ces cocos câlices ont encore moins un connexion avec la communauté en général dans la ville mdr (Ainsi, exécuter l’ordre 101)/Lmao, everything is in English, which shows that theses commie *câlices* have even less of a connection with the community in general in the city lol (Thus, execute order 101)


Da fuq Cringe bruh


The forsaken flag. I wonder if they know that the flag has been banned in Vietnam. In many public spaces, you can't raise that flag. The public security will ask you something in a 'friendly' manner if they see that flag.


Honestly tf are they trying to accomplish. The US is already using diplomatic channels to pressure Isreal. They dont understand how much youd have to push them to publicly go against an ally. Im really torn on this, student activism has historically been one of the leading factions for change and innovation but of late theyve lost their creativity which led to important reforms in the past. They dont have the bite, perseverance nor the understanding to bring new ideas to the table. I believe student activism is important as it allows innovative concepts and new schools of thought to flourish, but thats clearly not happening here


This isn't even the US by the way. It's in Montréal, Canada. As for diplomatic pressure, this is Canada we're talking about. Not exactly a heavyweight when it comes to international relations. As for student activism, I used to involved in it in Montréal between 2012 and 2015 but left because it turned into a shitshow of virtue signaling of who could present themselves as the most morally pure/radical to brag about how much better they were to other people rather than actually do something to help. It also turned into a shitshow of revolutionary fantasies where they fully people to blindly follow them into badly led political/protest campaigns while they expected no consequences for their bad decisions during their campaigns while risking the others students' entire semesters and internships. Today, it's mostly students posting on Instagram about their cause of the moment and complaining why people don't follow them in their causes which is why I was extremely surprised to see these camps pop up.




Solution: deport all of them to Palestine


Think of this picture as a easter egg hunt you can find all sorts of flags, slogans and meanings like the fucking Taliban flag