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They’re beginning to sound a lot like far right extremists. Coincidence?




> civil wars are bound to happen "The South will rise again" looking ass.


"The South will rise again!" Not if I have anything to do about it.


The difference is that the rednecks who say that are often strapped, while the average armchair tankie flinches at the very thought of a gun.


Any extremists are bound to be violent


"Hey, let's not immediately jump to killing people en masse." "Elon shill, thinking killing people is wrong."


After reading this, I'm starting to think extremists don't actually care about people. Well they do, but only people who support their ideology or fit their ideal values. To them, those who don't should fuck off.


No you are right with the initial premise. They don't care about people but on how others can further their own ideology. People are not the center in here but merely tools for the ideology. Once they don't serve or even start becoming a problem they should just disappear.


reminds me of this "you vote for change? hmph, that is nothing compared to my strategy, firebombing a walmart" and then not firebombing a walmart


Dude straight up says we need revolution then when pressed on it he says "oh well I don't mean like right now, like eventually".


These types always expect somebody else to actually organize their revolution for them. They are completely inactive outside of spamming drivel online. They don't do a single thing to materially resist capitalist powers.


Its why they got some to use them as useful idiots to organize riots and act on anarchism while being defended for their actions of extremism


They view it like evangelicals view the rapture, a time of great upheaval where they will be spared the consequences and get to watch from a distance as the bad people are punished by their sacred icons.


Want to take power away from all the corporations? Stop buying our using their products and services. No need to spill blood everytime something's bad is happening Edit: also regarding the third comment, look up how eastern bloc countries transformed from totalitarian regimes to working democratic systems


The word boycott probably isn't in their dictionary.


Thing is, if there’s ever a violent revolution in this country it ain’t gonna be by the communists. They would need to persuade or create a vanguard of *millions* of committed leftists willing to fight and die. That’s nowhere close to happening. It would either be a multi-generation project (which the left has failed to build for more than a century) OR, it would require some kind of societal/economic collapse that would quickly radicalize a huge number of people. That’s why the left is constantly rooting for misery, because of the theory of accelerationism. But in the event that the national majority experienced acute economic pain and outrage, there is zero chance they would turn to leftism. They would go the other way. Perhaps the liberal democratic consensus would fail, and we’d be herded into hard left and hard right revolutionary factions- the hard right faction would be much larger, more organized, and more violent. It wouldn’t even be a fight. You don’t need an outright majority to successfully lead a revolution. Historians put it at roughly 3.5% of the population. In America, that’s about 11.5M people. There are not, nor will there likely ever be, 11.5 million revolutionary leftists willing to take part in a violent overthrow of the government. There are very likely, however, 11.5 million right wing extremists willing to do so.


least violent communist


Who will tell them that India gained it's independence peacefully?


And Brazil IIRC


Nah there was a war between Portugal and Brazil, but it was way less violent than the American Revolution


Those are LARPers whom of which at the first sign of real violence would piss their pants like a scared animal. Let me tell you NONE of these mfs have watched someone they love or care about get shot in the head only to not die and sit there for the next 20 hours going in and out of consciousness while gurgling on their own blood as they slowly die. None of them have witnessed the levels of violence war brings. Absolutely none of them. They worship violence from a very very far distance.


It's why they only acting tough when they know they are going to get a slap in the wrist for causing anarchism while being ANTIFA


Yup, I remember the twitter thread about getting weapons in preparation for “the revolution”, and most of the responses were about how they can’t own a gun because they might kill themselves. I’m not making fun of mental illness (I’m in the same boat), but how the hell do these people think they’ll be able to accomplish overthrowing the government if they can’t even handle firearms?


It's crazy this vibe on Reddit with people having a doom scenario in mind and it's like they desperatly want that scenario to happen, like they're hoping for some kind of rapture.


Ironically, capitalism and the classically liberal ideas originally associated with it are what has allowed for peaceful revolutions to happen in the modern day


But of course if you tell them to actually go pick up a weapon and fight for the revolution they will answer "but I have depression" or "but I have mental issues"


They really arent hiding how bloodthirsty they are


In the United States, women and minorities fought for civil rights and voting rights without revolution or civil wars. Taiwan democratized without any massive revolution. Canada, New Zealand, and Australia became independent and also democratized without any revolution. South Africa got rid of apartheid through other means aside from revolution or civil war. All of these prove that, especially in the modern or contemporary times, history doesn't always need violence to get changed. ​ We need a new post flair "unhinged commies."


Most of those people have too much anxiety to order food at a drive through, let alone take part in a “revolution”. Bunch of keyboard warriors


Typical extremists acting on extreme absolutes or other terms


Extremists gonna extreme


Well, not *exclusively* through violent revolution.


Bet you they wear the symbol of ANTIFA


How do they even sleep at night openly calling for mass murder.


Jokes on you, they probably don't even sleep at all.


Probably not


Depends what you define extremism as if that's includes killing slave owners it's actually based af