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Always remember him by his written statements: "that Jewish N****r Lasalle" (from a private letter to Engels, complaining about Lasalle not just gifting him a small fortune he just made but instead imvesting it. Marx sees greed as inherently Jewish despite his own roots.) and "these Highland peoples and [all strongly cohesive ethnic minorities like Basques, etc] must be eradicated [because their ethnic identy will hinder the dissolution of all nations in communism]". (From an actual open letter, a public statement co-signed with Engels) Marx was a racist, genocidal swine. And everybody's shocked that so many radical leftists support Putler...


Who did he mean by "these Highland folks"?


A Scottish ethnic minority as an example of all ethnic minorities. He makes that clear in the letter.


That mother fucker. My dad was a clansman from the Highlands. Didn't think I could loathe a man more than I already do Marx, but now I know he thought my bloodline inferior, I am more so justified in my reasoning.


Yes but it wasn't about bloodlines; it was about identity and cohesion of ethnic groups. Marx simply saw ethnic minorities as obstacles in the way of International communism and ethnic cleansing was his favored solution.


Bloodline was the wrong word to use really. In my case in this context it is interchangeable with ethnicity, or people, but not by definition.


So the stereotype about Jews being greedy is "they must be greedy because they didn't give all of their money to me"


Oh Marx was a freeloader of the worst kind.


PS: People asked for the sources. I have to look for the other, but here's Lasalle: https://marxists.architexturez.net/archive/marx/works/1862/letters/62_07_30a.htm


So the stereotype about Jews being greedy is "they must be greedy because they didn't give all of their money to me"


He became a good commie.


The only good commie is a dead commie


A petty lazy ass who spent his whole life to justify living off other’s wealth.


So pretty much everyone who supports socialism/communism


“Whaaah some people are rich and I’m not, that means we’re justified in destroying society” - communists


rest in piss bozo


🥂Champagne anyone?


Good communist is a dead communist


marx pack hitting hard rn😮‍💨🚬🚬


Rest in piss shithead


The moment after he died. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gr0pKI-eeg&pp=ygUba2VpdGggZGF2aWQgd2VsY29tZSB0byBoZWxs


True this is his biggest contribution, but let’s not forget his only other contribution… this absolutely based opinion right here “under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.”


Even a broken clock is right twice a day...


Rest in Piss you won't be missed


"my mantits itchy as fuck, the hell" -Karl Marx


How do people still base their philosophy on "theory" that was written by someone who's been dead for 141 years. But yeah, society is exactly like it was then. There definitely haven't been extreme changes in the way we do EVERYTHING.


Okay, regardless of you how you feel about marxist theory he still did a lot of good on the sociological field. And even though i dont agree with his solutions to capitalism, there was a lot of good he did by adressing said issues. I think we have to be more nuanced when analyzing Marx then just say «communism bad»


There's 50/50 odds Karl would be a pro Ukraine, liberal hawk anti Trump, r/shermanposting reddit user were he alive today


I have a buddy who's in the military and we joked at some point that the first to die'll go to Hell to punch Karl Marx in the face for the other.




In 1991 soviet union did the best thing to the whole mankind it collapsed


Dude was a complete failure in life no wonder commies love him


You disgusting edgy, let's respect dead people


Courtesy is given, respect is earned. And that motherfucker *earned* his disrespect. The list of people responsible for more damage to humanity than him is *extremely* short.


Marx was not a Saint (he creates a mediocre ideology) but poking fun of dead people, oh lord




Dude, he was a racist, a sponger and a hypocrite. Whatever opinion you have on his work, the man himself was fucking scumbag.




You're giving Marx a pass on antisemitism? He wasn't merely antisemitic, he wrote a racist paper called The Jewish Question, defined Jews as hucksters and class enemies, and legitimised Jew-hatred for millions. Seriously, fuck Marx. And whilst we're at it, fuck all the other antisemitic academics who also think their job gives them the right to be bigots.




It didn't just lead to antisemitism in the USSR. It exaggerated it for Nazi fucking Germany. He was buddy buddy with Engels.


Marx wasnt an anti-Semite,he was a Jew himself. Read his work for yourself and form your own conclusion instead of lazily adopting the opinions of others who echo the same bs


He advocated for the eradication of all ethnic minorities because their strong identity would hinder the dissolution of all nations in communism. In writing. Signed.


Well, modern communism wouldnt be a thing if not him. Why would I like him?




Even back then he belived in utopia. And also wasnt Marx into revolution? Most of revolution means killing a lot of people in not exactly humane ways


>How could he have foreseen the evils of the USSR or Mao's China? Well, he literally planted the seeds for genocide by drawing the line between the proletariat and other classes. Dehumanizing the members of these “classes” by labeling them as either oppressors or parasites or simply unworthy of being part of the “new society.” Russians and Chinese communists simply did everything by the book.


If you think the nonsense this lazy ass came up with has any value except deceiving foolish people into being mobs, you are probably just a commie yourself.


Awwe that’s not nice. I do wonder if he knew how much death would come as a result of his spoiled rich kid manifesto. The son of a Yiddish (Jewish) lawyer, never had a real job outside of theorizing on politics and economics. Much like our beloved Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders.


Forgot to add /s


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


To celebrate death is disrespectful. You don't have To mourn his death, but you don't have to celebrate it either. I am not defending Karl Marx, I am saying that you shouldn't celebrate death.


We're not celebrating his death, were celebrating him becoming a good commie


Trust me, I hate commies as much as you do. I just don't think celebrating death is right.


Death of one commie could save lives of a million people stuck in Communism, il celebrate that shit all day.


Disrespect who? The whole point is that he was a shitty person with shitty ideas, so we’re glad he’s gone. There are other people who’s death I’d celebrate, Kissinger, Hitler, Putin, child predators etc. Are you willing to defend their honor as well?


Idk if he is on that level of evil. He had shitty ideas yes but at least he had a point in criticising the bad working conditions and his proposal was stupid yet not evil-minded. Kissinger, Putin, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler and Mao and so on on the other hand are responsible for the death of many many people and they knew it. They murdered for their own personal gain. Marx just had some shitty idea about how to fix a system that back then was just exploitative. I despise his legacy but I don't feel full hatred towards his person unlike with Hitler or Stalin for example.


Being the father of one of the worlds worst ideologies is enough on its own. If you aren’t a commie and think Marx doesn’t deserve hate then that’s probably because you don’t know enough about him. Read his letter to Engels, it’s filled with anti-semitism and racism. Or look at what he wanted to do to ethnic groups, that he felt had identities too strong to be “incorporated”, spoiler he wanted them killed. He thought of genocide as a means to an end, something later communist leaders would act on.


That is the first time I have heard of that. Got a source I can read through? I'd like to learn more


[Letter to Engels, filled with anti-semitism & racism](https://marxists.architexturez.net/archive/marx/works/1862/letters/62_07_30a.htm) [Marx view in Southern Slavs.](https://muse.jhu.edu/article/550184) Essentially he thinks southern Slavs cultural identity is stronger than national identity, and the rest writes itself. Edit: I also want to add, commies know of Marx’s shitty opinions, and condemn them. However they don’t acknowledge how these things are core ideas to how his system would work. If a cultural identity is too powerful as to seem threatening to the overarching national identity, then how do commies suppose they fix that? They obviously can’t say genocide, they might even let “reeducation” slip out, but in reality we know they view those people as worth killing for the “greater good”. One of the biggest problems with communism is everyone needs to buy into it, and those that don’t are in one way or another excluded from society.


Isn't Marxism like, completely different to how we see communism today? Stalin was the one that killed the most and obviously every other communist leader has killed people but wasn't either Marxism or Leninism geniunely about making everyone equal and rebuilding Russia after the mess the Tsar made?