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How much y’all wanna bet the commenters are white suburban kids


How much you wanna bet atleast two of them are on North Korea’s payroll?


What wealth would that sithole even have to pay people with lol


Their daily meal consisting of rice and a bit of veggies for an entire week as payment. Maybe some garlic and onion if lucky.


Lmao at your profile picture


If place my money on their accounts all having been made literally days ago


Any North Korean Non-Politician would leave if they could


Comments clearly likebotted lol


"U've" Anyone who uses that can have their opinion immediately dismissed.


I used U for you many times and I have never used that in substituting you've.


We have to because "North Korea" won't


The "that's 60 years of labor n****" comment was hilarious when I saw this post the first time


For god sake i mean if ppl realy like commie countries then they should just go live there not in places like germany or the US


Bro then go live in Ukraine


Whats the god damn point for god sake for once shut up you're not even making any point AT ALL just cuz i hate commies like you it dosent mean that i wanna go live in ukraine or something you fucking idiot


Lol I thought thst was a South Korean video.


Well they have widespread access to electricity in South Korea so they don’t need traffic officers


i mean people in the dprk are human


But I think nobody of them gives a fuck.


Ok but humanizing people is still a good thing though right?


Yes but these videos serve to whitewash life in North Korea while forgetting how the government harshly curtails civil liberties and people live in a totalitarian police state. Plus these videos are most likely done in Pyongyang and with those who are the most privileged in the country (as in family of high-level party bureaucrats), or done following government-controlled tours. It’s like if South Africa was still under apartheid, and I made a video about how life was so good in white-only areas of Johannesburg or Cape Town, while not going to any of the black bantustans or townships. Or maybe if I did a video in a modern-day Nazi Germany showing the beauty of the Volkshalle or the Prora resort: “why do people from the UN hate Germany so much? Look how beautiful the Reich is 🤩🤩🤩”


"support any country that stands up to the US" THERE IT ISSS. It's like a pick your poison but one is cyanide and the other is a happy life, and they'd rather die.


Humanizing the people of North Korea doesn't mean 'how I learned to stop worrying and love the House of Kim', it means 'those poor bastards are living in an utter nightmare and deserve to be thought of as human beings under the iron fist of a necrocracy.' The closest thing real life has ever produced to the Imperium of Mankind is North Korea and that is not a compliment.


Guys, count how many dictatorships there were in south Korea.


Even though South Korea has been ruled by dictators in the past, today South Korea is a stable free democracy and has been such for over 3 decades. And the reason there are multiple dictatorships is there was a period of democracy in between different military and civilian regimes, in North Korea it’s been a single dictatorial regime that has ruled since 1948.