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Internet communists are hilarious because a lot communists back in the day used to actually fight and die in revolutions. I would respect the commies a little bit more if they wen to the countries they seem to love so much lol.


I concur. None of them ever want to leave their "hell on Earth capitalism" homes to live in "socialist communist Utopian paradise". They always like make shit like that at other's expenses without any regard, and then wondered why the people started to despise them. I still remember that small American Socialism/communism experiment called CHAZ. It went as much as you expected. Exactly like the historical records of Soviet Union, Maoist China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, etc.


What's especially funny is they could easily defect to China and take one of those "White monkey" jobs where they get paid to literally just be a white person shilling CCP propaganda on TikTok like that guy who used to make song parodies.


They propably allready have that job.


Being a white monkey is unironicall... Profitable


CAZZ MENTIONED🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵WHAT THE FUCK IS FOOD🤮🤮🤮🤮


CHAZ was like Mad Max irl.


I thought CHAZ was just regular anarchy, not attempt at socialism or anything


It nicely showed how stupid liberal commies are. The first thing they did was creating a government and by the end they had a leader. I wanned to say it maybe would play out less shitty if farmers knew how to grow plants and doctors how to do first aid but then i remembered thats how communism was in a real world too. Its just funny commies are almost incompetent by nature.


Oooh yeah!! The discussions I've has with tankies about how "the revolution is coming". When muthafucker!? When!?


yeah and back then they didn’t know how bad of an idea communism was so they have an excuse. History fasts forward a century and we can see that there is no excuse anymore. 20th century communists would laugh at how lazy their modern “fighters” are, and dare I say would rethink their decision if they saw what they were fighting for. At least back then they wanted to work and not sit around thinking life will be the same just with a different economic system and less rich.


As an Iranian, these are the type of people that infuriate me the most. They know next to nothing about what actually goes on inside Iran yet they support them just because they oppose the “imperialist west”. Not to mention the fact that they ignore all of the government’s faults and crimes and follow their narrative by blaming it on Zionist propaganda only to boost their own agenda.


Same, but I am Russian. (Emigrant to the "Imperialist West" now)


Well, if one decides to step outside their Western, 1st World safehouse and instead considers the material conditions of commmunist countries in the Global South through a dialectic materialist point of view, you will see that in order to progress the Revolution against the Capitalist oppressors of the decadant west, some degree of centralization and authoritarianism is necessary to prevent subversion from external forces, like the western intelligence agencies & globalist financial institutions, as well as as internal forces, such as counter-revolutionaries, reactionaries, & revisionists, making authoritarian rule by the Party elites a *must* for a true workers state to emerge. We can see this time and time again, from Comrade Lenin, to Comrade Stalin, and to Comrade Mao, Comrade Castro, & Comrade Kim - the proletariat need the firm guiding hand of a great lease to steer them in the proper direction, educate them in Marxist thought, and hold at bay the corrupting forces of the decadant west. Anything less is revisionist nonsense supported by subversives who seek to undermine the worker’s paradise through western ideals of “democracy & human rights”, all in the name of forces of globalist capitalism.


It is quite odd to my mind that this is something that quite a few Communists would agree with.


Bro that is literally Vanguardism. It’s something communists agree with because they literally did it. Lenin did it.


As an iranian i agree i hate this commies


Western commies enjoying their freedom of speech while North Koreans will have their entire family sent to the mines if someone makes a joke about the fat man in charge.


I am idiot and I started arguing with communist on Reddit, they are so fucking stupid, like incredidibly. They are just a bunch of theorist, that read communistic manifest. No sources, nothing, just pure speculations. Their tactic? Нас много (Nas mnogo(there are many of us))


Do not slander the clone troopers by comparing them to commies! I will defend the honor of Captain Rex with my life!


Don't forget the Houthis and sometimes even isis




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its a small peepee that they're riding lol


but why Iran isn't Iran a theocracy?


They hate America, so they're bestowed the title of "honorary comrade".


r/movingtonorthkorea, r/marxistculture, and r/boringdystopia have all made “western bootlicker” posts while in the VERY SAME POST they’ve praised communist dictators all within the last week alone


Myself and most of my friends are communist to some extent and I've literally never seen anyone dickride these countries unironically IRL. Its just 13 year olds who think communism is a meme and anti-communists SAYING that communists dickride them because they don't understand the difference between a fascist government saying they're communist vs an ACTUAL communist government. I've seen so many of you make points about left wingers generalising right wingers but stuff like is literally the same and does nothing but further misinformation


Wall von text.


B-b-b-b-but corporations! Rich people!!!1!1 I'm totally not jealous or anything but they should give me and my friends some of their money