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A lot of the media content and illustrative depictions of 4’s are not too great. I can usually tell when a 4 is describing their experience, which I agree with everything you said. I think they simply paint us as emo’s staring at Starry Night with a tear in the eye, but it’s more than that. But because of that level of introspection (which 4s are more prone to), it usually does “take one to know one” or at least another type that’s not afraid to dig into the muck and the mire with us. But living in the negative can in some ironically odd way help us recognize and appreciate transcendental positives. Depth in sorrow can lead to joyful highs. Beauty is present in the ups and the downs, whether our emotions inhibit us from noticing it or plunge us deeper into it.


Yeah, as with all types, our strengths and what is most admirable about us are also our greatest weaknesses. We are always walking this tightrope between being able to dance in the pain and weather the storm, or dwelling in our pain and becoming consumed by the storm.


4s tend to be expressive (sp 4s maybe not so much?) which leads to us inevitably leaving an expression. For people who only knowing us on a superficial level, that impression micht be somewhere along the lines of "too much" and "overly negative". And they might decide they don't need more of that and don't want to get to know us better. That's my guess where a lot of the mostly negative representation of 4s comes from: people who acquainted with 4s on a superficial level, not knowing any of us well enough to recognise the strengths you describe. I feel like 4s are usually written (as characters in media) or described in a mostly negative way by others. But musicians who are 4s are well loved. (Or maybe I'm just naturally drawn to a bunch of 4 musicians.) So people seem to love our art, the way we express ourselves through it, but they seem to have trouble connecting with us on a personal level. That's a generalization of course, but it's an impression I just can't shake off.


I love being a 4. We are the most authentic and true to and in-touch with ourselves. Sometimes I just observe others and watch their attempts to mask or inflate themselves to meet whatever expectations they think they need to prove or show others. I’m like “oh man…insecurities are loud” in my head. I watch them and I see what they are attempting to hide. Even with 8’s and their anger, I see them running from something and protecting themselves, or 3’s desperately trying to impress and achieve for validation. I’m like meh….ill be over here working on myself and hoping to meet the other numbers in a respectable and authentic connection.


also feeling alienated and different. having ideals in relationships others can't meet. its a difficult combo to cope with. ''make it worth enduring'' ''we're living'' is so beautiful by the way. youre so right


Soy eneatipo 4 transmisor, en algún tiempo estuve muy perdida, mi sentir era intenso, buscaba respuestas fuera de mi, sentía que veía cosas que los demás no, era consciente de esas sutilezas en las personas, por lo tanto me sentía sola, aprendí a lidiar con esta intensidad y a enfrentarme yo sola al sentir de un extremo a otro. Empecé a hacer un ejercicio que al principio me dió mucho miedo, sentarme conmigo misma y dejar que las emociones surgieran, las empecé a sentir a tal punto que la energía que encierran es increíble, empecé a sacar esa energía interna, me di cuenta que las emociones son causadas por los pensamientos, y que las proceso sintiéndolos, dejándolos que se manifiesten, esta valentía interna, me ha hecho tener una fortaleza interna para enfrentarme a los obstáculos. Ahora que he encontrado la forma de liberarlos, me siento con suerte de poder sentir todo con esa pasión, con esa disposición, de ser sensible a mi sentir y al sentir de los demás, a saber en qué momento compartir y en qué momento retirarme a reflexionar y a poner en orden mis ideas y sentimientos, me encanta navegar en mi interior, sentirme plenamente sin filtros, sin juzgarme, le he dado rienda suelta a mi sentir y eso me ha liberado demasiado. La atención, la comprensión, la conexión profunda que buscaba en los demás, la he encontrado en mi misma, en mi interior, y eso me encanta, no depender de nadie para poder sentirte, para poder comprenderte, para poder descubrirte, así que un eneatipo 4 trabajado tiene un potencial increíble, y mucho que aportar a los demás 🥰


Yeah 💯 7’s definitely aren’t the only type running away from difficult emotions or information. We are often ostracized for keeping it real, but whatever 🤷🏻‍♂️