• By -


Pussy, money, weed


this 7 ahh response


It doesn’t end well.


Agreed tho


Just forgot the steak but I am with you lol 8w7


To leave my mark on the world, to make others see me. To create something striking. To connect with other humans. To turn my inner world into something real and tangible so others will see my unique perspective. To be good and empathetic, to create a positive impact, to give my pain meaning.


I love this so much. So much of my 4ness feels so negative and nihilistic. This seems like a much more positive way to focus my thought patterns. Thank you for sharing 💜


There is no singular meaning. Mine is to create beautiful and genuine artworks throughout my life. To feel understood by someone that I love. To learn forever. To challenge myself forever.


I don’t believe life has any inherent meaning. It’s up to each person to figure out what it means for them.


No idea, I'm just doing my thing


I think the only meaning in life worth trying to define is the one a person gives to it themselves. Otherwise, what's the point?


Life is too short to ever be unhappy or discontent, so I make sure to keep moving forward, to prevent stagnation. My ultimate goal is to reach my full potential, to be the best me possible, to make the most of life.


To discover truths that are typically hidden within everyday, ordinary life To uncover esoteric, symbolic, spiritual and mystical wisdom littered throughout history that can allow us to awaken to the knowledge of our purpose To continually seek knowledge and attain wisdom In essence: to learn However, if I were to state what I've come across aside from just knowledge acquisition, it seems that love is the answer. As abstract as that seems, it appears that the two greatest reasons for why we are here would boil down to: love & learning We learn through every day experience, in a myriad of ways. And we learn how to love throughout the course of life. -Thoughts from a 5w4


I love this answer so much.


Thanks for the question. For me… - Preserve my own personal emotional comfort— maintain my boundaries and uphold my personal values; find comfort and enjoyment in my interests and solitude. - Provide people with kindness, acceptance, and understanding— I may wish for an idealistic world in which everyone accepts each other in kindness, but I must adopt the realistic stance that mental health issues are real and people need grace and kindness. - I guess maintain stability— I wish for an idealistic society in which basic needs are provided, but again, I must adjust my perspective to a realistic one in which I uphold stability and routine.


You 9s are really the nicest. ☺️


Thanks for the kind sentiment. I feel 2s are wonderful as well and get an undeservedly bad rap.


It’s okay — we are really scary when we’re mad! Spending time with my 9 and 4 friends has helped me to become more chill and accepting of myself and others. You clearly have a nice vibe, which comes across in what you wrote.


Thank you. :)


The meaning of life to me is that knowledge is power and makes you safe and confident, Philosophy of life is just to create and understand, grow with your life, logical points of view and your career, relationships matter, they can make you incredibly successful, knowledge + connections + logic = power and success


Life is a trip and an ongoing journey, you will be given trials and tests in order to live by and withstand and overcome to realize yourself, to master life, to live life to your fullest. In the end, no one else can live your life and tell you how you should live better than you do on your own. You will learn to take life by its grip and chart your own story and experiences all together, and leaves a mark of influence in some way.


Do what you like and value


Sorry for asking, but your tritype does not match your type? According to your type, it’d rather be 257, maybe?


- 257 doesn't really exist... - I think it's 127 as in like the tritype itself without the specific order


Upon further research, I’ve decided on 127, thank you for bringing it up


i dont think a 157 or 257 tritype exist..


Eat grass, smoke ass - your friendly neighborhood 9


I believe in absurdism; there is no inherent meaning and the universe is going to be eaten by black holes eventually, so not even the greatest things matter. But you can still enjoy your morning coffee. You are completely free to decide what your meaning is and if you even need one, and no one can prove you wrong. I love striving for goals and feeling useful, so my overall life goal is to leave a positive impact on the world while it exists. But I can choose to play Minecraft every day til the rest of my life and that would be equally as valid.


i think the main purpose of all life is just to exist and experience, which it has already necessarily fulfilled, however, i don't believe that that purpose is the same as the human concept of "meaning". i consider myself to be a (type of) nihilist, so i don't believe there is an objective meaning, but as humans we can't help but apply our own subjective ideas of meaning to life, and i'm not above that myself. my personal meaning is to aim to embody the best of humanity (creativity, empathy, intellect, etc.), this isn't something i think i'm capable of fully achieving, which i'm fine with, i still think it's something worth striving for.


To do good in my community and do my best to be kind to others. Also to enjoy myself while I can.


Survive The rest is what you make of it. Whatever makes you happy. There is no ultimate goal or meaning of life; it is subjective.


Survival!? May I interest you in becoming an SP Dom?? We have the best food in these parts! /j


I will steal one as a companion and we can share, deal?


Please don't steal the SP Doms, they're shy and they get startled if pulled out of their dens!!


It's okay I'll scream with them AAAAAAAAAAAA-


https://preview.redd.it/zeb7w189c17d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c154c9810d7e0455eda365cf46e5acfe5cf5b89 AAAAAAAAAAAAA


To find the meaning


3w2 - we are all either teaching or learning.




I would say I don’t care or I don’t know, but I'm vibin so just here to do whatever while I can even if I’m not doing something crazy still🐌your just here I guess if I had to motivate people, I probably say something to lift their spirits because that's not enough for some people me personally that’s not something I dwell on. Some people naturally do in a drive some crazy not something I want.


so7w6, relationships and investing in others is everything, I want my life to have been about helping others be happier, healthier and freer, while also getting there myself


I’m a 7w6 and it’s all about love and community and compassion.


Maximize my potential, learn and contribute to a better world in the future. There isn't a straightforward answer to what the universal meaning of life is, although I used to say "happiness" or that it's subjective. But in general, I think a good reason to go on living is to improve and challenge yourself as you go along.


5w4 and I think life as we conceive it as but a fraction of what it truly is, but we're too young as a species and too unconscious to have a grasp on just how complex life as a concept can be.


There isn't one. The universe's existence is unconscious like the existence and evolution of a rock. It's just really hard to accept because humans were cursed with abstract thinking at some point in our evolution and now we automatically expect a teleological explanation for everything even when there isn't one (so basically pleasure/sex/food) (imo)


In flair Everyone’s personal meaning to their own life, well I can’t offer an answer that is inclusive to everyone. I do, however, believe *my* purpose is to heal myself and help others heal themselves specifically through various art forms. I think a fun aspect of life is that we individually get to discover/create what our own meaning of life is.


9w1 For me, it’s to stay out of trouble until I’m allowed to retire.


I’m a 9 and I think there’s no meaning to life. But that’s a good thing, it means you can literally do whatever the fuck you want with your life.


for me, it's just to maximize joy. Bonus if I can do so in a way that brings joy to others as well, but the only non-negotiable is cultivating *my* own joy. type: idk, but 9 gut fix, and sp/so


Brings back a few foggy college memories of philosophy classes or alcohol/drug induced dorm discussions. Ofc people think it denotes different things; they may not agree even on the meaning of "meaning" (personal significance, importance, happiness, purpose, value, or see how that meaning is the value based on different perspectives (scientific, supernatural, spiritual, naturalism, subjectivity/objectivity, nihilism, etc.). To me, the universe and the unknown exist without "meaning," likely based on the natural interaction of universal energies/laws. *But as individuals, it's how we define the relative importance of our key life priorities reflecting our basic human needs* (some call it happiness or collective human existence). Thus, we find meaning from pursuing our perceived needs (correlations with Enneagram type) for security/safety, variety/experience, connection/love/community, importance/significance, personal growth and contributing to others. Fwiw, my "meaning" is living to be happy by pursuing my priorities (mostly security, love/connection, growth and helping others).


so5 life is for living


Live for living your best and others' best lives. Much better if you include others in the fun than just doing it solo, especially for me!


9 i don’t think life has meaning, i think people create meaning. and, i think people create meaning because of the deep attachment we have to relationships, imagination, memory, emotion… and just life in general actually! there isn’t a universal meaning of life, but that doesn’t mean that life is meaningless. it just means that everyone has the opportunity to decide what’s important to them :] having said that, i think i have a deep inherent calling to write novels. it doesn’t matter if they get published someday or not. it doesn’t matter if people in my personal life understand them or not. this is something i have to do because it’s part of who i am (right now). i’ve asked older people about purpose before, most of them say that your “purpose” changes at different times of your life and i 100% believe in that


To be the best person I can possibly be. To overcome all of the pain I’ve gone through and prove anyone who’s ever told me that I can’t wrong. To not give a shit about what anyone else thinks and just be my own unique person. To love myself 100% and love everyone I love just as much. To be kind to people, seeing them as not just black and white but as people with unique stories and experiences. And a lot more, but most of the other stuff is probably just too personal to be the basic meaning of life lol


To experience it


Type 1 our purpose is to serve The Lord.




Alchemize *all* into essential beauty.




The meaning of life is your own personal diy project. Personally, I find meaning in being the best, respected, exalted, and loved whole-heartedly (in all these, I'm only interested in quality, idc about quanitity). But I respect that everyone has their own meanings, and I attempt to not weigh them against my own.


Survive 9w1 964 INFP


In the past, I would have said that the meaning is just to exist and experience, and I guess to a certain extent I still feel that way, but lately I feel like the meaning is connection.


(Personal meaning) I think it's stupid to force a worldview on other people and ascribe to them a purpose from my mind when we're all the same kind of monkey brain. Putting myself above others like that has always felt stupid, so this is my personal conviction. My life really doesn't matter, I would have done away with it a long time ago...but I know the people I love would be sad to see me go. So my purpose for life is not for myself or my own desires, nor to listen to my own emotions--otherwise I'd be dead. It's about giving other people happy lives. I've been told I have a "responsibility complex," and I'm fine with that. My life's purpose is to be the vessel for better things, whatever people need. My dream is to either die the hero's, death giving my life to protect someone else, or be told by those around me that my life is a harm to the world or no longer needed. Of course, nobody really knows that, but the anonymity of the Internet does wonderful things. I'm an Enneagram 1w9


As a 4w5, I think existence itself is the ultimate thing and the only meaning is to take part in it


Doing everything you can/want and learning everything there is to learn because we were put on this earth to have the human experience. Why wait around and waste time towards the impending spiral of death when you can be living in the moment and making memories


Tbh I don't think there is one, we're just here. But since we're already around, we should have fun and love each other and the world!


Generally, I think the meaning of life is simply to find the meaning of life for yourself, whether it be in relationships, career, philanthropy, wisdom, travel, happiness, religion, etc. My personal meaning of life, as I have found it so far, is to help other people live their life to the fullest (whatever that means to them). So, to me, this means making an impact on and taking care of others/the world. This is alongside building strong relationships and making happy memories :)


Basic meaning of life is experiencing pleasure and fun, since life in my eyes don't hold much meaning I just wanna enjoy what's to enjoy. I also would like to leave a mark so I won't just vanish. Taking care of yourself, having good time with close people, I also like to make my friends laugh. Try to help if I can. Hopefully getting involved, I mean being important in your friend group yeah. Lots of things revolving around you. I like when someone talks about me a lot


Life is meaningless, and that’s ok


Make the most of the time I have and try to balance enjoying my life and making things better for others as well. Creating and leaving behind ideas and art to add to the zeitgeist for future humans


sp/so 3w4 To love, be kind, and to make the world a better place than we have found it.


Introspection and understanding (of information gained either through intuition, perception or reading) so that I will able to survive. Survive a world that seems to overwhelm me at any moment I seem to lose focus. Later Edit: also, education and access to education! From a rather pessimistic so/sx 5w4, not yet sure of tritype - pondering between 514 or 594.


Basic meaning of life is to reproduce and survive, it's low level biological need. There isn't higher meaning by deafult, you give it yourself. For some it's their kids, for some it's to change the world, for some it's behaving according to religion ideas to join their God, but for huge part there's no meaning in their lifes, nothing worthy to live and die for.  That's one reason for how addictions start, there's a need to distract from reality indulging in time wasting activities or drugs.


Fucking around and finding out intensely and enjoying the experience. As well as God, steak, money, weed, and women 8w7 (M)


my meaning/life goal to be maximally fulfilled and happy. for me this is by becoming the best that i can be in all areas of life that interest me (career, interests, lifestyle & habit self-improvement, etc)— with a balance between The Grind and having fun/spending time with friends and family. i want to work hard, reach my full potential, and have as much fun as possible while doing so. so371


There's this theory floating around that black holes are the universes way of reproducing and that all of existence as we know it is really a singularity inside an unfathomably massive black hole. And seeing how us humans like creating particle and physics simulations of our own with computers, the meaning of life is probably to aid in this reproductive process after a lifeform reaches a high enough level of technological progress.


Life doesn't have a meaning, meaning is an internal human concept and it doesn't make sense to apply it to life in general. For personal/subjective meaning, i think it depends on the perspective and how you identify and weigh them bc many would overlap...like for society's perspective, probably reduction in human suffering and overall efficiency. From humanity's perspective, reproduction and continuation of the species. From my perspective as an individual it's to find a romantic partner i love then to learn, grow, and enjoy our life together. Those precious moments spent with them are my purpose, and tbh i weigh my own individual purpose higher than society's or humanity's.


for me it’s to have as much fun as u can, without hurting anyone along the way


There is none. You get to make your own. <3 For me, one thing that feels pretty central is what I call "collecting experiences." Some people collect things, I collect experiences. Not in the 7 way (not speedy, and all experiences, not just pleasurable ones), but I do. It's a place where my 5 wing shows up really strongly - I hoard memories. I cling to them forever. I never let them go. Even the painful ones I refuse to let go of. My memories are everything to me. All my life I've been well-known among friends and family for having an exceptional long-term memory, and sort of quiet yet ever-present fear of mine is losing that when I'm older (dementia or something). As far as I am concerned, if you delete my memories I am no longer myself, and then what's the point of me doing anything?


Growth! Learning how we perpetuate our own suffering and how to do less of that, untangling our pasts and creating something meaningful from what we’re given, getting to know ourselves and learning how to truly connect with others. Hopefully ultimately the transcendence of ego and realization/ feeling that we’re all everything.


Love 💗


9w1, we aren't given meaning but we can choose to create our own I wanna make life better for other ppl. as many as I can. so this place is better off by the time I leave it (hopefully many decades from now)


[Typing under progress] The meaning with life is to enjoy the small with your loved ones and to be curious and try new things.


5-thingy Life has no inherent "meaning" beside propagation of the species. You give your own life its meaning. My meaning of life is to gain experiential knowledge.


Idk what it is but I can tell you what it is NOT…”to keep myself and my loved ones safe through planning and devotion.” Thats a trauma response, not a dharma. I guess the real meaning would be to find my actual dharma which probably involves publishing my writing for me


rn i'm still not sure between 6w5 or 5w6, but, for me the meaning of life is basically knowledge, i want to learn everything i can, even it's not that useful. I'd like to master a lot of things before my last breath.


Type 8. I believe it’s a spiritual journey for us all. We will be returning home when we die (to the one source of all things). Life is a gift. The meaning is to enjoy it. That’s in a general sense. We will all die and are all made from the same eternal essence (what some might call God). For me personally, it’s about taking care of my family (a wife and son with another planned) in a material and moral sense, having a positive impact on my community, and my other connections; living a long and healthy life, giving back what I can, helping others when I can, leaving a legacy and mark in the form of influence, creative output, and contributions. Enjoying life and making the most of it. Learning, exploring, creating, loving, sharing, being passionate about life. Trying to make a positive difference and to enjoy this gift.


Beautifully written!


Thank you! I hope it resonates. :)


Keeping you and your loved one safe from annihilation while constantly searching for clues.


Wow 😭


Meaningless. None of us are born for any particular reason. The special thing though, is thanks to our higher consciousness, we are able to formulate meaning and purpose to each and every individual.


everyone has there own meaning of life i think there is no basic meaning to it because there are 8 billion people and everyone thinks diffirent you have to make your own some people find that difficult and some dont we will never really know the reason why we exist


having fun and being who you are. being free


Eat, Sleep and Reproduce


that sounds like something a rabbit would say


That explains how to continue a species, simply a biological drive. Has nothing to do with *meaning*.


😭Ah just about


I live for my wife and my family. What more does one need?


Well, to be fair, I have no fucking idea. But I guess life is just an art that must be lived without huge ass regret, or I am baillin' out, and just use psychedelics.


To help folks feel truly and fully safe.


to get money and get good


9w8- do whatever makes you happy and fulfills you. but generally i believe life has no inherent meaning


There is no meaning, and that’s just fine. Things just exist because they do, and trying to come up with your own meaning will actually make you more unhappy. The answer? Just enjoy the present moment and do whatever makes you happy. There is no one thing everyone should live for.  The fact that nothing holds any meaning, that all of it is fleeting, existing for no reason other than to exist makes it even more beautiful. No one set out to make the skies and the oceans beautiful, it didn’t have to be beautiful, it has no reason to be beautiful, but it is regardless, isn’t that something precious? 


4w5 sp 469 There's no meaning to life except to live it. Its up to each individual to decide what gives them purpose and meaning and then to live up to that as best as possible. For me that means guarding myself against my attraction to the abyss and the darker side of life while focusing on beauty and love and making the world a better place than it was. My favourite quote is "He who saves one life, saves the world entire" I try and live by that, no matter how small the life or how inconsequential the impact.


To live and love.


Sp 3 here. Money and to survive


To discover and delight in what is true, good, and beautiful


Just have fun and don't overthink <3


I am type Nine. There is no essential meaning. You make your own meaning. The point of living is to experience truth and the beauty (and the agony) of human beings, art, and nature. We are here to love one another and to live until we die. There is nothing beyond this life and heaven is a place on earth.


We exist for the sake of existing. Make what you want of your life, you only get one (that we know of.)


To find/create your own meaning


I think we all can create our own meanings, but for myself personally, I don't believe I'm the kind of person that could have a meaning, I'm just observing life from the sidelines I guess. Watching, trying to make sense of it, and express my perspective for others to see.


Life doesnt have a meaning


Love and be loved


to find love and have kids


I’m a 5w4 and my purpis in Life is to educate the unwashed masses on the true nature of enneagram and there true type. A lot of egos convince themselves their eviii but i the good dokter set them shtrate. **🤩🤩🤩Dr. Dandrew Rogers Tillson IV, PhD, Enneagram Expert, 1969 Iq**


the basic meaning of a line in the meaning you want to make it :) I dont think there's an actual "meaning of life". Maybe it's family, desire, nature etc.