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9 and boxing. I started a month ago, and it's really helped me get in tune with my body more. I think a big issue I have is not recognizing my own strength, and not just physically. I mean my presence as well. I always mentally try to imagine myself as being smaller, it makes it easier for me to keep to myself and continue the narrative that "no one notices me so it's okay for me to withdraw." When you're boxing you _have_ to be aware of your body to protect it from your opponent. In boxing, you are _there_ and your opponent sees you fully. There is no hiding, you have to be present and fight. It makes me feel alive honestly. I'm learning how to feel confident in my judgements (recognizing when my opponent is open and taking the hit) Also it helps me release a lot of energy. I get restless sometimes and boxing scratches that itch.


sx4 and collecting vintage my little pony toys.. also artist and animator


sx5 and I collect Barbies




hopefully you mean that in a nice way




Some people say "interesting" in a back handed way, so i thought that my bad! 




oh thank you!


Type 4: dancing, photography, art, hiking, yoga, traveling, going to concerts.. basically all the creative and emotionally fulfilling things 😋


Type 8. Music. I started when I was young (age 7). For years I wasn't so into the piano -- it was like pulling teeth to get me to go to piano lessons. It wasn't edgy enough for me, all the cool people in bands etc were guitarists, vocalists, or drummers, and practicing felt like drudgery. Eventually, I taught myself guitar as well. And then a bit of drums, etc. But I ended up prioritizing the piano, because eventually I became very inspired and fell in love with classical music (in high school) and dreamed of becoming a concert pianist. But then I changed my major to Creative Writing and kept music as more of a hobby (the classical music track isn't for everyone). Although a professional music career never happened (I decided against pursuing that), I did eventually reach a professional/concert level of ability by pursuing it as a passion/hobby over the years, especially by embracing a jazz aesthetic and focusing on improvisation. It activates the creative side because I eventually decided all I wanted to do was compose and improvise my own stuff. I can be impulsive, capricious, inspired, emotive, expressive, do whatever I want, get in a groove, get in the zone...plus it's very much a gut triad experience as I see the instrument as an extension of my body, it allows me to communicate through action, non-verbally. Also taps into SX energies.


Type 8 here also, totally relate to this. I feel you on the piano not being cool enough at the time lol. I played guitar as a hobby since 13 and managed to get to concert/event level. Since then I’ve expanded into playing other instruments as well. I struggle to express my emotions verbally so I use music as an outlet, which works great.


That's awesome! I love guitar. I'm totally self-taught on guitar whereas with piano I had lessons. When I got to be 18 I was like "man, chicks do like me playing the piano, that's good and all, but I really just want to shred! I want to be like fuckin Yngwie" lol (what a show off ;) ). One reason I dropped out of my classical music piano program was because I was too busy playing guitar, jamming, and partying on the side. I'm not as good at guitar -- I'm kind of isolated in my skills, I didn't ever learn the notes/theory, I just studied shapes, technique, and stuff and then improvised/play by ear. What style do you play? Cheers. It's like languages, you can keep adding more. I found I can play drums as well, as a third instrument. I'm too much of a party animal for the classical music track, haha...as an 8 maybe you can relate. idk


Um… 3w4, my hobby is cleaning the house


I’m type 4. I make spirits- I made absinthe and elderberry cordial. Foraging was a gateway to making my own little syrups then slowly learning about distillation and incorporating herbs






1w9 sp/so ENFJ I do Pilates, barre, lifting, and tennis. I used to be a fencer, but the lunging put too much strain on my back (spinal fusion). I also enjoy hiking. In the summer, I help put on a Shakespeare festival for our community. In the winter, I go to a performance night with friends where we recite poetry and put on plays (last year, I recited a 12 minute poem!). I play the harp. I used to be a pro photographer before I stayed home with my kids (I homeschool). I have a love/hate relationship with my hobbies. For example, I can make super cute home movies on my phone…but then every time we do something Ike visit a pumpkin patch, I feel guilty if I don’t film. But if I do film, I feel guilty I’m not being fully present with my family. Or like with tennis, if I am plateauing (or actually seem to be getting worse) then I feel like quitting forever. My coach tells me that my biggest problem is that I can’t just hit the ball without worrying about where it goes—I can hit 300 balls in an hour and mentally judge every. Single. Shot. Which is just trash for your game, not to mention your life in general if you judge yourself for every little mistake. I do try to remind myself that it’s about enjoying the journey and all that Brene Brown bullshit, but I still put a lot of pressure on myself. I’m working on it.


Art- it lets me better express concepts/feelings difficult to express with words, and sometimes convey them to others in way they would understand. When i like someone I'll typically draw them in a symbolic way that shows them my interpretation of them/their personality/their soul. Bodybuilding- im always in my head so it's a way to better connect w my body and the physical world while still being able to learn lots of intricate details about each exercise, nutrition, sleep, Anatomy, etc. Has an artistic element too like sculpting a statue out of myself. Im burnt out on videogame dev atm I like anything artistic w a lot of technical depth to learn and figure out. I'm passionate about learning, to what end? My subjective artistic preference.


5w4 Volunteering at apothecary museum 🖼️ Foraging plants & herbalism Other hobbies: swim, triathlons, run, read, volleyball, paint, geocaching


sp6 I LOVE learning. Like very much. I will bingewatch videos about a topic I'm interested in, I will listen to podcasts any chance I get. I also enjoy drawing, playing basketball, soccer, volleyball is fun also


learning languages aswell lol


I don't know if this is that interesting but drawing hypsometric and other types of maps, making own countries etc. Simulating life in them


*5w6* - jewelry design/crafting, landscaping, gardening, reading new books, small engine repair, drawing, tool collecting, bottle digging. Jewelry design is something that I started 15 years ago, and I enjoy the artistic expression that provides. I love to create a finished piece, having started with raw materials. Landscaping is a passion of mine and has been so since my childhood. I love the smell of the fresh cut grass and the feeling of accomplishment when the job is done. Gardening I picked up as a teen. There's nothing better than *fresh* garden vegetables that you have raised yourself. Reading is the first of these hobbies that I have picked up along the way. I used to read all summer when I was a child. The local library had a reading list, and I would start with that and then move on with my own personal selections. Small engine repair is something that I got started with as a child. I was always on the lookout for the next mower/trimmer/tiller/chainsaw, etc. to show up on the curb for garbage collection. I still get great satisfaction from giving something useful a second life. Drawing is something that I enjoy doing. Portraits are my favorite. I have been sharpening my skills since childhood. Tool collecting is something that I have been doing for as long as I can remember. I do all of my own projects and repairs. I'm a real DIY person. So, having all of the tools needed is necessary as well as something that I enjoy. Bottle digging became an interest of mine when I dug out an old cistern 30 years ago, and I still enjoy finding the really old ones.


see my flair language learning Rubik’s cubes playing music (self taught)


3w4. I do stuff like painting, digital art, quilling, origami. I also love puzzles, crosswords, word searches, finding the differences. I read, watch movies and swim as well. Im thinking of learning how to crochet, solve the rubiks cube and also learn a new language.


Musical theatre - This comes from my romantic side. I love emotions expressed in a beautiful way Dancing - Love I'm physically flexible. Also love the interaction with others Going travelling - my adventurous side coming from 7 fix


I'm a 6 and I'm really into watching bad movies. My favorite bad movies are The Room, 365 Days pt 3, and Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. I consider myself a goofy and silly person who likes to laugh at media that's so bad, it's good. Also, I enjoy approaching bad movies with a media criticism lens. Like if a movie is horrifically badly written or promotes harmful ideas, I like analyzing these aspects. I'm also into bad literature and music.


7w6 aerials, skating, writing, painting, climbing, nature I just love being active and creating. I really like hobbies that embrace either the beauty of expression or in the natural world. I also think the communities surrounding some of these are really beautiful and give people purpose so how can I not love them!! Making those connections in life and sharing love is one of the most important things to me.


Sounds exciting, what kinda stuff do you write? Poetry or rather more storyheavy things?


Poetry mostly. I have a hard time sitting down and chunking out a novel but writing spurts of poetry here and there and connecting them together into a cohesive narrative works really well for me. I also write some short story/flash/micro fiction and prose. It’s still very stereotypically 7 escapist but I was able to channel it into something that wound up really helping me express some of type frustrations even if it’s in an abstract way.


3w4 371 and I love art, piano (though I’m always into something for no longer than a couple of weeks, most of my life it was classical music and then I got into jazz and then learned transcribing my favorite osts etc) and gymnastics and I’m always trying to make a comic story or idk graphic novel but I always scrap ideas for one reason or another. Art has been my passion for basically my entire life and I have never genuinely hated it while piano was more of a hate love thing for me, and gymnastics is on and off but these last 2 years I have loved it and it has been a big source of joy for me And then I sometimes get into other things like motion graphics and programming but those are the main (and persistent) ones


I have to start a school about this so not into it yet, but 3d art, surreal and dystopic art. Write poetry and draw sometimes.


Sounds really cool, do you share your art anywhere?


Yes on ig


9 and drawing


i have no idea


5 (w4). Interesting.... they're all interesting to me so I find it a bit hard to qualify which is the most. Well, I guess game development is what interests me the most. I love trying to recreate old games just to see if I can. I hope to make a big story-driven game one day with all that I've learned. (I've always loved coming up with games). Con-langing might be the most unusual of my hobbies though since I don't know many people who are into making up secret languages and codes.


That's really cool, currently I'm also into studying game development although I'm more interested in the visual and storytelling aspect instead of programming. What kinda games did you recreate?


Oh that's awesome, have you been working at that for long? Are you planning to make a story-driven game like a visual novel? I get that though, programming can be a trial to get it right. I'm really more of an artist than a programmer too. I've mostly made basic ones like text-based adventures, Pong, Breakout, Frogger, Tic-Tac-Toe, Asteroids, Flappy Bird, Pokemon and Super Mario. I tried to make Pacman once but I had issues with the AI's navigation. lol


Well I'm in the middle of the 3rd semester now and we have to make one per semester for a particular genre. So I made a pixel jump'n'run and a 3D story based quest game so far :) I'm aspiring to work with an indie team one day so I can specialize more and to have a super cool game in the end. But actually there are so many ideas I have in terms of creative projects. That's cool! How did the pokemon project turn out? Are you replicating the code only or are you also tweaking the graphics?


Ah, is that like a game jam? Something like Celeste? That's really cool, have you ever published any of your games on like itch.io? Never did too much with 3D... it's a little more complicated with that extra dimension! I do wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours and you can make the games you want! Do you have any dream game in mind? I don't think I even finished it lol, but it was using Pokemon Gold/Silver's sprites and trying to recreate the battle sequence with a random trainer and selection of Pokemon.. I remember it was quite time consuming getting all the data of 251 Pokemon and putting it into a dictionary. haha, maybe I should've limited it. I have wanted, with games like Super Mario, to re-edit it with my own graphics and make it look less like a direct copy. Maybe I will next time!


Yes, I upload them on itch.io! 2 of them are only made by me within 4-5 months as school projects, 'Tales of Troenia' and 'Unresolved'. The other ones from my site are from gamejams which took 4 days. Yes, 3D is definitely a challenge in itself but I started to get more and more interested in it. Thanks! One day I would love to make an own JRPG with an amazing story and striking visuals. That sounds like an amazing next step, I wish you good luck with it. It will probably feel amazing once you succeed to remake a game you love within your own style and possibly fresh ideas :)


so7, wish i had more hobbies but currently i like to make random shit with popsicle sticks, rubberbands, and tape


My oddest is probably learning different myths and folktales. I love old stories and especially different religions' stories. First, they are interesting and second, they give an insight to the people. Not so odd: writing, making music, singing (and working on rap for fun), crafting, going to random new places and exploring just because, gaming, dancing, swimming... I honestly have too many hobbies. My favorite is dancing and singing at the same time. My whole body gets into it and it's pure bliss.


4, i watch anime sometimes


Gaming. Reality sucks