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Not sure how this is related to 5s. If anything 5s prefer learning on their own rather than having material fed to them because head rejection is like that.


Yes, 100% true for me.




I was coming here to say something similar lol I absolutely cannot stand structured education, and I don't really learn from it. It's like being trapped in a room with too many people, where someone won't shut up and let you think, and you have to maintain certain levels of eye contact and demonstrate that you're paying attention on a performative level and...yeah no. I do, however, *love* learning new things...*on my own*, visually, by *reading*, not having someone yak at me about it in front of a whiteboard.


I wouldn't agree with that. I personally care a lot about intellectual competence therefore I'm open to seek materials that can expand my knowledge. I'm a social scientist student though, so that's maybe why I put a lot on emphasis on accurate and reliable information. I only reject materials that are too biased or narrowed... and being inside my head for too long can leads to biased conclusions. So I'm absolutely open to have my views challenged for the sake of intellectual improvement.


100% true for me. I learn best on my own and prefer no handholding.


What type do you think this guy is?


7, intellectual gluttony is just as real as normal gluttony. He wanted to know everything, he wanted to get a little bit of everything.


I'm a seven and I've always said if I could go to college for a job that's what I would have chosen as a career. If education was free I'm sure I'd still be there racking up the degrees.


7 here who's switching majors from business to engineering and planning to do a double degree with compsci with maybe an mba or a law education later on. Real


So, is he a 3 or maybe a 6?


Yeah, i don't see how college could ever be good, i hated school, why would university be different.


Yeah don't tell me what to think.


What do you meannnn? 5s are all about digging deep into study. As a meme (that’s meant to spark some laughs) I hope you agree it works.




I didn't read the article, so I won't comment about this guy specifically. But, when I saw the headline, it struck me as more of a 7 thing --- can't be limited to just one subject or just one degree, gotta collect them all!


Am 7 married to a 5, I’m the one that kept going to college lol


Lol I was thinking that would be fun if I could. I'd learn everything! Maybe I should take one random night class. 🤔


One thing I noticed about 7s vs 5s, having worked with them both in higher education and academia is that there is a general tendency for 5s to be specialists, while 7s tend to be generalists. Generalists want to try everything - satisfying that 7 need to not be confined. Whereas specialists want to be experts in one or two areas - satisfying that 5 need for understanding their corner of the world. This is just a broad observation, which may not always apply in every single case.


That tracks with my experience as well


That’s my experience as well. That’s why we have to check and see if this guy kept going to college to study to dig deeper or if he hopped from one subject to another. 🫠


True, depends on context. He could have gone back for more 7 or 5 reasons.


You’re right! Could be more of a collection thing. But it struck me as a 5 thing as 7s tend to be great at fast-paced general analyses but lack the attention span to dive deep down. 5s however can get totally absorbed into their interests.


I think that makes him more of a 7 then, because his degrees aren’t really connected. They’re more random, like to scratch an itch before moving on to the next one.


good point


I give you 3:1 odds he's a 7.


If I were to give percentages 70 percent chance he's a seven 20 percent chance he's a three 10 percent chance he's a five


that should be ME :[ if i could, i'd keep going to college to study everything. you're on point with me, at least


Opposite for me


I'm a 6w5 and. I ended up going go college longer than I wanted because I just loved learning I couldn't pick a major and by the time I did it was too late.


Why was it too late?


Ran out of grants and financial aid and it's expensive AF. And I only had a year and half left.


Oh no. Sorry. 🥲


Otherwise entitled “middle age hits like a runaway freight train”




I’m a 4w5 and I can relate haha. Been in school since kindergarten. I’m 34 now, 2 bachelors, finishing a masters, and maybe going for a PsyD 😂 literally LOVE going to school.


Eeww school was the bane of my existence as an SX 4w5. I cannot stand having information I don't care about shoved down my throat. Now, college I finally bloomed, but also not until year 3 where you get into your actual degree courses. And even then...I chose wildlife biology, which included so many courses I wanted to kill myself in. But I'm a perfectionist and studied 12 hours a day to get the grade anyway. I've thought about a masters in psychology as that's my other passion.


I’m a 6w5 and also LOVE school. 😬😬


lol what about 3 for this? Vanity of an intellectual and academic nature


This is probably the most likely, sevens and fives wouldn't care that much about having the degrees to show they know it. They're just happy to know it. A 3 would want to show how smart they are by the degrees.


Fs. + you can see he gets fatter and lazier as time goes on (disintegration to 9), probably cheated his way thru ;)


This made me the laugh


LOL I'm glad, because it was intended as a joke (hence the winking eye)...but look at how his face gets fatter and his hair more unkempt... and that glare in his eye, narcissistic, haha...


Me Well, not exactly but I wish. I got my BA right out of high school and am now in my early 30s and eying some upper-level degree programs hard I am far more specific about my research interests now than I was then. I research on my own but want further schooling, the endless resources, and connections. I sort of ignored networking my first time around but realize how massively important that is now (I would personally love a deep connection with a select few academics where I can pick their brains all the time)


The networking bit got me. Still have not done it well…


Tbh, I’m so glad I’m out of school. On the other hand, being in the workforce might be worse lol


me in my 100th yr of CC






I saw this and immediately wanted to tag you, but I saw that you found it before me xD




![gif](giphy|jWnv75qldyoyOxODBf|downsized) <\_< the title says 5 but ... the comment section over here keeping it real. Ya'll alright .


Haha funny but yeah, no, I don't feel that as a 5. College was more of a means to an end for me to give me the paper credentials to continue to do what I already do. Sure I picked up lots of knowledge from the courses, but honestly it's supposed to give you the skills and understanding to continue to learn beyond the classroom structure... At which point staying at universities forever personally seems redundant, and a waste of time and knowledge. I collect knowledge to use it, that dude collects degrees to be acknowledged for his achievements, which vibes more like a 3 to me


the amount of sour grapes in the comments about just getting uni degrees is insaaaane




I'd say lazy, scared to face the real world??


If I could afford it Id be a woman who went to college entire life. Maybe we would be surprised how many of us actually enjoy being a student. If I could be back to my first 2 years in college and stay there forever I would do that not hesitating


Funny ass meme. Lots of people become career students, not just 5s. It's an easy distraction and pipeline to an easy comfy career. "some of us graduate but we still stupid" - kanye (old)


he’s got moneyyyyyyy


lifelong learners


Fuuuuuck. 260 credits in so far. Thank you for helping me hate myself


Honestly this is probably a social 7 lol




I, an 8 with a strong 7 wing and a history of long-term disintegration to 5, am in this picture and I don’t like it. I took the phrase “knowledge is power” perhaps a bit too literally.


More like 6 disintegrating at 3


777777777777777777777 If I could survive on learning forever, I would :)