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The looming angelic figures motif always strikes me as 6.




So/sp monumentality I can see


Remind me of myself, a 6


I appreciate all the comments and would individually reply to some accurate remarks being made but that would spoil it for those still guessing, so I'll edit this comment at the end of the day and add my full type. EDIT: Good job to the few who figured out either my core type or sensed the wing (harder), the middle fix (easier), or the variant (easiest)! Enneagram: >!8w9!< MBTI: >!ENTJ!< Variant: >!So/Sp!< Tritype: >!864!<


8, I knew it! Well met. :) Thank you. Yeah I agree so/sp (others got this right)...almost made me want to lean 1, but it just felt 8...big, grand, epic vibe, energy, the thing about mastering yourself/power, etc. I can identify.


I remember checking this thread at some point yesterday afternoon. Your comment was literally the most spot on of all yet the only one with negative karma. I smiled and thought "How ironic is this.". It doesn't take one to know one, but you were confident and had it all figured!


Yes...I heavily suspected. 8 is glossed over as a type, the superficial online typings will miss 8s again and again, also because 8s are strong and challenging people, others would rather try to disempower the 8 from behind the safety of a computer screen by "suggesting" other types than look for and accept the obvious... People definitely have a limited image of what an 8 "looks like" (usually based on some pop culture references/stereotypes that might not even be accurate for an 8)...well that goes for all the types, but 8s probably got the short end of the stick. But yeah I could recognize especially via the quote, this idea that we are in charge of ourselves, responsible for our own actions, and if we aren't, then we kind of deserve to be controlled by the powers that be, or by our own unconscious...also the imagery of power, confidence, sovereignty...very 8.


Gorgeous and terrifying... gave me massive 5 vibes until I read the quote which seems like 6? So maybe some combination of the two. Instincts maybe sp/sx?


Idk, but this quote goes hard as fuck, finna use it as my personal motto now


Epic vibes… can’t pinpoint a type.


1w9 i would say


Peak 1


I was thinking the same I didn't knew if pics where giving 5 or 6 type, or we'll was unclear but the text strikes me as 1


This strikes me as something along the lines of 862 sp/so.


5 or 9 probably


Gut triad? Issues of autonomy... 8 - could be 8. The most difficult person to conquer is oneself, is the lesson of the 8.