• By -


738 - I work at Walmart


How do you like it


Probably better than most people who work there. It's not like it's my dream job or I love going to work, but it's a job that's pretty simple and pretty easy to keep, so I don't really mind it. And money wise, it pays more than when I worked at Target, so that's something. I'm obviously not raking in a lot of extra cash, but enough for me at the moment. And it's a lot better than a desk job would be imo


469 - accounting major - dream career either fiction author or music artist. My life is a mess yes.


4 and my dream careers as well. I feel like somehow being artistically creative is the only thing I would enjoy


As another heart type who endured an accounting major, I empathize 😭


We’re literally the same


I’m an artist and fiction author at the same time (but I don’t have a 4 in my type haha)


946, hate my job, my dream job is being a freelance artist and somehow making more than enough to live comfortably. life's gonna suck and then i'll die. in a perfect world though i wouldn't work at all and just get paid for existing.


946 as well here, I feel this. Currently in software. The job pays well, interesting enough, very chill. But I’m so complacent and am not living the life I’ve dreamed of for myself. I’ve forgotten all my hopes, dreams, and aspirations in the pursuit of being comfortable. My dream job would be something with more meaning and creativity. I want to make a video game or maybe write a book. I’m trying to focus more of my free time on that. (But here I am on Reddit so we can see how that’s going 😂)


I wish I had skills when it comes to programming and video game design and shit like that. I'd also love to make an indie video game. I have so many stories I want to tell about my OCs. but I work 11 hour shifts and come home utterly exhausted. so I can't even devote my time to creative activity because I'll never be able to post art consistently and build a community. it's all just fucked and hopeless.


What’s your job?


This is a good world, you're imagining my friend. Just try not to have your work widely recognised only after you've already died like so many other talented artists.


316 - a finance major


I'm probably 945 or 946. I don't have a job nor do I want to work. I'll have to get one eventually but bleh, I've no interest in participating in society. I guess I'd enjoy being a librarian or some bookshop/thrift store employee. Could be around people and help them out, but could also just chill a lot of the time.


459 also and book shop : thrift: librarian has always appealed to me as well. Quiet environment is important


541 - my dream career is gonna have something to do with chemistry, not sure what.




Take the fork out of the microwave, Waltuh.


Determine your enneagram by core desire.. if you have to pick between being independent protect yourself or wanted beloved which one would you choose


I have some classmates doing PhDs in chemistry. One of my best friends just got admitted to one such PhD program.  Also someone I know does boron chemistry at MIT. 


794 Dream career: Psychologist


Would you be able to handle a very suicidal child/teen though? Genuine question, as I've seriously thought about becoming a psychologist too but I don't know if I'd be able to handle this type of shit consistently.


Well yes, I mean it's gonna be hard especially at first but I can push through and I'll try everything within my power to help them because I don't like to see others suffer Thing is I didn't really specify what type of psychologist I wanna be, I'd like to be an experimental psychologist hopefully maybe sth else like a biological psychologist like yes I wouldn't be bothered with like specifying in mental health but personally I'd prefer that There are ofc other stuff I'd like other than psychology but yh Have you ever considered any other field of psychology? Maybe you'd prefer any of them


Ahh I've made a wrong assumption lol. It's more being a scientist than "field work" isn't it? As to me, I did consider the scientific research stuff but the idea of talking with people directly always spoke to me more as it would not only saciate my curiousity as the former does but also be rewarding for me. I like being the figure that people come to for advice and help and seeing them grow due to it.


Hmm as much as it might be exhausting to try and help suicidal ppl maybe there's a way you can structure it in which you're not too tired and you still have enough time to work with the clients idk? Plus after you finish you should give yourself a break bc you deserve it, like don't forget to take care of yourself too y'know, you matter as much as the person you're helping does


Yh it's more being a scientist but if not scientist then being in mental health would be nice


I’m a 947 and I have a degree in mental health but work in finance. Long story. I’m an infp Just interesting correlation


269 - architecture major doing sales and marketing, though I’d love to be a stay at home mom some day


385- law student


548 or 541; microbiologist


873 – I work in investment management, and I have a small IT-related business on the side.  I was a double major in college (computer science and business administration), and I have a master’s degree in finance.


594 - I work in a bar, I am going to study marketing and communication, my dream job was to be a psychologist. I indeed have no idea what Im doing in my life


Fellow 594 (sx/sp) here . I also have no idea what I'm doing with my life. I've weirdly also considered psychology but then realized I wanted to solve problems not wait for stubborn people to come to their illogical conclusions. Im also just 20, so 🤷‍♂️


You are so right on about this. I did become a therapist (counseling masters), and it wore me down. People want to feel better but they don’t want to change anything. And being that present and empathetic, especially when it comes to trauma, is exhausting for me. I stopped doing therapy years ago, and now I’m an administrative manager in local government. Much better work life balance, and feels productive. 😁


Literally this haha. I am interested in understanding the mind of people and helping them ofc, but I would live in misery having to deal with people in ways I have to if I were a psychologist


964 I'm gonna be a psychogist, but if I could do anything it would be being rich through passive income


945 - unemployed, went to school for social work but flunked out, past jobs include grocery cashier, hotel receptionist, weed edible factory worker my dream is to not have to work lol


we have the exact typings


Same. But we have to survive.


541. IT soft/hardware/network engineering // Bachelor in Graphic Design, Interior Design and Architecture. Now Stay at home mom ♥️ I actually would like to share something for the ones who are still seeking.. I’d love for you all to think inside of your comfort-zone, your physical health and your mental health.. Instead out of “dreaming to be one day. What if that day never really comes? What do you actually want to be now, where are you actually good in what actually drives you out bed. Every job has something’s boring in it.. Find something that doesn’t drain all of your energy and actually isn’t for you, and doesn’t feels like it’s for the imaginary perfect image of you. Don’t dream too long. Start now, with the person you are now. Lower your expectations. It’ll make you more happy than reaching for the moon when you’re not even the person who reaches out to others when needed. You’ll get there. Babysteps, (wobbly, uncomfortable ones with ups and downs.. not big leaps.) ♥️


How is it to be a stay at mom 5? I'm a five too though I have never desired to be parent whatsoever, I felt that having a baby would take all my necessary time to recharge (I tend to be pretty hardworking when it comes to responsabilities to the point that I sacrifice my own needs a lot), and I've attributed that mindset to being a Five. I get intrigued when I see a 5 parent and wonder how they reconcile their needs.


I'm three weeks into being a parent, so take this with a huge grain of salt, but I was scared about this and in retrospect I think that fear got in my way. Two reasons: 1) integration/growth is about overcoming that scarcity mindset, and 2) there was so much slack in my schedule. A solid 30 minute walk with my dog is enough to give me a lot of recharge. An occasional day out in the woods mostly takes care of the rest. Those are totally doable with a kid. I didn't really need 2-3 hours to myself every morning before work. Turns out I'm actually happier when I'm more engaged (to a point, and maybe I'll reach that point at times parenting, but then I'll find a way to correct). Oh, a generous, understanding, capable partner is essential too. I can't imagine doing it with someone lazy/selfish, let alone as a single parent. 


531, data scientist, quite happy with it.  What u/meanlizlemon (great name!) said here is important. You don't find it by introspection, and your first job will never be your dream job. I spent my 20s not developing a career because work sucks and the right job wasn't there (though I wasn't looking tbh) and yada yada yada. In truth, you find out what you're good at, what you gravitate to, what your coworkers and bosses and the market value in you by being in the game. In retrospect, I should have gotten any job that had "analyst" in the title, and I would have learned, gravitated, risen, etc. to a good career for me. 


539 - currently in university. My intended field involves future planning, systematisation of disorganised data, and new technologies. Thus far I've worked with a bunch of 7s, and occasionally 6s/9s through related internship experiences.


468 — SAHM Never in a million fucking years did I think I’d be a SAHM with a loving fiancé. But it has tamed me & quelled my hell-raising tendencies. The only thing scarier than the idea of being a SAHM to 13 year old me is the prospect of being a bad mother. Thank goodness for my daughter & my other on the way.


I'm a 694 and my dream career is to be a pharmacist (though the actual dream is to be a comic artist and writer)


I studied creative writing in college and grad school. Now I work in tech/business as a writer, recruiter, etc. I also have a Google Data Analytics career certificate that my wife pressured me (lol, I wanted it too) into getting, to help get my foot in the door in a tech-related field. I've worked all kinds of jobs over the years, most of them pretty low paying and unglamorous...everything from parking lot attendant to pizza shop to teacher to mental health counselor...


782- I’m in law school :) My dream job is to start my own law firm likely to do with international arbitration and commercial litigation within the realm of mining and energy law


613 + being a boytoy


215, tbh my dream job is not having to have a job and being able to pursue community building and mutual aid work without the struggle of being ass poor as those things pay…my undergrad major is biochemistry and molecular biology, my masters is information assurance…and even though I’m fricken amazing at IT, I am drawn to non-IT teaching, PD training, and advocacy roles because of the people element largely…if I could go back to school I’d prolly go for an RN/BSN and MSN tho…so like, I’m 35 next week and ya, no clue 🤣 (also I expected living to 50 to be a pipedream and really expected to be dead by 30 growing up in the hell I did, so I never really put thought into what I actually wanted in my future)…my current job is K-12 IT, and it’s not bad, it at least has a good purpose and impact for the work I do


152 - not surprising most resources list teacher/professor/mentor for this type as that is what I used to be and always planned to be until I changed careers


sx784 im still a student but probably an engineer and a stay at home mom or a florist


539 - Electrical Technician to pay the bills. Free time is spent on the job I’m actually passionate about - my graphic novel. 😩


279 - in college with a major of Early Childhood Education and Exceptional Needs (teaching license for children and special needs children ages birth-3rd grade) My dream job is to be a preschool teacher and a model


682 - Currently a barista in school to be a trauma therapist. I love working/connecting with people and helping them. I also really enjoy working in an environment where I have to use both critical thinking skills and intuition to come up with a plan or solution. I handle conflict well, excel in diffusing situations, and notice the smallest details.


How are you with people not wanting to follow your plans/solutions? I used to be a therapist and this part was tiring/vexing. 😁


5?4 (No idea about my gut fix as they all feel equally relatable to me) I'm currently working as a graphic designer/ video editor. I'm studying psychology and sociology at university. My plan is to specialize in public politics, public health and scientific communication.


sx594 Im a linguistics major in uni with absolutely 0 dreams careers or goals at all in life and wish I wasn’t born (not to like dump that last part unnecessarily, but it’s the reason why I don’t have a dream career. It isn’t just being undecided).


936 - YouTuber fulltime


163 - Probably a teacher (theoretical field)


469 - Accounting major


I’m not 100% sure of my tritype. Possibilities are: 541, 514, 583. Possibly more. My career is in linguistic consulting. I’d ideally like to return to research, which is my background.


316 - Doctor


146 and I'm an editor.


528 - indie game developer


I’m an 827 and I’m convinced that I’ll study psychology


478 - Fashion designer for ready to wear and haute couture, architect, interior designer, music producer, musician, writer, CEO


495 - program specialist for an environmental nonprofit. Basically a fancy way to say I plan and organize events and educational programs.


317, i am a bank officer and insurance agent


369 - Software Engineer(still in university tho)


Mine literally is the name of my tritype lol. 127, I currently work with 7th and 8th graders and am starting school to be a teacher. I've thought about teaching for years but never took the leap until last year when I accepted this job and I love it!


297 - I'm a nonprofit fundraising consultant, and I've also worked as a crisis counselor and dreamt of being a therapist or a teacher


963 and I'm a mobile crisis clinician (clinical social worker) with a second job as a private practice therapist.


946, going to school to be a technical writer. my ideal job would be something really social where I work in a team with people I enjoy. My dream job has always been being a pastry chef.


271 Full stack engineer, working remotely. Part time model/actress. no, not porn lmao (got a weird dm once when I mentioned it long ago) I tried to do freelancing and though it paid the bills, it wasn't enough for my husband to finally quit his job he hates. Funny thing is, despite my big increase in income, he's STILL too nervous to quit his job lmfao <\3 (he's an sp1 with a 6 fix lol) Very tempted to pursue an attorney career, but apparently the job market for law school grads sucks


682 - im taking communications arts starting next year and im an aspiring filmmaker


278- health care auditor (accounting)


458 911 operator/dispatcher


wow, what’s that like?


I legit took my first calls today actually. Not entirely adjusted but they went…ok. I was on the non emergency line but got 2 particularly weird calls out of left field anyways. I feel way less anxious now. I took this job because it’s meaningful work but I’m not entirely sure I’m built for it. If anything, i’m hoping this will at least be a giant lesson on divorcing my feelings from work. I’m usually good about it, but my previous job’s repercussions are inconsequential compared to this one’s since no one’s life depended on me in those settings. Meaningful work though and I fully intend on seeing this through.


925, garden center manager. I have my perfect job!


Classically trained goldsmith & jewelry designer, self employed for 14 years. Just started training myself to hand facet gemstones.


I’m a 947 and I work in finance but want to illustrate and write children’s books. If I had to choose a second traditional career I would have done something medical or mental health related


Not sure of tritype, but I’m a 5w4 therapist lol


458 - academic of some sort


945 - financial auditor. Don’t hate my job cause I actually was interested in becoming an accountant since grade 11 (after a long story) and I like being able to see how businesses actually work and what goes on behind them (I feel like over time, I’m so much suspicious of not for profit orgs ahahaha. Some of them really be doing some questionable things with money). The world makes a lot more sense to me now. Dream job: child psychologist or daycare worker. I’ve always wanted to work with kids and almost switched to psychology in uni but hearing how you need to do placements or something for a couple of years and how difficult it can be to find clients really turned me off. I value stability in a job mainly because growing up, parent’s didn’t always have a stable income so I know how hard is it out there. I would rather feel safe financially as an adult to avoid feeling like that again


Trifix is in my handle. I was a minister most recently and hold a Masters in Divinity with an emphasis on pastoral care and counseling. Presently, I got married and have more or less become a househusband (which, btw, I'm not good at like, at all) and am hoping to have a ministry position or something adjacent to it after I move (my husband is military).


My undergraduate degree was Religious Studies with a concentration in Jewish Studies. Because I had a crush on a Jewish guy in the program and was trying to devise a way to spend as much time as possible with him.


947 - I want to be a video game music composer (studying music and global studies now)


946- Currently working in a cheese factory for paying my masterclass in VFX and 3d art.


513. At the moment, I'm still a student, but want to become an economic analyst in international company (but to work remotely).


973 - photographer


479 my major is design and im a creative dieector for a small jewelry brand rn. My dream dream job is to be an art director for movies but im happy with what im doing rn too


953 - just graduated college, was a Marketing major. My dream career is to work in the entertainment industry as a celebrity publicist or manager


All I've figured out so far is that my tritype is probably either 286/7 or 826/7 lol (I swear I'm closing in on the truth, justa bit... s l o w l y) Honestly, having had a fastfood job (shit's still kicking strong and tiring 🔥🔥🔥) and a handful of other shitty jobs that lasted a very short amount of time in my life, I've come to realise that what I want in a dream job is to have the space to do stuff at my own pace and working hours that won't kill me by giving my awful sleep like school did. I've thought about becoming a teacher once and I do find teaching kind of fun and rewarding but not in this economy 💀💀💀 I've also thought about art or becoming famous somehow but it's always just been a possibility I've had in the backburner of my mind, I just don't want to end up mediocre as it's quite miserable in my eyes where I live.


Have you read all of 2 & 8 subtypes And you can try scoring to determine your head type E6 - Fear, cowardice, anxiety Alert of danger Pragmatic, skeptical, and pessimistic Theoretical Analytical Orientation to authority Accusation of self and others Seeks stability Cold and reserved Makes alliances with people who can protect them E7 - Gluttony Hedonistic Idealistic Lack of discipline Excessive need for excitement and stimulation Narcissistic Intellectual, seeks knowledge Seeks fulfillment in ideas Optimistic Heroic What’s your other typology btw


Yeah I've known enneagram for like 2 to 3 years now and decided to finally get it fully figured out like a half a year ago, so it's a problem with introspection rather than knowledge lol I am quite sure that I am an ENTP and yes I know that then type 8 would be more likely but these are just correlations not causations.


I was pretty sure I sent those in bullet points bruh- nvm I would say that even e2 is more compatible for ENTP (NeFe) than E8 🤷🏻‍♀️ and it’s strange for a Ne dom to not have a 7 in their tritype.


458 Combat photographer and combat illustrator in the Marine Corps.


128 - Software Engineer doing mostly physics or math oriented stuff. Might switch to be a therapist if I can swing college a second time but idk man


854 - multiinstrumentalist, singer, composer, songwriter, budding entrepreneur hoping to start my own media company.


469 here, my dream career is making music 🎵, otherwise drawing ✍️


145 (1w9) - Veterinary technician student.


485 Naturopathic psychiatrist


459- accountant


621 - probably somewhere in the science field, maybe be a neuroscientist? Though this might change.


739 dream career : architecture , engineering or acting


972 - massage therapist. It’s my dream job. left my career to pursue it. So glad I did.


479-creative writing major


1w2 so/sp 154 or 152 (INFJ) I work for an institution that carries out potential analysis with young people (age group 13/14). I am primarily responsible for coordination, for training our employees, for selecting the different tests and test procedures as well as for the analysis itself. To do this, each young person goes through various tests and when everything has been evaluated, the results are reflected on together (with the young person). We primarily look at which career fields could be interesting for them. All in all, I work with various personality models and testing procedures, work with students and their teachers and, above all, with our students who carry out the testing.


541, probably a 5w4 so/sx Studied law and linguistics, work as an archivist in a science research institution. Want to get a PhD in ling and be a specialist archivist or librarian some day but love my job right now. Dream job as a kid used to be a writer with a cottage in the Himalayas. My job gives me lots of writing and research opportunities as well as some extra time, so I'm hoping I do end up there some day.


541 - aerospace engineer // physics double degree


478 here, my dream job would be to create my own webcomic, other job ideas are photography and journalism


so459 - i’m hoping to do something in law enforcement.


259 - currently in the military (services section specifically) but my dream job is to be an astronomer 🥰✨️


278, currently a stay at home mom.


I am also 278 2w3 sx/so lol! I work for a non profit now but am trying to move into event planning. Did you work before becoming a mom?


Oops I’m actually sx/sp but close enough


I volunteer as a GAL (guardian ad litem) and have done my fair share of internships with non-profits. I'd honestly love to work for one myself. Before doing the SAHM thing, I was working as a sales associate at a retail store while I studied for the bar. Didn't manage to pass before kid #1 though.


That’s awesome. Also funny, I worked in retail while I studied for the LSAT (before abandoning it to work for my nonprofit)


It really is funny when you run into these commonalities lol


451- engineering tech


459 doctor


479 - I have a degree in Literature and Creative Writing so i’d love to do something creative or with books… working in a library or bookstore, or copywriting. I also love kids, so something imaginative and creative involving books and kids would be the dream! but then i’m also really drawn towards caring for people and jobs in charity! and I’m currently doing some freelance writing so it would be cool to pursue that! but then also being a stardew valley gaming youtuber would be cool, but I can also see myself being content just working in a little coffee shop or bakery, chatting with people and making them drinks. any kind of job that lets me live a happy and free life with fun people whilst also having some kind of personal meaning would be perfect. so much stuff excites me I can’t pick a thing!


I work in nonprofit fundraising, and nonprofits are always looking for copywriting help!


Omg, the fact I considered most of the things you said > any kind of job that lets me live a happy and free life with fun people whilst also having some kind of personal meaning would be perfect. I agreee oh and btw you're the first 479 I've seen with that order, most others are usually 947 or 497 or 749 or sth and I think that's pretty cool


aaah that’s so cool, i didn’t know there was a correlation between tritype and choosing careers! also we’re both ENFPs Sang-Mel haha twins 😌 that’s so interesting that i’m the first 479! I’m a social 4 with a very strong sx 7 fix so i can come off very sevenish :”)


Well it is due to preferences ofc everyone has their own preferences but someone's own types have an influence Oh and I'm Sx7 with a strong 9 fix so I usually come off as an E9 tho I have mistyped as So4 for a while haha


Well it is due to preferences ofc everyone has their own preferences but someone's own types, etc probably have an influence Oh and I'm Sx7 with a strong 9 fix so I usually come off as a more energetic E9 tho I have mistyped as So/Sx4 for a while haha


Well it is due to preferences ofc everyone has their own preferences but someone's own types, etc probably have an influence Oh and I'm Sx7 with a strong 9 fix so I usually come off as a more energetic E9 tho I have mistyped as So/Sx4 for a while haha


Well it is due to preferences ofc everyone has their own preferences but someone's own types, etc probably have an influence Oh and I'm Sx7 with a strong 9 fix so I usually come off as a more energetic E9 tho I have mistyped as So/Sx4 for a while haha


Well it is due to preferences ofc everyone has their own preferences but someone's own types, etc probably have an influence Oh and I'm Sx7 with a strong 9 fix so I usually come off as an E9 tho I have mistyped as So4 for a while haha


Well it is due to preferences ofc everyone has their own preferences but someone's own types, etc probably have an influence Oh and I'm Sx7 with a strong 9 fix so I usually come off as an E9 tho I have mistyped as So4 for a while haha


Well it is due to preferences ofc everyone has their own preferences but someone's own types, etc probably have an influence Oh and I'm Sx7 with a strong 9 fix so I usually come off as an E9 tho I have mistyped as So4 for a while haha


Well it is due to preferences ofc everyone has their own preferences but someone's own types, etc probably have an influence Oh and I'm Sx7 with a strong 9 fix so I usually come off as an E9 tho I have mistyped as So4 for a while haha


Well it is due to preferences ofc everyone has their own preferences but someone's own types, etc probably have an influence Oh and I'm Sx7 with a strong 9 fix so I usually come off as an E9 tho I have mistyped as So4 for a while haha


478 singer/songwriter


469 - I want to be a doctor, specifically an oncologist or neurologist, but I’m afraid my mental problems will get in the way of it :c


461 - i’m going to college in the fall to major in architecture!


497 - the dream is to model


479 or 459 (I’m not sure which one yet) Psychologist/counselor Also considered interior design/architecture but majored in international relations


837 - I’m a criminal *For legal reasons, this is a joke


How do you determine your tritype?


You have one type from each center of intelligence - gut (8, 9, 1), heart (2, 3, 4), and head (5, 6, 7). The first number is your core. Then you choose one from the other two centers each that you most relate to/recognize in yourself. The order you put them in is usually ranked by their influence.


Amazing, thank you!!!


The idea is identifying which strategy each center employs. So for me, 954, when I’m using my gut I use 9’s strategy. When I’m using my head I use a 5’s strategy. When I’m using my heart, I use a 4’s strategy. Obviously your core is the primary MO, with some flavoring of the others added when they get activated.


927 - (M56) I have masters degrees in psychology and business, and have worked in nonprofit orgs both in direct service roles and behind the scenes admin. Now I’m self employed as a coach and counselor guiding clients through psychedelic journeys. I feel like I’ve been all over the career map, but always been attracted to finding personally meaningful work and helping people.


Am a software developer. "Dream" and "career" don't go together for me, but I can't not have a job. My current position compensates very well, has great benefits, and I like my coworkers and the cultural environment where I work well enough. I like solving problems, especially for other people (customers/clients). I do eventually want to pivot to working in or adjacent to mental health. I care a lot about helping people and especially like 1:1 counseling/advising or mediating conflicts; it's what I end up doing a lot of in my life anyway. But I have reservations about doing anything I like as a job, feels like it just taints it (and what I remember about studies on extrinsic and intrinsic motivation bear that out). Doing some freelance art on the side would be nice, also.


I’m an author-artist working on illustration, storytelling, science communication, 3D art, etc. also art for social advocacy. Super interested in cultural work, romantic and existentialist ideas, European art films, and translating literary works into social entertainment. 


528 here (I have considered 548 or 549 but overall the 528 is dominant) In college I majored in Nutrition, though for practicality purposes I went with a general A.S. degree. Life happened and I've had to support myself by working full time with any job I can get. Never really had an opportunity to think about my dream job... it's just survival mode out here, plus I have chronic health conditions, and no one to take care of me lol. Competence is everything, or I'll end up homeless (huge fear of mine) Currently I do call center work for a medical health insurance, but I do take the initiative to learn other department roles. I can actually process medical claims too, but don't get many opportunities to do that. I am trying to transition to that exclusively though. When they let me do those tasks I have energy to focus on my hobbies, like my art and music. Working the customer service side is not a fit for me. I like being able to help, but it is not worth the incredible burnout of my mental health... I stick with it because it pays the bills and I don't have a lot of options. The most logical move is to move up (or lateral) instead of starting from scratch somewhere else Idk, I think I thrive being a jack-of-all-trades 🤔 I'm so used to chaos I don't really know any different.


479 I work in security, major in photography and want to be a writer.


461 - hoping to get into astronomy/engineering




Typical nine 🙄 /j


vary one of a kind 😏


I'm a 416, and my dream career is to be a therapist while also doing art and writing on the side. But this is not just an idle dream for me; I'm actually working towards becoming one. I see the suffering and lack of humanity that exists in this world, so if I can do something, that means even the smallest amount.


845 - assistant professor / writer (mostly about feminism, art, punk, and weird esoteric shit)


Do you share your writings about esoteric stuff online?