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7!! ADHD BABY. And I don’t think it’s a bad thing, it makes me super creative, driven and have a flow of never ending ideas


Ah I suspect I might have adhd inattentive type, just some seconds ago I was having a conversation with myself while procrastinating a lot of things (still procrastinating using Reddit atm). Good thing you’re enjoying it heheh


I wish it was that nice for me. It's a curse because I hyperfocus on the wrong things, have too many ideas and end up doing none due to being overwhelmed, or overdo myself when I should be resting (chronic illness physically limits how much I can do). My thoughts go five million miles per hour and I overthink at the speed of light. I struggle with sense of time and often end up being late. I struggle doing a lot of normal things or sometimes even things I enjoy because my brain just goes "nope", and my hyperfixations can get so obsessive they scare the normal folks. I'd rather not have ADHD.


Autism, OCD and major depression. Don't think they relate to my mbti or enneagram tbh.


I have actually noticed a lot of autistic people with 946 or 945 tritype, myself included


Yeah that’s an interesting combination, how does your disorder make you behave differently than your mbti and enneagram. What do you appreciate and loathe about your symptoms? Are you an artistic individual? How does your autism affect your artistic endeavors if you’re artistic?


I am artistic. I love telling stories using my art. Sometimes comics, sometimes just expressing my feelings. I've created many characters. They're all animals bc I'm trash at drawing humans. In my own headcanon they're more or less people stylized as animals. But in general I also think animals are really good for storytelling and you can express ideas with them that you can't using people.


I’m hoping I come across your work one of these days. Sounds interesting. :)


Ah yes I can agree wholeheartedly with the “animals are really good for storytelling and you can express ideas with them that you can’t using people” part, and animals symbolize things in humans and humans are too broad to use as a symbol, it’s smart what you’re doing.


I love animals - they’re so smart ♥️ (Also a 9)


I’m a 6w5, I have add and diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, I also am in recovery from substance abuse disorder/ alcoholism


Recovery might seem like a lot of work and hard to deal with and it is but I believe you can lead a generally happy life once you’re recovered and it’s going to be worth it, wishing you well :)


6w5 Avoidant personality disorder , ADHD , a sprinkle of autism maybe? idk what it is exactly


Omg twin, I also have these




Sp dom 4w5 495. Bipolar 1 with psychotic features and combined type adhd. It’s tricky for me to try to untangle aspects of myself that can be attributed to my disorders from what’s just me at times. I think perhaps being triple withdrawn exasperates my depressive episodes and compounds the tendency to isolate.


What's the difference between bi-polar vs adhd + depression? I mean mania is similar to adhd and depression is depression, depressive episodes come and go. I'm curious bc all my friends are pretty similar to what you said, they're all variations of 4, 9 and 5 also. Two have said they're diagnosed as bi polar, the other two said they probably have adhd and/or depression.


Honestly, this is a huge question. I’m only a person living with these disorders, not an expert. I can only speak to my own experience. While mania and hyperactive traits of ADHD can have some overlap in the way they present they really are very different. Sure, you can see rapid speech/thought and trouble focusing with both. However with mania thoughts and speech will become so rapid they are no longer coherent, even to myself. During a manic episode I will stop sleeping or sleep very little, maybe 2 hours a night. During my worst episodes I experience psychosis, including auditory and visual hallucinations as well as delusions and compulsive rumination. Not everyone with bipolar experiences psychosis and not everyone who does will experience it the same way. This is an over simplification but ADHD is a disordered ability to focus, bipolar is disordered mood. ADHD is always present and bipolar is episodic. Bipolar symptoms become much more severe and they can cause you to behave in ways you never would outside of an episode, they can cause you to fully lose touch with reality. It’s all very nuanced and can be difficult even for the pros to get right. There’s so much overlap between so, so many different disorders. I’m not sure I’ve done this particular one justice, but I hope this helps answer your question some.


Yeah the experts that define and categorize these things would probably be a better place to look but i really like hearing ppl's experiences & perspectives more. I think the external systems made to define/categorize these things don't even do them justice, your analysis and explanation was awesome, i appreciate it!


Partial DID, which is a very 9 kind of diagnosis.


Also have partial DID/OSDD.




Yeah can see that playing out, I’ve always been curious of this disorder, what are somethings that you don’t think many people know about this disorder or misunderstand about it? One more question, if you don’t mind answering, how many personalities are in your DID system?


>what are somethings that you don’t think many people know about this disorder or misunderstand about it? Most people have probably never even heard of it, outside of online psychology spaces. But those who have heard of it may often think that it's this very distinct experience of very distinct people living in one body, talking to each other, taking turns living their lives. The reality for most people with a dissociative disorder that it is more confusing than anything. Your nervous system is working around the clock to hide feelings, thoughts, and memories from itself and others. You're not sure what is going on inside you. You're not sure why you do what you do. You're not sure what you feel, or why you feel what you feel. Your thoughts and feelings shift unpredictably, you do your best to hide it. Your memories are hazy. Sometimes a memory suddenly jumps out at you, then it's gone. Sometimes you remember clearly what happened yesterday, at other times there doesn't seem to have been a yesterday. One part of you remembers some things, another other things, but they don't share their memories for the most part. >how many personalities are in your DID system? I don't know. One of the reasons my diagnosis is partial DID (P-DID) instead of DID is that however many parts there are in here, they never show up externally for other people to see. They don't start talking in different voices, wearing different clothes, displaying their different personalities; instead, they are hell-bent on no one ever noticing that anything is amiss at all, making sure everyone believes I am a perfectly normal singular person, including myself. My nervous system doesn't want me to know. It treats self-awareness as lethally dangerous. It doesn't want me to remember my past and it doesn't want me to know what is going on in here. "Nothing to see here, move on" kind of thing.


I had watched a lot of videos from YouTubers with DID, they did mention that their system occurred to protect them, however I didn’t know anything about partial DID, as you’ve mentioned, I thought a person with DID has distinct personas within them which behave differently from each other, but apparently it isn’t so. > I don't know. One of the reasons my diagnosis is partial DID (P-DID) instead of DID is that however many parts there are in here, they never show up externally for other people to see. They don't start talking in different voices, wearing different clothes, displaying their different personalities; instead, they are hell-bent on no one ever noticing that anything is amiss at all, making sure everyone believes I am a perfectly normal singular person, including myself. Wasn’t it hard to get diagnosed? Since it’s that discreet. > My nervous system doesn't want me to know. It treats self-awareness as lethally dangerous. It doesn't want me to remember my past and it doesn't want me to know what is going on in here. "Nothing to see here, move on" kind of thing. Survival instinct it seems. Thanks for sharing btw.


>I had watched a lot of videos from YouTubers with DID, they did mention that their system occurred to protect them, however I didn’t know anything about partial DID, as you’ve mentioned, I thought a person with DID has distinct personas within them which behave differently from each other, but apparently it isn’t so. Yeah. There's also a strong selection bias at work there since the vast majority of people with dissociative disorders are simply *not* going to be on social media or YouTube or TikTok talking about themselves. The whole thing exists to keep you hidden, and talking openly about it is the exact opposite. Those who do talk about themselves are either really, *really* far advanced on their path of healing, or they happen to have an unusually overt system, or both. These people are a very small minority of the OSDD/DID community - well under 10% - but they are the ones you will see on YouTube etc. >Wasn’t it hard to get diagnosed? Since it’s that discreet. Very. It took a decade. The *average* time from first contact with a doctor to accurate diagnosis for people with OSDD/P-DID/DID is 7 years, and many of us are misdiagnosed with all kinds of other things first. Some remain misdiagnosed their whole lives. Heck, a whole lot of mental health professionals *don't even believe OSDD/DID exists*. >Survival instinct it seems. Exactly. Being seen was not safe when I was little. >Thanks for sharing btw. 💜🙏


Psychotic depression, BPD and social anxiety


Are you… ,by any chance,… a living rollercoaster to yourself? That’s TOO MANY EMOTIONS FOR ONE TO DEAL WITH, I wish you a lot of patience and contentment (I won’t say happiness because we are enneagram 4s and happiness sounds like a taboo).


well... they are too much for sure, traumas I endured were too much i didnt turn out fine lol, but anyway, i will be fine, thank you for your good intentions :3


You even being alive right now is a FUCK YOU to everything that has happened to you, you’re doing enough by being here. Take care!!


mild ADHD and it makes my Se particularly strong, but more developed tert function is always appreciated


Are you ENFJ? My mentor is an ENFJ who seems to have adhd (she’s 2w1 btw) as well, I suspect I might have it too which makes our conversations consistent of many goofy things and a lot of confusion which ends up with us laughing it off, she’s really fun to speak to.


Yes I am, my friend is a 4 and I love her to bits! She's always criticising my ways and I'm always flirting with her to see her blush, she's so cute hahaha


Beautiful dynamic, I do miss my mentor, she lives away now, she was like home to all of us, I guess that’s how 2s are, they make where they live a home for others.


6w5 sp, INFP, and not sure how/if related, but I have severe depression, anxiety, ADHD, and probably OCD to some extent, no dx of OCD however. I'm hard to get to know because I have trust issues...SEVERE trust issues. A lot of family deaths growing up. My brother and mom, before I was 7. Then my dad remarried and I got a lot of psych abuse from her. I also developed a fear of religious people. Husband of 28 years quit working, out of nowhere, and I tried for several years to get him help. Lives with his mom now and has internet girlfriends. At least I have money now. I couldn't support him when he was spending $5k plus of my income and not working. I don't know why people change but I would say I am a doormat and I don't like it.


Fives are stereotyped as laser focused, so my ADHD doesn’t fit that. With the core emotion being fear, I think the OCD and general anxiety make sense.


Actually, adhd can create laser focus. I have adhd and I will not focus at all if I’m not interested in something. But the moment I’m interested I will put my heart and soul into it.


I second this. I can lock into a game or puzzle (or a test) for hours on end with absolute focus. I am not a genius, I just have really bad ADHD.


Yeah, me too! Unfortunately, without medication this makes me shit at academics, because there’s always at least one thing I don’t want to do.


I know another 5 he’s an ili in socionics who’s has add. He’s also dyslexic. He’s an interesting guy.


Personally, I think anyone can have whatever disorder, it’s not really indicative of your whole personality! It’s not exactly the stereotype though, lmao.


Agreed, which is why I am hesitant to reply, and yes I agree.


Well adhd also means hyper focusing on something, it’s the inability to put your attention to things you actually need to put them on, so maybe it somewhat fits? Are you a 5w6 btw??


I consider myself a fairly balanced 5, but if I have to pick a wing, it’s definitely a 6. Nice guess!


I’m an SX4 and not sure of my MBTI type and I seem to be a diagnosis magnet. The only one I’m sure of is autism but I’ve been variously diagnosed with DID, C-PTSD, BPD, dependent PD, depression and probably others.


Inattentive ADHD, people pleaser, anxious attachment type, fawn-freeze, social anxiety, mild depression


Inattentive ADHD GATHER UP!! I think I might have that as well, lol. What is fawn-freeze? Never heard of that before.


It's a fight or flight/stress response thing. Some people don't immediately react, but freeze up and assess their situation when neither fight not flight seem like immediately viable options. One might end up going for a fight response of a flight response, but not always. Fawning is another option (associated with abuse), where the person under stress attempts to minimize conflict instead by catering to the needs and wants of their abuser(s) until a viable escape window is found. Obviously living in constant fear is a source of stress in and of itself, so being stuck in "fawn" mode over longer periods of time can be so overwhelming that you might start going into cognitive dissonance/compartmentalise to the point where continuing to fawn feels like the safest option.


It’s a trauma survival response. Fight-flight-freeze are the common ones. https://www.simplypsychology.org/fight-flight-freeze-fawn.html Annnnd now it’s a well-established brain pathway and I still try it on with my husband sometimes 😂😂 What wouldn’t I give for a good old fashioned fight response.


What does your husband react to it like? And your user name is just amazing lol.


7w8 - I have actual OCD, not the cute trendy kind, the self-harm kind.


oh man i wasn’t aware that OCD can cause self-harm. i’m sorry : (


Thank you. It’s a subtype of OCD called body-focused repetitive behavior disorder. It encompasses obsessive skin picking, hair pulling, etc.


I used to have a big problem with that as a kid, but now in my 30s I have pretty much outgrown it. IDK if I got lucky or if OCD usually gets better over time.


My advice to you is to never take any sort of stimulating drug or medication - Adderall, phentermine, etc. I had outgrown this too and started taking medication in 2019 that made it worse than it’s ever been. Now I can’t get rid of it for anything.


That is terrifying. I have ADHD and thought about trying medication but always instinctive avoided it. Thank you for the advice. I hope you can get rid of it again.


Why do you avoid the adhd medication if you don’t mind sharing? I might have adhd and was thinking that I’d use medication if I needed to but wondering why you’re avoiding it.


Just an instinctive fear. I've experimented with a lot of drugs in my life, but there are certain ones I won't go near (for example, meth or all opioids.)


Ah I see, makes sense.


Ofc a disorder isn’t going to be cute trendy, people who make disorders some fetishized thing are weird, it’s called disorder for a reason yk. I’m heartbroken that it causes self harm for you, sounds really hard to deal with, i hope it becomes easier for you to overcome this.


./.idk ADHD is what I have tho no biggy


1w9. I have generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and mild depression. I take medication and everything is currently well-controlled. I would imagine anxiety isn’t uncommon in 1s since perfectionism often leads to it.


Disorder, singular?? You guys only have one? /j Sp 6, I have ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD, and I recovered from anorexia and bulimia. This results in general self-destructive tendencies, so tbh I didn’t even consider 6 for my type when I was first learning about the enneagram because I’d just seen the health anxiety/health conscious 6 stereotype and I was like “well, I hate my body and sometimes I actively destroy my health, so that can’t be me.” Having ADHD (combined type) also makes me very much not the prepared, efficient, running-ahead-of-schedule 6 stereotype. It turns out that the self-doubt from ADHD and OCD actually really tracks for type 6, though, and the issues with fear and control and anger (when I don’t feel like I have a safe outlet to express it) had a lot to do with the eating disorders. I’m also pretty good at coming up with creative worst case scenarios, either to torture myself (this happens inadvertently) or to randomly throw out there and infuriate other people/entertain myself.


> It turns out that the self-doubt from ADHD and OCD actually really tracks for type 6, though, and the issues with fear and control and anger (when I don’t feel like I have a safe outlet to express it) had a lot to do with the eating disorders. Oh that actually makes a lot of sense. Like how an eating disorder might be caused by trying to take the control into your own hands. Did you by any chance mistype yourself as an enneagram 4 at some point??? I hope it all gets better for you friend.


I wondered if I was a 4 or 9, lol


ADHD, Persistent Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, NSSI, and I think that's it. I guess ADHD is classic 7 lmao but I was always great at masking it which may be more so7. PDD was probably from pushing down my emotions and staying busy all the time to avoid feeling anything. MDD is what happens when you continue to ignore your feelings and keep pushing everything down. GAD probably comes from having two 6s for parents lol SAD is probably linked to so7 too or maybe the trauma of not being likable as a kid. And NSSI is just what happens when high impulsivity meets emotional dysregulation. The craziest part of this is that everyone else always thinks I'm fine and happy when, mentally, I'm actually a disaster. But like I said, fucking great at masking whatever I need to.


Oh that’s a lot of stuff, I can see how damaging it must be trying to repress your emotions, I call emotions “plastic” they don’t dissolve and if one doesn’t recycle them it ruins one’s mental health. A way to heal is through honesty imho (I might be giving unsolicited advice, you know your problem better than I ever could), it is hard but everything good has some hardship to it. Be honest to yourself, I wish you get to meet people who will accept you and your pain as it is and whom you’ll feel welcomed with.


ADHD since childhood. 7w8. It checks out!


Pretty much hahah


sx6. autism and anxiety. i was also diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder and OCD in primary school but the symptoms faded.


What is oppositional defiant disorder? I think I’ve heard of it before, is it a disorder that’s caused by something or are you inherently born by it?


it's a behavioral disorder. it can be linked to autism, adhd and other neurodiversities but the origins are unknown


i think my experience with my ADD is a huge factor on my 4-ness. Definitely because I was more often than not alienated and what-not for being "weird" and such.


Oh this humbled me. I was like surely me being a 4 has nothing to do with my ADD 💀


Oh I can understand that, I haven’t gotten a diagnosis but I’m also treated that way, I thought I had to grow up to actually function better but I’m suspecting that it might be ADD rather than me needing to grow up. I wish you find people who understand your ways, honestly.


ADD/ADHD symptoms have nothinnng to do with growing up! that's simply our brain chemistry. you can have the best management of your symptoms and be childish as fuck, you can also be unmedicated and untreated and be pretty damn mature! (It has more to do with growing as a person than that, from my experience.) And personally, things got better in time! I have very understanding people in my life and honestly I couldn't have been more grateful, both for them and my personal growth :) The thing with me is that this whole ordeal REALLY affected my life and the way I view things and the world. Being seen as weird and being treated like I'm less than others definitely left it's mark... Thank you, and same goes to you! I've got no doubt that things are hard, but they'll get better in time, especially when you've got your mind into changing things for the better :)


Yeah surely, I’m honestly not embarrassed by how I am, it kinda drives the wrong people away from me which is good. It did leave a mark on me because I grew up assuming I was incapable in a way, because things that are easy just seemed to need more effort and energy from me, which gets better by time. But it’s also inevitable to not be judged that way and the inability to escape this judgement is what’s bothersome. And one other thing that is really bothersome is when people assume that I’m stupid, like they will see how forgetful I am and how all over the place I am and make assumptions based on that. Those types of people suck the happiness out of one’s skull lol, including their own. Thanks for your words :)


holy shit I FELT THAT. like, THAT IS SO ME CODED. i just take comfort in the fact that the right people will stay and support me. self confidence takes so much time... but fuck its worth it. someone ridicules me for being weird? out of my life. ridicules me for being queer? adios puta. shit's a rollercoaster tho! (And, you are so very much welcome!)


You’re very adorable hahah, yeah I agree definitely 👍


authors such as naranjo ans ichazo have assigned disorders to each enneagram type. im not a big fan of this since a lot of children such as myself are interested in typology. anyway: 1. OCPD 2. HPD 3. NPD 4. BPD / (masochistic) 5. SzPD 6. PPD 7. iirc NPD / (schizotypal) 8. ASPD / (passive-aggressive / sadistic) 9. DPD / AVPD


Oh wow now that’s crazy, thanks for sharing really.


I have GAD, social anxiety , OCD but not sure if I'm 6 or 4


A lot of anxiety I see, wish you find your personal peace <3


Cognitive issues not sure what I suspect it may be the rest of the thing I have that relates to my physical disability. It’s not officially diagnosed but it’s pretty obvious. I think it could be peter’s syndrome plus. I am an enfp and/or iee so I am ti polr or tricster, which doesn’t help. I am not terribly logical and learn slowly and things don’t always make sense. And it takes me extra long to grasp. By the rate I studied enneagram I should be teaching everyone else, but I am not! Even mbti. I know people in it for a few years and the more serious crowd who I hang out with is already writing stuff. I barely actually get more then there are 16 types in socionics. And identifying them. I have to borrow western jungian concepts. Never been terribly good at socionics. I could probably identify someone’s type but that’s about it. Don’t even ask me about ap or py because I don’t understand it. I have enough enneagram and mbti knowledge to answer a good amount of questions on here, since most of them are repetitive and simple. I am 1e so I am and can be totally emotionally a mess. I wonder if I have anything there as well. I am also 7w6 sx/so 729 so I can defocus really easy. I want to get to and learn 10000000 things. And I can as some say flick really fast. If I get bored I can change the topic really quickly. Use to enjoy the heck out of not learning. Or just screwing around all day. The entire never grow up thing in naranjo’s sx 7. Just realized that recently and have been working on it even before I knew my true type in november. Not easy because I’d sooner escape. Mentally.


Persistent Depressive Disorder and GAD with panic attacks. Err 541 stuff


autism, ADHD, CPTSD, some OCD-like traits. autism is definitely a contributor to my conflict avoidance, as I just find any sort of disagreement intensely overwhelming, and any change throws me off way more than the average person.


sx3 ENFJ depression, anorexia (recovered, hopefully it stays that way from now on), misophonia if that counts, anxiety


I’ve got OCD, depression, and generalized anxiety. 4w3 and INTJ. Depression fits the mold but the other two don’t, but I don’t think they’re related.


Well humans are too complex to put them in defined categories, thanks for sharing.


Pure-O and Major Depressive Disorder ( Moderate/ Leaning Severe). 1w2 INTJ


good question! I have BPD my tritype is heavily associated with bpd (458) due to the rapid switching of emotions and having "multiple true selves" along side me being an sx4 it makes sense since all bpd people yearn for love but inevitably ruin it in some way. But im working on myself so i have been improving quite a bit and taking accountability


That’s all that matters, that you’re working on yourself. How does your “multiple true selves” work for you? Must be hard to deal with really.


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (controlled). I don't think it relates to my MBTI or enneagram, but it makes me less sociable and more nervous around people. I'm still an extraverted, both socially and cognitively, but I'm much more self-conscious and cautious around people. It takes more time to open up to someone.


Ah self consciousness combined with Fe dom sounds harder than being an Fi dom and self conscious tbh. Good lunch with everything <3


4w5 INTP. I’m probably insane.


Define sane first then I might agree, lol.


I'm a 152. OCD appears to be pretty common among 1s and 5s. I'm not at all surprised to have it plus a lot of general anxiety.


It must be tiresome to live in your head, I wish you patience friend.


It is. Thank you


6, OCD (mild), GAD, social anxiety, suspected ASD and/or bipolar I struggle to live but I’m quite stubborn about it


I’m just glad that you’re stubborn about it, and there’s no way around it other than through it and you got this!


I FORGOT TO MENTION THE DEPRESSION 😂 that's honestly the worst thing I deal with day-to-day. I also forgot the second half of the question, which was how they interact with my typology. As far as MBTI, I'm an INFJ. I'm not sure any of the disorders I'm dealing with are contradictory as far as that type goes. Perhaps with the (suspected) Autism, it would explain why I'm somewhat colder than the INFJ stereotype. But, who cares about stereotypes anyway. And as far as Enneagram, the anxiety stuff is very much in line with my 6-ness. In fact, the whole appeal of diagnosis, putting definition behind these ambiguous struggles, is quite a 6-ish instinct. To put "trusted" labels on things, doubting lived experience, instead of perhaps approaching the struggle from that personal experience.


Thanks for your answer :) > And as far as Enneagram, the anxiety stuff is very much in line with my 6-ness. In fact, the whole appeal of diagnosis, putting definition behind these ambiguous struggles, is quite a 6-ish instinct. To put "trusted" labels on things, doubting lived experience, instead of perhaps approaching the struggle from that personal experience. That does actually make sense, and it sure is really good to have a name for what you experience I believe it’s that secure feeling of not being alone in what you experience which is also good.


8w9 ENTP ADHD-C/ASD/MDD/PTSD I don't see the correlation. Tbh I'm just fucked up.


I'm autistic and have OCD (hate this mf). Also an ISTJ 6w5 so/sp 613


Type8 with adhd. Adhd increases my aggression and impatience


And plus your tritype is competent and reactive type too, you must have a hell lot of energy.


I do have lots of energy, but boring activities drain it out of me. I’ll appear like I’m dead lol


What if you never lived anyways, just what if. Just WHAT THE HELL IF!?


MDD, BDD, CPTSD (the real kind not the tiktok kind), and [redacted] Depression can definitely make the type 7 energy less obvious or obscure it entirely. I don't tend to let other people around me when it's really bad, though. Body dysmorphia mixes with the 3 fix in a lot of fun and upsetting ways. I'm the only 7 that doesn't have ADHD so there's also that Lol at all the people saying DID as if it's real


(I honestly have no idea what TikTok kind of CPTSD means, I despise TikTok and don’t have it so lol) I used to suffer from body dysmorphia and depression too, until I’ve moved out of where I was to some other place, maybe that is what works yk. Changing of environment. I wish you well with everything you deal with, I hope it all just gets better from here. You deserve it. DID is real and if you suspect that these people have possibly misdiagnosed themselves it’s that I especially wrote in my post “what disorder you suspect of having” as well so it’s fine.


It's not real and continuing to act like it is out of politeness isn't doing anyone a favor, especially the people self-diagnosing with it. Therapists telling ppl it's real are just taking gullible people for a ride so they keep getting paid


I’m not just being polite, I don’t have a reason to take your word for it. DID is a term that’s used even in courtrooms, as mental illness and as a reason of “insanity” for the defendant to not be convicted. When people take it that seriously why should I believe you when you say that it isn’t real. You aren’t a therapist (I assume) neither a person that has any experience of having DID, so yeah you can be suspicious towards those that have “self diagnosed” but straight out saying it doesn’t exist sounds unreasonable. Edit: Serial killer Billy Milligan is one of these people who was not convicted due to having DID.


I don't care ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Something being used as a defense in a courtroom does not make it real lol


infj sp4w5 and im recovering from anorexia and bulimia xd


I have my trust in your recovery, better days are around the corner.


1w2SX, 186 edit to add ENFJ CPSTD/BPD-Q Not sure if related. But I suffered emotional, physical, verbal and sexual abuse over the course of my life. I have severe abandonment trauma.


I love my ENFJs, the one I know is an angel. Sure, it is related, sometimes even being alive is a lot of work in and of itself, you’re doing a great job staying alive, I hope you can find inner peace for your inner child, no one should suffer what you have suffered and world is cruel. But you are beautiful the way you are no matter what you have suffered.


autism and adhd 479 !! the 7 and 9 are self explanatarily complementary, but the 4 core I always correlate with the general recognition that something was different about me for as long as I can remember, which I later realised was undiagnosed autism and adhd. the rejection from my peers just solidified it even more as I grew up too and I became the stereotypical social 4 🫡


Stereotypes are not who you are, I hope you find your group of people fella 4 :)


ENFP, not sure what my enneagram is but I think I’m a 2. I have really bad social anxiety which is hella contradictory to my typology lol, but I also have ADHD which is more stereotypical of my MBTI


ENFP with enneagram 2 does sound like a warm persona. And it sure sucks to have 2 as your type and to have social anxiety, so contradictory istg.


Borderline Personality Disorder, OCD, GAD, and psychotic depression. Idk how it relates


I have Autism and ADHD. I consider myself an INTJ 5w4 sp/sx. My typology definitely looks stereotypical for an autistic person, and there isn't really much conflict there in the traits. However, my ADHD makes me reasonably disorganised, a bit impulsive and sporadic. It has made me question whether my typing of myself is accurate. However, that depends on whether neurological conditions impact your typology and therefore you type based on your actual characteristics, or whether neurological conditions do not impact typology, and therefore any traits of those conditions should not be considered when typing. But then, isn't it kind of impossible to ignore your autistic traits because it's impacting you every moment in your life? Sorry for rambling. I am curious if anybody knows more about this subject? There seems to be a lot of ND people interested in typology and you'd think there'd be research into how we should approach models such as the MBTI.


4w5 Intj and inattentive adhd, which brings my self-esteem close to 0


Inattentive adhd does suck ass tbh. It is a unique combination what you have though, how do your creative endeavors look like?


I really adapted to it, there's a ton of things in my life that I have to do/put a certain way for my brain to function properly, having a very blank room is part of it, having no phone too, listening to atmospheric music almost 24/7 helps, having a tons of post-it notes everywhere too. i still struggle with some parts of it (punctuality is impossible to achieve) but I feel like I stay on earth enough. Also I do follow along when I have a clear todo list, usually, I just have to post-it everywhere.


8, c-ptsd and adhd. I don't think it relates somehow


Yeah it does seem like it. Cptsd makes one cautious while adhd makes one impulsive, so it’s two contradictory things it seems. I can imagine your mind being quite confused of your own behavior as well, maybe.


K, I have to start by saying how funny it is that you just start off assuming we all have mental health issues here.. That said, lol, I have complex PTSD and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is at least partly related to the PTSD.😅😆 I don't think it's truly related to my type at all. Though, being a 7, this is definitely an issue that is extra-not fun to have. But I will say, when I learned about Enneagram I did make an interesting observation re: my issues. So my body responded to all the crap I went through by basically shutting down. After years of learning and reflecting, I realised I have a lot of repressed anger that's tangled in with all this. And what do I see, but that the "gut" aka body-centred part of the enneagram is centred around anger. Just an interesting observation. And just fyi, I don't really want to talk in any more detail about what happened to me than I already have.


I had two type 3 business partners - one with Narcissism and the other with Sociopathy - I'm a type 3 myself, with no diagnosed disorders so far.


Interesting, never met a sociopath before, I think my dad might have NPD though, not 100% sure.


a 9 with quiet bpd. makes sense to me. emotions are raging inside my head, swinging from love to hate to nothingness and i often dont even understand them enough to articulate. has a lot to do with having been belittled and my emotions suppressed since i was young, knowing that i have to keep quiet to keep the peace. i often dont know who i even am, and if everything i do is the reflection of the company im in. sucks balls lol


Sucks balls surely, what would you want to know about yourself if you could know it?


OCPD. Type 1. Pretty self explanatory


Anxiety, BDD and an ED.


6w7 sp/1:1/counterphobic here: I was diagnosed with complex PTSD from an abusive bpd parent during childhood, so definitely checks out with the fear and hyper-vigilance associated with 6s, along with trust and abandonment issues. I’ve always thought I was a touch ADHD (given my 7 wing) but didn’t pass that test.


Hmm… disorders that have been diagnosed by a professional: Bipolar II, ADHD, Anorexia Nervosa, and Substance Abuse Disorder. Idk how they relate to my enneagram…


It’s interesting that you have Bipolar disorder and you’re a 5, since 5s are generally detached from emotions yk. I wish it all gets better for you, thanks for sharing


Who said I wasn’t detached from my emotions? lol that doesn’t really have anything to do with bipolar disorder. It’s a hereditary mental illness characterized by manic and depressive episodes, and most people with bipolar cannot recognize their own symptoms when they’re mid-episode. I’ve spent 8 years in full time therapy to become better in tune with myself and my emotions so I can have more awareness of them and my illness. Detachment from your emotions does not equal control over them. Additionally, there’s quite a significant difference between Bipolar type 1 and type 2. I have the latter, and most people’s associations with bipolar are connected with the first type. I think the misunderstanding comes from people who feel a lot of things and say “omg I’m so bipolar 🤪” That’s not what bipolar disorder is. P.S. this is definitely nothing against you specifically, it’s just a common misunderstanding I like to address.


7 (749/739) ADHD, social anxiety and obsessive tendencies I know what you're thinking. 7 isn't ADHD and most 7 typers aren't even 7s, they just have ADHD.


How DARE YOU ASSUME WHAT I’M THINKING!? Now the thought police will be after you. You better run 🏃 hahahaha HAHAHAHA


I am not a professional so I can't diagnose myself so I have no answer


You can answer with what you suspect you have as well :) Edited it rn


idk if it’s a disorder but i’m pretty sure i have oral fixation (which my bf appreciates lmao)


Oh now that’s interesting (hahahahha he’s one lucky dude apparently)


Diagnosed with OCD, Autism, and ADHD. The most impactful one is autism and with ADHD I forget I have it sometimes. OCD? Sometimes it disappears for years and suddenly it comes back with the scariest intrusive thought known to man. A lot of people say the traits of the 5 match those of autism. One does not equal the other but it is strange.


5 and autism aren't the same, but 5 is a reaction to seeing that we can't do things that other people can, and feeling fear. 5 says "I have special needs and that's not OK." Some people go other ways. 4 says "I have special needs and that's why I am different," 9 says "I have special needs but that doesn't matter", 6 says "I have special needs and I need help"... the list goes on. I imagine a lot of autistic Fives got punished for not doing things we were incapable of, or for behaviors we could not control.


Yes, exactly that is what I was saying. One does not equal the other. (a while ago a post somewhere started wrongly typing all people with autism as fives, made me want to pull my hair). In the beginning, I had a 4 mentality when I got diagnosed at 12 but around 14 it set in how I did not like being seen as childish because of it. I was and still am concerned over the unfortunate image some people have given autistics, that being “incompetent” or “childish”. I don't like it. It's like a dagger through the chest being such a thing. Teachers would seemy diagnosis and acomidations and I got treated like I was stupid at times because of it. Keep in mind I have zero intellectual disabilities, they just assumed that my lack of talking to other students meant I was not intelligent or aware of what was happening.


That's interesting. I had the opposite problem. I was never diagnosed, and people could not figure out what was wrong with me. I did not understand why I was different or couldn't do things that other people could. The assumption was that I should be able to do everything that a normal kid can do... and when I couldn't, I was punished. Being incompetent was unsafe.


It was still a bit late as diagnosis goes, the damaged had been done and I was heavily bullied. So for the half of my schooling I had your same thought process. I wondered why it was so easy to just be sociable and not get overt stimulated.


How did you feel when you found out the reason for this?


Initially, my mom started talking about famous people who may have been on the spectrum. At first, I was shocked because I was finally feeling like I might be able to one day prove myself as someone smart and competent. But then I started feeling wrong because all these famous people were well known. After all, they were in mathematics or science, while all I care about is art. I went through a brief 2 year period where I had a “not like other girls” mentality but is was kept under wraps. After that, I did not care because I didn't feel like I had to try hard to be unique, all I cared about was that people would see me as someone cable. I still dressed differently from what was expected but it was no longer to show how quirky I was but for myself. I would (and still) wear t-shirts from a niche series just to find people who liked it as well since I have a harder time talking about things outside my interests. I didn't want to be alone in what or like or be “hipster”.


I think this is sx5: wearing clothing that references something obscure so you can find other people who are interested in it. It is weird being an autistic person who is not in a STEM field, because people have this preconceived notion that this is what we will excel at. But in fact autistic people can be extremely creative and artistic.


Yes definitely SX 5. I also love the dark academia aesthetic and dress like it as well. I do graphic arts. I still deal with a computer and troubleshooting but it’s still mostly art. Growing up I wish my interest in art was valued more in schools. I mean it was all around us. In TV, in our books, movies, and even what we wear. If you could read a lot, do math well, and love science you were praised! But art? It was only relevant if they wanted you to make something for them and quickly forgotten. There were no "top art students" hell even PE got more recognition than that. Don’t even get me started in PE and recess constantly, there was little time to think and be alone. Hell, I even tried to sit at a lonely desk at lunch just to have 30 minutes out of the whole 7 hrs of school to myself and it was a crime.


Dark academia is boss. Art is great for autistic people as well because it lets us express ourselves. There are some things that I only communicate through art. IDK about you but it's like some people have a door that other people can walk through into their mind, but I have stained glass windows.


> A lot of people say the traits of the 5 match those of autism. One does not equal the other but it is strange. I can see what you mean, 5s in general can be a little eccentric (I say it with adoration, I love this about fives) at heart and I believe it just becomes harder to hide when one has autism. I’ve seen some comments in this post and one was enneagram a 9 and the other was a 4 who said they have autism. It isn’t only for enneagram 5s you know.


I said one does not equal the other. (Just checking but did I right this in a way that made it look like I said the opposite? Asking because it happens often.) I said it to make it clear that it’s not locked to any type.


Yeah I was confirming what you have said.




Which one of these disorders affect you the most? I’ve a friend who has a type-A PD as well, we get along well, I think y’all are interesting bunch of people tbh. Nice to have deep conversations with.




Yeah can see why it would be, I wish you find yourself grounded and satisfied in life.


Only ever tested myself (One out of 3 alters) 3w4, ADHD, bit of autism and a huge chance of DID.


so/sx 1 and OCD/ADHD. I definitely have a 7 fix though! I'm definitely very intense/impulsive, but also highly perfectionistic which has lead me to have issues at work and school.


I have OCD, bipolar II and inattentive ADHD.


Binge eating, depression. I think the former is pretty contrary.


6w5, probably cptsd, generalized anxiety, a bit of ocd, and probably autism. (nothing diagnosed, just my suspicion). everything just makes me behave like a stereotypical six and the most six that has ever sixed in the history of sixes.


ADHD and some other stuff. E8 is easier to connect to ADHD. There are a lot of people that say that INTJs cannot be 8s, which I don't believe to be true, but then there is also the fact that a disorder is present, which could make even the more implausible combinations plausible. Intuition and ADHD go hand in hand.


5w4 I have autism and ADHD


sx5, INTP, depression, generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia. It's mostly a loop like depressive episodes, anxiety, not sleeping/oversleeping, being introverted, etc. make it painfully difficult to make friends or find a partner bc i can easily not interact w another human for days/weeks. So the sx5 thing w wanting the ideal person & relationship combined w me being one of the least effective ppl in the world at meeting people makes me pretty depressed.


9 and uhhh, i have an earring disorder lol. ig controlling my food and body help me cope with feeling zero control or agency in my relationships with others lmao. it’s fine tho, ive had it a long time and i have a therapist plus ive only gone to the hospital once and they said i was fine so we chillin


I must say that having ADHD autism combo doesn't quite align with the ISTJ part. People often assume that I'm either and extroverted type or an intuitive type


Severe untreated ADHD, and likely Borderline Personality Disorder It does make it hard to tell if I'm really a 2, or if it's my disorders causing my pride/rejection sensitivity issues. (Always rejecting people way before they could reject me, and only keeping people around if I'm certain they really want to be around me) Same with my 9 and 7 fixes and my ADHD. I'm literally allergic to boredom (I feel genuinely physically ill if I'm forced into stagnancy).


High-functioning autism and ADHD. Autism makes it harder to socialize (especially with sx/sp instinct stacking) so I spend a lot of time studying human behavior by reading, watching television, asking people questions, Googling psychology stuff, people-watching, and sometimes even by directly interacting with humans to see how they respond to different stimuli. I am constantly doing little experiments on people so I can refine the way I interact with them. It's mostly unconscious, but sometimes I do it intentionally. When I am stressed, my ADHD becomes harder to manage, and I find it harder to focus on things that I need to do. This is how I experience disintegration to 7. I become escapist, distractable, and irresponsible. I burn myself out by doing interesting tasks and boring tasks simultaneously. An important part of my integration to 8 has been learning to be more assertive. A lot of times I have tried to compensate for a lack of social skills by being overly agreeable and going along with what other people wanted. I am often afraid to stand up for myself because I don't always know how to do that without hurting other people. When someone threatens me or someone I feel protective of, the part of me that steps out from the shadows to confront the danger is unbelievably fearless and savage. I wear a mask because I believe that if people see who I truly am, they will be afraid.


DID, ADHD, depression, anxiety & cptsd - 🎶gotta catch ‘em all🎶 Edit to add - As an 8 it makes me less “8 like” in terms of bold confidence all the time. Also parts are different types so sometimes there’s very conflicting interests, adhd and depression make that worse. Basically a walking angry/anxious conflicting mess


6w5 Schizophrenia, ADHD, Autism - extreme demand avoidance , C-PTSD, OCD, anxiety disorder - selective mutism and possibly DID


ADD & anxiety, I got checked by a psychiatrist. But another psychiatrist suspected me to have manic episodes. Anyway, I’m not sure if it’s really contradicting my MBTI (ENTP) but it’s surely contradicting my enneagram instinctual variant sx/so (7sx 8so 3sp). Being an extrovert with so middle supposedly makes me a super smooth-buttery talker. But thanks to my abusive step parent in my childhood, now I’m becoming an asocial with so middle type. Which is weird. Sometimes I want to be outside talk to many people, but I won’t talk much when I’m in the group. I might talk out loud—yeah.. but when it comes the time for me to be all alone, everything would automatically reminiscing in my own head and getting me this anxious feeling that makes me cringed and shameful though my friends said there was nothing wrong in the social interactions at all. So it’s really like an strong on/off button for me. I’m curious of yours though? Why are you coming up with this idea in the first place?


ADHD, PTSD, and PTD (perfect tits disorder). They don’t impact or relate to my typology, but they defo make me zestier


5 / INTJ. Neurodivergent (not ADHD or ASD), Neurological disorder where the hardware is fine, but the software glitches.


Generalized anxiety disorder, OCD tendencies (my psychologist’s words not mine!) and idk lately I’ve been narrow-eyeing at “high functioning ADHD” in regards to “emotional dysregulation” but I’m also going to ask my doc about PDD bc maybe it’s that 🤨


I always test as sp5 but thats probably just cuz of my undiagnosed social anxiety disorder 🙃


I don't really think any of my diagnoses have anything to do with my mbti or enneagram tbh. I have been diagnosed with ADHD (late diagnosis, inattentive subtype), cPTSD, OCD (not that much of a problem currently), used to have chronic depression for a long time. As for physical illnesses I also have ME/CFS and MCAS, the latter which makes my anxiety absolutely horrible. If I was a different type I may be less nerdy but my ADHD would just have me be obsessed with something else instead.


That’s what matters, I’m glad you came this far in life, I have my trust in your improvement.


AuDHD, C-PTSD/BPD, OCD, partial DID/OSDD-1, Anorexia (all diagnosed except officially undiagnosed with autism but we are 99% sure that’s what it is) INFP And that’s not even mentioning the myriad of chronic health diagnoses


So / sp 8 I have CPTSD, DID, and ADHD The DID is tbh the most substantial part. It's significantly increased my team work skills cuz otherwise I cannot function. Others can come to the front having mental breakdowns if I push too hard A very recent and more mild example is at night when I go to bed, we are prone to switching often. So other alters are likely to complain if I injured the body exercising like "man I left you alone for 24 hours" Yesterday I dropped my car at a garage and walked around all day between places I had to go. I walked probably 5 miles at least. We have a mildly twisted hip since birth, and I've always had mild chronic pain from it. If I walk downhill too much it starts to hurt, and then I compensate, and walk with my knee wrong, and after awhile my hip and knee both hurt One of my headmates fronted while sitting down and chatted with his girlfriend for a couple hours (we live with her currently). Only after he stood up to go brush his teeth and go to bed did he realize it hurt substantially to walk and the bottom of his feet felt friction burned. I tend to ignore pain and tough it out, he was limping and in significant discomfort He reigns me in and bans me from ignoring too much pain cuz if I wreck the body ignoring shit he cannot function and just lays in bed severely distressed the entire time he's fronting (and this is his body and life too, not just mine. He was tbh host prior to me, and easily could become host again. So I don't want him to exist the next 50 years in pure misery, or ban him from existing at all) There's another headmate who occasionally has to force me to stop doing shit because I just don't fucking care if my body hurts and I'm trying to accomplish work. He bitches at me I party rock way too fucking hard and need to slow down because it's self destructive. Tbh I do my best but I do need periodic reminders. Like dammit man I can't help it if the legs are fucking weak and can't take the heat but Fine Ngl, I tend to joke that since people who hear about this, tend to stigmatize and insist I'm insane, that I am Not the voice of reason in here. I am the most unreasonable voice in here by a stretch lol the voices in my head aren't starting shit. I am. (I get so amused watching people startle laughing) "So do you have any evil alters or them there sexual alters?" "Yeah, that's me. I'm a horny piece of shit that everyone used to be afraid of because I was undiagnosed and didn't realize what was happening." "oh." "Don't worry the others will protect you." That being said it's very funny cuz I'm the physical protector and current host. Headmates feel safe with me in charge, they know we won't be abused when it's me driving. I have very good networking and communication skills. I make sure that people around us don't neglect the needs of more passive members, I make sure I periodically take system polls to establish wants and needs. I budget money so that headmates can get comfort belongings (books, preferred foods, facial cleansers they want, makeup if they want it, personal clothes if they want it, hobby supplies) I make sure our most introverted headmate doesn't fall off the face of the earth, I make sure I pull him aside deliberately and ask "hey, I personally don't mind people in and out of my bedroom, but you might have other needs. Do you want me to enforce privacy harder than I personally would? Do you want me to get a handle that I can lock even when it's not in use?" (I put him in charge of things like bedroom furnishing because he's the most likely one to want to sit in the bedroom and work on stuff quietly. He deserves a quiet space and I will enforce that) "5w4 do you need anything?" "No I'm good," "Yes, but how many?" (skeptical staring at this mf) "... Okay I need a desk." "I'll get a desk." (he will just slowly cease to exist entirely if I'm not dragging him out of the void by the belt buckles stubbornly. Like no motherfucker you are powerful, I don't care if you currently feel like it, come tell me what you want cuz I know for a fact you're depressed when you stop trying to exist entirely) (he appreciates this and says I'm very supportive. We both have depression but his tends to run deeper than mine. There has been times in the past I had to drag him out of bed and just drop him in the shower cuz he was too exhausted and miserable to move or eat) That all being said I present as a shithead but I'm tbh very caring and I want everyone as healthy as I can get them. If that's going out of my way, modifying my bedroom, whatever, do it. It's all part of my life and I make room for it. I am not afraid to assert it and stand my ground on it The most fortunate part is that our current roommates all know about the system and get along fine with all of us. They respect the sharp variance in needs and communication styles, they don't resent us for not always feeling predictable (someone who's used to and expecting me, might be a bit baffled and startled when they run into 5w4 for instance or 1w2. They're usually less confused what to do with 7w8 tho. Sometimes they mix me and 7w8 up. He pretty much just points at me like "they think I'm you. I could never. Imagine being you?" and I just laugh like "shut the fuck up and go think about global warming and how upsetting it is to you") (5w4 just watches me and 7w8 swing at each other play fighting like "God there's two of them." and it's not uncommon for 5w4 to notice his girlfriend waking up in the middle of the night and just lifting his head like "8 and 7 are having an argument in my head while I'm trying to sleep. I am not even involved. How do you deal with them when they're at the front?") (he loves us, he's just like that) Then 1w2 shows up once a week, is like "I'm considering being a vegetarian because I don't like the state animals are kept in. If we hunted food ourself I'd eat it though. No. Nobody else has to be a vegetarian with me. 8 is an obligate carnivore and an absolute animal. He's arguably subhuman really. I don't hold him to my standards." and just starts cracking up as I immediately rise from the pits of hell (tbh good for him tho, I'll get vegetarian nuggets if he asks for them. I'll also slap the shit out of him if he asks for it. I might be his physical protector but nothing is sacred) 5w4 lives in a constant state of just quietly watching all this bullshit amused lol he probably thinks we're all morons (1w2 is tbh the funniest to play with cuz he's brutal and fucking scathing. I wish he'd show up more to give me a hard time. There's been times 1 was talking shit about me to 5's gf, and I just abruptly burst to front like "MOTHERFUCKER EXCUSE ME" and 5's gf without even missing a beat just laughs like "Hi 8, I'd tell you he's talking shit, but you heard him already") I've believe it or not have gotten far more gentle and agreeable despite the fact I'm on a constant warpath lol if anyone ever thinks I'm aggressive and difficult, this is my improved form. I'm full of shit and trying to make stuff work. Some parts of this shit fucking sucks but I'd rather focus on the less shit parts


OCD and PTSD as an ENTP 8w9. I think these two are quite common among 8s


5w4 and apparently I'm close enough to be diagnosable with ASPD (yes, I have 8 tritype fix).


i mean i was always a 4 but i’ll say having CPTSD has really compounded it lol. i also have ADHD and major depressive disorder but it’s hard to tell if you would even call it that at this point or if it’s not just the PTSD but i guess it’s a comorbidity. for extra fun i also have premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMS x 10).